How do you go from this

Attached: nario.jpg (867x432, 115K)


You use worse screen capture tools

don't seeth so hard user-kun

Downloading torrent is meaningless if the series will still look like shit.

Not an argument

You read the manga and webcomic. simple as. Fuck J.C. for producing such a lackluster product and fuck the higher ups for giving it the OK

It's like you want people to call you a retard

Absolutely an argument to you to kill yourself you sack of shit

I mean, if it looks like a powerpoint presentation why not?

>JC Staff
>best studio in the industry
>everybody hates them

boros was strong and an existential threat to humanity
also in case you didn't realize the whole tournament thing is garbage filler

lol when weebs try to insult you for not reading their funny books.


they aren't the best when it comes to action anime.. by a long shot.

Webcomic looks worse than season 2

but it has soul

Soul my ass

No it fucking doesn't.

Attached: x13.png (600x848, 649K)

yeah that's garbage

Whatever you say faggot, your lack of arguments speaks for itself.

Were you not trying to make a point about JC staff?

JC staff is garbage for girls.


lol why do you care about one meme man?