>gets pushed as the next big thing
>appeared regularly alongside One Piece and Dragon Ball in crossovers
>Got an anime by Toei
Where did it all go wrong for Toriko?
Gets pushed as the next big thing
lack of cute girls
A shonen featuring buff guys, with barely any cute girls dont sell in todays market
When they stopped making food and was just fighting.
too much porn food scenes, too much sexual tension between a big buffed guy and and smaill kiddo. Too many characters. But even rushed i liked the ending.
it was shit
>got anime by Toei
the anime was massively neutered with naruto-tier filler
I honestly loved Toriko. Dunno why it gets so many shit from everyone.
A shonen featuring buff guys, with barely any cute twinks dont sell in todays market
>appeared regularly alongside One Piece and Dragon Ball in crossovers
Is there a more blatant attempt to shill a series in the history of shonen jump?
The author is a pedophile and Oda's protection wasn't enough
Komatsu should have been a girl.
Would have vastly improved the series.
Everything from Gourmet World onwards was really shitty.
How is he a pedophile?
New anime when!?
Literally this. I’ve been saying this ever since this series used to have weekly threads (those threads never lasted long). The sausage party was a mistake. I don’t even like harem or reverse-harem but Komatau being a girl and having all 4 kings take interest in her would’ve been a vast improvement indeed.
he got busted trying to proposition a 14/15 year-old girl
Isn’t that the legal age over there?
The moment Toei tried to force it into their second One Piece with the long-running anime and all the related merchandise. The manga with its good old "big-muscled men fight and adventure" fashion was interesting and the OVA made by Ufotable was great, but Toei really dumbed the anime down with censoring and pointless original stuff like useless characters and toy product placements.
I was actually glad that there weren't any pointless woman around. In most series they just end up being tools for cheap gags or rescue arcs which would be even worse in Toriko since the series is all about manly powerlevels.
It was the usual enjo kousai with a 16 year old. Even the elevens didn't care about it that much since he didn't serve the whole sentence and even got to publish his series in the same magazine (unlike drug convicts who are banished from all entertainment businessess no matter how small their crime was).
the sidekick was too ugly and obnoxious.
He turned into a bishie
They troes to be a combat an dcooking thing but ended up being a halfassed combination that did both poorly.
Also "everything is actually magically something else, like this banana that's really a ham, or that pig which has raspberries growing on it"
They fucking dragged it out thinking they could milk it like it's dbz or one-piece. I enjoyed the fights and characters but the pacing was trash.
No advertisements killed the anime, went from $20 million merch sales to less than $2 million.
Gourmet world chef arc killed the manga.
Don't forget a superfluous character who existed only to be Raymond Burr's character in the American release of the original Godzilla movie but 10x worse by stating the obvious ALL THE TIME
It's ephebophilia you mongoloid
I blame Toei. Toriko had a lot of violence which I think could have drawn in a lot of people, but nah, Toei had to censor it
I have PTSD of the butchered Tommyrod fight.
That shit is what I think made a LOT of people really click with the manga
It was not as FABULOUS as Jojo and people are not interested in buff guys anymore.
the funny thing is that the suni vs tommyrod fight ended up pretty much accurate in the anime
this is the correct answer shimabukuro should have slapped his editor and gone to fuck more JKs instead of listening and effectively killing his series
Pretty much.
Tommyrod fight was so fucking good, honestly wish author did more of that.
It was a decade too early. I loved it, but I think it would have been extremely popular 10 years ago. Maybe 20 years ago. Also the anime supposedly ruined it, but I never watched it so I don't know how bad it really was.
What killed it for me was the
>We’ll enter a place where 1000 years equals 1 minute in the real world
I truly despise that shit
>It was a decade too early
You mean a decade too later, right?
You mean too late, right?
I was on the fence about reading Toriko. Picked up.
Yea sorry
Anime was actually bad
Manga was fun but the quality was never consistent
All in all it doesn't deserve most of the hate it gets really, there's worse stuff that's popular on here
>Got an anime by Toei
This is enough to kill most series. One Piece is popular because of the manga, not because Toei is doing the series any justice.
They pushed it too hard
The anime was the worst adaption I've ever seen, completely taking out the Garr and putting in a stupid screenhogging side character instead nobody asked for.
Lack of girls certainly didn't help either
Otherwise I feel bad that the last stretch had to be rushed so hard neutering the whole Gourmet World experience, which would otherwise have been longer than the rest leading up to it.
Atleast the final 20 chapters might be one of the hypest things ever printed in wsj.
The problem was that it was never allowed to be itself. It existed for the sole purpose of being the next OP and DB. The very first episode of the anime is a cross over with OP, literally episode 1. Rather then set up the world and characters, its more important to find out that Toriko is good friends with Luffy, kids probably legitimately thought this was a one piece spin off.
No dipshit
Fucking hell Burgers are retarded
Only pedophiles care about the semantic differences.
I'm still mad about the Jirou vs Acacia fight
Not even a burger
dont expect much in terms of intelligence from these 3rd worlders with internet access
Wait!? They did the crossover before the official anime? That's just stupid. No wonder it failed. I guess they figured people watched the OVA and read the manga already to know who the fuck he was. I remember seeing the crossover and not know who the fuck toriko was.
Then again its anime was butchered.
Where are you from?
The bottom of the hill of Yavin Tor'gul.
The end part was pretty rushed and there were too many characters for all of them to be resolved or addressed. At least Midora got a conclusion.
Please answer honestly.
Be specific. Do you mean where I'm from in terms of this site or in real life?
I stopped taking Midora seriously after that.
Real life please!
Why would you take anything seriously in Toriko in the first place
After a certain point the manga just became ridiculousness heaped on itself, and it was great.
No amount of Shueisha push could save it from shit writing
that's like right at the end though
After the Century soup arc the pacing and quality just fluctuated so wildly. The only time it stopped being 2-3 chapter arcs was the Food Appreciation training arc. And THAT was still less than half the length of CS, and then it was back to random short chapters until the Massive and Sudden Status quo shift that was the Festival.
Had it cut some of the fluff arcs out and give us more world building to make some of the shock betrayals more impactful we'd probably still be reading Toriko right now
>Got an Anime by Toei's B team
FTFY. Also was censored to the extreme.
I love the toriko manga and the one off OVA. The anime is shit, total shit.
I'm on chapter 8.
Is it worth reading?
Sort of though expect some plot points and locations to never be explored as pacing is inconsistent or some ideas never get realized due to being rushed especially the tournament getting interrupted
You sound like you’d make a good boyfriend
Starts off slow but picks up later on, most end up loving it by the Century Soup arc. The main highlight is the world building though and how ridiculous the world of Toriko is.
This is the only change needed
Arrested and convicted of paying to fuck little girls, but because it's Japan they let him off with a suspended sentence and a small fine
THey consented.
Was Komatsu not in the manga, or something? I assume he's the character people are complaining about and I only watched the anime. I was going to read the manga after it ended, but never got around to it.
anyone who cant enjoy a fantastic work of fiction because of something the author did in their personal life is a sad little sjw and should just fuck off back to their little cesspool on twitter or wherever the fuck they gather nowdays
komatsu is the second main character after toriko. tina was anime only
go read toriko man its a seriously fun ride if you like over the top shonen
>Tfw I just realized they added Tina because they realized Toriko is seriously lacking when it comes to female characters and that just won’t sell well
Iiiiiiiiiii don't see how from my post. Also don't know how to accurately respond to such a statement.
>Can literally copy any and all abilities
>Somehow still weaker than Neo, after living for a couple hundred years
What a jobber
Your loss then. Hmph.
It got 4kidz'd by Toei.
Hell that might be underselling just how badly they butchered it.
Not really
This series had some of the best fights scene
What’s the author doing nowadays?