>500,000 views in 8 hours

It's coming, Yea Forums. You can't stop it. Don't act like you hate this anime.


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I don't watch garbage.

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>Posts HxH image

Absolute pottery. Sasuga, Yea Forums.

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I always liked it tho.

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Fucking based. MHAtoddlers, know your place.
Fuck off normalfag teen, your garbage show will never have a fight THIS kino.

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>Normalfag teen

1. I like HxH I'm just not a cock sucker about it
2. I'm far from a normalfag.
3. I'm not a teen, I'm 26 and probably older than you.

People are going to watch only because Eri

Holy SHIT, got 15 seconds into that preview before I remembered why I can't stand this garbage. Big bombastic music and animation set to the most stale genre beats imaginable. I'm not asking for every shonen to be Hunter x Hunter here, but jesus christ this show is literally just a diluted first half of Gurren Lagann + Harry Potter.

I liked Harry Potter and Gurren Lagann.

Under all the irony and shitposting, I do like this series and i know most of Yea Forums do too.

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Well some anons feel insecure about other series success. It cant be helped.

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>Yakuza infiltration Namek
>Dumb midget and school festival Namek

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This season adapts the arcs where it starts going to shit right? Then I'm looking forward to it.

Why is deku so based bros

Actually, an anime adaption can pretty much solve all pacing problems this arc has.

yeah but all the characters feel the same so who actually gives a damn about the pacing
also bones need to fucking rest

I wont even put it on as background noise.

I don't hate it, it's decent, I just don't understand why I see so many people act like it's god's gift to anime.

Nigga where does that confidence come from? His board hxh

bnha fags are the most insecure children on this site

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How far ahead do you think Hori planned this series when he first made it?

I have never watched/read a single episode/page of MHA. I only know stuff about it from seeing it mentioned on here, not enough to hate or like it.

>one thing means that Yea Forums this or that.
It's time to make them threads /trash/-only

100 chapters at the most

The man has literally just been pulling shit from his ass for years now

>hes never been on Yea Forums when this garbage is airing
Ohnonono, better be ready for at least 20 bnha threads in the catalog at once

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Boku no Hero anime is Fairy Tail tier slow and torture to watch as a manga reader.

>people excited for the worst arc and cucksaki
Only good things are Lemillion and Red Riot Unbreakable.

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I took a break with the whole 7 powers bullshit. I have grown out of shonen.

So when are we getting to know the bands that are making the op and ed?

Any predictions?

This series is a heap of garbage, I'll still watch it only if I can shitpost about it with others as i did with Tokyo Ghoul

I'm just waiting to see who stays after the "OH MY WISHING ENERGY". I can handle the seven quirks but the wishing energy one was so bad I blocked it from my mind. I only remembered it because someone reminded me about it.

>muh likes
>muh views
I fucking hate zoomers and zoomer social network culture.

only good post in the thread and it's mine

My kid brother who kinda sorta liked the series stopped after that

Cool story bro

Based mob psycho 100

I agree but delete this image

I used to love this series but the license exam arc destroyed all my excitement for future episodes. Does it get good again?

You seem mad. Perhaps its because a child has a more intelligent brain than yours. I mean you willingly watch garbage so it wouldnt suprise me.

No. Fuck off.

struck a nerve

would be cool for an asian kung-fu generation OP, they had a pretty good album and EP last year

could you guys speak up, you're kinda mumbling

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This is the only board that spouts this garbage.

Cool Story Bro

If MHA is for children then Hunter x Hunter is for pretentious fourteen year olds

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