How do we revive Umaru?

How do we revive Umaru?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Himouto! Umaru-chan R - 01 umaruface2.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

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sacrifice 1200 otaku

sacrifice 3000 rats

We don't

Wait for the season 3

Give it to Silver Link, they’ll make ten seasons

We shouldn't

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Umaru never died in my heart

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Umaru is shit and so is your taste

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Umareru actually means "born" in Jspanese.

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reminder that there will not be a season 3 because the manga is over
no manga to advertise = no point in adapting another season

Attached: kirie and rat.png (1920x1080, 2.36M)

>because the manga is over
Really? What happened to the mother abandonment sub-plot?

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it was abandoned

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666 virgin sacrifices and an olympic pool of cola


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The mangaka forgot about it and the manga got canceled before her could resolve anything.

I'm still mad

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Himouto! Umaru-chan - 02 umaru mad.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

We don't we have more important matters at hand, like how kotomi could make trans-dimentional travel possible so I can finally get my Tomoyo waifu.

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As a spaz I identified higly with Sylphenford.

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Umaru gets isekai'd into an RPG world but it's a tactics RPG world with a whole different set of problems and challenges

she'd miss her relatively easy life and snacks and cola and geimu
sounds like a cool intro cinematic/plot to a game starring Umaru.
ending cinematic with it being a nightmare because she was playing too many geimu too late while onii-chan was working late nights

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She'd probably enslave people and have her own sugar cane plantation to make the syrup.

thats a heck of a lot of work

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Delete this

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>out of snacku
>out of cola
>no new geimu

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just make her the meme hamster again.

>ywn see ebina and taihei shack up and kick umaru out once and for all

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wow, that sounds like a joke an abridged series would make, how was it?

Umaru is always alive in my heart

By getting her on the front page!!

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We dont

Delete all the stupid sidekicks and go back to Umaru ft. Brother with occasional appearances from Shrimp Kramer.

remove the little white haired girl
big mistake adding her


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No, Ebina.

Ebina is more like a George

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We must perform the ritual

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>flavor of the month shit
>not died immediately

you seem mad

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do you have the original of this comic, it always makes me sad when I see it


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>How do we revive Umaru?
Piss on her grave

Attached: sankaku piss on rat grave.jpg (1280x726, 514K)

Taihei is a lucky man

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Ebin's ebins!

Attached: boob smack.webm (720x404, 439K)

Imagine have sex with her anytime you feel like it. Hot days cold days when’s she’s cooking doing laundry watching tv. Imagine asking ebina to try all sort of kinky stuff and just smear your fun on her Akitan titties. Gd I want a slyphin Gf

imagine having a dozen kids with Ebina like Taihei

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