Why people call Ochako a fatty?

Why people call Ochako a fatty?

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Why is your English so bad?


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Why do people pretend BnhA has good female characters? Only Nana and La Brava were even halfway decent.


bc she always got food in her mouth. Like Itsuki gets called fat even though she looks exactly like her other sisters because she's always eating eating =/= fat

>dead before the story begins
>minor character in a minor arc
What did Hori mean by this?

Wrong, Itsuki is actually fat, reread chapter 1

nana literally saved peoples lives with her smile and it continues to save people and inspired people even after she is dead. she is literally canon best girl not to mention her body is fit.

I want to eat ochako's ass

Me first

Thicc, Hori himself says so, so that means spiteful shitposters and fetishists blow it out of proportion.

>out of proportion

Because she's a fictional character. She's not real.

no me

Case in point.

It's been confirmed numerous times, Horikoshi likes girls with a bit of meat on their bones. Hence why girls like Ochako and Momos have a marbling of fat in the manga. Which the animators changed because they didn't think semi-chubby girls would have appeal to Otaku.

Bakugou has been pumping her full

That's disgusting

Hori likes his hirls healthy

Well, they're not bad, they just lack screentime.