We all know that 2D waifus > 3D but have you considered 1D?
They are the purest form of love!
We all know that 2D waifus > 3D but have you considered 1D?
>line has width
>line is angled
That is not 1D. It's depicted in 2D and supposed to represent 1D. Just like anime girls are depicted in 2D and supposed to represent 3D.
So, you are completely missing the point.
Rotate and it's 1D smartass
1-D daki
It would still have width. And you are missing the point.
imagine a 4D yandere waifu
it would be impossible to hide from her as 3D being
It's a visual representation.
You are clearly too dumb to grasp the concept of a pure 1D waifu.
Let's draw Yuno by adding one line at a time.
You can switch between 2d and 1d wait anytime. It's easy, just observe her from the side.
>all 1D waifus are inherently flat
1D truly is the final form of justice
>It's a visual representation.
That's what I said, yes.
Comparing your 1D waifu to a "2D" girl is meaningless because you are comparing them on different levels.
Both are technically 2D.
But the only way that your line is 1D is through representation, in which case the 2D girl is of course 3D.
Transdimensional waifus are the future
Any depiction of a line will have width
Just like every video of a person is 2D (unless it's a hologram).
What's your point?
My waifu is infrared so other men can't look at her.
r8 my harem
Dumb Yea Forums meme /10.
>missing the point
I see you also appreciate 0D waifus.
please tell me this is a sticker
i have this daki and i need whatever this is
It was something posted here years ago, so I have no idea. Sorry.
You've got Mail user
why do you hurt me in this way