Slow Day
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read the guide
am i getting any better at this?
Help me identify this butt.
which nami do I buy next?
So leave it dead until there's something to post about.
No idea.
I can't believe buyfagging is fucking dead
Is that really the genuine version? That paint lining on her metal thong isn't looking too hot.
There's finally something good from AX this year
As far as I know yea, I purchased her from Mandrake as a GSC figure. I saw a few with paint lines like that on MFC too, guess it's just a defect.
One that isn't disposable trash
what ?
So none?
Only hours left today before the preorder period for these sexy oppai mousepads ends.
I placed an order for Purple.
her thong isnt metal
I just checked mine, and it's pretty much the same as that picture.
This is the best possible answer, yeah.
A Megahouse POP for once.
Gonna be an exclusive at the crunchyroll store at AX
Anything more like this?
I was asking what was good from AX this year because you didnt give any example
Nothing really especially not that garbage someone thought would be good
>exclusive at the crunchyroll store at AX
And already available for order on koto's website.
Just like a wonfes exclusive figure isn't really exclusive to wonfes.
And most likely will be available at kotoeu and kotous stores later on.
They probably worded it like "exclusive figure will be available at our booth at AX" which would make it technically not untrue.
From what it looks like their selling the figure at AX first, then selling limited quantities for the japs after on the koto store
user whose grail was stuck in customs here. You all were right, it passed through a day after 2 weeks had passed. Now it's sitting in my parcel locker and the key won't turn. This figure is cursed.
Do the JP and the English sites for Mandarake have the same stuff or not? I can’t find one from JP on the EN site.
just change the url from jp to en, if its not there then its only on the jp side.
in theory they should, but sometimes stuff isn't translated well and it won't show up in a search using the correct english name. I'd always search both versions of the site if you're looking for something in particular.
Add it to your cart in jp, then go to en, is it that hard?
This helped a lot. Spending 150$ on it which feels expensive, but I got money to waste and it’s best girl so what ever
New T.shirts
>Not getting Rei and Ram to finish both duos
A Shame
Go eat a fucking dick, jk.
>Not getting Rei and Ram to finish both duos
My wallet is crying user, maybe in a couple of months.
I unironically prefer Ram
If you got a Mayushii shirt would you also get a Kurisu shirt? Or vice versa.
You only prefer Ram because there are too many Ren scales & merch.
shit forgot my photo
is the fabric thin
No I like her because she is meaner and more cold eyed
>You see private, gooks will hide in the trees, always check the trees.
Like the evangelion shirts
fucking cringe, even myself as a 14yo boy(long ago) would have found them retarded.
Shhh, is good to spot the autismal retards from far away, let him sport his asperbanners.
Your house is on fire and you can grab ONE figure.
Which one?
Probably grab the Daicon Laserdisk but if I'm only grabbing one thing at all it's my computer.
my waifu
>having only one figure of your waifu
Selling my entire collection
>farming (you)s off of someone else's collection
>Boxes are missing because I had a collection of over 300 pieces and had no storage place for the boxes
I'd never understand people who do that, it's like throwing money into the garbage bin
thats a lot of shit
Buy a better camera instead
but why tho
I have a few of these for sale brand new in boxes and no one bites. Good luck.
Probably loved anime too fast
I still find her outfit a Little bit inappropriate no hate tho.
Oh my. How do Japanese arcade games get away with being so lewd?
Who knows, but I'm glad they do.
I have no business buying such a lewd loli figure but I don't know if the dickbuy can be contained.
I'm not even going to attempt to resist buying her.
Arcades in Japan are full of men over high school age.
Teens are less common and children basically none
are itabag's buyfag?
This is official Konami design?
very yes
Interesting, I learned something today.
Was just gonna post that
are you doubting "FUCK KONAMI"?
>MGS died for this
I want to fuck that Konami if you know what i mean
I love Mint but 14k? geez
Fuck you user, i don't have money right now.....
You don't pay until release.
the two best girls and still disappointing
only makes sense though really
the acrylic stands which come with the limited ver are pretty cute.
>Fuck you user, i don't have money right now.....
11/19 Release date, you still have time,
toga is the only good thing about MHA
More like I've seen some tits.
wtf are those proportion
B-But my gunpla! I don't have enough self-restraint!
It's not worth $40 for a stand that's literally the same as the figure.
>It's not worth $40 for a stand that's literally the same as the figure.
there are two stands thus that price, a single A.S usually means an extra 2500yen
I passed. This is going to be one of those things that I shouldn't regret skipping but will. Dammit.
Ranpha and Vanilla fucking when?
I'm in. This is going to be one of those things that I shouldn't regret skipping and will not. Cheers.
Where's the user who always posts the shark plush?
You do realize the other stand is free on both right?
I'm surprised they even care about Galaxy Angel, i thought is dead
no i didn't noticed, now it definitely looks like a ripoff.
I'm trying to find a figure with cat-eared hat. The scale is mostly black and military-esque. It should be rather recent. Any ideas?
But in the show she has cosplaying as her hobby right? Wouldn't it make sense for her to have risque cosplay outfits as well?
Woah, where did u find this beautiful lady
If there was a contest for welded tits this would come in at least third place.
Ah, Daiki's signature weld and porcelain-like shading.
Whats weld?
For some reason the facial expression reminds me of USian wartime propaganda.
Are you one of those people who refuse to refer to people from the US as "Americans"?
America is a continent.
you are a continent
>t. murrican retard.
Your mom is a continent.
How's Chara-ani quality? It's quite cheap
No. America is a country. North America is the continent.
It’s that part of the month again; GSC delays. Just in case your July order wasn’t full enough:
>Kurisu and Reika bunnies delayed to July
>Max Factory Alter Jannu Dress Ver. also delayed to July
>Altair (unsurprisingly) delayed to September
>anything worth noting this month has been delayed
>America is a country
>northern part of a country is a continent
you got a lot of spic shitholes to annex before that becomes true my mutt friend
I'm sure english is hard for you, so I'll make it clear.
The country is "United States of America". Note the use of the word "of" in the name. This means that the whole of the country is "America", as well as each bit being part of "America". It's perfectly correct to refer to the country as such.
Doll collectors are crazy
>ITT: Burgerclap's logic
just ignore him.
>buy loli tankobon
>DHL transits the manga through UK
absolute madlads
Are these good tk sleep on?
Can we please have more user content and no day dreaming buyfaggot?
Show me your stuff user.
holy fuck, a new figure
My jew wife is so cute!
It's late, so maybe tomorrow.
so do you guys just use your figurines to jerk off ?
Yes i shove it up my ass
The detail on those panties looks like one of those Precious Moments ceramic figurines that every grandma has all over her house.
Those who have cases like these.
Are you never afraid the glass falls down to a side sooner or later?
I see a lot of cases like these in sales, but they don't seem to have any solid base just a flat wooden plank.
The fact that the two tits are connected, not separate things, thus "welded together".
I'm sorry if this is a moronic question but is there any way to mix all these Mandarake orders from different store locations into one or should I just try my luck with a different shop?
The wood is thick enough that that sort of bending, combined with the resistance of the glass, isn't really possible. The wood would have to split for that to happen, at which point the whole thing would break anyway.
You can't combine orders from multiple locations. You could possibly send them all to a forwarder, then have them send you 1 big package. But I don't know if that would be any cheaper.
That's unfortunate but thank you nonetheless.
She looks like a prize figure though
I’m in Japan.
What kind of porn should I buy?
This kind
Haha, I spent 5k yen on this back in the day. Feels good.
Slow year.
If I buy from how much less should I pay for a boxless figure?
unironically this. If you can't acquire them easily in your country then buy one there. 100% worth it.
That seems way too many for that.
I just got a call which went something like
>good morning Mr user
>good morning, how can I help you?
>I'm from DHL and would like to ask you about one item. We can see there's a book, some music, dvds and one item described as... drugstore? - could you please explain what it is, as we struggle with translation?
>realize what it is about, mind goes blank, long seconds of silence
>umm, ehh... a toy
>please don't be shy, what kind of toy
>umm, a +18 one
>could you elaborate?
>more silence
>could you please at least say what material is it made of?
>um, silicone
>okay, I understand, if there are any more questions we'll call you again
Jesus fucking christ, I dropped spaghetti so hard, this call will haunt me forever. Why didn't amazon use a name which doesn't have "drug" inside?
>Item will be delivered in discrete packaging.
my ass.
Ahhh I'm so embarrassed.
So, what was it?
I guess the thumbnail was too small.
Eww, why would you stick stuff up your weiner? Also don't bother, at worst they'll have a laugh at a coffee break and forget about it in a day.
It actually feels incredibly good as long as you're careful. Very unique experience. Jacking off is amazing when you are stimulated from all sides. Some doujins related to that are really hot as well but many are way too exaggerated. You could say it's ultimate form of femdom which doesn't involve severe pain (never understood cbt) or ntr (not a fan either, can only tolerate it as a storytelling method when characters are interesting but in that case they're carrying the work).
>It actually feels incredibly good
Bullshit, every time some go near that hole it fucking hurt.
please let us know when you get penis infection
Dunno man, it's just painful for me, and I experimented a lot when I was younger. Binding the balls tightly, now that's something I could get behind.
Smooth texture and lube are crucial. I think most people imagine a Q-tip and that is indeed horrifying and I would never do that. All the threads get stuck on contact with wet tissue and yeah, it has to hurt delicate skin.
Fair. Personally I rarely feel a bit tingling, not enough to be called a pain while sounding and the rest is pleasure. Heh, I'm actually more scared of that. Hard to judge how much would be too tight. The thought itself is exciting though, it's just that I have no idea how to go about that safely so I will most likely never try.
What you can at least try if you haven't already is that if you scroll to the bottom of the item page it shows what other locations have it, so you can try to minimize how many different stores you're ordering from. Since you appear to be ordering doujin, Sahra often has a lot of stock that the other stores have.
Rerelease for this comfy camper. POs up tomorrow:
Please fuck a girl at soapland in my name, thanks in advance!
Not him but I'm going and planning on it
>Figure delayed
>"eh, its only gonna be a month later"
>Its a fucking quarter of a year
But I already did
Felt good
>won a original storyboard featuring cardfu
Sometimes lurking yahoo jp for four hours a night aimlessly really works out
Better they do it this way than delaying for a month over and over.
petite=/=loli lurk moar.
I can't recognize any of this. What's the series?
Are they really that cute irl, or just shopped like hell?
Is that a tama
Im just pissed that September has gone from being a moderately expensive month to a very expensive month.
It’s from Wixoss, unfortunately not Selector but Conflated. Still has best girl and is cool for the collection.
It's funny, isn't it? If you're being a responsible adult, there's no reason to care if you have to pay for the same item later, and doing so might actually save you money, but it still hurts more to drop the money in one lump sum hurts more than doing it in a few smaller amounts.
Depends on the place/girl, but overall they’re pretty cute
Wondering is she has legs or not. Doesn't seem like it.
Most places don't allow gaijin.
Holy fuck Aloe is getting a fig?
>June 2019 September 2019
I want to die
Thank you for the laugh my illiterate friend.
No, not quite. America and American are common ways to refer to people living in the USA but its not correct. The United States of America is just that, a collective of united states in America. You know what else is in America? Mexico, Canada, various island nations, Central America, and the entire southern continent. Those are all "America" too.
But can you actually have sex with them? I mean Benis in vagoo? Or just cuddling and other non sexual stuff.
>But can you actually have sex with them?
not him but the answer is yes.
It can't be helped, she is too hard to mass produce and 1 full year is not enough.
>Comments: Outer Box damage(moderate) / Figure sticky
can this be fixed by washing the fig? in b4 cum jokes.
hahhahahahaha kys
Guys. I got into figurine collecting only recently. all the good shit I want is from shows that aired at least 5 years ago.
How fucked am I?
there really is a fetish for everything, and somebody delivering merch for it, isn't there?
Is your show popular newfag?
There is no "America." He's right. There is a North America and a South America. You would say someone is South American if they were from Peru or Brazil. No one would ever say they are American.
Plasticizer stickiness can be cleaned off, but it's a bit of a pain in the ass. Any time I had to clean it off an old Nendoroid, it took several soakings and careful washing. I would be hesitant to buy a figure that has delicate parts that's leaking plasticizer.
Chi-chan and Yuu-chan only got delayed 3 days, that's pretty good.
Things like TTGL, Steins;Gate, Redline or FMA are. The other ones there weren't even figurines back in the day. But I feel like I missed out a lot.
fuck nendos btw.
You didn't mss out because as you say, some older series never really got merch. TTGL and FMA have nostalgia factors so they've been getting scales every so often, theres things up for preorder I think. And S;G also got scales which can be found at manda and whatnot.
Sometimes it's a good thing for delays but I was already expecting this on Altair. I have to wait more now
I want all of my preorders to be delayed so that I can excitedly anticipate their release for longer. Is that wrong?
Cute lo look at, fun to play with and great to collect
Are you one of those people who dwell on inane shit on site where 'europoors', 'burgers' and loads of other labels are widely used without anyone but your kind batting an eyelash?
You're a monster.
Who said these words?
also pic related
Whats the point in using EMS or DHL when you can just use SAL or SAL parcel? Its cheaper to use SAL and it doesnt take much longer than EMS or DHL.
How's life as a tachyon?
>sal doesn't take much longer than EMS or DHL
r u a fuckin califag
i sleep with my gun, its a 12 gage. its very cuddly
Baby talk is gross.
Talk like an adult.
Said the incel.
I live in Europe
are you going to buy matsuri v3?
Fuckin A
Please respond. She was wearing something like a spy suit or something like that. Maybe it was a pre-release drawing even.
I tried all sorts of tags on MFC and still can't find shit.
if you saw it here use the archive to look in past threads,
You could try using tags on mfc but there shit most of the time.
sexy meteora
Nice, just be careful, some idiots tried fucking their 12 gauges and it didn't end well.
nvm, found it
Not him but I did back in August 2018. There's a forum you can browse that has a list of soaplands that all full service, the one thing you have to becareful of is the selection of girls. They will push certain girls on to you if they have not reached their quota. Some girls are available if you can't speak japanese. If you try to lie, they will ask some trivia questions to prove it.
You have upgraded your collection since last time.
theres more stuff thats harder to display, but im trying to find a good ita bag for all my random charms and such
i also am getting a plushie commissioned
Isn't that Mamika
Off topic but are you following the manga ?
i read the first 2 volumes but im not current, i really should be since i absolutely fucking adore yabukis artstyle
but i dont want to be hurt again
It's fine for now, they also changed several things within the story to enhance it but you must already be aware of that.
Lads, should I go for it?
do you love her?
Looks like she's trying to take a massive dump.
What's your opinion on this? I never buy statueshit because I like posing toys but I really really like toga.
Face/mouth looks awful.
i want toga to stab me
How bad are chink bootlegs? I don't want to fork over >$200 when $20 can get me "just good enough."
Meteora in recap episode
Was pillow two in a hat always frowning? I remember it being smug
Where is Strelizia moderoid?
its the otherside, shes just got a normal smile on the original side
i probably pick it up later since it seems like a fun kit to build, i just prefer strelitzia roja
I didn't expect it to be a model kit, so its still sitting there unassembled. I've never had any experience with those.
thats hot
Me too, was kinda surprised. I'm waiting my holidays to start the build.
Do I need that special model kit glue or can i get away with superglue?
Looking at it again yeah the mouth is really bad. But the rest of her face seems fine to me.
i got into gunpla not too long ago so i was actually interested in getting it instead of the robot spirits figure
you only need nippers, its like a gunpla kit everything connects to each other and you dont need glue or anything else aside from something to cut the parts from the runners
Im a neophyte but you're just supposed to plug different parts together. Its like Lego.
My dick is up and my wallet is open. Unless they screw something up, I'm all over this.
2 of my bootlegs will arrive in a few days, I can post some photos then.
Anywhere from "not quite right" to Sader. How low your standards are will also matter.
What's the best place to buy acrylic stands?
Manual says I need glue
I die posting about it on Yea Forums surrounded by my figs like a Viking Lord. Legends will be spoken of my glorious end.
Never ever, but I'd probably buy it.
If you have to ask, then you probably shouldn't be gluing anything. Model glue will be your best bet if you do need to use any, though. There are thraleads on /toy/ that can offer help. Don't forget to read their fucking guide.
This post made me laugh, thank you.
it saying you can paint it for better results, you dont need to paint it though
moderoids dont use glue
You'll get what you pay for. If you pay $20 then don't expect to receive something that looks amazing. Also they usually use low quality stinky plastic that's slightly off-color, especially for skin colored parts.
oh... paint what? those parts are already different colour
fucked up the (you)
This. I just glanced at a speed build on Youtube and the guy wasn't using glue.
again, you dont NEED paint, but painting and panel lining makes your kit look a lot better and you can make it look a lot closer to the original design, also painting over sanded nubs makes the kit look way better
I would kill people for a new Ranpha fig
Well, thats quite beyond my level right now. But good to know I don't need to bother with glue.
its pure lottery
glue recommended but not required
Many times some are "decent", probably the only ones acceptable are those made by Xinhao they release previews and you can see users' reviews prior to purchase so you will have an idea about what to expect, still there is no guarantee, they do fuck it up sometimes, I always advice to get cheaper legit scales, unless the item's price has skyrocketed to 8x times the value of a "good" bootleg there is no reason to get a bootleg
For instance Xinhao's Hiromi looks like this, costs 48us$, meanwhile the legit one costs 50,000yen right now, can understand getting a bootleg in those cases.
Since I missed out on the first 2 (unless they come up at a good price), hell yes.
the second one is back for po soon in white ver, you can get v2 for 15k at manda w/ corrected parts
Rate my collection
Tits too big
Probably not yours/10
I need this tapestry.
I like it but I'm going to wait and see because I'm planning on buying some merch fro Herumin.
There is an already very high res image of this on gelbooru, just blow it up more with waifu or gigapixel and have it printed locally
Don't know why you would do that. That's like printing out doujinshi from sadpanda.
Do you seriously not know that user did that with very good results?
Any other leaf wants to share his experience with buying h doujins? The wording in the guide is vague. What is the starting point for "obscene" for customs (other than loli)?
>he doesnt know
>I don't know why you would take a glorified poster and print it out as a poster
Dunno, LOL. Also, people have printed out doujins they couldn't track down normally and it was pretty nice. Looks like it took some doing, though. It's all ink on paper, anyway.
Replace the Sakura prize for another one of her scales, get the other Sailor Scouts, get Stocking with your Panty or better yet get their Alter versions. A fine collection otherwise.
I've never actually seen evidence of my packages being opened between Japan and my house.
If it exists, you can bet it's someones fetish.
>he didnt get it
Looks meh. I expected something more.
Why does she have two collars?
Shit lighting but got around to framing a couple of posters. Just gotta figure out where I want them to hang.
>i also am getting a plushie commissioned
Can you link the person you commissioned?
help me find more information on this
Hahaha. Kill me.
Worst girl
It's an old meme.
yeah i know
Can't fucking wait for her
post your pre-orders
bored of lewds i want some normies now.
Sweater puppies are lewd
What? Why? I already reserved a spot on my shelf. Fuck GSC. Should've expected that but September? C'mon.
Got them through fine, including some that were a little questionable.
does anyone know any LEDs sold separately that will fit under the campfire?
the spot for it underneath its 1in diameter and 1/4in deep with a smaller hole for the bulb and I haven't found any on amazon that are that small
Some orders, some preorders
Gunpla LED units maybe? They're fairly small.
You'll probably just have to rig something up yourself though, with one of those small flat batteries and some regular LED.
I'd try a tea light from the dollar store. But I don't think you will find anything that fits perfectly unless you make it yourself. Making a simple LED circuit is easy enough, but making one small enough with a switch to fit inside that campfire could be difficult.
I've been looking at tea lights they all seem to be a bit too wide
>make it yourself
>rig something up yourself
this is what I'll do, hopefully it'll be simple enough I won't seriously regret not getting her from GSC
It's weird that I find everything else to be fine...but the rose is just too much IMO.
Going to also recommend you check out the manga
Some teasers to get you interested, keep in mind we aren't even at episode 12/13 content yet in the manga,
01 has already been introduced and she killed almost all of the Nines, Ikuno already confessed to Ichigo, Futoshi recognized that Kokoro likes Mitsuru and HE recommended the pilot swap
>meanwhile the legit one costs 50,000yen right now
the Kurumi? what?
Left or right?
For a single LED, all you really need is a 3v battery, a switch, and of course wire to connect it all. Like I've said, the hardest part would be making something small enough to fit inside the fire.
Could just be the light, but right looks better.
Just buyfagged a coke at 7/11 lads
This is left with less light.
I can't decide whether that high gloss or that satin finish is lewder
I still prefer right.
gonna have to go with the right 100%
What's with the two versions?
>dvd is better than the blu ray
Right has better skindentation on the thigh.
pretty sure right is Alters 1/7 or 1/8 and left is the 1/4 freeing bunny scale
Everything except for the face looks better on the right.
>Wore this Miku tie to work thinking nobody would notice
>My boss congratulates me for wearing a "equality gender symbol"
>Now he probably thinks I'm gay,
do both of them have a flat ass?
Things that didn't happen
Sure, I forgot we are all NEETs here and our parents fund our spending habits.
Post a timestamp with the tie.
Something bigger than a thumbnail would be preferable.
That was me
You're fired
>but it still hurts more to drop the money in one lump sum hurts more than doing it in a few smaller amounts.
Thats exactly it. IDK why but it feels like im losing a lot more when I do. Its not even like its going to impact my actual available funds much either, ive had the money saved and ready in a separate account for two months now.
Human psychology is weird.
I think your replying to the wrong post
Thats an odd way to spell "worst girl" user
Blurring the image is not enough.
Have you not heard of the story where user was cucked out of his Mandarake order by another user here?
You should have just blacked the image out entirely. Also if it is the last store where it is in stock---just buy it ASAP. I cannot tell you how many times something I wanted sold out before I could checkout.
Some anons suggested taking the light from those fake candles. Haven't tried it myself but it's worth a try since they're so cheap anyways.
Pretty meh.
Despite being smaller, Alter is clearly the more superior one. More realistic suit texture, hair strands have less weld/seams, less hair is blocking the sides of her face, cups and bottle look better, and nice skindentation on thigh band.
Unless someone buys something before he does then the blurring is sufficient.
I think you mis-picked an image, that's /toy/ related stuff. Though putting square paper on each detolf shelf is a good idea to hide the LEDs from showing.
Says the man who intends to steal his order.
Don't post your carts user!
I want to look up her skirt.
Sorry for the western garbage. I just like posting buyfag setups.
>most normie would congrats you for having this room
>you would get shit on for having most of those
This one is cute only if it's displayed in a cafe for some reason. The text and coffee items look bad if not.
It's mainly because there's nothing obscene about the way Star Wars and Avengers dress, other than slave Leia which Lucasfilms now wants everyone to forget. They're all shounenshit just like anime. If someone had an anime collection of well-dressed males and females I think normalfags would like it.
nah m8 the only difference that matters is one is cartoons and the other isn't. that's the only distinction normies make.
Uzupaca is cute!
Of course there's that too, and the "cartoons" speak in shrill voices, however collectionwise it's down to how safe the character designs and art styles are.
What is the glass thing called where most people keep their figures in? Should i just order something cheap from ikea?
>nah m8
Get a load of this faggot.
That glass thing IS something cheap from Ikea. Read the guide on displays.
the guide
Can't wait for this to be painted
They taunt me
Could anyone help me out? I found a bookshelf for the figures but i cant find a glassdoor for it. Do i have to buy hinges aswell? Would really appriciate if someone could help me out.
The answer to your question is the guide
That's a weird looking onahole
Buy it goy
I already read through the guide. There is nothing about it on there.
I can 100% assure you there is because that is how I found out about the billy and its doors.
yeah the doors are see through glass you just have to remove some paper
Well now that you told them,
Thank you very much!
Too many to bother making a collage
is that one of the elf from the slut forrest or something?
A promo print for a shop called 3D printer SK Honpo. The printers they sell range from 58,000 to 156,000 yen. Resin seems to cost about 6000+ yen a bottle. So yeah, it's still too expensive to print our own figures unless you sell them.
>58,000 to 156,000 yen
Opinions on this android 18 striking a dab?
You'll also need software too which they sell, but that probably can be pirated. Not sure how much each resin bottle lasts, if it's more than one print then maybe it'd be worth it, but you still have to sand off this creepy shit and paint it.
Not enough NTR
Oh and apparently the printer this guy used was Phrozen Shuffle, the more expensive one, though apparently they're selling for $900 on amazon. The mold actually looks really smooth, probably just need to cut off the creepy resin and sand just those parts.
buy it and report back to us, user
I would if I could make my own 3D models. That's additional money spent on commissioning/purchasing the models, the amount of free ones out there is probably slim. Seems like a really good option for those who sell GKs.
*Restraint the urge to cut those nubs and sand them*
It's resin, hope ya have a mask.
>Pochaco delayed again
What was the original release month, October 2018? How many times are they gonna do this?
>hope ya have a mask
No problemo my frendo
Resin dust will kill you.
Not as long a list as usual.
>Toga doesn't even come with another face plate like the other ones in the line
I know it isn't well liked around here, but opinions on which one is better?
Left desu
if its only her I think I like the right one more but if I were ever gonna get any of the other girls I would go with left for consistency because they're close
>tit welds
looks like my aunt, wtf.
Oh shit re-release
I keep all my statues on glass shelves. Is it better to use this mirrored stand that comes with some of my figures for added viewing angles, or is pure glass better?
actually? I had given up
Hmm mirror stands sound sexy.
As long as the lighting is good and not to much, I'd get mirrors.
Was just about to put mine up for sale.
Don't buy it, she's tiny.
Nobody asked you, retard.
I'm definitely going with the bonus faceplate
pretty normal friend
>image update
Looks so much better in amiami's setup, didn't realize the chair was more of a blue color.
I use a wooden gun cabinet with two windows as a display case for the past year now. I've been thinking of getting a new one with all around view. Do you guys have any recommended displays?
I love the vegetation. I think I'm going to look into doing this.
I gotta lookin into ones with cosplay
>Price ¥4,364 (Before Tax)
>Release Date 2020/01
open mouth always looks like shit
Is the custom limit taking into account shipping fee ?
tiny ass scales, lmao.
Where's the pantyshot?
boxless should be 35-40% off.
depends, in Argentina:Yes.
Cuando dejaran de cagarnos?
Trying to purchase form mandarake with PayPal but PP screen asks me to associate a credit card for checkout, i dont have one, all my money is on my PayPal account, what do?
Manda requires a credit card if you're buying any adult goods (18+ stuff). But you can use paypal for anything else.
If your money was already checked in paypal, it means you already linked it to a credit card or a bank account.
If it asks checkout it means:
A- You can't use a card anymore because you were borrowing one from Joao
B- You don't have enough balance or the seller only accepts credit card.
Nigga, I get paid thru PP and have all my money stored in my account, i dont have credit card nor bank account cuz my cunts banks charge to much to take money out thru them from PP, I use PayPal to purchase stuff online, but when Mandarake sends me to the PP screen to finish transaction, itt asks me to associate a credit card, and no its not a 18+ item, dunno what to do
I'm actually not upset about that but the arg peso/us$ exchange rate, used to be ok until it hit 29ars==1usd, haven't order much since then, I find it outrageous to have to pay a full minimun monthly wage for an average figure.
>i dont have credit card nor bank account cuz my cunts banks charge to much to take money out thru them from PP
get a prepaid cc, those are free, at least where i live
I don't know, try emailing manda about it.
How old are you?
I've never seen her before but I want this
be careful faggot, manda only allows two cancelations per lifetime.
>Mid 2019
>Still no figure with silicone tits
I'm sad
Cute witch.
already did that, but they told it must be an issue with PP so I emailed them, still waiting tho
Nothing but your fault, why didn't you had at least a prepaid cc for an emergency like that?
Paso tan rapido que ni me di cuenta...
this class sucks dick but I'll get it just because I like F.Mage's design.
cuz i didnt know that shit existed, care to tell me where can I find one?
And a cute ningen.
I never played the game, but I'm thinking of getting her just because shes so cute.
Yea I've heard the same thing from a lot of people. I feel like a majority of the people buying this will have never played DFO (at least in the west). It's a surprisingly high quality Nendo for being from such an old Korean MMO though.
Ordered with Mary. After hearing how unreliable KotoUS has become with bonuses, I went with a proxy order. I need those bonus faces too much to risk it.
>KotoUS has become with bonuses
I wouldn't mind scales
>replying to comments made 30 hours ago
Lots of stuff from Koto today.
Twice recently they've failed to get the bonus faceplates for figures (Saber Alter and Ash Lynx). I don't want to gamble with them when the bonuses faces are one of the main reasons I'm getting Yumeko and Mary. Just to be safe, I'll probably order any Koto fig with a bonus straight from the JP store. It's not like I buy Koto figs regularly so I don't mind paying a little extra.
Kaworu rerelease.
Not lewd enough for that slut
I have played it, and I even played the witch, but I wouldn't bother. It was very grindy and not particularly interesting. I'd much rather play through Dragon's Crown again. Although, I may also get the nendo because cute witches do it for me anyway.
For a second I thought you were talking about Mint Blancmanche
Cute shuttlecock.
I need several.
I got Holo a friend
Talk about an unneeded re-release, Koto's Misato made sense given that it became harder to get and its price also increased lately.
Ok Pedro.
bought this sealed, how can i fix it? i've read that many guys broke the straps by trying to stretch them with hot water/air
>Twice recently they've failed to get the bonus faceplates for figures
not him but are you saying that by the time she goes up on kotoUS it'll already be too late to get the bonus faceplate?
Left, middle and right look like she is taking a poo and the rocks are her feces exploding out.
only worth it with alt faceplate and if you like the character. The paint has multiple glaring qc problems and the hair is basic when seen irl. I don’t necessarily regret her as I love the alt face and the show but it’s a shame the issues it has so prepare for that.
Rereleases usually dont have the extra facelate option
You really can’t
Skytube ended up sending out a replacement part
>everything got pushed to July
No, KotoUS advertised that they were able to get the bonuses for figures just like the JP store. And with both my examples, they waited until release to tell people that they weren't able to get them and that everyone who ordered was shit out of luck.
Did I do good?
Be careful user, last time I posted a spoilered image that was censored as yours of henreaders clearfile and was banned for a week.
that's fucked I guess maybe I'll use a forwarder too
>Not evading bans
Reproductive system version when?
Fuck me, the colors on Mary look great.
>Floating in the air
Learn to pose.
>admitting to ban evading
Why would anyone ever do the things against the rules?
Why? There are so many more popular boats.
Come on good smile.
Hey peeps! I just found this very cool figure on the internetz. Check it out!
N-Not me haha!
wow THIS is the Eva nendos you fucks were talking about?
W0W, it's epicness level is over nine THOUSAAAAND!
took me way too long to remember the recap episode (13) and realize wtf you were saying
Rolling for the same champ. The GSC one is the sexiest.
>delayed to september
one, nothing wrong with me
From my experience 99% of the wait time for SAL is sitting in customs. I've had SAL packages sit for an entire month at ISC NY. EMS goes through in a day or so unless it gets inspected.
>Wedding Porkchop delayed yet again
Makes June a little easier on the wallet I suppose
>70€+5€ for shipping for a 20~30€ quality figure
But this is pretty cool. I used to play this champ a lot. I don't have any of the others, are these even worth it for that price? They all look so cheap, I only got this because it's my fav champ.
>get paid thru PP and have all my money stored in my account
This is an absolutely terrible idea.
I'm so sorry.
Is her head meant to be like this? It doesn't fit nicely with the rest of her head.
They're pretty awful in general. After they sent me a damaged Sakura figure I spent over a month dealing with their customer service because they suddenly took a huge company-wide New Year vacation without warning, and dragged their feet before and after.
Kek that fucking face
Is it bad that I only recognize her because of THAT picture?
I have to wait more now
> striking a dab?
More like doing the Ricardo Milos pose
Yeah, I don't like it neither, but there aren't any other official figures that aren't a Pop shit or chink bootleg (I have that OK looking chink bootleg, and none have an actually good face).
Thanks. The butt is exquisite, but I don't like the rest of her.
Is the Street Fighter Bishoujo line good quality for the money? I main Karin in SF5 so I'd like to get a figure of her.
Her torso looks kinda fucked up somehow
God damn I love ojou-sama characters.
Fuuuuuck me her price was so good for a re-sale. Why they have to ruin it for everyone?
>Why they have to ruin it for dirty ass scalpers?
Ftfy shit stain monkey
Why is she so popular? This doesn't look particularly good.
Lots of people with a fetish for long black hair
The only good League merch was that Ahri nendo. Everything Riot themselves puts out is cheap garbage but western audiences have such low standards for this stuff that they can get away with it. Maybe Koto will jump on the League train eventually and you can get one that doesn't look like a toy.
Have you guys ever taken your waifu to a motel? Since I'm never taking a 3dpd to one, I'm considering in going to a cool motel (with those baths, whirpools etc that look really comfy) with my wife's daki.