Yea Forums is for Aqua!
Yea Forums is for Aqua!
and both are useless
Not useless
praise Aqua!
Yea Forums is for bullying aqua for being a useless cunt
You don't mean that
I want to pet this dog.
Unbased posters.
Aqua is the cutest!
fuck off meguhamad this is Goddess country
Sleepy Aqua
Aqua is a good girl that gets too much undeserved shit.
It's time to stop.
she needs hugs and headpats
What a double moral you have huh? You used to say that Megutards are cool, now you insult them. On top of that you have low confidence. You are only going lower and lower Tsun.
Aqua is the best!
If I were to pee in her butt, would the resulting enema be purified enough for me to drink it?
Konosuba shills out here in full force tonight. Make no mistake, Yea Forums is littered with these people. Hired to keep Konosuba interest at its peak.
delet this
Haqua > Aqua
She's supposedly able to drink things without turning them into water instantly. It might just be things she touches with her hands or something. While you could certainly drink it, it would probably still be pee
Blue haired girls a cute
delet this right now
Did you ever consider that the reason she's so dumb is because her body purifies all the minerals that her brain needs to function properly whenever she eats or drinks something?
good thread
Why does Konosuba inspire such greatness in all of us?
Am I about to receive a fisting?
Remember to lear how to write and read australian glyphs
Answer is Aqua
Aqua is objectively the best girl. She has the funniest dynamic with the main character and is central to the plot. Her gimmick is also the most versatile for creating good stories.
Darkness can slot into any situation for comedy purposes but doesn't carry stories by herself. She is a good supporting character though.
The toddler is shit and has only 1 joke.
>unironically thinks that Aqua is funny
megutards have to go
>implying every Aquahater is a Megufag
Aris is so insecure about her small breasts, that she pads her bra.
Aqua has big saggy tits, but she is confident and lets them sag freely. She doesn't care.
Megumin doesn't only have one joke.
Remember that episode where she claims she doesn't use the bathroom? But then a few episodes later, she pees in front of Kazuma in the ghost mansion. That was a joke that had nothing to do with explosions.
All of them claimed not to use the bathroom.
I hate all of you.
Yeah but with Aqua it's probably true. She's a Goddess after all
I hate Megameme
She peed in the water when she was sitting in the cage.
Aqua is legit the cancer of Yea Forums. There's nothing intelligent coming from a post with an Aqua image.
Even Sataniafags have a bit of self respect
What's your favorite anime?
boku no pico
I heard that one is supposed to be good. Maybe I should check it out.
Dumb aquaposter
It's kinda gay. I didn't like it.
Why is this garbage thread still alive? This is a very low quality shitpost, always remember to sage and report these threads
Uh-oh, you wouldn't be breaking global rule number 7 would you
dumb bitch
stop picking up trash Yea Forums
aqua is literal garbage
no fun allowed
Does that mean /d/ is for Darkness?
Darkness is for /r9k/
Yea Forumsqua
Aqua is a good girl who is kind and considerate to her followers.
best girl
Best thread ever
And I bet /fit/ gets Megumin, REEEEEE it's not fair bros. It's all society's fault
I don't care if they're pads
I love aqua !
Like some shut in Nip knows a thing about guns. He's Sa/t/ou Kazuma
more like kaz/u/ma
i want aqua to ride my face
Aqua is the greatest!
Aqua has a really big huge fat butt just thought you should know Yea Forums
too big
her only redeeming feature desu
My cute wife
She seems to be able to get drunk and vomit etc so it probably doesn't get purified.
ireland get ye gone
worship pls
I have a confession
I'm only watching isekai quartet for aqua
and her crying specifically
I want to bully Aqua's cunt with my dick.
I want to fuck Aqua so bad it actually hurts.
Reminder that anyone who likes Aqua is most likely underage
Reminder that anyone who likes Megumin is most likely underage
Yunyun is better for bullying so Aqua's healing magic is her only reason for existing
Imagine watching for anything else
Only underage people call others underage. Are you even old enough to drink yet, boy?
By that logic you are underage as well
we're all underage on this blessed day
I'm 26, by what logic am I underage?
Aqua is for owning as a cute pet.
Aqua is for spanking, more so than Darkness who isn't as misbehaved and too tough for open hand.
You're a kissless virgin, so even 12 year olds these days have more mature experience than you.
You probably weren't even here before 2008
That isn't what Yea Forums says
>Reminder that anyone who likes Megumin is a wizard who likes girls who are underage
Now it's shaping up.
How's this thread still alive? Have you fags not reported it?
no you fuck off
Yes, for her big futa cock.
fuck off stalker, this is the official poll
Yea, imagine holding her close, caressing her, kissing slowly and then having missionary sex for the sole purpose of making noble children to carry on the estate and carry on the Dustiness name.
Why would I report a best girl thread
Why would she sleep with her butt sticking out like that?
Isn't that normal?
is this the reason for all that guro aqua posting?
>wiz and darkness that low despite their superiority
The amount of pedos on this board is sickening
Reminder that megumin won the kazubowl
>implying that Aquachads give a shit about that loser
>surprised that many anons on this site enjoy small compact women that are easy to carry
You need to go back
Nigger you dont have to shove it in every thread, you make that ship look bad.
Aqua carries the script!
She also carries my heart
You Aquashitters come into every other thread and shit it up but the second someone does it to you, you start crying like a bitch. Cry me a river Aqua.
Im a Kazuminfag idiot. Learn your fucking place
/fit/ wants to be Megumin. There's a difference.
Cool but post Aqua next time
>not drinking it as-is
Heh /d/arkness
What a fucking whore.
Content not found sorry
Lies from the Axis cult. You are an aquafag in disguise.
Fuck Whiz
I want to enroll her in a business management and financial management class.
And my children.
Why is this image so fucking funny
Then get outta here
What is Yea Forums doing to /d/?
>tfw love Darkness too much to be mean to her, thereby dooming me to never be loved by her
/d/ is just an erect Yea Forums
It's not being mean to her if she's enjoy it, and her body is super resilient so even if you try to beat the shit out of her you're not even going to bruise her. She's absolutely perfect for violently abusing and then cuddling with after she's all worn out.
Explain this
Only animeonlies think that Aqua is nopan, which makes them redditors and extra retarded.
All she carries is debt and the worlds weight.
I started watching Konobua, Aqua is worst girl
Even worst than Darkness
>that artist
Absolutely inconceivable you could just draw 40 pages of nothing but RAW fucking and nothing else at such high quality without even a single text bubble, I cum like 4 times before I even finish my first reading, ans it doesn't even stop there because he has like over 10 doujins like this too
Daily reminder we KonosubaCHADS are bros andour fights are just banter
What is Yunyun doing in this panel?
Heavenly trips of truth
I guess you're right. I just want to cuddle her but I suppose it's a man's duty to fulfill a woman, even if that means abusing her.
Aqua is the cutest and I love her
Mods are sleeping again it seems
She is just trying to reach for the salt shaker but it is at the other end of the table.
/d/ is for Darkness
What if I kissed Aqua
Theres a decent gun otaku following. Some poor bastards got jailed trying to make their own for kicks IIRC
Then you'd taste vomit and/or rainbows.
Yea Forums and Aqua have too much ass and not much else.
cause of the futa
I mean if you lay an "a" on its side (not the typical computer font 'a' but how you draw one) it's kind of like a ballsack with a tiny dick. The "d" is like that but with an extended member. Is this what you were getting at?
I laughed too hard what did you do to me.
muh /d/
Actually, 26 is the minimum age requirement for Yea Forums. It stands to reason you're mentally matured to want to interact, and seek out other points of view. While also being mature enough to handle banter. Understanding the world does not revolve around you.
i want aqua to sit on my face and hydrate me
Reminder that anyone who likes Konosuba is most likely underage
I want to impregnate Aqua-sama!
>Yea Forums is for Aqua!
aqua is for fucking
Manga is not canon
Never ever in LN is it mentioned that Aqua wears panties. They are mentions of Megumin's, Darkness's or even Kazuma's underwear but no info on Aqua
She is also a hyper masochist. So much so she might get off on the fact that you know she is into that and purposefully do only lovey crap with her.
Aqua is ret/a/rded
Aqua is Yea Forumsmazing
>she knows that I know she's into abuse and purposefully avoid it to deny her pleasure
>force her to be ashamed of her filthy perversions
No weakness, she gets off no matter what
Pic related
I'm still salty bros... Either Haqua or Tenri shoul have won...
>Dedicated most of your daily time to keeping yourself healthy for a fucking no sex appeal midget autist
Is this nigger serious? Aqua and Darkness bodies alone are basic standards if you are /fit/ fuck outta here with your shit genetics
You clearly don't understand her appeal at all
this is more like it
I unfortunately recognize this picture. Why not post the whole set?
I have to say I prefer /c/hris.
Why did she do it
Aqua is stupid!!
she also has a big smelly dick!
Why do to faggots keep bumping the thread if you don't like Aqua? Fucking bunch of retards
you mean eris
I don't get it.
aqua = trash
>Axis cult is evil, join Eris
These posters are delusional, send them to the infirmary.
You should ask Voda to take heat out of the system for that positive void.
The entire anime is one big pee pee joke.
>Megumin is uranium atom
>Kazuma the Boron control rods couldn't stop it
>Cool Aqua supposedly takes heat out of the system
>Eris the void coefficient from absence of Aqua
>Runaway reaction leave everything in Darkness
Bravo /konosuba/, or should I say /rbmk/?
>I don't see graphite in the show
Bully the worthless cunt
Shit thread
3.6 thread. Not great, not terrible.
Whorequa is a whore
Nigger when are you gonna learn that bumping the thread is exactly what the OP wants.
Nobody cares for your Facebook memes, I swear you have less neurons than every Aquatard ofb/a/ combined
Aqua doesn't need to wash, she always smells good.
Aqua is pet food.
Praise Aqua
The world needs to see that shitqua is trash.
It’s my duty to show the world how useless that useless goddess is.
What gives? This is Yea Forums, nobody gives a fuck about your Facebook memes.
Holy fuck you are seriously retarded
I want to have sex with Aqua
>this is Yea Forums
>it’s actually 4channel
>calls me the retarded one
Yeah. Those normalfaggots are unbased sheep.
t. Aqua
Are you that boomer who has only played or watched clannad?
t. Dyatlov
She's not useless though. She has that body.
I just came to this thread to say that aqua is the best and she is cute.
Have a good night
Based Konobro
This would explain how she is able to get drunk.
If all things that entered her and purified, then the alcohol wouldn't poison her liver and cause her to get drunk, and she wouldn't need to vomit either.
Perhaps it's a placebo effect. Her below average intelligence means she forgets she purifies liquids.
>Aqua is unironically queen of Yea Forums
Not wanting tie up and shock the shit out of Darkness for hours before fucking her then leaving her blindfolded in your corner while you play video games like a doll only checking up on her to feed and water her then untying her each night to cuddle with telling her how much you love and adore her
Some of the shilling is voluntary. I like the show a lot and wait eagerly for season 3.
Her tits in the show aren't as good as in this pic
That's exactly what she doesn't want
True but she's best girl because she's worst girl
Which is why it's torturing her and thus turning her on. You cannot defeat the Darkness, she will eternally be pleasured.
>there won't be a single aqua/frog joke in this shit, despite the setup.
they probably forgot after the preview, fucking retards.
Fuck elevators
Fuck escalators
Fuck stairs
I don't care about the kazubowl I want megumin to win the me bowl
Go ahead and win it and save the rest of us from her ruining the series
>Thinks the romance ruined the series
How to spot an anime only 101
The anime is superior, there is no reason the read the LN when you don't get to hear Aqua's beautiful voice or even see Aqua's beautiful face. I would rather wait 10 years for more Aqua awesomeness than read your Megumin indoctrination book
Hey, you are the Aqua poser that actually loves darkness and replies LN posts with "reading anime".
How about you hang yourself.
Go to sleep stalker-kun
Aqua is for frogging
That just means you're not a giant fag who cares about shipping
You’re a bowl no one wants to win though
Is her voice as annoying in the manga as it is in the anime?
Pretty much everywhere, people they like her voice are deluded and trolling.
Someone is probably gonna reply to this post saying otherwise, but they are just baiting
I want to suck on Aqua's tits but I'd like to suck in most cute girl tits still take it for what it's worth
Best girl
Massage your goddess' foot!
what, no, I'm over here. Not that my opinion differs though. Faggot.
Ten-chan really did a great job.
maybe her butt hurts?
Yea Forums is for Miia.
Aqua, a true goddess.
Saggy tits ftw
I want Aqua to piss into my mouth.
Fuck your goddess.
Old and busted.
Unprotected sex with Aqua!
Coming inside and taking responsibility!
I love glowing hair Aqua
Defiling aqua!
RBMK sure is a blessing on this wonderful world, user. It's over 15000.
Aqua is the best! I fucking love her guys!
This thread is still up? Wtf mods, I knew you were all Aquatards
Shes shit.
I'm 6 eps in, the hell is the appeal of this show ? Is it gonna get better or should I drop it ?
the anime is pretty garbage imo
From what?
Responsibility for what?
aha, mhhh, mhhaha, what else?
can't find this on pornhub
Don't worry, user. Aqua isekai hentai show soon.
Those aren't Australian glyphs ya fuckwit. Fuckin over foreign cunts talking shit.
You are just a state of mind at any rate.
And Aqua is for anal
Nah fuck off mate
Good morning lads
>her body purifies all the minerals
She would get seizures because of calcium deficiency.
You mean like this?
>Never ever in LN is it mentioned that Aqua wears panties
Are you fucking serious, Aragorn, son of Arathorn?
Aqua is a dummy but she's our dummy so I like her
Konosuba is literally the peak of Anime in the 21st
The greatest!
A good day for Aquas
Good Aqua my friend (from now on I will say Good Aqua instead of Good Morning because Aqua is good)
Some people just want to watch the world explode.
Aqua and Aquapilled
Aqua is for anal.
>you will never spend the entire day alternating between having Aqua squeeze your neck between her thighs and sit on your face
why even live
Thread needs more aqua abuse.
>kazuma-san! Help!
>save me, kazuma-san!
>save me!
Aren't you going to do something?
>........ ....
Go Aqua. You can do it. I believe in you.
Bye bye aqua! All gone and eaten up!
aqua is for anal
I am sort of thinking about finally picking this up. Aqua does indeed look like the Yea Forums favorite girl, but how much screen time does the mainstream sheep/Reddit appeal girl who pisses her panties all the time when she sees explosions and who looks like a boring non-loli to be safe for the sheep get?
I don't like the latter.
I don't speak Reddit. Can someone translate?
Aqua is central to the story, far more than Megaman.
Here’s an updated version of your pic lad, use this instead
>Redditor trying to falseflag as an Yea Forumsquabro
>Yea Forumsquabros get dubs
>Redditors get nothing
Dubs are overrated.
I want to serve as Aqua's personal holy knight! I want her to take advantage of my faith by forcing me to endure mundane chores! I want Aqua to use me as a chair, only for me to tell her other party members it's okay because it's for my goddess!
Not bad, not bad. But would she reward you with sex?
t. Jelly singlesfag
Im going to rape aqua while you’re forced to watch!
She doesn't consider it a reward at all! It's just another service provided by her most dedicated follower! Sometimes she just plants her godly rear on my face and expects me to pleasure her! Other times she notices how excited I get when she sits on me and drags me to her room!
Aqua is cute and I like her a lot.
I’m beating your useless goddess to a pulp!
Aqua is shit and deserves to be bullied a lot.
To allow Kazuma easy access
To bully? Why yes of course.
The ultimate redpill. I always knew Yea Forumsqua was the best.
n-no she's useless! Delet this at once!
Is this official art?
t. Falseflagging aquatard
Aqua the best!
Both Aqua and Darkness would be useful if their retardation/fetishes didn't hold them down to the useless status.
Aqua being useless was a meme that some reetards started taking seriously.
Aqua isn't retarded she just requires close supervision because her divine nature means she struggles with mundane cultural concerns.
Genuinely is a useless goddess though, just not universally useless.
The divine powers that control the world literally confirmed that her intelligence is below average.
THIS is your ultimate weapon??
How narrow-minded can Megutards be? SHE said "I love you." HE didn't. It's one-sided as fuck lmao
It's probably just that thing where once you max out the value, it resets to zero and starts over.
He later thinks about megumin and realises he wants to be with her in nonsex way and says "Oh shit, i think I'm in love in you too for real"
All this proves is Kazuma has shit taste
it's called "savoir-vivre" you uncultured swine
I can understand disliking Aqua or Lalatina, but what I don't get is why people like Megameme so much.
Nah, he is just confused teen who falls in love with any person who shows him affection
Whoever wrote this is even dumber than Aqua.
oh fuck not now
That's even worse than shit taste, it's no taste.
Too expensive. She'll fuck for 500 yen and a beer
Are you scanning Darkness' abs?
Megushit is the only girl in the whole show where I can't see any appeal
this is your slut Aqua
she eats giant semen for breakfast
say something nice to her
>Yea Forums is full of room temperature IQ reddit normalfags
imagine my shock
>Only six votes for Wiz
Yea Forums confirmed for having literally the shittest taste.
>tfw no embarrassed blushing Wiz awkwardly sitting on your face
>tfw no lich milk for breakfast
Glowing aquafag, I want you to know that I love you and want you to stay here forever
Who is the artist?
bully thread?
user I...
Imagine waking up with your head notched between Aqua's thighs and seeing nothing but her smug face looking down as she squeezes the breath out of you.
>reading anime
t. downey
Meanwhile, I would totally exploit the fuck out of her.
It makes too much sense.
>need an account to see a picture
Use a website that isn't shit.
>pixiv is shit
how new r u?
I now have enough Aqua lewds to justify giving them their own folder. All thanks to this thread.
>Yea Forumsnons claim she is useless
>use her as fap-material constantly
pixiv is shit because you need to sign up.
It's always been shit.
She's "useless" because every time she does something useful it often comes with a giant debt
anyone claiming Aqua is useless ain't from round these parts
That's being stupid, not useless.
>has almost every japanese artist
>basically everything hentai is sourced from pixiv
>official artists for manga and LNs there, every single h-artist is on there
>is shit
sure sure
Next you're going to tell me sadpanda is shit because you have to sign up for it.
Nice numbers.
vittu saatana perkole
wrong board heh
Only retards really think that Aqua is useless, if it wasn't for her Kazuma would be have been dead for so long and so many times.
>muh muh she is stupid
Both Darkness and Megumin are retarded, it's just part of the show's joke to designate Aqua as the designated retard.
Beside even Kazuma who is portrayed as rather smart isn't that smart he just comes off as rather competent because the rest of his party is full of retards.
how little fucks one must give to just blithely sit on public surfaces without underwear
Her ass sweat purifies anything she sits on.
it is
This so fucking many times.
My favorite volume of the ln was Axis Cult vs Eris Cult. Everytime there is a scene with Kazuma and Aqua you just know it will be gold and the best scene out of the ln all come from either her or Kazuma. She has such a good chemistry with Kazuma.
The pedopanderer only has "muh explosion" going for her, every time she gets mention you just know those god damn explosions will be brought.
I don't think the author planned on giving her so much importance, otherwise he would have made her more interesting.
Do people who unirocally root for Megumin realise what kind of person she would be IRL? There is a reason why no one like chunny like her, running on the same joke again and again gets tiering after a while.
Except he did, with her prequel volumes and her spinoff volume, as well as having other major important parts in the WN.
How about instead of talking out of your ass you don't speedread?
Let people like whatever they want, when someone mentions something bad about Aqua you fags start to go apeshit. Talk about double moral.
I agree, you could remove any of the other characters or replace them and it'd still be Konosuba but Kazuma and Aqua's relationship/dynamic is the foundation of it all. It does annoy me that Megumin seems to be getting more and more stuff about her, purely because people waifuing her, despite her being pretty two dimensional however you cut it.
literally the only 2 dimensional character is Aqua.
All the other characters and even secondaries like Chris and Vanir have more development and layers than her.
Shitty bait
>Except he did, with her prequel volumes and her spinoff volume, as well as having other major important parts in the WN.
>How about instead of talking out of your ass you don't speedread?
I'm not some masochist I'm not going to read her spinoff (and I tried to). Yes she grow more interesting but she wasn't at the start and yeah I was wrong in saying he didn't made her more interesting but it feels like he did so because she was getting popular.
>Let people like whatever they want, when someone mentions something bad about Aqua you fags start to go apeshit. Talk about double moral.
I don't give a shit about what you like, Yea Forums isn't your designated safe space, if I want to shit on Megumin I'll do just that.
Well that's it then, instead of shitting on her with lies at least do it with proof. That way you won't look retarded.
Are you kidding? Me saying that the author didn't made Megumin interesting (wich was true at least at the start) is only a part of my post, I didn't even raise it as one of the reasons why I found her shitty.
Because that's your opinion. I only corrected you on the objective part of your post. If you find her dynamic boring there's nothing I can do to change it.
>Do people who unirocally root for Megumin realise what kind of person she would be IRL?
What gives how is she IRL? This is fucking fantasy anime, the great part about it is that it's not real, that's the appeal.
Blue hair
No discernible underwear
Ceaseless verbal abuse
Verdict is in anons Aqua is forever Best Girl
Aqua transcends character dimensions. She exists only for the sake of finding and enjoying pleasure. She has the clarity of a philosopher (the good is pleasure) and the enlightenment of a Shinto monk.
She is based
Megumin's joke is funny in the context of her being a shitty RPG party member but as a character she is incredibly underdeveloped, and her chuuni aspects are not played with enough in an over the top way to be a joke themselves. She's a munchkin but not to an extreme enough to make her uniquely funny.
It's also incredibly clear that she was not intended to be the love interest of the series. She's not even in the first episodes, unlike Aqua who is there from the beginning, and only became central to the story for merchandising reasons.
It does not make for a good narrative for the love interest to be a randomly selected character introduced halfway into the story, and for a comedy show about a guy paired with 3 ridiculous losers to transform into something where one of the ridiculous losers is actually his very serious love interest completely ruins the dynamic the show was built on.
extreme enough degree
Even in the LNs Aqua is the person he goes to when he's in trouble or feeling down. Aqua is his best friend and if the author wanted to do a love interest she should have been it.
Just finished volume 11 which was kinda tepid as far as volumes go. but what the fuck is up with the translation, like why would you change kimchi quests to durian quests? That seems like a swap to a more obscure word to me and I live in a country with durian. Gook cuisine is a lot more popular than a meme fruit.
Megumin wasn't introduced halfway into the story, she was literally introduced in the first volume, just like Aqua and Darkness.
Next, the love interest didn't spawned from one day to the next, it was slowly foreshadowing and growing over the lapse of 5 volumes.
If it makes you feel better the comedy and the jokes are still as funny as they where before the romance began.
I recommend you reading the novels so you can have a correct opinion on the matter
I mean, with who else should Aqua go? Megumin and Darkness cant do shit. Vanir would just mock her, and she doesn't really know everyone else. She goes with him because he is the most capable and the one with the money
Except for that time she turned down the chance to be in a party with a rich chad that worships her at a time when they were totally broke you stupid fricking idiot
>reading anime
Nice try mongoloid
>Except for that very specific time that is never mentioned again
No need to insult, if you were called out for being wrong then just accept it and move on
Are you trying to be retarded?
Don't mind him. He is a persistent aquaposter that always says that when someone mentions the LN. Ignore him.
>If it makes you feel better the comedy and the jokes are still as funny as they where before the romance began.
No they're not.
Only an anime only trying to bait says that
Aqua found out about your crush on her! What now?
>y-you're lying
Deny it and use steal
tell her I'll convert to her sect if she gives me a piece of that ass
Well yes, you are lying. Give me proof that the comedy hasn't been downgrade because of the ship. You literally can't animepleb.
beta out and deny it like always
You must prove your devotion by daily worship, Aqua demands you to lie down face up and open your mouth, tongue out.
She's still going to tease you and constantly bring it up to embarrass you.
>proof that the comedy hasn't been downgrade
>Aqua demands you to lie down face up and open your mouth, tongue out.
I knew I was worshiping the right goddess
good girl
Good, user, submit to the Aquass! In time you will find that worship is truly its own reward.
So no proof? I see, glad to know I was arguing with an animeonly.
Cya bitch
pls no hurt me Aqua-Sama!
See that's why I think Kazuma will wind up with both Darkness and Aqua. He can beat the tar out of Darkness every day and Aqua will heal her right up.
Ceaseless verbal abuse and teasing, that's what and probably pic related
I want to lay my head on Darkness' ample bosom.
Don't we all user
to tell the truth, I'd like Wiz too, they are both just different flavors of perfection
All konosubas have their perks, even Megumeme
wiz wizzes
I think that's why they have such crippling personality flaws, because otherwise Kazuma would be the luckiest isekai bastard in a decade.
>ywn hold hands with aqua
I want Lich Wiz and Priestess Wiz to meet when Six's portal technology drops them in front of the wrong Demon General
I want lich Wiz and priestess Wiz to meet nipple to nipple on top of my face.
Aqua is the best girl and my favorite to watch but I dont think she is the sexiest.
Aqua and Darkness have explorable gimmicks that actually succeed at making the reader think that they are a double edged sword
Megumin is really just a girl who likes to blow up stuff, and that quality just isn't as dynamic as the two hence, she gets more involvement with the romance side of things.
The fact that you thing it's understandble to hate them but not her proves it, Megumin is too much of a normal person to be in the party indefinitely, even Wiz and Yun are more weirdo
Her spinoffs prove you wrong.
I, for one, would switch out Megaman for Yunyun in a heartbeat. Can we? Wiz would be lovely too. Fuck it. I take Vanir for the midget, that'd be a sweet deal.
>nonstop aqua vanir shenanigans
holy shit, if you think about it, they fucked it all up
The games were lewd.
>seething aquafuck for a single character
Sweet tears, always delicious.
Say what you want, the group dynamics would be much more fun if the group were to include some undead together with Aqua. Tame route with Wiz, maniac route with Vanir. Bully Aqua bullies Undead bullies aqua... it'd be literally the Laurel and Hardy of anime.
Her spinoffs are just because she's cancer
I dont think Yunyun or Wiz work as main characters. They're both too normal and nice. Megumeme would be fine if they made her about 25% more annoying and useless. She should be more of an active detriment to the party for the joke to work. Instead she just exists to say lines anybody else could say until she has to be in combat
Nah not really no. In fact I'd swap Aqua for Chris or even Wiz. More entertaining shenanigans would happen.
But at then end of the day neither your headcanon nor mine will be true, and since I enjoy the loli you get to seethe.
Meguhaters are so funny, we get spinoffs, movie, merchandise and tons of art while they get barely the crumbs of Megumin.
>while they get barely the crumbs of Megumin.
super lewd Aqua isekai hentai soon, so...
Woah, a low budget hentai will compete with a movie, 2 spinoffs and tons of official merchandise?
This is like being proud that Naruto has more fanart than Phoenix.
>meguhaters are so funny. Why can't they just have shit taste like us, am I right? Make sure to leave an upvote!
Is that a bad thing? Besides that's just a small part of all the advantages Megumin has over the other characters.
I take the aqua smut over official merchandise, literally any day. Holy shit, this is gonna be fucking great.
Delicious tears, keep going, I want you to rage so hard you end up in the hospital
really sad user, guess you really eat the crumbs.
Advantages like
>not being funny in a comedy show
>appealing to pedophiles
damn you're right how could I be so blind
I already said the advantages, but you can still cope if you wanna.
>relentlessly cheerful
>never let life get them down
>horny but wholesomely so
>friends and defenders of all
>petulant children
>spoiled brats
>aggressive and obnoxious
Aqua is getting a hentai?
You forgot
>Raid threads, even when it's not Konosuba related
>Obnoxious shitposters
>Disregard the LN as canon
>All jokes they make is about her ass, labelling them as underage
>he said in the aqua thread
You're in an Aqua thread right now and shitting it up, Megutard.
Hold up, Aquafags can shit up Meguthreads but we can't do the same? Nice double moral.
what is this from?
asking for a friend.
>*narrowly avoiding an FBI OPEN UP*
>Aquafags can shit up Meguthreads
Aquafag thread:
>Yea Forums is for Aqua!
Megumincel thread:
>Megumeme wins again, we have a book and a movie, seeth more Aquafaggots and Darkniggers! Btfo once again!
>pls respond
how weirdly fitting
Here are some examples of innocent Meguthreads and Aquafucks shitpost them.
How about you stop being an edgy fucker?
Never heard that one before, thanks for giving me another nickname for you
Yeah. Someone post the teaser already!
Okay you found it; now please delete your post.
Is it the anime where Aqua's seiyuu moans?
You know that isnt an Aqua hentai right? Are you retarded?
>Is it the anime where Aqua's seiyuu moans?
Literally nonstop. Indeed. It's gonna be amazing.
Then its not an Aqua hentai. You are retarded indeed.
>look at these three threads I archived for this specific occasion!!
no problem reddit, I'm sure you need all the help you can get
>gets called out
>avoids any type of arguing
Thanks for reafirming you are a double moral fuck.
Yeah, yeah, whatever. Post the trailer!!
In the future I'll make sure to save the archives of all the bait megumincel thread OPs so that I can shove it in your face.
Not actually though. I'm not obsessed with you like you are with me.
Not obsessed, just pointing the truth. With a simple search on desuarchive you can find out any backlog of you creepy fuckers have.
Also I recognize you by the images you post, you shitpost on Meguminfags with no reason.