How do you afford to buy $30 anime dvds, manga, figurines, etc? Aren't most of you NEETs?

How do you afford to buy $30 anime dvds, manga, figurines, etc? Aren't most of you NEETs?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Having neither hobbies nor addictions, I have plenty of spare cash, even if I live on autismbux.

Trading shares

>$615 Donations

The fuck are they donating to, a crack habbit?

My parents give me everything that I need. I don't even go out anymore. Anime 24/7.

>excellent with money
>600 quid on donations
>250 on dining out

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Imagine being born into a poor family to where you need to work to make money

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>dining out 250$
>groceries 400$
>donations 615$
>house cleaner 30$
>transportation was 30$
>rent 825$
The absolute state of normalfags

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>donating $615 per month
I'm not trying to be Jesus, thank you.

I don't understand that image. Please explain.


Okay, mother fucker

This, no car-related expenses, no bar/restaurant outings, no rent, very frugal on food.

This desu, plus I'm an absolute cheapskate in every expense except animu

sucking dicks is a easy way to get money


Where does this person live where internet costs only $20 per month? Does he have 2 kbps/2 kbps or something?

I'm gay.


Hahaha that is my money you filthy monkeys.

>believing any of those numbers

>health insurance

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Anime and manga are free. I don't buy merch.

I live in Finland and it's 20€ for 100mbps download/30mbps upload.

what kind of potato internet is that?
1 hour per anime episode?

What the fuck. Who spends 270 a month on health insurance but has a 100k job? Maybe if you have a full family. My company gives me full everything for 50. And who spends 250 dining out a month? Thats a fucking waste of money. If you are spending 400 a month on groceries, why do you need to spend 250 a month eating out? 400 a month is more than enough to eat plenty.

And 615 bucks on donations? Really what? What 25 year old spends an amount comparable to rent on monthly donations?

I suspect I could get similar rates if I could be bothered to change my contract every year.

Start by not making 615$ in donations, not dining out, not hiring a house cleaner, not paying health insurance, and not paying rent.

>literally giving your money away

Yeah I don't have empathy for humanity so that isn't going to happen.

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>donations: 615
That's how much I make on a good month. How do I become a mail order bride (male)?

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>Aren't most of you NEETs?
user, someone have to pay the internet and electricity bill. You're the one who have unrealistic ideas about average Yea Forums posters.

>dining out at 250$
make your own food, amerilard

From the article about dining
>Klee does splurge on a few meals out each month, mostly with his girlfriend. Depending on where they go, it can cost anywhere from $20 to $80 per meal.


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Do the trap exercise, and if that doesn't work, take FFS. Don't do HRT, it will ruin your body.

I'm still overpaying since I don't live in a very populated area, I would pay like 5€ per month if I were to live in the capital.
there are only 4.6 people per square mile where I live

>600 dollars on donations
>0 dollars on hobbies or anything of the sort
how to be a basic bitch: the article

So hes wining and dining his girlfriend 2-3 times a week. They should change that category to "girlfriend budget".

I actually own a restaurant on del rey beach, I come here to talk about cartoons titties and larp
not even kidding

>guy spends half what I do on rent
>somehow managed to spend more than me overall
literally how

To twitch streamers to say his name, 15 times per month

Lets compare finances shall we
>270 insurance
>mine is provided by my employer
>250 dining out
Okay that is reasonable I spend about 200/mo
>195 utilities
Sounds about right
>130 transportation
Does this mean car insurance? If so okay.
>40 cell
What the fuck? I spend 100/mo
>30 house cleaner
Lol wut
>20 internet
Yeah that is a plain fucking lie I spend 100
>825 rent
I have a mortgage and that is only 800/mo for a 4br
>615 donations
Lol wut
>400 groceries
I spend about 300/mo

>$80 per meal
Even if I made some good money I'd still feel this is a waste. Probably anything more than $30 per meal and even with that I wouldn't be doing it often. I don't know how this is being "excellent with money". Being excellent with money also doesn't fit with him giving away fucking $600 of his money per month.

>Donations $615
I hope they're tax deductable donations

$30 for a house cleaner? I can get someone to clean my house for $30? I'm kinda interested.

>House cleaner
top kek

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This article is bait.

>dining out when you can make your own food cheaper
>donating money when it ruins society
>spending FOURTY DOLLARS a month on a cell phone
>letting some dirty spic in your home for thirty bucks a month
excellent with money my ass

This is a joke right? The names are all switched around right?

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>Does this mean car insurance? If so okay.
No, it's
>Klee pays $81.50 for a monthly CharlieCard, which lets him use subway and bus lines around Boston. “I live pretty close to where I work, so I take the T,” he says.

>He also spends between $40 to $50 on Lyft rides each month.

>What the fuck? I spend 100/mo

>Klee is still on his family’s phone plan. His part of the bill comes to $40 per month.

>I spend 100/mo
WTF? I pay

>Rent: $825

What kind of fucking boomer made this? Try $1500.
Also where's the booze and cigarette money?

you'd be surprised how much $$ goes down the drain when you go barhopping trying to 'score' a ONS with 3dpds or eating out with normalfags to 'socialize'
loyalty to True Waifu means that $$ part is easy

literally google "house cleaning " you dip

Alcohol may be included in groceries. Smoking is a bigger waste of money than the donations.

Because I make 100K too, except I don't pay rent (I own my place), health insurance (work covers it for me), or donations. I live in an extremely high tax country and I buy everything I want (whether buyfagging, tech shit, expensive booze or whatever) and I still manage to put away around 2.5-3K in net savings a month.

>100k a year
>2775 x 12 = 33300 a year

what country is this again?

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>615 donations
fuck off
don't feed e-beggers and memestreamers

I imagine the rest of the money is saved up or something. Would have been nice if they said what he did with the rest though.

Hookers and blow.

You know you can save money right user?

Absolute fucking joke

>all these poorfags who dont donate and get them sweet ass tax deductions and charity benefits

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I spend 45 on spectrum, which is a very common internet provider for decent speeds. 100+ is only common if you have a single provider jacking up prices.

And honestly, I would love to spend 30 bucks a month on a house cleaner. Thats less than a meal at a nice restaurant and would save me 10 hours of cleaning shit myself a month.

And 300 a month in groceries makes sense if you are dumping 200 a month eating out. I spend 400 a month on groceries and less than 50 a month eating out, as in I eat out maybe twice a month at most. I could spend even less on groceries if I wanted to. I make too much food.

And 100 bucks for your cell? What the fuck are you doing? It shouldn't cost more than 50.

100k is probably gross, which puts net at around 70k (let's assume this guy is from California, in line with his 600$ a month in donations). Spending half your disposable income and saving the other half is pretty solid.

He loses about 30% of that to taxes. Then he saves the remainder I assume, though logically he probably goes on vacations and buys random shit. The budget probably just omitted discretionary spending.

>815 a month in rent in boston
Thats pretty good.

i live with my parents

I make 5 - 6k a month and my bills take a good third of it

>donations $615
>mfw I earn $715 monthly in my eastern europan paradise working my ass like slave

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Tax deductible.

>25 year old
Oh I see now. This is the budget of your average commiefornian

>paying for public transit instead of having free movement with your own car.

If you make 100k and take public transit you are a fucking pathetic

My cell plan allows me to upgrade my phone every year. Plus I make plenty to afford it.

I pay like 700 russian rubles (about 11 burger pesos) per month for 100 Mbps and I think it's kinda expensive. For 20 bucks I will get in addition cable TV with about 200 channels.
What's wrong with Internet in your Burgerland if you think that's cheap, aren't you most advanced country in the world?

>$615 on donations
>Internet for $20 (literally impossible unless you're getting snail-like speeds)
>$30 for a house cleaner
>>>$825 for rent
What fucking fantasy world is there where you have a job that lets you make $100,000 but spend that little, unless you're living out of a crack den in the ghetto

Capitalism bro.

>tfw you make 30k/yr but your bills are only $200/mo because you live with your oneechan and she spoils you

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I imagine he lives in the city (apparently Boston) and traffic in cities can be a mess.

It's weird how he spends over 600 dollars on (potentially) good causes, and then he exploits some asshole to work for 5 dollars per hour to clean his apartment.

Most likely hes trying to save to buy a house ASAP. Its not uncommon. That being said, hes pretty janky otherwise.

>Great with money
>Donates 615 dollars a year

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The liberal dream.

That tweet is tongue-in-cheek, right?

Isn't capitalism all about competition? More capitalism, more competition, lower prices?

That is per month user.

Internet companies in the US get around anti-monopoly laws and so can do whatever the fuck they want. They jack up prices and also prevent anyone new coming in that might be able to make things cheaper (either through competition or through the laying of new lines/fiber). They might as well be mob families splitting up the country between themselves with a thin veil of pseudo-competition to prevent the government from going after them.

How the fuck does that work?

Curious myself. When I shared a place with 4 other people we split a house cleaner down the middle because we all worked full time and fuck cleaning. But it was like 150 a month for her to come every other week. Not 30. How the fuck is it 30? I can only guess he lives in a small studio.

>Lives in Boston
>Pays $825 a month in rent

>typical 25 year old
>Making $100,000/year
I'm pretty sure the typical 25 year old makes $22,000/year at their starter retail job.


>Internet: $20
Out of all the bullshit on this totally off-topic image, this is the least believable part.

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Does she spoil you sexually?

>tfw when about to make $~85k a year
>can't afford a decent house because of where I live

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user, no woman is going to want to date someone who is supported by his sister.

That's the propaganda, yes.
Under many circumstances, capitalism tends towards monopolies, and then the prices go up.
ISPs are definitely an industry that tends towards monopolies.

He's obviously dating his sister, faggot.

where do you think you are?

There is nowhere in the US where 85k a year won't get you at least an okay apartment. Even san francisco and New York. I live in LA and have a decent studio for 1300 a month, which is disgusting but it sure as shit is affordable at 85k.

>good with money
>makes way more money than most people his age in the first place
>spends it on pointless stuff like house cleaning

You are not living in a villa so big that you need a house cleaner if the rent is only 825 bucks.

Burger "capitalism" is about corporations that rival the size of some world governments forming cartels and using the state to prevent any new competition from entering the market.

I get over £900 bongbux a month and I don't have many other obligations, or regular expenditures outside of food.

How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

Cnn has no clue how much people actually make or what they spend it on

Because she loves me

I wish

I don't need to date anyone when I have my oneechan.

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I said house, user. I'm sick of throwing away money with rent.

If you live with your sister you can at least feign that it's more of a mutual thing. At least more easily than if you live with your parents.

Then don't live somewhere where houses cost closer to 7 figures than not. You either move or accept your apartment.

ISP are monopolistic due to government regulations. Think of it like your electric company or gas company. Both are private companies but hold total control over an area with no other competitors. Why is this, you ask? The original thought behind it was to reduce the amount of power lines that used to pollute city skies and reduced the amount of digging required to bury pipe lines and underground cables. It is cheaper to have one company provide a service for the city and pay them the subsidy difference to stay open.

>House cleaner: $30
>Donations: $615

How come you pay your house cleaner a below minimum wage job, while donating a large portion of your wealth?

I literally just dropped 200 euros on importing eroge. I consider this donations in order to support the developers.

Doesn't the UK have a system where you choose your electric company no matter where in the country you are, but they all use the same power lines?

Twitch streamers and youtuber patreons.

>Donations: $615
who does this?

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I make 92k/yr and I only pay 975/mo for my mortgage on a 2700sq ft 3br/2b home. If I were to live in the city I would be paying a retarded amount so I prefer to drive 35 min to work via highway than to be sardined in the city and risk being burned alive in an apartment because the junkie downstairs lit his room on fire.

I'm in the same boat as you. Purchasing a home on an $85k income is impossible here unless you don't mind a 2 hour commute to work and having to shake scorpions out of your shoes.

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>zoom zoom has no money going into savings

user you got to be high up on the donation list of your favourite Twitch whore or she will stop loving you!

Well anime and manga are dirt cheap compared to video games. If you wanted all you would be paying for is the internet access on the top end and nothing at the bottom end by using public networks. I spend on wall scrolls and figures which get expensive fast but nowhere near the price of video games. Also NOT playing video games helps a lot too. I don't like palying video games so that is an expense I don't deal with. As for the other prices I live in a cheap place and make an average salary for my age and live alone.

Poor American bastards.

2775 per month doesn't add up to 100,000. He has quite a bit left after that.

I report them to the IRS

five roommates

>100k / year
>spends 2.75k / month
>nothing saved
You wanna know how I know you don't make 100k?

rent the tinniest, shittiest, cheapest apartment you can for a couple of years and save enough for a down payment you absolute mongoloid

This budget is messed up in so many different contradictory ways that it's hard to comprehend.

I did, but I have a VA loan for that shit.

>Twitter screencap thread
Please go back

>$20 Internet


they live in rich mans land
that's why they're rich, not the other way around

If you live somewhere where the commute is only 35 minutes then you never had a problem to begin with. I've lived in the big shit hole cities with sky high property costs and shitty traffic. You would have to commute 3 hours a day to live somewhere affordable. I wouldn't wish having a job in a place like that on my worst enemy.

A lot of places are like that. Some utility companies in some countries may be nationalized. I'm in the US so I deal with companies that monopolistic and some government run utility services.

>$20 Internet
>rich mans land
Come the fuck on, it's not '80s anymore.
I live in eastern european shithole and here's 300Mbit fiber for 15€, 500Mbit for 20.
City with roughly 80K population and 3 fiber providers.

>615$ in donations.
>$30 House cleaner.
>$20 internet.

What the flying fuck.

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This happened to DSP Gaming and he ended up begging his Twitch viewers to pay for the taxes and back-taxes he has to pay. And it fucking worked too.

$20 for decent internet is not at all unusual even in burgerland if you're sharing it with someone else, as most people do.

No, it's the lack of regulation that lets them charge so much. Industries like power and water are monopolistic because the cost of developing the infrastructure is enormous and you can't even begin to compete if you can't shoulder that cost. In order to prevent them from abusing the difficulty of establishing a competitor and to ensure people have consistent access to necessary utilities, the government regulates them. ISPs have lobbied to not be treated this way despite the fact that they fit the conditions perfectly, so they're still allowed to charge whatever the fuck they want. In the few places where services overlap, they just mirror each other because being subscription-based means they don't even have to communicate to establish a pseudo-cartel.

This is one of the few cases where the government should step in and tell the fuckers that data caps on $100/month connections is absolutely unacceptable.

>dining out: $250
>donations: $615
>"excellent with money"

I steal money through ransomware.

>600 dollars on (potentially) good causes
You know it's just going to Patreons for scanlators and video game streamers.

>not marrying his oneechan
Where do you think you are?

That's data on the ISP's part, what we are talking about is carry line and digging rights, basically the physical line itself. Data is a separate issue which consumers will have to address. The government won't allow multiple carriers to have lines running under their roads, they don't want to have to shut down the road every time something goes wrong.

Ah yes.

600 dollars in patreon whores, streamers, scamlations and furry commissions.

Very noble cause.

Hell yeah, all those people who work minimum wage and have to count every penny should just learn to be as good with money as him.

>paying for anime and manga

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They should learn not to work minimum wage, instead.
If you're making a minimum wage and not in school/working part time you're doing something very wrong.

I'm around his age and Kate around 37,000 a year before taxes. I still have $30k saved up (mostly due to living with my parents for 1-2 years while working full time before moving out because I got a new job)

>Rent (have my own 2bed 1bath apartment) - $710
>Student Loans (went to local community college for two years before transferring to top school in state) - $250
>Groceries/shopping - $200
>Entertainment (going to bars, restaurants, etc...) - $160
>Car payments - $150
>Utilities (Electric/Gas/Water/Sewer) - $100
>Gas - $80
>Hulu with live TV - $45 (might cut this and switch to Sling)
>Internet - included in rent

That leaves me with around $700 left over each month, give or take, which I usually save outside of the occasional game or the 1-2 big purchases I make each year (like the $850 gaming laptop I just bought).

Do normal people really have a house cleaner? I would be too scared of getting robbed.

Oh yeah? What's your favorite anime?

user you can't possibly want your sister sexually. You need to find someone who isn't a relative to be with.

>make way more money than what is required to make a living
>look at how good this person is at somehow not spending all of it

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And what her boyfriend/husband thinking about pathetic useless faggot like you?

my parents give me money

shut the fuck up faggot. The maid chose the job. Fuck off back to leftypol

Please learn how to speak English before posting here.

>not $1500+
>not $0
Also missing car insurance payments which are gonna be like $200 /m at best.

shut up i bet you american black man dont reply me again

How does he spend 400 on groceries and another 200+ on dining out? I ONLY eat out and spend about 400 a month. That chart is very questionable.

>not supporting your family

>health insurance

What the fuck america?

>user you can't possibly want x sexually
Where do you think you are. user is going to marry his sister or else he's a faggot like OP

I'm sorry man, I have no idea what you're saying. Maybe you should move to an imageboard where you can speak your native language?

>Believing a single word the media says
If they did weather and said the sky was blue you should still be skeptical of them

>you need to find someone to be with
No he doesn't Abe-san.

Exelent with money and wastes money in donations and dinning out...

No, they don't donate $600/month either, nor do they make $1000,000/year as a 25 year old, or get $20 internet. The article is BS, pure and simple

$400 on groceries? What the fuck?

$615 on donations? Are they insane?

>70% goes to taxes
That guy is living in a socialist nation in Europe obviously.

You only need $300 for rent which includes everything.
$100 for food and atleast $1000 for everything else you slowly buy.
People that need over 20K to live well are entitled faggots.

Attached: zombanza.png (1020x574, 419K)

It ends up being a pretty pointless budget chart when you don't mention what he's doing with over half of his net income though

"groceries" could be anything. Like, maybe he buys 2L bottles of Dr Pepper every day, or maybe he only drinks tap water. Maybe he eats meat every day, or maybe he has a vegetarian diet. Maybe he prepares and cooks complicated dishes every day, or maybe he's happy with a simple "spaghetti and tomato sauce" dish.

If she offered I would take sex from her in a heartbeat. I find her extremely attractive and tell her she is pretty all the time. As for dating, she is more fun to hang around than some rando girl I don't know.

She spends all her free time with me or reading so if she was dating that would be a very neglected guy.

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>be a poor student
>free healthcare, education
>only 10k in the bank and 500 eur income a month
Shits too expensive

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>spending $30 a month to have someone clean your apartment.
>trying to save as much as possible for a house.

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Are you Chinese? Don't make me post the Tiananmen Square copypasta.

Thanks Don

What are tax breaks

Well you can still afford a house cleaner apprently.

Unlike your countries health insurance ours actually gets us treatment before we are past the point of no return. There is a reason we have the best cancer survival rate.

>Literally throws $615 into the trash
>Excellent with money.

w what?

>paying taxes

Attached: 1553532360560.png (593x580, 621K)

donate your 10k to child refugees

But cocooning myself in walls of manga is the comfiest way of feeding my autism.

How do 25 year olds make £80k? That's what I hope to make when i'm 50.

t. wesley snipes

I wish I could, but I resort to pirating a lot of the time.
>+2400 eur after tax
>-800 eur rent
>-1000 eur parents
>-200-300 eur food
This leaves about 300 eur a month on everything else, which includes clothes and any random expenses that come up. I'm not broke by any means, but affording extra shit is hard when I also need to save up for a new computer and stuff.

I want to make more money to spend on weebshit but I'm too shit a coder to get more cash, too old and nervous to get into trading, and I don't have any workable business ideas.

>he doesn't fuck his sister

>no mention of tax
>no mention of investments
>no mention of retirement fund
>dining out at least once per week
>no other luxuries AT ALL
Excellent with money.

STEM or trading, mostly. A few business geniuses here and there.

>How do 25 year olds make £80k?
By getting a decent job

Yet user. Maybe someday. Would be easy if I got her drunk but that wouldn't be the soft, vanilla that I yearn for.

I have a STEM degree, only jobs where i live want to pay less than 1/4 of that.

He earns ~$8k monthly, $8k-$2.7k is probably stuff you listed.

Get less expensive parents.

The house cleaning is hardly the most egregious shit on that chart.

I think it's really apparent that the guy shares a house with multiple people, that's just his share of the house cleaner fee, his share of the internet fee, etc.

That chart is only of his SPENDING. It doesn't include taxes or savings. Taxes are going to be less than 25% and savings will be 50%+ of his gross.

I wouldn't say he's "good with money" based on how much he's spending on food, but he's sure as hell not doing badly in life.

Yea Forums, please apply reading comprehension.

Just drop an incest doujin somewhere where she'll find it.

Attached: disgusted.png (307x366, 165K)

That's why you move where they pay more, though you'll also be paying insane rent prices.

I kinda dun goofed in that regard, moved countries, but frankly with the taxes and rent things didn't improve financially (the country is much more comfy though).

>giving a quarter of your earnings to charity after taxes
>live in near poverty level
I donate a dollar here and there all the time, but fuck that. Who gives over 500 a month to charities?

>onizuka poster
>shitting on poorfags
How completely unbased of you, user.

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Not user but STEM depends heavily on the location. In Europe the salary for engineers for example is rather poor of which I have 3rd hand experience. Someone that would go for 150k USD here would go for a million in America.

>615 a month in betabux

Attached: 1496614665985.png (913x740, 1.01M)

What can I do, mom is too sick to work and needs doctors, grandmom is too old and needs doctors. I just need to somehow become less stupid and level up coding skills, that's all I can do.

It's a pretty shit "budget" if it arbitrarily excludes things.

>In Europe the salary for engineers for example is rather poor
It is.

>150k USD
I bloody wish... I get nearly a fifth of that after tax.