Did Asuka deserve to have her titteis stolen?
rebuilds don't matter anyway
Assuka pads her chest
But they tried so hard and got so far.
there's no consistency
Rei also went from having like D cups when shinji groped her in her room to having B cups
It Does (Not) Matter How Hard You Try
In The End It Does (Not) Really Matter
Yes, she became an even better character.
Even 2.0 couldn't stick to one size.
Asuka just has the power to adjust from mediumish to tiny on the fly for maximum appeal I guess.
>what are pads
At least we have one piece of official material giving a decisive answer to this quandary.
>Asuka just has the power to adjust from mediumish to tiny on the fly for maximum appeal I guess.
It's the lighting, dude. Different light yields different shapes and boobs.
It's called thermal expansion, duh.
>Rei is a flattie
>Asuka is no larger than C-cups
Sounds good to me
Rei is gei.
Shinji Ikari Raising Project.
For whatever reason they made one of Rei's traits breast envy (even though hers still look almost as large in plugsuit scenes) while Asuka has got her mom's genes.
Puberty will treat her well regardless.
dint give it too much credit. yashimatca loves the cow tits.
Rebuilds were a mistake
Japan is finally starting to cave to SJW pressure from the west.
If that were true, they would have made Asuka a hairy hambeast, not a cute and sexy tallflat.
They also wouldn't be sexualizing 14 year olds. Not like there's a problem with that, but western SJW's hate it.
But Mari exists
why isn't there any high quality animated hentai of Asuka?
Asuka is flat.
Does cute and vanilla count?
Jesus. What is this horrible animation? I'd call it Aku no Hana tier shit, but that'd be an insult to Aku no Hana.
don't put those saucy thoughts into my head, user
I just watched 1.0 and 2.0 for the first time and didn't think they were terrible, with the exception of Kaiji's ridiculous engrish at the beginning of 2.0.
What am I in for in 3.0?
Will 4.0 end with Shinji killing Gendo and then self-destructing Unit 01 with him still inside?
3.0 is where it flies off the handle. After finishing 3.0 when it came out I went and passed out wishing it didn't.
>Kaji's engrish
It wuz wizzhin zhe rherm of possibirity. On it's own, humanity is incapabrl of keeping zhe angers in zheck. Zhe anarysys purring a purmafrost extracshun of zhe thurd angers wuz so exshtenshive, arr that wuz left wurr zhe bones. And zhat wuz zhe concrusion. Wish zhat sed...Guud ruck!
I almost turned it off.
Why do they even bother trying speaking a different language when they are that bad at it?
Because Anno's paychecks tell them to.
OK, but why does Anno put that shit in the movie?
I suppose the in-universe reason is that SEELE/NERV is a multi-national organization, and that the dudes with glasses might not know Japanese.
the average japanese viewer probably doesn't know enough proper english to really notice or care that it sounds fucked up, like the other user said it adds an international air. it's like asuka's fucked up german in the tv series, yeah it would be ideal to have a bilingual actor but ultimately they see it as not a sticking point for the majority of the audience.
the robots vary in size so why shouldn't the tits?
1.0 and 2.0 were great and as far as i remember people in here liked them both.Even when 2.0 changed drastically the story the interest it generated in 3.0 was insane.
Then 3.0 happened and i haven't been as dissapointed with a movie as i was when i saw it, still mad.
All the fat went to her ass in the third rebuild movie.
>What am I in for in 3.0?
Hideaki Anno's Passion of the Shinji.
Doesn't look that big.
At least her boobs were consistent for once in 3.0, a cute perky size.
Watched 3.0. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but I am a Kaworufag.
>Watched 3.0. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be,
The issue isn't necessarily with the movie itself. It's how are you going to tie off so many plot threads leftover from the first three movies
(especially the all the "What the fuck happened to everyone!?" questions in the 3rd movie) with only one hour and a half movie left. It just cant be done. I'm worried we might be looking at a Game Of Thrones season 8 level disappointment here.
>Doesn't look that big.
It was a lot thiccer in the publicity images/posters. I cant seem to find the one I was talking about.
I see what you mean, but leaving some things unexplained really worked in the original series. Cautiously optimistic here.
>I see what you mean, but leaving some things unexplained really worked in the original series. Cautiously optimistic here.
The show actually explained or inferred a lot more than the memeing fans give it credit for. thats prob not going to be the case with the final movie.
They probably had to make her more realistic because the balloon boobs would make her look like she’s had plastic surgery with HD graphics.
honestly i thought kaworu was one of the most disappointing parts of of 3.0, and i generally have a much higher opinion of it than the Yea Forums average. all the undertone of psychosexual tension and odd otherworldly air that he has in the series seemed stripped out. it felt streamlined and like their relationship had had all the edges sanded off. i suppose that could be the explicit intent to really heighten the contrast between the outside world and the sort of idylic fantasy shinji's indulging in, but it made the sequences with the two of them just feel flat and sanitized
What lifestyle differences made Shikinami smaller?
More military training exercises, less snacks?
If you've ever heard Japanese in South Park, it's the same thing. The audience doesn't know any better, or doesn't care, so it's a nonissue.
Original Tifa titties were cartoonishly huge. They had to tone them down a little.
Because Anno doesn't care what western weebs think about it. He wanted Kaji to look like a spy who can speak english to the japanese and he did it.
The only thing more inconsistent than the height of the Evas is the size of the characters' breasts.
Just watched 3 too. Honestly, it ended up capturing and holding my attention more than 1 and 2 did because of how radically different it was.
I like how the sanitization of the relationship contrasted so much with the harshness of the surrounding world; the moment with the collar in particular felt very touching. But do agree that the payoff ended up being disappointing. The original series was so much more powerful by forcing Shinji to be the one to do it, whereas in 3, it just sort of... happened...
She looks better flat though
What's the point of Tifa without oversized tits?
Her modern design isn't even that pretty?
I love that Asuka’s mom became a milf in this. With even Shinji walking in on her naked
I'm a relative newbie who just watched NGE over the last week, EoE the day before yesterday, and the new movies yesterday and today, and I agree with this.
Yes i didn't think it was a bad movie on it's own right, my problem with it is how much it shits on everything that happened in the previous movies, specially how it fucked the things that 2.0 changed from the original series, because they were already interesting in their own right and deserved more space to breathe, instead of that we just got a completely different story that had little to do with the end of 2.0.
Maybe it is because you just watched them back to back that it's not the same feeling, but imagine waiting like 3 or 4 years wanting to know how everything that happened at the end of 2.0 gets resolved, wanting to know what is going to happen with the now apparently angel-infected asuka, and who the fuck is Mari, and what's kaworu up to, and what is going to happen with the actual third impact that is happening as the movie is ending.
And then there's the post credits scene with kaworu stopping said supposed third impact, and then there's the whole trailer for 3.0 at the end of 2.0 which promised so fucking much.
And then the actual movie happens, the after credits scene gets apparently retconned, Asuka's infection is fucking nothing, Mari went from being a new, misterious and interesting character to just Asuka`s sidekick and does nothing interesting in the whole movie, Rei is basically fucking gone as a character, every character that is not dead at this point is so different from what they were before that the character development of the previous two movies feels pointless, a fuckton of new characters get introduced and do nothing of value other than looking cool or cute, and then the movie ends with a scene that, despite looking as cool as it can, it shows nothing we haven't seen yet, an impact is about to happen, it get's stopped, kaworu dies, shinji is sad and doesn't want to pilot anymore and people are mad at him, the end.
so yeah fuck that movie i'm still mad and dissapointed at it.
>misterious and interesting character
>Rei is basically fucking gone as a character
I actually find Rei Q's character arc far more interesting so far, being a separate individual from the other Rei, dealing with Shinji wanting her to be like his Rei.
The Rei-II in 2.0 was just a happy moe version of NGE's Rei and nothing more.
She's not inherently interesting, i just wanted to know that the hell was her deal, who was she working for and where did she came from, shit like that.
But after watching 3.0 it became clear as water that not much thought had been put towards any of those things and she was created just to have another waifu to put in group shots in eva marketing campaigns.
She's as close to poochie as it gets.
explain top left of OP
if ya didn't realize that after at LEAST the rooftop scene you're an utter mark
What's wrong with being a Mark?
They're fourteen years old, user.
Internationally minded Square =/= Studio Kara and GAINAX
Anno will deliver
what ass?
Seems fine to me.
I bought a FREEing Rei and I've done unspeakable things to it. Would she hate me bros?
namely this one
also i havent hotglued yet
Give Mark a break.
Back in 2.0 people didnt know the direction 3.0 would go and didnt expect Mari would receive NO character what so ever.
Anno's reputation back then wasnt in the gutter like today. Asuka also got a very titillating introduction in NGE but she got a very deep character later on. People had hopes for Mari.
inb4 4.44 is 3hrs 13mins long, and it's an absolute master piece.
I still expect IPEA and who was employing Mari to come back into the plot. Wille came from somewhere and is obviously bigger than Misato and Wunder, Asuka still refers to Mari as having connections. There's no context for the organization in 3.33 because the movie runs on Shinji being lost, but 4 pretty much has to include some detail with Shinji being brought back there.
If you were Shinji, would you have eaten Mari out after she landed on your face via parachute?
Crawling In My Skin, These Wounds They Will (Not) Heal
How often did they fuck?
You just reminded me that Kaworu exists. I keep forgetting him even when actively thinking about Evangelion. I will probably forget him again instantly until I see the next image of him in an Eva thread.
No, because I would likely be unconscious from the brain trauma of someone landing on my head.
It didn't knock Shinji out.
Asuka broke Mari's ribs the first time, they didn't give it a second shot.
What about Evangelion 4.44? When it will be released? I ask about this every year.
what asuka lacks in chest she makes up for with her butt
rei is still best girl though
Fuck big tits.
Does anyone have sauce on some good nge hentai manga