I'm not sure I get it, the whole thing seems so ridiculous. Is it supposed to be all a big joke; tongue and cheek?
I'm not sure I get it, the whole thing seems so ridiculous. Is it supposed to be all a big joke; tongue and cheek?
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it's supposed to be surreal/bizarre, as the name implies
I'll put my tongue on your cheek, virgin.
I completely understand why people would enjoy JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. The appeal is easy to get, but what I don't understand is how anybody could think it's legitimately good from a "critic" point of view.
I'm not trying to shit on it, but I'm genuinely curious. It's just filled to the brim with stupid plot conveniences, especially part 4, and gets pretty damn repetitive in part 3 and 4 (before Kira, and the arrow thing in Kira's arc). It just follows the same pattern of: enemy pops up, the gang fights them, Star Platinum or Crazy Diamond ends up beating the shit out of them, repeat. Part 2 doesn't really stand out on any points except for Joseph, and has some plot conveniences too. I don't think I need to comment on part 1.
>Leddit: The Anime
Form your own opinions for once, faggot.
>more than one jojo
>more than one adventure
>tfw the italian title is JoJo's Bizarre Adventures so it's more accurate
Having one, well-connected narrative is not something that is a focus of the series specifically. Each part has a different setting and genre so it can provide a specific context for Araki's ideas for stands and unique individual scenarios, and the characters and plots are vehicles for the scenarios.
Consistency of the plot isn't really a major focus of JoJo, so some plot inconsistencies don't really detract from the experience for a lot of fans of JoJo, because they're not really coming to JoJo exclusively for the plot. People come for the stands, the aesthetic, the variety, and originality of Araki's scenarios.
Jojo is shit.
>tongue and cheek
Tongue in cheek
Are happy now, pedant?
It's good from a critical poitn of view beacuse: the show is self aware of how ludicrous and over the top it is, so it doesn't try to be something "deep" along the lines of "aot" (which is pretentious shit) and madoka magica (also pretentious shit), it's also very funny and charming, not only that but the artstyle is quite unique compared with the average anime. In essence it's a nice executed action manga/anime with an enjoyable cast and story. it's not perfect, since it has some retarded moments, so much that not even the setting and tone of the story can excuse those.
It's set in the same universe as fist of the North Star.
You're kind is a diamond dozen in this doggy dog world.
It's fun
It's a perfectly executed action anime with some really creative fights that are still unique today despite the manga first coming out in the 80s.
The characters are enjoyable, it doesn't take itself too seriously, it doesn't try to be deep, and overall the whole thing is just pure entertainment.
Very few anime are self-aware in the same way JoJo is and the series is better off for it. Most shonen anime try way too fucking hard to be something that they're not, but JoJo doesn't, and as such elevates itself above the rest.
JoJo is a pure spectacle, that's all there is to it. It's just cool, buff, gay dudes, fighting each other with astral projection.
The quality of a screwdriver is measured by how well it can be used to drive screws in and out of things, not by how well it fulfils an arbitrary set of criteria like how well the weight of its handle can be used to hammer in nails.
it's pretty bizarre
exceedingly well said, should be copypasted anytime someone shits on an episode/chapter for plot/consistency reasons
>drive screws in and out of things
Araki is completely sincere, and that's the best part.
>Araki is completely autistic, and that's the best part.
The main thing JoJo has going for it style. It's not impressive in many other regards.
You need to troll harder, OP.
Its supposed to be very
Couldn't say it any better or with any less words
This will be Stone Ocean's Ed
land of confusion would be a good stand name
It's anime. Who gives a fuck?
For me part of the appeal is increasingly weird and ridiculous stands
It's played completely serious, the problem is that it has been parodied so much since its creation 30 years ago that people today don't even know that the things that have parodied it were parodies of it in the first place.
For me the appeal is how Araki perfectly uses historicity and reality to benefit his fiction as much as humanly possible. This means that even if things are taken to the nth degree, there is still verosimilitude. Also appreciating his evolution is otherworldly
Araki's just trying to tell you cool story, not one that will bore you to death with details.
Part 1 is mostly unaware of its ridiculousness, which is why it's so unenjoyable.
Part 2 is fully aware of it and even plays it up just for the sake of it.
Parts 3, 4 and 5 are also aware of how surreal and bizarre they are and they used mostly for comedic value.
Parts 6, 7 and 8 use their strangeness to create very serious (and at times even terrifying) scenarios I will never forget how it felt to read Made In Heaven for the first time back in 2011, the sheer realization that there was no going back from it.
>the sheer realization that there was no going back from it
>no going back from it
Unless Pucci jobbed to an 11 year old, but that would never happen, right?
Prove it.
Irene is not Jolyne, she has the same soul but none of her memories, remember Foo Fighter's last words?
he cute
Of course some things are different now, but Pucci’s universe changing plan ultimately failed.
Things still didn't go back to the way they used to be, did they, user?
Of course not, but you can’t say that it was the radical upheaval that it was building up to be.
The original universe was completely abandoned thanks to it, it was a pretty significant gamechanger.
But that’s only because Araki decided to start over in a new universe.
Because he decided that Made In Heaven was a suitable ending for the original timeline.
" Jk accidentally the Earth larger than"
And he still could’ve continued in the original universe if he changed his mind.
Berserk still continued after the Eclipse, didn't make it any less shocking.