Anyone else grab all the chapters from mangadex then store them instead of using their own browser viewer?

anyone else grab all the chapters from mangadex then store them instead of using their own browser viewer?

Attached: 1551728620198.png (1299x925, 216K)

Other urls found in this thread:

post the script faggot

Nice try Holo

Relying on a non-local copy is never ideal. If a browser viewer is necessary, making a simple one for personal use shouldn't be that difficult.

I don't even use it yet, but the name is shown in the image.

>not being able to use grep and curl
kill yourself brainlet

Censorship on mangedex lmao

Attached: Untitled.png (1375x225, 28K)

How do you store them?

I use Free Manga Downloader to grab as many manga as possible from MD, Mangakakalot and even DM5

>scrap manga from your source
>store as cbz/cbr (renamed from zip/rar)
>run local webserver for manga
>read them from any of your device with 0 bandwidth/speed issue or storage issues on your smartphones while @ home

>phones gets lost
>no need to worry about someone finding your 100 GB of hentai porn

curl? scrapy ftw

This is why I have backups for my backups

A friend of mine uses this to download from MD

Shit tier manga lmao

I used that for another site. It's probably overkill for what I needed and I am almost certainly improperly using parts, but at least it is mostly functional.

That's a universal downloader and is a godtier for downloading from almost any site.

Java GUI is bit outdated, but the program gets updated almost weekly/monthly enough that its always relevant.


This is just too funny, you have to read this one

Attached: 1557926348549.png (1360x1920, 426K)

Ubooquity is the self-hosted manga server I'm using, if anyone is interested. Can read CBZ/CBR/PDF files.

Is that the comic sans font on the cmd window?

>jap locale
I knew I was among friends.


Attached: 1557868598691.jpg (447x685, 23K)

Absolutely, I use hakuneko. The only negatives are not being able to enter a chapter url from the rss feed, which is easily fixed with a patch, and shitty file naming options, which is fixed by renaming with a regex.

I just download them from the goddess

It doesn't help that the scraper died, so no updates anymore.

My fucking eyes.


Yes, except I use tachiyomi track and auto download. Pretty damn based. Then I push them onto my main drive, afterwards I go ahead and zip them up by chapter.
Guess I could finally use their rss feed that works now to automate it, but whatever.

fuck going on with mangadex anyways?

scrapers won't work well with cloudflare. even just reading shit i get the fucking recaptcha every few hours.

>Holo wants to go legit(think fakku/cr)
>Anyone who doesn't support MD they won't hire in the future
>Trying to get a monopoly then use that to leverage Japanese corporations into affordable licensing
>MD staff tried to dox users
>Scanlation groups don't want people profiting off their scanlations

There are plenty of ways to bypass cloudflare. At least now that there's no captcha.

Goddess is gonna go away soon imo. It's supported by the good will of a few people, and they don't seem to really give a fuck anymore.

Yeah, it really feels like it's dying. Even danke releases and other rips of official sources don't get uploaded much anymore.

follow up
>MDs codebase is terrible
>Their deployments are terrible
>Doing hosting in a dumb way
This leads to the "ddos" attacks which is actually their serversjust being overloaded because they're dumb
>Got hacked due to not disabling php execution in the uploads folder
then they proceeded to not reset the Session tokens for over a year despite them being md5 hashes of your password hash.

enjoy your ip ban

I just hope it's saved somehow. I hope someone has local backups. After MT died I wanted to get a copy of the database and clone it to SD cards to mail out. It says it's only at 7T now, still insignificant for anything other than American internet.

>using Mangadex
For me its MIKUdex

t. Jaminis Jew

How is it only 7tb? Pretty sure danke's rips account for ~5tb already, I can't remember what he said before. Is that really it or is there a shitload that's been lost already

From MD? Pretty sure I've downloaded close to a hundred gigs of shit already using the same tool OP uses, still not banned.

this guy uses comic sans as his default OS font

>How is it only 7tb?
No idea, the homepage has a "storage used" section I just assumed was accurate. The MT stuff was like 3-4 right?


I don't know how huge the MT library was, it's just that I remember danke saying something along those lines. Besides that, there's a guy on /t/ with a 3tb collection, and although it's only one series among thousands that I checked, it was missing chapters that were on Goddess (aka there should be more on Goddess). Maybe I'm just misremembering things because I'm a brainlet, nevermind

It'd actually be bluray discs, idk why I was thinking about SD cards. You can fit 7TB on a hundred bucks ish of discs and then just ship them to someone who wants the database. Post is not that expensive, and for relatively large files like this, much faster. I've got 10gb/s down and 5 up and I can't get any faster, much of America is literally third world. Real companies that need to move petabytes of data often just load it onto tape or bluray discs and ship it in trucks.

started downloading the godess archive but lost interest after 1tb sigh

At this point can't you find a proper download?
Why bother scraping a fucking online reader.

If you were actually reading manga intead of shitposting about it, you'd know most groups directly upload to manga readers nowadays.

I don't have the storage for this

this will be your friend

Attached: 1557460257522.png (1500x1500, 817K)

>most groups directly upload to manga readers nowadays.
100% certified fact - certified by (you)r ass
>if actually being uploaded to reader first means automatically a download doesn't exist
Nice fallacy, you are clearly a manga reading expert yet you can't source your shit outside of a online reader?
>If you were actually reading manga intead of shitposting about it
Completely self-BTFO

but i don't have $560 for that

>From MD? Pretty sure I've downloaded close to a hundred gigs of shit already using the same tool OP uses, still not banned.
oh did they remove the limit? Cause i remember using some tool and downloaded a bunch from there and got ip banned

Mangadex will go legit like Crunchyroll. Explains the blocks on free manga downloader and that other taiwanese program software that can be used to rip from fakku books and most of illegal manga streaming websites.