What's the worst example of unneeded exposition you've seen in anime or manga?
What's the worst example of unneeded exposition you've seen in anime or manga?
Everything in Jojo's Asspull Adventure
Its from the manga you 'tard
Hunter x Hunter
>the two guys punching the MC look the same, so the MC transforms into them
>the ensuing situation is so complex it surely requires a fucking game theory diagram for the readers to follow
There is a difference between exposition and a character reacting to the situation at hand.
You might as well complain about agravestones having names even though the audience could see who died.
is a good example of pointless exposition.
yugioh card effects come to mind
What DOES Pot of Greed do, anyway?
Any shounenshit is guilty of this. I can't watch jojo because of it.
Phantom World episode 1
It always confused me how every player seems to only know the rules for their own cards.
A lot of Japanese shows and movies always have this terrible dialogue thing where a character replies are only repeats what the other just said.
>Character 1: I'm going to tell you about A
>Character 2: A?
>Character 1: A is something something
>Character 2: A...
It happens a lot on anime and it's really annoying.
Grow a brain, that isn't exposition
The Promised Neverland comes to mind as the most offensive example that is still praised by some people somehow.
it's a "narration" right?
90% of Betterman was explaining the science and everything happening in Betterman.
Maybe this has to do with the language itself or the translation.
It's the character narrating to himself, yes. He isn't giving new information, the audience is already aware of most of it. Given that his ability hinges on his analytical ability, he's mulling over his next course of action.
Fun things are fun.
I mean they basically lived in a world where there wasn't an online catalog of card effects and you never know what cards are being released or what they do unless you see them firsthand or hear about the more legendary ones.
>He isn't giving new information, the audience is already aware of most of it.
>What's the worst example of unneeded exposition you've seen in anime or manga?
Take a drink every time Grappler Baki repeats information the reader already knows. Did you know that the sumo from the newest part created a diamond by crushing coal? Do you want to see it 3 more times from different angles?
WhisperxWhisperfags BTFO
So you agree it isnt exposition
The Pot of Greed magic card allows the player to draw 2 more card from his deck!
When someone made a thread about unneeded exposition
What’s the point in forcing yourself to hate something of which you’re not even the targeted demographic
This is not exposition, they're basically saying "I know who you are, asshole" and "Oh yeah, and what are you gonna do motherfucker ?"
edgy series get a free pass
That's part of the charm
Ok, to not waste the thread, post pages with GOOD examples of expositive text.
Pic related: exposition for the sake of a gag
Ha, ha. Hilarious joke. Such a great deconstruction of genre. Amazing wit, 10/10 author
You might be looking too much into it
I remember the Dressrosa arc had a painful lot of this needles expositions.
Key the Metal Idol had a movie length episode that was just two persons talk about the back story in a park bench.
It's not hilarious, but it's creative.
Not really. I've played mobages that do that joke better.
That part in Hunter x Hunter where the narrator takes like 5 fucking minutes to explain how an elevator works because it needs specific attributes just so jr can fit the plot
fate/zero first episode
Holy shit this is autistic.
Not really. That joke was already overdone in /tg/ circles.
that doesn't make it good
maybe in the old series where effects were simple but I'm watching vrains now and I like that they always explain the same card effects because I forget how they work
user, don't pretend to be an idiot like that.
I don't know about the worst I've ever seen, but in my personal recent memory, the last two episodes of Key the Metal Idol were pretty bad, where the episodes are multiple times longer than usual and the guy just sits down and starts explaining the story's entire central mystery in detail. I was enjoying it up until that and now it's been on hold for a while and I probably won't finish it because it became so goddamn boring.
but what is killing bites all about?
I've seen the whole "giant rant by one character that the reader is just going to ski- yeah, moving on, said the other character" joke like a million times.
Oh, shit, didn't even realize it had already been mentioned ITT - .
Creative ≠ Original
>it's creative because it's not original
Moronic argument.
It's not original, and it's not as done well as prior examples, therefore it is not creative.
It's a language thing. It sounds dumb in English, but in Japanese it makes sense.
Holy shit hunter virgins are autistic....
schrodingers cat
>cre·a·tive (krē-ātĭv)
>1. Having the ability or power to create: Human beings are creative animals.
>2. Productive; creating.
>3. Characterized by originality
If it's not original, the process of writing it wasn't creative.
It would be fine if they ever got it right. But they keep misinterpreting what the whole thing is about. Like most normalfags.
Only repeats what the other just said?
Ok I give up. It's useless to discuss better ways of using exposition with guys that certainly love explanations.
Most all of it.
95% of anime is an adaptation of a manga or light novel. For obvious reasons the still picture fights and written word fights have a bunch of just info dump explanation of what's going on, see every fight in every shonen ever.
In theory you could rewrite the fights all for visual storytelling, but most producers don't have the time, leway, or resources to do so, let alone it would piss people off even if it was objectively a better way to handle it.
Best example I can think of is the moon seen from opm season 1.
why doesn't he just write a book
The threshold to picking up a book is much higher. Getting little bites of the story in comic form pulls more people to his work.
>let alone it would piss people off even if it was objectively a better way to handle it.
This. It even happened recently with The Promised Neverland. The anime cut out almost all of the internal monologue in favour of visual storytelling and stellar composition. Yet, nonetheless, the biggest complaint I've seen in regards to that show from manga readers is that they removed the narration.
in Japanese it makes sense huh
Sourcefag zealots are the worst.
Baoh has a lasercannon!
1 for 1 manga to anime adaption are trash, even more so if they're action oriented
it was nice of Togashi to guest write a chapter for Kishimoto
That is based, though.
I watched the first three episodes of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and had to drop it because the characters were narrating every action. I'm pretty sure you could cut 90% of the dialogue and not lose any information.
It's a graphic novel
Read the manga. The explaining can be read in 5 seconds in the manga while it takes 3 minutes in the anime, which is one of the biggest weaknesses it has in my opinions.
Kimetsu no Yaiba is filled to the brim with that kind of shit
this and the explaining gets toned down after part 3 or so, which is also when the series starts to get really good
Medaka Box has a lot of flashbacks and expo dumps that break the flow of whatevers happening at the time. It happens almost once per fight/contest/whatever. Lots of pages about rules for said contests as well.
The final arch was still one of the most satisfying things I've ever read, somehow.
It's almost getting to a point where "visual storytelling" is becoming a meme. I didn't know the pinnacle of expression outside of oil paintings were silent film and picture books
Dropped the arc right here
still a good show. Nezuko a cute
I felt the same way about JoJo Part 7. The constant flashbacks and re-explanation of the rules of the race ruined it me. I took breaks when it happened.
Even if part 2 is still best part.
This is some deviantart tier autism.
imagine translating this
>The tactile senses in SAO are, just like the sense of taste, pre-programmed and activated in accordance to the situation. When you consider this, then the only conclusion that one can draw is that the “feeling of a deep kiss” must have been programmed in. (Well, it’s not like I’ve ever really experienced that in real life, but…)
SAO the infamous chapter 16.5
Is an exposition really necessary during a sex scene?
>implying anything in that scene was necessary
Sports manga with in-house announcers commentating to the audience get a free pass
This. Almost dropped Golden Wing when the bullet stand was narrating everything Giorno was doing.
I like Hunter x Hunter, but i really can't be bothered to read this new arc. There's just so much text - and don't get me wrong, I'm fine with reading novels, but this isn't a novel. It's just tiring to read this ALL-CAPS manga crap that's written like a novel but isn't a novel.
This entire show honestly, when it's not characters guessing about the exposition.
A puppy with a weak sense of smell. How could such useless animal become a ninja dog?
>when it's not characters guessing about the exposition.
I kind of liked that though.
This is unironically why Avatar the Last Airbender has better fights than 99% of shounen anime
>takes an entire episode to explain shit you could just suspend your disbelief about and isn't even plot relevant
holy shit
Where is his sister?
But then you obviously haven't read any of the arc, most pages are not that text heavy
The worst case of exposition was probably in Love Hina manga. They needed explain what Toudai and its exams were every 3 or 4 chapters. Over and over.
And then we have Oh My Goddess. Fuck you and your motors Fukushima.
Its kind of a staple of nip media to explain everything at least thrice to the viewer
When Gyro was introduced but then immediately killed off
Like lmao, why did we have to spend an entire episode on him and his tragic upbringing? He didn't add anything to the arc. You could have replaced him with a fat bastard running a drug cartel and then kill him off and it would have had the same effect.
I'm talking about Hunter X Hunter if you don't remember who Gyro was. I don't expect you to, nobody remembers him
the anime skipped over some line about him, but it’s implied he’s gonna come back at some point. maybe in 20 years
Bu-but it-it's foreshadowing baka!!! He will be important character in future arc, you just need to wait only 20+ more years. It's example of Togashi's masterful worldbuilding and a test for hunterchads' memory and IQ, real chads won't suffer from dementia in their old age.
>I'm talking about Hunter X Hunter if you don't remember who Gyro was. I don't expect you to, nobody remembers him
This was the leader of the... NHK? During the Ants saga, right?
I do not a fuck??
Have it ever occurred to you that it's simply how the character reacts, rather than the show feeding you redundant info? People verbalize their thoughts all the time when they are surprised.
>Have it ever occurred to you that it's simply how the character reacts, rather than the show feeding you redundant info?
Has it ever occurred to you that character behavior can be both interesting and useful, rather than tonally superfluous and narratively unnecessary? You doof. You absolute cretin.
>expecting nip media,specially one aimed at little kids to can into show don't tell
>all characters must behave the way I like
Some character are more expressive and talkative than other. There's nothing wrong with letting they act in accordance with their personality. If you think every single piece of dialogue must serve narrative purpose then might as well read the episode/chapter summary rather than watching/reading it.
Togashi teased him to come up later in the story with some importance yet here we are
really curious what he was thinking