Name a better introduction to a show

Name a better introduction to a show.

PROTIP: You can't.

Attached: introduction.webm (640x361, 2.5M)

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Elfen lied

Attached: 1559792921104.gif (540x302, 2.86M)

back when Shaft actually did some animation

my favorite anime
fuck modern shaft

Shaft is good. It could be worse.

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The truant and the neet meeting was better.

That's one funny looking spaghet...

This, unironically

I literally just saw this episode an hour ago, thought it was alright, should I keep watching? Seems a bit too Japanese to fully appreciate as an Amerimutt

I can't SZS is my favorite anime and I fucking WISH shaft would animate the finale

>Seems a bit too Japanese to fully appreciate as an Amerimutt
Definitely but you can just keep going

is this boku no pico?

gay anime for turboweebs who only say they like it because they pretend to understand japanese culture and references

Umm actually no I love it first because of the girls

Attached: 47404bced9a4cc7cde8962b19c2bd6eb.webm (848x480, 1.21M)

I enjoyed it for the unorthodox and kind of slap-stick comedy.

Monogatari Killer did it better. Imagine a cute megane girl suddenly stabbing a guy out of nowhere, so cool, so impactful, instant classic and a golden standard for introductions, how shudio SHIT can even compete.

Only Kumeta gets all of his jokes. Don't worry about it.

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Ahem, Tomoyo OVA anyone?

Attached: best girl 15.gif (500x281, 1006K)

This one is kind of depressing

I would put my money on cute anime girls

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First season should be watchable, at least. I remember not understanding shit while watching S2 years ago, though.

Same. S2 felt completely beyond me for a while then suddenly went back to being understandable again after a few episodes.

do people really do this?

There are poseurs in every field.
A true loser starts his descent in middle school.

>no piss puddle

I hated anime in highschool and only started watching in university, including moeshit sometimes.

Attached: 22h35m52s250.png (1280x720, 1.35M)