Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai

Imagine being her dad and seeing this every day.

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I love Rizu

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I love you, I love Rizu-kun!

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I love you, I love Rizu-tan, let daddy cum on your face like usual.

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What if Rizu has/had a brother?

No! I Love Rizu-kun is cute and pure and mine!

I want to see my daughter get fucked by a young handsome fit and wealthy man.

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Imagine being a Japanese schoolboy and seeing this everyday.

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we know sawako

user-san why does it have to be like that?

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I'd hit it harder than I beat my wife

Just don't post this shit and don't reply to this shit, let's have a slow thread to cool everyone's spirit and enjoy some girl posting.

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>still can't decide if I'm a senseifag or a rizufag
what do

Kys you fucking Kraut.

Being a Senseifag has a genuinely lower chance of getting BTFO.


is this anime?

Imagine being her dad and cumming all over her boobs every day.

Stay positive man, never give up

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Why is this popular? I would have thought "the most braindead generic MC with a lusty harem of school girls where nothing ever really happens" genre would be dead by now

Imagine being her and having your dad cumming all over your boobs every day.

wait wat? is this generic romcom, or does it actually go to dark places?

Imagine being her and cumming all over your dad's boobs every day.

>Why is this popular?
Is it, though?

It's 15 on WSJ its popular enough

Imagine if Rizu wasn't bland and boring, or better yet never in the manga to begin with.

Only 3 to 4 more days until we get our poll results bros
Have you readied your shitposts?

>Braindead generic MC
Doesn't describe the main boy, who is the cutest and best.

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It would be sad because we'd have one less shortstack with glasses in the world.

Imagine if neither her or Fumino existed
>harem manga consisting of a brown swimmer, a maid senpai and a ice skating teacher
Objectively better.


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Senpai is horrible though

If you got rid of two characters, I think she'd get better, because her character is, at its core, relatable.


>No Fumino
Wouldn't be the same without a wholesome heroine in the group.

Unnecessary, character has too little to go on, 90% of chapters are samey unlike the general ratio of 70% for others, has little to no flaws that are shown constantly or are big parts of her character, and I think she's an ugly goblin. Arc was useless and held little to no value, changes nothing about the status quo, her own mother upstaged her entire arc and still does, the problem was largely a non issue, it revealed nothing about her except backstory to just show how she wants to be a doctor, something we already knew and we didnt really need expounded on since we already know she wants to inherit the clinic. Solution to unnecessary problem didnt really need Nariyuki at all, boyfriend issue was not tackled, and basically nothing happened to her that let her grow as a person. She was always relying on Nariyuki, she never needed to tell him or anyone her nonexistent problems because she never has any real flaws. Her anxiety issue during her exam was a one time thing and tsutsui doesnt really bring it up ever again. It might be tsutsui's fault she's just a bad character but that's how it is.
She loses the least from losing the first two because she barely interacts with them at all. Technically everyone at their core is relatable since it's a working hard for your dreams manga.

I love Uruka, Mafuyu and Rizu

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Sensei is the thinking man's choice

Restia > Est > Rinslet > Fianna > Ellis > Claire

Sylvia > Kirin > Saya > Irene > Julis > Claudia > Priscilla

Shizuku > Ayase > Nene > Stella > Touka > Kagami

Sakura > Karen > Emilia > Reitia > Liddy > Claire

Avrora > Sayaka > La Folia > Nagisa > Reina > Astarte > Yuuma > Asagi > Yukina

Airi > Yoruka > Krul > Nokuto > Tilfarr > Phi > Relie > Sharis > Celes > Lisha

Aika > Twirl > Phoenix Guildy > Erina > Solar > Mikoto > Anko

Kotori > Kurumi > Nia > Yoshino > Tohka > Yuzuru > Origami mk.II > Origami > Kaguya > Natsumi > Mayuri > Miku

Chris > Eu > Saras > Seras > Taeko > Kanami > Haruna > Maelstrom > Naegleria > Kyoko > Ariel

Ling > Laura > Chifuyu > Tatenashi > Tabane > Cecilia > Charlotte > Houki

Math > Snake > Bat > Snail > Cat > Doll > Phoenix > Bee > Crab > Monkey

Megumi > Izumi > Michiru > Utaha > Eiriri

Pink > Orange > Silver > Black

You > Pest > Kuro Usagi > Leticia > Asuka > Shiroyasha > Lily

Kuroneko > Ayase > Kanako > Saori > Sena > Kirino > Manami

Marika > Paula > Haru > Ruri > Tsugumi > Chitoge > Onodera

Hishoko > Rindou > Momo > Nikumi > Erina > Alice > Ryoko > Yuki > Megumi > Nene

Rem > Echidna > Beatrice > Emilia > Ram > Crusch > Priscilla > Anastasia > Elsa > Felt

Aqua > Megumin > Eris > Darkness > Yunyun > Wiz

Tomoyo > Mirei > Sayumi > Reatier > Chifuyu > Hatoko

Yoshino > Neko > Tae > Sonoka > Aki

Miko > Morgan Freeman > Bear > Empress > Oni > French

Sera > Sisti > Re=l > Celica > Rumia

Sagiri > Elf > Megumi > Tomoe > Muramasa

Akari > Chinatsu > Ayano > Rise > Sakurako > Kyoko > Himawari > Chizuru > Chitose > Yui

Aoba > Hifumi > Ahagon > Yun > Shizuku > Momo > Nene > Ko > Rin > Hajime > Naru

Satania > Gab > Raphiel > Vignette

Tendou > Konoha > Aguri > Chiaki

Kanikou > Not-Elf > College slut > Kaiko > Chihiro

Mafuyu > Kaho > Maika > Trap > Miu

Biscuits > Edelgard > Bunny > Cat > Elf > Knight bitch

Sensei > Asumi > Uruka > Rizu > Fumino

Big Nep > Noire > Nep > Pururut > IF > Vert > Blanc > Compa > Nepgear > Peashy

Without Fumino to constantly fix after Uruka Rizu would be the only girl in the moebowl countless chapters before.

You can decide at the end of her arc.

way to go, autism-kun

>Ikeda's only bowl relevance is through the KareEgo plotline
Sensei end confirmed!

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An amazing amount of shit taste in one post.

how is it shit taste?

>see a gigantic obvious shitpost that gets posted every thread
>feel the need to reply like a fucking idiot

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I want to marry this teacher.

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that list is legit, though

south america has no power again which is why the thread is doing okay this time

wait 3 more months, Yuiga-kun

Rizu is just a pair of tits.

A real man of culture knows flat is best.

The anime isn't popular

¿Por qué dices eso user?

All the Sensei teasing makes the inevitable loss more and more awkward.


Get in line.

At which chapter were are with latest episode? Were any of them skipped?

WTF I love the CIA now.

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>At which chapter were are with latest episode?
Last episode was chapters 34 and 41. There's been a lot of skipping.
>next week is chapter 43
>OVA is chapters 48-49
>some people are claiming the last regular episode will be 39 but I don't see it rewinding that far

Attached: mafuyu ice cream lick.webm (1920x1080, 860K)

that's why you get all the chapter's like: >newlyweds looking for a new apparent
>taking care of their kid
So when she looses you at least will have an approximation how it would be like
other loosing girls won't even have this

looks like the power came back lmao

Or, hear me out, it could be pointing to the actual winner.

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what happened in chp 43

Uruka and Nariyuki talk about their past.

let's not get ahead of ourselves yet, it's still a fringe possibility at best
I will only celebrate once the final chapter drops and all but confirms it, not even a chapter before

Will we see Ikeda's greatest moment though?

Then I've obviously made a comfortable home.
Let me assure you that he wouldn't give a picometer of a second thought.
Guilty pleasure and being able to self-insert as multiple characters at different times.. So pretty much just mindless fun.

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I am going to buy Nariyuki from his parents.

>Getting baited
If it wasn’t an older woman, it would make sense. Harems don’t let that archetype win. Japanese beauty Fumino has got this in the bag.

Just for you information, the preview of ep 12 showed scenes from chapter 35 42 and 43.
For ep 13 an user posted an article that listed content of chapter 38 and 39. Most people thought that it will end with that and apparently it does.
If we ever get S2 it will be interesting where they'll pick it up again.

Scuminofags proving once again that they don't even bother reading the manga.

>appeal to meta
Everything never happened until it did.

>For ep 13 an user posted an article that listed content of chapter 38 and 39.
So thirdhand rumors?

If you read the manga and Riku is your best girl you need your head decapitated .


Scuminofags proving that they really can't bother reading the manga.

Half troll, half legit. Wtf.

>can't handle banter and opinions he doesn't agree with
>muh scuminofags
Great way to forced fanbase wars.

Only one of the girls sought approval from his dad.

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It was utter shitposting.
>muh scuminofags
Those idiots can't read the manga and then want to decapitate the people who do so.

Imagine hating a fictional character so much, you are refuse to call said character by name and instead create a nick a 10-year-old would come up with.

this is how braindead every fanbases are nowadays

Look up word banter, Urukashitter. I don't see them calling her shit, worst girl, or insulted your mama. Then again, people like you obviously don't care and would love nothing more than to force wars over banter.

Remember when Manlyuki was a chad?

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Scuminofags can't get Rizu's name right, which isn't really funny after more than 100 chapters. What's actually funny though is that they can't even get Fumino's right either. And yet, they have no issue with Uruka. Doesn't get more rent free than that.

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>it's banter when we do it

>being this autistic over a typo and even saved a screnshot of an unrelated typo so you can shitpost it at a moment's drop

It's almost like they're ESL shitskins who can't spell properly in a non-native language.

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This is just a word they're hiding behind, hoping that people would be too stupid to notice that all they're doing is plain shitposting.

Urucute a best
Flatmino a shit

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Can't bother learning names, can't proofread, and a pretty limited vocabular. This is just sad no matter how you look at it.

How is a typo comparable to you yelling and shouting "scumino" purposely mutiple times? You're creating a new form of butthurt posting in here.


If you divided the chapters down to separate series based on each girl, Sensei's would be the only one people would think is heading into the endgame.

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If i was her dad I'm be telling her to put some close on already.

It's funny because is shitposting and is just banter.

reminder the official insult for fumino is furuhashit

>If i was her dad I'm be telling her to put some close on already.
And If I would learn to proof read already I wouldn't post these sort of mistakes.

If I was her dad I'd be telling her to put some clothes on already.

reminder udon is worst noodles

Also, Rizu and Fumino's don't feel that way because they actually are the endgame.

but that would be insulting based Reiji as well

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He spelled it correctly the first time. You're bitching over nothing. Shitpost and forced wars harder, why don't you?

[Citation needed]

Very clever.

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Don't bother with the Fuminofag. Let him seethe alone

you used this wrong

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Don't use any of the campers to shitpost again.

You're the only one who seethed at all, shitposter.

Udon a shit.

This would have been the greatest manga panel of the decade if it was real.

Furuhashit Poomino
Furuwashboard Flatmino
Furuhashbrowns Fatmino

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>that misspelled word
Guys, we need to all laugh him, call him ESL, and make up a nickname to ridicule how much of a shitposter he is! REEEE.

>lel rickrolled XD
yeah the greatest

He was never a chad. This is the bravest he's been the whole series.

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But he's already moe in the anime?

It would have made the entire arc fall flatter than Fumino's chest and cemented Bokuben as a comedy manga.

Fumino > all

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>Fumi-no tits
>Fumi-no thanks

>calling out someone for misspelled words

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Also a few pages later we get a perfect canned excuse for sensei winning the Yuigabowl out of nowhere five minutes after graduation.

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I don't get why people are so mad that Fumino is winning.
But historically worst girl always wins.
Other Examples
Midori days
Ookami shonen
Infinite stratos
Roku Aka
Shokugeki no souma
Boarding school Juliet
Kenja No Mago

Current Sensei would totally lose this game.

>he thinks flatmino and fumi-no tits is supposed to be insulting

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But if she loses, she wins.

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Every fucking time

But 80% of the list has best girls that won. Bokuben shall follow suit.

Didn't he stop a guy from coaxing fumino

nurse or police woman cosplay when?

what is the 20% that didn't?

She'll definitely get pulled over again.

>Mafuyu in nurse cosplay
I smell another Asumi plot. And a TON of doujins.

For one, I like Fumino.

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>Midori days
That's a no from me

You know what they are, user. Search your feelings, I know you know them.

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its a bummer Rizu hates herself, there is so much others envy about her, she is amazing as is, but doesn't see it

Delicious Fumino Chest.

Someone's gotta be sacrificed for the Foom. Sensei and Asumi were never in the bowl so they just get their sweet moments. Uruka gets a no return flight to Australia so only Rizu remains to be slaughtered.

maybe the real Ikeda was the friends we made along the way

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Santa mafuyu,
new years is coming so maybe a shrine maiden?

Breast envy is such a tired trope, I don't know how fuminofags eat that shit up.
nice digits

hopefully she will stop comparing herself to an inferior girl

Ok, now I know you're a scriptfag. Also nice sixths of death for this green jobber.


Marry Kirisu-mas!

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Why does Ikeda get all the gets?

It's not like there's much else to like about Fumino

She doesn't know how perfect she already is. It's cute that way.

Fumino's character boils down to
>boob insecurity
>love mentor
Her character is as empty as her bras.

Why the fuck Ikeda always have gets. Fucking bitch.

Also "love mentor" is a guaranteed loser flag.

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There's tons, though.

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Yeah but he pretty much just bowed down and asked him to stop until the guy got tired and gave up.
Confessing to Sensei in front of a crowd was way riskier for him.

Stop with the gets, Ikeda you fucking shit.

exactly. its funny that its implied she is autistic, becasue this is litterally a very autistic pain, never understanding people, but wanting to and trying to train yourself to, but it feels like a square peg in the round hole.

>graduation day
>nariyuki asks to see sensei in his classroom
>tells her to sit down and reenacts
>she blushes mad and tells him he can't be saying that to her
>he tells her it's okay now since they aren't teacher and student anymore and proceeds to kiss her
>ikeda watches in the corner in silent panic as she watches her chinese comic become reality

>was the friends we made along the way
>anybody making friends in these absolute cesspools of threads

not to mention all of her plotlines end up being resolved with a joke and never go anywhere

First of all, I'd like to thank based 22i for saving best girl for the anons

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>>ikeda watches in the corner in silent panic as she watches her chinese comic become reality
Let's be real, she'd last all of two minutes before fangirl squeeing loud enough to break glass.

Based ikeda.

the last time I saw this question my guesses were: apron and wedding dress, both happened already, so it's getting hard to think of something ridiculous that would be safe enough to actually happen. So let's say shrine maiden sensei, for whatever reason.

It's a trope that is ironically in you cowtitsfag's favor but you still complain it, anyways?

Everyone thinks that to characters they hate.

well, they are killing on the more relatable characters if they do that.

>shrine maiden sensei, for whatever reason
surprise shinto wedding arc

don't forget
>oh my dead mother's laptop
Now it's a very important part of Fumino's character.

Another thread, another waifu war

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Hey I'm trying to not let people start shit.

That's a gross oversimplication and slanted writing. But anybody can do the same to any other girl if we used your method of evaluation, you know.

Ready to see it animated?

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and yet fumino's is the least interesting

Holy fucking newfag.

For you.

what a lovely girl

Oh man another for the bokuben Bros.

Maybe if you're a uneducated moron

Do it for sensei, then.

Who's the jobber now, huh

That's her fucking hair color?
>one of the production staff is an Urukafag
>he greenlighted this shit of a hair color out of spite

She likes stars, eating and sleeping. She's everything Rizu wants to be.

This. Uruka has struggles with her choice between her crush, her dream and going to Australia. Rizu has her current conflict that is miles more interesting than muh dead mom, and Sensei has an interesting backstory and accumulated development that pushes her forward. Fumino only has flat chest/glutton jokes, funny reaction faces and zero development and struggles.

the council/crossover threads were unironically better.

>must become more less of a robot
>what is love?
>i don't want math, give me arts and literature
I too think Rizu is empty as her emotions.

At the beginning of the manga she was the joke character, (un)fortunately the genki Uruka overshadowed her even in that so for the longest time she was that one girl that sleeps a lot. Then Tsutsui decided to put her as Nariyuki's master of a maiden's heart. when that got stale and Uruka dropped out of the Nariyukibowl in favor of going down under, which surprisingly was the best thing to happen for her character in a while, she was reduced to the joke character yet again.

Why can't their fans love each other
Like how the girls they're rooting for?

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Apparently it's a rule that one character in an anime swimming club has to have green hair, it's just happened to be Ikeda.

>clumsy athlete
>gets drung by sniffing alchool
>stupid speech pattern
>cold teacher with the heart of gold
No let's drop this topic.

Regardless of who wins, it will be nice to get another chapter like 102. An actual romantic atmosphere is refreshing for the series.

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Imagine reading the chapter with the video from her mother and coming to the conclusion that Fumino isn't the most well fleshed out character int the entire manga.

yeah... as some one WITH autism, trust me, Unless you can get by NOT feeling like an alien and not feeling like you can't read people, fucking sucks. you feel like a robot people treat you like a robot, but unlike a robot, you still have feelings, but everyone else is wired different than you, she has to grow quite a bit, just to function, but probably never catch up, that's the sad but relatable part of her character. pretty much every aspie knows this pain.

ESL-kun please.

lmao get absolutely fucked fuminigs

Damn I lost the little respect I had for Ikeda's manga design
I thought this hair color scheme has been phased out already

How is dead mom a bad thing? The story doesn't hammer it over our heads invoke sympathy. The source of her conflict in the family comes from with Reiji, and it was always fun to imagine and up with with speculations regarding the relationship she had with him.

Fumino has been conflicted for longer than Uruka and Rizu, but she pushes it aside as it doesn't affect her strongly yet to help Rizu and Uruka. It hasn't reached a climax point yet, but it's already interesting by itself.

I thought this has already been animated?

Someone do one for Uruka.

>most inconsistent character in the series
>well fleshed out

Sometimes I feel like there are two series running at the same time, one with /sci/, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums, and another one with sensei and senpai.

Best: Sekijou

Okay: teacher, medic, science, lit, sports

>imagine being her dad

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Fumino is the worst type of person: someone who entertains themselves by manipulating others and watching them suffer. What's worse is that she's deluded herself into thinking that she's self-righteous and doesn't want to harm them or get in the way.

Basically she's a sociopath who lacks self-awareness. This is your waifu fuminofags.

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I was referring to Ikeda crying after fucking up at the tournament and just used the picture to remind everyone who forgot that her anime design has green hair.

That's Mafuyu

>it's a store owner episode where she asks Sensei to pose as a bride for a photoshoot and has nariyuki fill in for the groom when he doesn't turn up
>it ends with store owner reminding sensei they have to wait for graduation before they do it for real

>cowardly crush
>why do I keep shooting myself in the foot?


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lmao why swim nigga just use a boat smdh

I respect your opinion even if it's wrong.

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Shut up Abe, no matter how you try, I will NOT reproduce!

WTF I love Fumino now. By far the most interesting character.

>Miharu is present for the entire chapter and starts calling Nariyuki "onii-chan" afterwards

>omake is her asking owner on reserving the one she wore for the shoot

I want to see this both for the story's sake and for the reactions here.

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wtf I love Fumino now

This. F/u/mino and Ur/u/ka belong together, like Riz/u/ and Sekijo/u/ and Maf/u/yu and As/u/mi.

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I wouldn't (although it'd be a great chapter)
it's too on the nose that it'd become a loser flag

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Imagine if Fumino finally becomes self-aware and pulls a yandere from Hera of Greek literature to eliminate her competition at the story's apex. The manga would become a lot more entertaining, I reckon.

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Be nice.

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I think all waifufags can agree senpai is shit, I have literally never seen an asumifag

Would actually make her interesting if Tsutsui went through with it

She has a nice shitter though.

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that's because they're only active during third world hours

Miz/u/ki and Mihar/u/ ?

She has no real connection to the story. All the other heroines are in his school, she's just a failed student who happened to graduate from their school and ran into them at cram school.

I'm still fucking waiting
make this a thing

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I'm not a Senpaifag, but I like Senpai.

>they do mock vows to which sensei pauses for a moment to look at him before saying I do with a warm smile

breeding sensei off the endangered species list

Nari/y/uki and Koba/y/ashi

Senpai is cute but is certainly a senpai. She doesn't have any interest in moeyuki and is a teasing senpai but that's it.

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>the photoshoot finishes with champagne so Mafuyu gets plastered and Nariyuki has to carry her home again
>he spends the night again

>calling someone 2-3 years younger "onii-chan"
that would be awkward

She has no chance to the point where I almost feel bad she's even in the story

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>that would be awkward
That's a decent summary of every single time Miharu and Nariyuki interact.

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>only after the ceremony is it revealed that the entire thing was real and they're now legally married
>Miharu and Ikeda happened to run into each other in a cafe and jokingly cooked up a plan but it snowballed out of control

Asumi is nice

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Senpai is very cute and her mom is awesome. They'll always have soft spot for me even though they aren't my most favorites. It helps I have a thing for lolis.

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>This is the bravest he's been the whole series.
That was very brave though

Senseibros, we'll get at least a spin-off, right?

She should start using contact lenses.

Don't kid yourselves. Nobody cares about Asumi because she doesn't pose a threat to the Yuigabowl. She's even worse than shit, she's irrelevant.

>inb4 Ikeda dislikes the situation
>"don't mistake 2d with 3d, you stupid fucks"

I'd ignore her and look at girls my age instead.

senseifags and urukafags is the most powerful broship

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it was

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All good fathers do.

keep telling that to yourself

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If fuminofags didn't have such shit taste I would feel bad for them. Their girl is shit and overshadowed by other better girls. Literally the emiliafags of BokuBen.

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>Asumi showed up halfway through the planning phase and conscripted the cafe maids as "fake" bridesmaids
>while all this is going on, Fumino, Rizu, and Uruka are studying together on the other side of town (maybe at Casa de Furuhashi)
>their teacups shatter and the desk collapses for no reason the minute the accidental couple says "I do."

bokuben is a wholesome series and nariyuki will not end up with any of the girls
he'll teach at school alongside mafuyu and marry oomori

They like it for the girls, user.

You can't be BTFO if you never believed Xfaggot.


Attached: 1549218435066.jpg (764x1200, 239K)

/u/ is too strong
Uruka @ Mafuyu
Miharu @ Mafuyu
Sawako @ Rizu
Rizu @ Flatmino

Attached: 0e17f5ed13cabb4dc8fcb840361dc7bf3d78af3bv2_hq.jpg (697x1024, 141K)

And a complete wimp too.

Open ending is better than Uruka ending.

Attached: 20190613_015347.png (222x333, 63K)

>The source of her conflict in the family comes from with Reiji, and it was always fun to imagine and up with with speculations regarding the relationship she had with him.
>comes from Reiji
No, Fumino was equally as retarded to not simply ask him in those 10 years
>Why did you slap me?
It was a situation they could have both resolved easily by simply "talking", we didn't need a dead mom password video for it.

I hereby declare this broship /mafuru/

beat me to it, poor Chinami though

I'm not "Yuiga-kun".

sawako very cute in her $300 date outfit

>Imagine reading the chapter with the video from her mother and coming to the conclusion that Fumino isn't the most well fleshed out character int the entire manga.
This is a joke, right?

Attached: 1552627754006.gif (200x150, 2.59M)

Kasumi had to have had a hand in this.
At what stage did the principal get involved?

Interesting low quality post.

Now that I think about it, Umihara and Kawase are references to Umihara Kawase

Attached: umihara-kawase-fresh-538775.8.jpg (1500x1500, 367K)

I didn't know I needed this

Bokuben is her spin-off.

imagine an assjob by sensei

Attached: 1537057350982.png (919x1300, 601K)

That's so fucking gay, holy shit.

aren't the just references to bodies of water?
Umi sea and Kawa river ?

Both are correct apparently

How many chapters does Miharu have? The only chapters I remember that have focus on her are her introduction and the chapter where Fumino turned really jealous.

Get flattened by a fucking road roller, dipshit.

>At what stage did the principal get involved?
Probably about five minutes after this page in chapter 97.

Attached: 04.png (915x1300, 300K)

I'm excited for the birth of Mafuyu and Nariyuki's child 6 months after graduation

How is it half troll?

I will get her buttpregnant

Today I will remind them

Attached: 1532407022417.jpg (1280x2160, 753K)

and i still don't believe I didn't realize earlier what Mizuki's name is a reference to

Attached: mizugi_mizuki.png (561x552, 249K)

Says the hagfag.

Introduction, making Fumino jealous, baby chapter (93, pic related), ice flower arc, and iirc one of the bonus chapters.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-05 Vol 9 Ch 74 (Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai) - MangaDex.png (860x1006, 809K)


the tape gets me every time

>Fumino indestinguishable between 2D and 3D form

These are all man right?

Well, she's a generic japanese female character.

He can't keep getting away with manipulating others' lives from behind the scenes can he?

Fumino a shit no matter the dimension

This wouldn't be the first time a protag went after his teacher and was successful.

Attached: images.jpg (259x194, 8K)

Yes, but the similarity is uncanny

Ichinose Academy is a front for Yakuza money laundering
Also his passion project so it looks legit.

She's similar to most japanese girls with long hair.

Somehow I don't think they'll mind in the end.

Attached: mpv-shot0016.jpg (1280x720, 161K)

She's similar to most japanese boys with long hair.

>bokuben ends
>22i says fuck it and gives a romantic epilogue to every girl
>but in order of popularity

Shokugeki no souma

Am I right or am I right?

Unironically this

For some reason she thinks the fact she realized her firends' crushes she has the right to mess with them multiple times and to help to keep the status quo.

Her cheering for Rizu includes:
sleeping in the same Futon as Nariyuki
acting overly friendly with him and calling him by his name right in front of her, earlier then Rizu even thought about it
going on multiple not dates with him
staying a couple of nights at his place and scrubbing his back while jokingly calling him dear

Rizu hates herself for feeling jealousy even once, Fumino is constantly jealous, feels no remorse even covers it up by acting like she has stomach aches.
She eats an entire couple's dessert by herself just to prevent another girl from having a moment with him.
She even has fantasies about crushing their hopes!

Attached: Fumino_gift.png (520x396, 145K)

Attached: 1518308030620.png (100x168, 21K)

No, you have some supremely shit taste.

She was like 7 years old. Seriously calling a child retarded and blaming her? Reiji is an adult, he shouldn't have avoided his daughter and allowed their relationship to strain and fester in the first place as she was growing up. In present time, their main disagreement is about Fumino's career choice and Reiji refused to have a proper talk. Only with Nariyuki's support did she have the courage to forcefully confront him, yet even then he would listen and agree. Growing up, Reiji's attitude and behavior towards his daughter enabled her to think he doesn't love her, and due to that she was scared to confirm her fears.

Get bent homoboy

Yeah she's basically Yukino except a little more attractive and doesn't have the personality of a gloryhole wall

What is the Principal’s problem anyway? He made a student tutor two failures that qualified people couldn’t handle then added a third girl the next day just for a chance at getting a recommendation.

Honest question to Urukafags. How much has Mizuki being an Urukafag impacted on your view of her?

Attached: 20190616_230722.png (284x379, 103K)

Uruka is fitting.

He knew his dad.

Thanks to that I think she is even more retarded then before.
How can she not see that her beloved senpai has a crush on her brother since forever?

Tsugumi, Shinka, Alice and Utaha are best girls

Man, Fumino did a number on that guy's family. She didn't spare his pet cat either, apparently.

unf this sexy pudgy body

Attached: ikeda butt.jpg (165x213, 19K)

Based Mafuyu standing up for her husband

But Fumino is the flabby glutton, Uruka is /fit/.

>Green hair
What the hell were they thinking?

gotta make the protagonist stand out among the common bitches

Attached: spot the main character.jpg (517x376, 42K)

You don't understand. He wants to be physically fit and active to lose weight.

who doesn't

That fumino is a man right?

Just like the original.

Best girl or best girl?

Attached: af.png (853x464, 268K)

Yukino is incredibly attractive and she definitely doesn't have the personality of whatever you just said. Fuck off shitposter.

Yes, Rizu is best girl

Attached: rizuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.jpg (367x364, 64K)

>this is getting cucked

I hope Reiji gets a hug today.

Attached: 1559499899619.png (279x158, 33K)

observant girl

Attached: fee.png (929x517, 437K)

The maid "jokingly" flirting with MC awakened something in me
You rarely, RARELY ever see flirting in anime

What's with the old man smile moeboy?

This isn't an oreifagru thread and Yukino looks like a little boy you gay pedo

The true is that Reiji absorbs youth from young boys, that's why he remains so young himself.

7s for Sensei

Attached: mpv-shot0008.jpg (1280x720, 187K)

Then don't bring it up you retarded shitposter. Yukino also looks really cute. You must have really awful taste.

This is weaker than the Ikeda get

Is he secretly Araki?

That's not all he absorbs from them.

>Sorry Fumino
>he just has better boobs

Not me newfag and Yukino is cute like 5 year old nephew

Well, that explains a lot.

Urucute a best

>hating Fumino and Yukino
Even death can't redeem this guy's gay taste.

Uruka ending would be great just to see you and your brethren seethe.

Runs a Conan the Barbarian site transplanted page for page from Angelfire
Uncute Tomboy

Fumino's character is boring as shit and Yukino is a borderline mary sue.

how can one sensei be so smart and so dumb at the same time

They're gonna break up when she finds out Kobayashi likes Uruka anyways.

What would 22i think?

Attached: 1536427014635.png (436x343, 204K)

An Uruka ending would be the greatest way to end the manga after Sensei end

Never reply to me again, pleb.

Just no

Tsutsui: "Not bad."

To be honest Uruka is fucking cute

Attached: 1529254516340.png (249x874, 322K)

she had a harsh upbringing

I like Fumino and Yui, what do I deserve?

You mean Rizu.
Uruka is right after them just for the shitstorm.

Because it's cute.

Attached: mpv-shot0010.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

>that hater who is legitimately triggered non-stop because Fumino killed his entire family

Attached: 1501007368948.png (348x255, 56K)

kick in the teeth

Sensei will win. These pics are fake.

Don't forget about his pets.

>look I posted the same joke again

Sensei will also interrogate for answers as to W H Y


Development says so, obviously.


For when is the next crossover thread scheduled?


After the anime ends

Shut up Ninofag

But Senpai is the best girl.

You know how I know you're mad? Because you're copying me.

Holy shit

Well I will wait.

Principal was sitting at the neighbouring table of the cafe


>the cafe
Was it this one?

>ITT Yea Forums greentexts storyboards for an ongoing manga

Attached: 06.png (914x1300, 422K)

imagine grabbing anyone from behind and covering their mouth, especially your own teacher

*your own wife

Attached: mafuyu sleeping.jpg (850x1200, 313K)



can't spell mafuyu-sensei without my fun ass

>Principal has been the secret instigator from behind the scenes nudging the two closer together.

Please stop before it is too late.

All I got from this thread is Yukino is a shit

>chairman is ikeda's grandfather

>it's the autistic spammer again

I would but I'd do a worse job than the stickman here. There's one Uruka and Fumino Duo Doujin but it's pretty bad. With ahegao and shit.

>Imagine being her dad and seeing this every day.
where's hitspipe.jpg when you need it

>worst girl always wins

Attached: 1556418351822.jpg (648x720, 84K)

Yukino is best girl and I can't wait to for Irohafags' tears to flow.


>The principal knew Hanae, Yuigadad, Mafuyu, and Miharu for years
>he's setting up Mafuyu with Nariyuki as the culmination of responsibility to his old friends to make sure the two of them have good lives
>the entire reason Rizu and Fumino weren't summarily expelled in their first year was setting up the events of the series and an eventual Mafuyu end

You can't spell Kirisu Mafuyu-sensei without Me Kiss u.

But we can't.

Attached: mafuyu fun begins.png (386x448, 188K)


Attached: Screenshot_8.png (476x164, 6K)

>ywn feel sensei's ass irl

>ywn Mafuyu's mafuyus

Attached: mafuyu boob rub.webm (1920x1080, 1.04M)

>everything was planned from the beginning
But I think Ikeda was planning something different. Was Sawako involved too?

I really really hope that this part comes true.

Blah blah that gif with the HTML edit blah blah

Ikeda just wanted to do it as a joke but it dovetailed so perfectly with the principal's plans that he had a quiet word with the store to replace the fake officiator and forms with real ones.

finally came out as sensexual
it was a liberating experience

Attached: sensei lewd beach.png (413x817, 297K)

>Mafuyu and Nariyuki unknowingly are living Ikeda fantasy
Ikeda is living the dream

>Ikeda just wanted to do it as a joke
Ikeda doesn't joke around

>I hate myself, what do...
>Eureka! I just have to kill myself!

Attached: 1560624643754.webm (1280x720, 275K)

better get started on that then

How do you dare to say that?

Attached: what.jpg (640x931, 111K)

Grandes tetas

user por favor vete

How random and triggered.

Attached: 1453185363489.png (320x320, 92K)


She got caught reading shoujo manga in Mafuyu's class. I'm sure she has a sense of humor.

> no sensei xmas chapter

Attached: 1557681950970.jpg (646x1201, 130K)

Do you believe in Kirisu-mas?


Attached: Rizu15.png (116x106, 23K)

Never say never. I believe we will have a Marry Kirisumas!

Attached: sensei santa.png (505x1240, 540K)

this arc had better produce a santa sawako

You can't spell Rizu-dono without udon!

Attached: sawako laugh.jpg (1536x2048, 415K)

Just wait for after the arc

>gas grass or ass, kid. no one rides for free.

Attached: 135589675.jpg (1920x1080, 157K)

>Nariyuki cluelessly offers up a bag of edible plants he'd collected earlier
>Sensei's fw

Attached: mafuyu stare 2.png (392x416, 158K)

>get in, faggot, we're raiding the PTA

Christmas will be shared between all the girls, but Nariyuki will visit each of their places during the day. After he's done with his classmates and senpai, he'll spend the night with Mafuyu in his home because she wanted to spend it with his family.

Attached: 1553364666101.jpg (1070x1229, 143K)


Is this when Chiaki will be conceived?

>in his home because she wanted to spend it with his family.

Mizuki will literally never recover.

Realistically, Sensei will be 3rd or 2nd of who he visits during Xmas holiday. Fumino will be the last on the list.

Wrong, her apartment flooded because of a damaged pipe or some other catastrophe so she turned to him for help Hanae overhears and invited her over.

this sounds even better

lol no, Christmas is a time for family and where you feel most comfortable. That means Nariyuki's place or Mafuyu's (after he cleans up again).


It just comes naturally
don't force it
bad things will happen

Fuck off VEGfags

>Do you want a ride?

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Overwhelmed by the event she gets up in the middle of the night and stares out the window at falling snow possibly crying, Nariyuki joins her and tries to console her, she eventually leans into his chest and he wraps her up in his arms gently stroking her.

Nope. He associates going to Fumino's place with terrible things happening to him.

The japanese view of christmas is different
christmas eve is the night for lovers.

I'd flood sensei's place with a damaged pipe if you know what I mean

Rizu's lose isn't certain YET. It could be Rizu who is last instead.

Not really

But crossover threads have disturbing results anyway.

>christmas eve is the night for lovers.
So then it's Sensei.

Played lightly as humor. Won't stop him from celebrating and spending time with Fumino. Plus, Reiji is different now and will surely get into the holiday spirit. He'll be an austic tsundere moe dad.

Fair enough.


Nariyuki loves Sensei? Source please.


I love sensei
t. Nariyuki

He might not know it himself, but he does.

Reiji will prefer to spend Christmas alone with his daughter without Nariyuki being there to tease him.

As a friend

How could you make someone happy if you don't go to their place on Christmas?

It boils down to which couple Tsutsui wants to foreshadow and eventually be canon. If I were a betting man, I....

What kind of happiness are we talking about?

But in the same page, it stated that it's just a misunderstanding.

Whose place are we about about here?

MAFUYU said it was. Nariyuki never responded.

Miku and Nino best girls

Stay in bed all day as the World does the opposite of burning and give back massages and take cat naps question mark winky face.

The lifelong vow kind
Sensei's of course

Oil company soldier leave, you are a boy not let alone when.

you fuck sicks

You're a bad person.

Attached: wtf.jpg (419x419, 152K)

Still better than either of the regular threads.

Nariyuki didn't deny what she said.

You mean all of them, right?

Neither did he acknowledge it.
Don't make this a "silence means yes" kind of bullshit.

the pleasure of being cummed inside

Oh poor little user...

But they don't all live in the same house

Attached: wut.jpg (225x225, 6K)

But silence is supposed to be a 'no' to affirm that he loves her and wants to marry her?

Uruka will spend Christmas eve with Nariyuki and steal his virginity

Attached: 1560406228911.jpg (1450x2048, 520K)

>All girls living in the same house
I-I think I got the wrong thread.

>Senseifags believe he'll only spend time with Sensei whom he secretly loves and won't spend time with all the girls, especially the one who Tsutsui wishes to develop for endgame

sensei is my useless goddess

But he will spend time with sensei, the one who tsutsui wishes to develop for endgame

>Fuminofags again butthurt that people talk about other girls

It would be a good memento before moves to Australia

Attached: 1558807558693.jpg (1918x1903, 820K)

>Senseifags say NO U to Fumino and other girls having time with Nariyuki on Christmas
>get butthurt when Senseifags are called out

Australia means she's be shipped there as a virgin. Gotta save herself for the boyfriend she'll gijd in Australia.

through very contrived circumstances, everyone will be staying at nariyuki's house at the same time for christmas

>other girls
>only Fuminofags are mad that people are talking about Kirisumasu



I'm writing it right now. Wish me ruck user
t. Tsutsui

>>Senseifags say NO U to Fumino and other girls having time with Nariyuki on Christmas
ESL-kun please. The argument was that he'd spend time with all of them and then the night with Sensei.

Just like Senseifags only cared to get butthurt when Fumino is mentioned and don't care when other posts mentioned every girl.

Did you finally stop being obsessed over Urukafags? That's a relief


Nice deflection.

t. Urukafag

post some pics of sensei's endgame

Attached: 1551940535598.png (505x1240, 497K)

Nobody except Fuminofags like Fumino

Real talk. Urukafags were shitposting in here and the autist ended up embarrassing himself so he stayed quiet. Do Senseifags really want to stoop to their level?

Nobody except Senseifags like Fumino.

I like Fumino second best.

Already told you in the other thread that you should just admit that you hate most people in these threads and only come here to seethe when they talk about shit you don't like, which is anything that doesn't involve Fumino

>he's back and is at forcing fanbase wars again

But you're the one shitposting here, pal. Fans are just having fun with their speculations

>posts a frontal pic

Oh well. Kirisumas soon

Attached: 1532725971751.jpg (433x532, 91K)

Nice deflection and boogeyman.

And Urukafags. And Rizufags

yeah, I see he's back to his old habits of getting butthurt at senseifags

>""Senseifags"" were bitching about endgame discussions for Fumino in a thread the other day
>but somehow it's okay for them to do it

Denial isn't just a river

I'm talking about you.

>only come here to seethe when they talk about shit you don't like, which is anything that involves Fumino
Pot calls the kettle black.


But I like Fuminochi.

Good thing there is barely any Fumino talk if that were the case

I'm not and you dodged the question.

Uruka a shit.


Yotsuba best girl

You are, though

Uruka a best
Fumino a shit

Attached: aLgWPDz_460s.jpg (460x920, 74K)

You know what you're doing. Go back to

>everyone is the same person


Fumino is love.

Attached: 1505232988079.png (833x1000, 648K)

Sensei, Rizu and Uruka a best
Fumino a shit

Attached: 1554358642080.png (666x750, 371K)

Yet you're siding with the Fuminofag bitching about Xfags

So it's only okay for you to "call out" other fags but when others do it they're forcing fanbase wars. Interesting double standards

Uruka isn't even top 3.

Attached: 1535247951404.jpg (666x750, 322K)

>muh victim complex

thread really took a nosedive at the end

It's fine if its sensei

all it takes is not agreeing with Fuminofags for it to happen

What bitching? I asked an honest question to see whose side you are on. You yourself are content with xfags.

Blame Urukafags. As usual.

Uruka is objectively top 3. Nariyuki would agree.

Attached: 1554622656812.png (729x500, 513K)

You're saying people are stopping to urukafags' level but in reality it's just Fuminofags bitching that things aren't going their way

Anti-Fuminofags are hypocrites and love to make everything and everyone against evil Fuminofags.

the abs-olute state of sawako

Attached: too much udon.jpg (340x201, 28K)

>muh victim complex
Never gets old.

I said Senseifags. Don't twist my words, faggot. You said last time you want to accept the 20% blame of shitposting that Urukafag are usually faulted for. Answer the question.

Denial isn't just a river.

>didn't deny the rest of his points

Yes yes Fuminofags dindu nuffin

What percentage of the shitposting are Fuminofags responsible for?

>I said Senseifags
Not a real difference. Your question is bullshit as people weren't even shitposting Fumino or her fags, they just denied a Fuminofag his narrative and he got mad and started his little fanbase war. You love to turn shit into meta when things don't go your way

Isn't it strange? Why would Senseifags who insist they don't start shit and shitpost anymore strongly shield and protect Urukafags who are do start shit and shitpost their war against Fuminofags?


Nobody likes Fuminofags

>denied a Senseifag his narrative
Every time that has happened, threads turn into an autistic mess and xfag wars. But it's okay if Senseifags do it, right?

> how can the other girls even compete?

Attached: 1560629905750.png (1488x1012, 525K)

>not pushing muh evil Fuminofags they say

You have yourselves to blame, to be honest

I wonder how a dad would feel knowing that their daughter is the right combination of hot and autistic to be manipulated into sex.

Prove it.

Go back to the thread where Senseifags burned a whole threads telling Fuminofags they only talk about meta and win, but everybody else don't do that.

>yfw the arc ends with Rizu hating Fumino instead

Literally hypocrites.

Literal samefag

You mean the thread like 4 days ago? That wasn't even big, and even though there was Xfag shitflining, it wasn't the center of the argument.

Would be based and redpilled

Less than Urukafags at least.

It is different. You pretend you're above forcing fanbase wars, yet here you are enabling and perpetuating it. At least be honest and upfront about it. There's nothing worst than two-faced deception of holding a knife in one hand but preaches about peace in the other. And please, given what happened earlier and just now, the ones who are always triggered and won't take no to downplay or start shit over is almost always haters. Proven twice in here already

Yes. That's why it was always treated as Urukafags falseflagging Senseifags. But if they are Senseifags who are truly legit and wish to take credit for typical shitposting and shit-starting, then, well, let it be then if that's the case. The question remains how far are they willing to stoop to defend Urukafags on their behalf?

Please name the associated anime/manga/webnovel. I am not as autistic as you.(autistim being a good thing in this situation)

Never reply to me again, hypocrite.

Bullshit. The fact you're simultaneously at war with two fanbases means you're responsible for more shitposting than anyone

Fumino a shit

>That wasn't even big
It took up half the thread and was cancer-tier autism. But it says a lot about you who considers that as not a big thing.

Seethe and cope.



Guys, guys. There was not a 5toubun thread, so I-I created one.
What would our girls say about that?

>You pretend you're above forcing fanbase wars, yet here you are enabling and perpetuating it
Do you have no self-awareness? That's literally what you're doing, and you write those long posts only to defend your own reputation while shitting on others.

>fumino killed his whole family lol XD