Holy SMOKES would you look at what day it is!

Holy SMOKES would you look at what day it is!

Attached: slayer sunday.jpg (666x488, 108K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Wow it's Friday, stop the pressing.

What timezone do you live in where it's Friday?

Attached: rare brown-haired lina.jpg (1000x884, 199K)

I live in Africa

Here's a Naga for your suffering.

Attached: lewd naga.jpg (480x640, 70K)

Thank you bwana

Anytime my... uh... well, you get the gist of what I was going to say.

Attached: Rui Araizumi and Hajime Kanzaka.jpg (900x1200, 150K)

Attached: 1548904283517.jpg (850x1200, 216K)

>got a whole slew of Lina art by Rui
>can't post any of it because it's a blue board

Attached: perception is everything.jpg (1200x960, 334K)

upload it somewhere and post the link, stupid

Don't call me stupid, jerk!

Attached: come back to bed.png (774x1080, 1.22M)

Nice armpit

Attached: lina's legs.jpg (848x1200, 144K)

Attached: kiss day lina.png (721x3834, 3.94M)

I think Slayers is a perfect anime, good animation, fun characters and doesn’t take itself too seriously

It's also difficult to find a protagonist as enjoyable as Lina, and a supporting cast as fun as the rest of the ensemble.

Attached: SOUL vs. SOUL.png (2056x1026, 3.34M)

Put them in imgur or mega and link us m8

That's not nearly as interesting as saying, "Forget it," and posting them anyways. I figure if the thread gets busy enough and they're posted incrementally nothing bad will happen.

Attached: swimsuit5.jpg (724x1024, 197K)

Attached: it's gonna be a good day.png (767x1080, 1.26M)

Started reading the LN. Read the first couple of chapters and it's pretty cool once it got into the swing of things but it's pretty obnoxiously written. I don't know how much of that is the translation though since the version I'm reading is apparently the Tokyopop release.

It's a little bit of both. By Hajime's own admission, he sent in a basic premise not really expecting to get accepted by the publisher, so when he was asked to make a story he was a bit lost as to where the plot should go. It's one of the reasons why a fragment of Shabranigdo was introduced so early into the story, because he didn't figure out proper pacing early into his career, and was still fleshing out ideas.

Like all translations, there's a bit of deeper meaning that gets lost, so that could also be a consequence of it. Personally I believe once Hajime was able to "ground" his work around Volume 5 or 6 it stops being such an issue.

Attached: Volume 1 - Shabranigdo Reborn!.png (653x1021, 1.27M)

Attached: how popular were the light novels.png (1112x956, 739K)

I'm so happy that my wife's LN is doing well.

Attached: 0378cdf4078ae64029d44748bbd3f7c3.png (838x625, 922K)

I think that's why Series 3 is starting up.

Attached: EXTREMELY-RARE SHORT-HAIR LINA.jpg (622x913, 192K)

Where do Slayers Special belong in reading order? Should i just read it after catching up to main story?

Jagex is powerless to you weebs

Special are Lina's and Naga's adventures prior to the core novels. They're disconnected from the main novels for a large part so you can read them any time, especially since they're bigger comedies.

Attached: lina and naga11.jpg (380x512, 55K)

How big is Lina?

4'10" tall, 90lbs, A-cup canonically, drawn as a C-cup.

Attached: lina in an oversized sweater.jpg (1200x1200, 226K)

Just right.

Attached: cf3b9a5ca280939182ac22a87b40e1a8.png (832x622, 670K)

Attached: tits.jpg (1260x960, 271K)

Tfw nobody will ever revive the official Slayers LNs EN releases

Attached: 3 Stages of Despair.png (706x489, 184K)

Smile! It's okay if no one brings Volumes 9-16 over, because we have fan translations, and it's okay if the rest of Series 3 doesn't get brought over, because we will still have fan translators. What's more important is that, if you have the disposable income and you like the show, to buy merchandise you can enjoy, regardless of the language.

Attached: lina getting comfy!.png (810x810, 1.48M)

I have the Lina nendo and Naga on order. I hope the Seven Seas will pick up the LNs honestly since they have the "classic series revival" thing going on with the shit they've been licensing

Would you mind posting a link to their poll again? I say "again" because I figure you're the user who gave the reminder a few threads ago and you'll have it in your history.

Attached: she's not dead6.jpg (1200x900, 199K)

God, I wish I had a Lina nendo. That thing is so adorable.

Attached: 0433d50086f13c74892cbadb46cb226d.png (368x277, 250K)

It's like the daughter I've always wanted!

Attached: Welcome home, anon!.png (500x894, 736K)

I wish there were more appearances by Lina's sister, Luna.

Attached: luna.jpg (600x448, 22K)

Stay calm my little friend.

Naw it wasn't me but I'll post it anyway

Also make sure you ask for Slayers and Slayers Special if you fill it out

On one hand, Hajime is reluctant to show Luna because he knows how broken of a character she is, since she's on-par with Xellos in terms of raw power. On the other, if Lina and Gourry are heading back to Zephilia, and the elves keep getting copies of Claire Bibles to construct Zanaffar Armor, and the Eternal Queen is an aspect of Aqualord, and Xellos is still actively burning copies of the Bible, and Lina can't perform Ragna Blade without using stationary amplification circles, we just might have Luna get involved in Series 3.

Here's your canon Lolina. Would you like a non-canon one I've posted frequently?

Attached: luna's kind advice.jpg (820x1800, 529K)

>he isnt part of Xelloss fanclub

Attached: 12.jpg (800x1228, 297K)

That is the worst-thing imaginable for a Mazoku, to have an entire group of people who become elated whenever he or she is nearby. It's like a legitimate cancer.

Attached: Volume 7 - It's a Secret!.png (689x1019, 914K)

>an actual flat chested Lina
My boner is transcending dimensions.


Attached: costume change.jpg (1200x960, 275K)

Dude spoiler it next time. Nobody tell the m o d s.
Hot though, 10/10 would almost shoot my load again.

Attached: PANIC.jpg (600x600, 40K)

Imagine an OVA series where they showed Lina's nipples and even her pubes, haha!

I can guarantee that Lina doesn't have pubes.

Attached: bless you rui.jpg (800x800, 457K)

Not believing you, must see with my own eyes.

Do you have any pictures to prove that? Please?

This is my most-posted one that's Rui's artwork, so it's canon. I wonder if I have another on here.

Attached: C cups are too small and not big enough for a man!.jpg (712x1100, 300K)

I think this one is Ruirui's, who may or may not be Rui himself using a different handle to draw and publish doujinshi. If that's the case, then the body type can be considered canon even if the content isn't.

Attached: swimsuits3.jpg (1132x1600, 716K)

Maybe it's just peach fuzz.

Wow, I have a lot of official and promotional naked / half-dressed Linas, but none of them from the front that aren't also silhouettes...

Perhaps, but considering how high-cut her bikinis are, it's easier to presume that it's all gone, or simply never appeared there in the first place.

Attached: lina shaves.jpg (2113x3000, 1.46M)

Also I managed to snag a couple more of these "comparisons". I put that word in quotations because Lina blows them all out of the water just by existing dynamically.

Attached: celebration 2018, 2.jpg (1200x645, 185K)

Zip them up and share. I literally can't imagine a redhead tomboy without pubes. It just sounds wrong.

This is my favorite one.

To do so would mean I have less to post in these threads, and since these things only survive because unironically over half of the posts are mine, I have no real incentive to build a zip folder.

Attached: celebration 2018, 3.jpg (600x314, 90K)

I find Lina's artstyle in these more appealing than those of the others. Not saying the others are bad, of course.

By 'the others' I mean the other girls shown, not the other pics of Lina. Lina is beatiful in all pics.

Lina is the center of attention at all times.

Attached: celebration 2018.jpg (1006x650, 356K)

I like how Rui's art has "modernized" but at the same time kept the same style he's always had

I like how Rui found a way to make the perfect more-perfect.

Attached: lina's new look.png (813x458, 817K)

But then just post them.

I have, often and repeatedly. When I'm feeling it one of them might come up again.

Attached: lina geared up.png (500x500, 391K)

Most interesting thing is that Lina's color pallet is different enough along with a darker outline that she is always going to stand out more than the other ones.

The three to her left all look like they could be the same person wearing a wig and make-up

Fuck me. That's really nice.

Attached: gourry's new look.png (810x456, 566K)

It's like he got promoted to Myrmidon.

He got promoted to husbando.

Attached: nibble.png (453x640, 521K)

>in Series 3
Are we getting a completely new story? I mean one that can be adapted to about 50 episodes like previous seasons.

>ywn make Lina make that face
Just end it.

I'm sorry

>slayers getting a comeback all of a sudden
What the fuck did I miss?

Megumin bringing back the gimmick, now the original trying to ride it as well.

Yes, it is a completely new story according to Hajime. What we know for a fact is that:
1) Lina and Gourry and still traveling to Zephilia, and we're going to see it for the first time, not including 40 seconds in the first movie;
2.1) Amelia and Zel are active again, though they separate at the end of Vol. 16 because Amelia is traveling to each kingdom to tell them about the recent activities of the Mazoku Lords, and Zel opted to stay on the Zephilia border in the town of Atessa.
2.2) If Amelia is visiting each kingdom as a dignitary of Saillune, more than likely she's going to end up in the Eternal Queen's court in the future. The Eternal Queen is the leader of the Duchy of Zephilia, and since Lina and Gourry are already heading there to see her parents...
3.1) The elves are active again, at least the ones near Zephilia. They have a Claire Bible, and have used it to construct Zanaffar Armor. This, of course, has Xellos' attention, which means he and the remaining Mazoku Lords, Dolphin and Beast, are active. The status of Dynast is unknown after he was beaten, but not destroyed like Garv and Phibrizo.
3.2) Hajime made it a point to explain there will be a new magic system. More than likely this will be Holy Magic, something that could never be used on the continent because of the Mazoku Barrier that was destroyed in Volume 8 with Phibrizo's death, but it could also be elven magic, since an elf named Eileen used her own power to remove the dulling spell on the Blast Sword.

Attached: Volume 16 - Zanaffar Armor.jpg (1440x1827, 355K)

>Holy Magic
Not like that's new, currently watching Try and there's a bunch of that.
Has there been any word on if this third arc will also be animated in the future?

How can SOULLESS even compete?

I mean not really. Kanzaka has been making side stories about Lina and Naga doing stupid shit literally the entire time.

He just wants to make another "mainline" Slayers for whatever reason.

Attached: Megusmug.jpg (213x236, 8K)

For an anniversary, Hajime and Rui released Volume 16, though no one was expecting it to be a hit since nothing Slayers-related had been since the anime Evolution-R, which was panned by critics. To everyone's surprise, the limited copy of Vol. 16 sold out immediately, and the demand was so intense the publisher was forced to print more. Despite being released in the year's fourth-quarter, it became the most-popular (and potentially highest-selling) light novel in 2018. The extremely positive reaction motivated Hajime and Rui to continue Slayers with a third arc, to be released at an indeterminable date.

If the light novels and physical merchandise push enough sales, there is a chance, however, slight, that an anime season can be produced. As Lina says, "If we have even a one percent chance of winning, and we fight to lose, that one percent becomes a big, fat zero."

You're not wrong, and I did a poor job of explaining. What I mean to say is that we've seen Holy Magic, as used by dragons, and Hajime has yet to clarify the difference between Holy and White, having given a half-answer that White is an aspect of Shamanism, which doesn't make sense because Zel, despite being as good at Shamanism as Lina is with Black, can't use White. Since Eileen was able to remove Milgazia's spell, a dragon who would've been using Holy since Lina couldn't remove the spell herself, then we'll be seeing some kind of Holy Magic that's used by elves.

Attached: lina's card.jpg (467x640, 140K)

It's been a while since I watched/read anything Slayers. What's the newest material out there?

Volume 16 of the core light novels. It is currently not fan-translated into English, with only a poorly-translated summary available that has been previously posted in these threads. Prior to that would be the Slayers Smash light novels (2011), then Slayers Revolution / Evolution-R for the anime (2008), and Hourglass of Falces for the manga (2008).

Attached: Volume 16 - Dragon Slave.jpg (1321x929, 529K)

Should have refreshed before posting.

Attached: she's not dead8.jpg (1200x900, 268K)

I think I'd rather have another manga.

Attached: LinaBrush.png (442x740, 263K)

I know everyone else but who's that next to Lina? Megumi?

Potentially, though I haven't seen her wearing such a costume at the event yet.
>this is a 52 year-old woman

Attached: artist_lineup01_img04[1].jpg (400x260, 45K)

Asians, man.

Do you mean a manga that continues to follow Rui's artstyle, or do you mean a manga that uses the ecchi style from Falces?

Or do you mean another high-quality doujin?

Attached: cute couple18.jpg (796x1200, 105K)

I have a soft spot for Slayers Medieval Mayhem in my heart. Never warmed up for the others quite as much.

Attached: lina butt.jpg (960x1200, 182K)

Attached: GotYourNose.jpg (220x330, 10K)

Nothing to discuss about 90shit.

I can understand that. Knight of the Aqua Lord had a weak story for me, but I would be a liar if I said that Riksfalto didn't make me feel things. My guess is that because it was adapted from a video game story, its overarching plot prevented it from having as many humorous moments that Medieval Mayhem had, which were essentially one-shots.

Thanks for the bump! With your contribution we just might hit autosage this time for the first time in years (ever).

Attached: riksfalto2.png (839x1203, 1.25M)

>That hand gesture

>am 34
>remember all the buzz around Slayers when I was in my younger 20s but never got around to watching slayers
>finally decide to a few years back
>blown away at the quality and fun

my only regret is I didn't watch it much earlier, shit is cash

Attached: 1439806743924.jpg (640x480, 50K)

Lewd gestures from lewd people preparing to do lewd things in a lewd environment.

Attached: lina bunny outfit.jpg (850x1014, 261K)

Is the manga worth the read? Is there less censoring than the anime?

I wonder if i should wait blu-ray version or keep watching the original.

Attached: cap_Slayers ~ 13_00_04_25_01.jpg (832x624, 76K)

New anime properly adapting all the novels when

Attached: d5ior5o-9213602f-9d4d-49bc-b9af-31d796ae1855.png (1024x768, 1.25M)

Better late than never! And besides, now you can use the internet to look up your favorite scenes, or your favorite openings, or your favorite music pieces like Unlimited Desires or Midnight Blue! Now is probably the best time to get into the series, either for the first time, or all over again.

To be far, a large chunk of the manga are adaptations. The only things that are original stories are Medieval Mayhem, Knight of the Aqualord, Light-Magic, and Hourglass of Falces.

Medieval Mayhem feels very much like the original light novels and has Rui doing the art work, so it's a great read. Knight of the Aqualord, as I've said, is adapted story from a video game that was never made, and this is reflected in the characters and pacing. The story really ramps up the Lina x Gourry ship, and while Rui didn't draw it himself the actual artists followed his style, so it's not jarring to look at.

Light-Magic is a weird one because it takes Lina and Gourry out of their world, and takes them into the far-future to help out a kid named Light Inverse fight Mazoku, who are immune to bullets and other conventional weapons and unstoppable since magic no longer exists (or something) in his time. Whether Lina and Light are related is up to debate.

Hourglass of Falces is an ecchi comic that doesn't necessarily have a bad story, but is so chock-full of fetish fuel one can't help but wonder whether or not it's an official licensed product. (It is, by the way.) The art style is dramatically different from anything else, but if you can stomach it and you want big ol' tits and panty shots, it's the story for you.

Attached: latest[1].jpg (1081x1600, 291K)

Four total relevant images incoming.

Attached: should i buy the s1 blu-rays.png (1920x1080, 2.37M)

Attached: should i buy the s1 blu-rays2.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

Attached: should i buy the s2 blu-rays.png (1280x960, 1.1M)





Attached: should i buy the s2 blu-rays2.png (1280x960, 2.53M)

Attached: cap_Slayers ~ 14_00_07_01_02.jpg (832x624, 118K)

Attached: amelia mod.jpg (1200x675, 109K)

Why do faggots always upscale? it's so fucking wrong in many ways

Probably because JC Staff is either unable or unwilling to properly remaster Slayers, so all the fans can do (this is really easy) is upscale. Even in their anniversary celebration reel they didn't include anything Slayers-related, so that should go to show how little they care about the anime.

Attached: eyecatcher2.jpg (1920x1080, 247K)

Stay mad boomer, no one care about this anymore

Thanks for another bump, and a (You) even!

Attached: eyecatcher2 followup.jpg (600x750, 99K)

Seen pretty good, i wonder if i can use this subs on blu-ray version. Small changes will fucked out everything.

Attached: subs.png (183x569, 9K)

I have a version that looks 10 times better than this, the fuck is that BD

i agree

An admittedly awful 1080p upscale that costs US$230 for just the first season, a creditless OP/ED, and a 24-page art book.

There could be more, but that's exactly how it's advertised, so I doubt there's more to it than that.

Attached: upscaling.png (886x858, 82K)


My mind is my power
Power is my mind
Only my mind exists in this place
You, who desperately seeks destruction, as you wish, you shall be destroyed.

Can you take an screen cap?

Attached: cap_Slayers ~ 05_00_07_34_03.jpg (832x624, 59K)

>ywn threaten God to get sweet firecrotch pussy
Why even LIVE?

Attached: lord of nightmares awakens.jpg (2079x2953, 742K)

Is there any official Slayers art that's large enough in a high enough quality to make a poster out of? I need more Slayers shit

I will be home on 16h, keep thread alive and I will

Attached: SlayersNEXTBD.png (1154x866, 1.86M)

I don't think she's gonna make it that long

That absolutely will not be a problem to do.

Who do you want to be in that art, though?

Attached: small wrist support.jpg (598x800, 87K)

Hai, the real problem are mods, they hate slayers threads.

Attached: cap_Slayers ~ 20_00_12_41_03.jpg (832x624, 72K)

That's too strong of a statement. I've only seen one thread get deleted since these started getting made at a regular pace about two months ago, for an indiscernible reason. The reality is that most of Yea Forums doesn't care about Slayers, which is why they end up dying. I have to follow the rules and not perform repeated necrobumps on my own, and eventually they just die off on their own.

Attached: Volume 1 - Confused Rapist.png (671x1012, 739K)

>they hate slayers threads.
I know mods are all subhuman shit newfags but this can't be true, right?

Attached: 1407864373073.jpg (524x480, 164K)

>Who do you want to be in that art, though?
Lina, Naga, full crew, etc. Just nice official art that's good enough for posters honestly

Attached: it's not a date, maybe.jpg (1012x1431, 204K)

Besides the box-art, you have this as an option, or if this is too many people...

Attached: slayers ultimate.jpg (1220x1720, 1.62M)

No that's impossible, they don't prefer the redundant isekai shows that come out every year now right?

... you can use this from the last movie that came out a long time ago.

Attached: amelia hasn't met her sister because she's asleep.jpg (850x1151, 248K)

I would never understand this ship
He wiped 95% of her race he is fucking evil he would never care about her its on his fucking nature
Fucking fangirls

Attached: 187fe5aee546dce5ac9e52a50f177fba.jpg (2527x1802, 1.51M)

It's a ship that pleases tsun-fags on both sides. On one hand, you have Filia acting "tsun" in the sense that she calls him literal garbage and repeatedly tries to assault him, while also tolerating his existence because he's an acquaintance of Lina's. On the other, Filia is the only person in the anime to actually make Xellos angry. Milgazia, for example, treats Xellos with respect out of sheer terror. Filia, despite knowing exactly what he is and that he could kill her instantly, constantly insults and berates him, even when he's being a polite asshole. Despite all of that, he "rescues" her when he petitions Valgarv to join the Mazoku, leading the shippers to believe he actually cares about Filia (when the reality is he was just using her as bait).

Remember, Xellos-fags don't understand that he will become powerless and potentially die if he feels or expresses love, a positive emotion. Even personal happiness for a Mazoku is derived solely from schadenfreude.

Attached: getting treats.jpg (950x713, 734K)

That's every ship with Xellos though isn't it?

People seem to forget Xellos is really just this purple tornado thing

He's just a round cone.

Attached: Volume 7 - Rashart's Defeat.png (677x989, 465K)

holy fuck, comeback of the fucking year. Im happy for him because slayers was some good shit

The best part, to me, is that Rui is old and gives absolutely no fucks, so he's drawn all of the women with hard nipples in the official pages.

Attached: Volume 16 - Amelia.jpg (499x573, 134K)

>, so he's drawn all of the women with hard nipples in the official pages.
>hard nipples
He is a fucking man of culture

Attached: 1469215741829.png (354x313, 252K)

He's walking a dangerous edge. He's using 3D modeling to create movies with his waifu, not to mention he's got someone doing voice acting for his drawings.

Attached: Volume 16 - Eileen.jpg (383x486, 81K)


Im quite interested on this whole revival because it seems fucking more popular in japan.

I'll get to that in my spare time.

It's relatively big. For example, despite the genre of the game, Volume 16 made Valkyria Anatomia feel like upgrading Lina and Gourry's models.

Attached: slayers x valkyrie anatomia.png (640x360, 469K)

These are the ones most-recently available. I know I'm missing one but, well, I'm sure you'll want to dig in to the content yourself.


Attached: cute couple22.jpg (1000x778, 109K)

Reminder that Lina's butt is perfect

Attached: lina butt.jpg (1007x711, 177K)

I suppose a better metric would be that at the start of June 2019 Slayers was the most-searched topic on 8ch.

It's the only thing she's got...

Attached: 25th anniversary figure.jpg (600x1066, 77K)

I made that they only figures they made for the anniversary were kits

So mad that I can't even spell mad right

Is there something inherently wrong with that?

Attached: models, to scale.jpg (480x640, 122K)

Yes because unless you can paint they don't look that great OOB (specifically talking about the Volks kits)

You could always use GW painting tutorials or ask /tg/ for help. I can understand if you wanted something ready-made, but when it comes to models one of the favorite things about it, as a hobby, is the amount of detail that has to go into them. Fewer, or even no, parts reduces the "quality" of the object in the eyes of those hobbyists.

Attached: models, to scale2.jpg (401x600, 41K)

>had seen over 200 shows
>still never watched Slayers
>bit the bullet and watched all of the existing content within a couple months earlier this year
>enjoyed it quite a bit
>Yea Forums still has occasional threads
This is so sweet

Attached: Slayers.jpg (1024x640, 116K)

I care immensely for this show, and I'm glad that there's been a comeback lately. To best honest, it's the only reason I browse Yea Forums, to see when another one is starting up.

Attached: lina in pajamas.jpg (900x1200, 112K)

Attached: cute amelia.jpg (1280x727, 58K)

So would this be a good watch order the non-Naga stuff?

Attached: vo.png (353x122, 5K)

Yes. Premium takes place between NEXT and Try so you've got it right.

Attached: pop team slayers2.png (649x1784, 798K)

This look pretty good the Naga stuff?

Attached: vo.png (325x125, 6K)

Also good! Even though Excellent was released after Special, it shows how Lina and Naga first met, so it comes first chronologically.

Attached: pop team slayers.jpg (800x640, 100K)

The voices in those gave me cancer. Please warn anons to mute it next time.

Attached: flustered lina.jpg (1200x960, 224K)

Are those the 3D animations people here were referring to, I can't see to see them.

Someone on here rumors that it's Rui using a voice mod...

Nah, I didn't go looking for the 3D models, nor do I want to, really. The 2D stuff is at least aesthetically pleasing, without the sound.

Attached: cute couple12.jpg (1280x1707, 740K)

Attached: cute couple2 - うみの.jpg (600x851, 411K)


Attached: 1558576427865.jpg (1048x1497, 390K)

That's great and all, but there's gotta be something worth talking about. The thread can't survive just by posting images!

Well, I mean it can, I have plenty, but...

Attached: nope not even i know what's going on here.jpg (600x621, 222K)

true that ...

Attached: 1558574436316.png (573x470, 42K)

Oh come now, you're just posting things from the archives!

Attached: What the fuck did you just say to me, you little bitch I'll have you know I graduated at the to (503x889, 571K)

sorry, I got nuthing...

Attached: 33a34fbc035f56c3db10583d1c890e0a.jpg (564x774, 72K)

It's not.

Attached: 1536039739603.jpg (550x536, 56K)

It's okay if the thread comes to an end. There will always be another one.

Attached: hugs2.jpg (1063x1089, 460K)

I still have no idea how on earth did those two hook up all the sudden.

Attached: 1558579680833.jpg (1178x1705, 152K)

Beyond "pair the spares", they have a strong chemisty because of their natural behavior. Zelgadis, despite trying to act tough and mysterious, has an extremely refined personality. He knows arts, and music, and history, which he learned of his own volition. This makes him have a depth to him that a naive, relatively sheltered girl like Amelia can appreciate. His facade gives Amelia something to "crack" into, to pull the real Zel out, and it makes her happy to make him admit he's happy himself.

In a similar vein, Amelia's lack of worldly experience beyond being a diplomat means she needs someone with a bit of a cynical side, like Zel, to reel her in. When she gets needlessly reckless, or daringly stupid, Zel is there to keep her in check. He is, by his own admission, fond of "maidens", which Amelia fits to a tee, and it's because of this weakness -- if you can call it that -- that makes him over-protective of her.

So, while in the beginning they seemingly had nothing in common, their relationship was able to progress to something akin to siblings, and by the end of Try they were in a position to move closer as lovers, especially after Amelia gave Zel a "promise" in the form of her choker while he was off on his travels.

Attached: hugs3.jpg (522x681, 68K)

Huh, that's actually a pretty solid explanation.
Dunno if I was stoned while watching the show or if it was just very poorly conveyed in the anime, but to me it indeed felt like it came outta bushes.

Sure there was the little bit of jealousy during the forced crack pairings, but even those I thought to be just because Amy's "nooo~ those two must couple up & fuck!!" foaming.
But whutev... I guess two hard-skulls are a perfect fit for each other. They literally bonk bullets and shit like it's nobody's business.

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Amelia is unironically too complex for me to think she is in love with Zelgadis.

She and Gourry both have this thing going on where their backstory is some George RR Martin bullshit but they both cling to idealism in spite of or because of the suffering they endured.

Gourry with Lina is easy enough to understand - he pairs well with her and is her conscience. But Zel and Amelia is ambigious. Amelia in general is hard to pin because past JUSTICE it's hard to tell what she's ever really thinking. Zel is an open book in that he wants to be a strong shaman sorcerer and cure his erection lasting more than 24 years

This ambiguity in their relationship dynamic is what makes it so appealing. We know what an intimate relationship between Lina and Gourry would be like, or Lina and Xellos. Zelame is open to so many interpretations that you can have it be pure healing, a maiden's flights of fancy, or abusive dominance, and it would still feel right.

Attached: passionate missionary position.jpg (616x900, 204K)

Megumeme is a shit


The purple-haired chick is actually a dude.

As in Lina and Luna's father.


Attached: lina, luna, and dad.jpg (500x705, 154K)

Let this be a lesson to all of us that looking at art when using an epub reader is actually really fucking important and you shouldn't treat it as an accessory that you can find on Pinterest at a later date, or some stupid excuse like that, because it will make you look retarded in the long-run.

Attached: Gourry and the Fisherman.jpg (719x520, 97K)