Will we ever see a golden age of animation again like the 80s and 90s? Not a single ova or anime in current year looks and flows this nicely. Not by a long shot.
Will we ever see a golden age of animation again like the 80s and 90s...
I suspect that traditional anime (late night shows with fanservice) will die within the next 10 years. There will likely be a much smaller number of shows produced with funding from netflix and other giants, but they will be of a very different nature and feel.
I could imagine average animation quality rising as a result, but at the same time I really doubt it.
When will the meme that 80's had good animation end? Fluid does not equal well animated, it means many inbetweens. Elaborate art doesn't mean good animation either, more than in the sense that keeping track of more tones is an added chore. You could often clearly tell where the keyframes were and it looked pretty stiff.
It's the newest teen meme since widespread streaming platforms started hosting anime, let them embarass themselves.
All your gibberish won't distract from the fact that no anime made after the 00s has been able to top the aesthetics of the 80s- early 90s yet.
probably not, but that's also kind of a dumb question.
if you take just the best stuff from two decades and compare it to a current season it's going to seem way better because you're just skimming off the top.
that being said, there really is a reduction in quality as of recent years, despite what these two contrarians say. i will say that modern animators are doing a bang up job given what they're working with
the problem is they're churning out more shit at a faster pace and with a smaller budget. everything is just a rehashing or an iteration of whatever the flavor of the month is (see the dozens of isekai that only got adapted because SAO took off). the medium is becoming more disposable as it becomes more saturated.
why spend years working on an original idea and dump thousands into the animation when it might recoup you nothing? in the same time frame you could just churn out three shows at half the cost, base them off an IP similar to whatever's blowing up right now, and guarantee a return. you can even let the show be full of QUALITY because no one will remember it in three years, which is fine because you front loaded all your returns with uncensored BDs and figurines.
you can see examples here and there where the animators cut through all the bs and delivers a nice scene, but that's hard to keep up for a whole season. there are even a few shows that will probably pass the test of time, but we won't know what those are until the past two decades are well behind us.
the fundamental problem is they aren't rewarded in any way for putting in effort. the most they can hope for is to get stuck making the same show for a decade.
>golden age
The golden age of anime was in the 00s (when the average anime had good animation).
TV anime in the 90s, and especially the 80s generally had poor animation with exceptions like Sunrise and Gainax.
Well animated OVAs and well animated movies were also still a minority even among OVAs and movies then.
Not animation. A lot of 80s and 90s anime had poor animation because they were overdetailed. There's a reason a lot of the best animated anime scenes in any era lack detail compared to a lot of worse animated anime, or even worse animated scenes from the same series.
less detail doesn't mean better, just like more doesn't either. it needs to be a deliberate choice for the style of the show. "aesthetic " is subjective. if you just like the aesthetic of the 80-90 anime, or 00-10, that's you own taste/opinion. what isn't subjective is all the errors and sudden dips in quality that a lot of modern shows are plagued with. consistency is what modern anime lacks
This, fuck the other posts in the thread that are basically just REEing from different ends of the horseshoe.
I have no idea what your problem is with my post. It's somewhat uneducated, but "REEing" and "contrarian"?
Even you yourselves think that the studios are working at an unhealthy pace with shitty budgets. So you are not even disagreeing with me when I say that the industry is unhealthy.
Please explain yourselves.
>The golden age of anime was in the 00s (when the average anime had good animation).
no, the average anime had better than terrible animation
>Well animated OVAs and well animated movies were also still a minority even among OVAs and movies then.
there were still WAY more than now
fuck off with your revisionist bullshit
Lmao trying to trick newfags who don't know any better?
00-2 and 04-6 were dark ages, the only redeeming anime was rozen meiden
There wasn't a golden age
There was a small handful of well done shows and movies that had stuck around as examples of stellar animation, or storytelling, or comedy, or action
Then there was a fuckload of poorly done garbage that has been completely and totally forgotten
Much like now
>we'll never get those days back
Feels bad
for every cherrypicked QUALITY from that era, you'll get a handful of top tier visuals and cinematic masterpieces like akira, nge etc.
The cherrypicking is people who only ever talk about movies and OVAs when these kinds of threads come up. The Eva TV series predictably looks much worse than EoE and the versions you watch these days aren't even representative of what aired on TV. Most of the recent DVD and bluray releases are from a remaster or whatever you want to call it that went back and redrew some scenes and fixed the judder that the original had.
And using Akira as an example of anything is the height of cherrypicking since it stands alone in its quality. Even the OVAs and movies people bring up besides it don't really compare. Shame that quality was wasted on what amounts to a shitty pseudo-adaptation. The only thing these days that ruins things for me is the use of CGI. If they just stopped doing that shit things would be much better. At least if you ignore the people that go through every show looking for bad looking inbetweens to spam.
bro didnt attack on titan come out like only a couple of years ago?
Only the first season looked good at some scenes. Then the later seasons had CGI horseshit
The best animation cut in the show is from the third season though.
i misquoted you, i meant to quote that faggot
What anime is this?
Cyber City Oedo 808
bro the animation you showed was tight though that looks like some season 1 shit
Thank you
When people stop otaking's pictures seriously
All seasons have good animation, the Reiner vs Eren fight in S2 was amazing