Episode 11 Uninvented Music Corps
Fairy Gone
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>chain sword
Oh shit, nein in action?
why she is so sexy?
>[Erai-raws] Fairy Gone - 11 [720p].mkv
hey erai is out fast this time, what a relief
Swiggiti swooty
Who is the duke there again?
Nevermind, director knows what the viewers are thinking.
Can't wait to see her fight.
>few days
This nigga.I understand the scope of this but sheeeit.
>no legs
Confirmed to be rekt soon.
I never bother remembering any of the names just the titles, except Ray Dawn cause it's so goofy and every character feels obligated to say the name dramatically once per episode.
Ray dawn is cool.The Shit was playing it clever but nigga done it now.
Hopefully next week we see what he's actually capable of with a weapon he knows how to use. Also I wonder if Diese will get dealt with this cour, if he does I'd assume it'd be by Ray Dawn unless he's gonna be showing up late to defend the castle.
Already sleeping in foxhole style.
Can't aim for shit.
>personal letter
>ur a faget.jpg
No uh yes you can.
Damn, girl.
Him whistling along with the song was pretty cool.
His Whistle
10/10 ambush.
Will she finally kill someone?
He got them plot armor on full blast.
I hope ray dawn is fast enough to join in the fun as well in the capital.Too bad about nein only get to fight against lame soldiers. Might be funny if ray dawn swoops in and do a coup de etat himself, cutting down the emperor and since they no longer have an emperor to protect, they just went "oh hay, new boss" since I dont think we were shown the emperor faction at all and if they are powerful enough to enact revenge and shit.
Why do they present characters as "big deals" when we haven't seen them before like ever, do the people working on this know something about build up.
That whole walk was stupidly funny. Including mercs having a headshot ratio almost 1:1 against solders with most likely not a single clear hit. At this point I probably watch it ironically, for those unintentionally fun moments and cute girls.
For a show having fairies and shit as a plot device, they sure play a minor as shit role. And that's nearly at the halfway point.
Nein finally decided to draw her sword?
RIP whoever she is fighting.
Is the capital guarded by stormtroopers from star wars?
With "Black six" every one is gonna have a fairy. You just have to wait for season 2.
Thought he would at least sneak inside or at least stuck at an ambush but very close to the emperor, oh well, nigga gon die soon seeing how he is all MUH FIGHT TO DEATH or maybe he gonna capitulate and buttfuck diese.
Nein a best
I wake up tired
>when we haven't seen them before
What are you talking about, none of the characters this episode were new and if you're talking about the director, it's been stated/shown many times she was one of the seven knights. Do you even watch the show?
I love chainswords
>*whistles in rock music*
Is Marlya still useless in this episode? Downloading right now.
She didn't really have a chance to do or not do anything this episode.
This feels a lot like Saredo
is this worth watching? might get into it before the season ends
the actual fairies are a pretty big deal, they are just usually faced by another real fairy so it cancels each other out.
the artificial fairies are just cannon fodder
Is the show getting interesting? I dropped around ep 4 or so.
If you hadn't mentioned it I would've forgot I actually watched it.
I'm enjoying it, but it's not great from an objective standpoint and it takes some time to get good. The first episodes are the worst, confusing and somewhat awkward. It really gets better the more you watch, plot makes more sense and you get some great scenes.
4 was one of the earlier highlights for me, so if you didn't really like it up to this point you probably won't like the rest. That is however when the series turned around. The best episode so far, for me at least, was episode 9.
>Is Marlya still useless in this episode?
I fear for her regarding the next episode.
>guy controlling armored dolls in plain sight
>shoot dolls, fuck the operator
How the fuck did they even win the war?
I mainly remember because I got some use out of this scene during Anima Yell
It's out!
And it sounds worse than in the episode
That's a shame, I really liked it
So Marlya is still fucking useless. Worst MC of the year.
>Is Marlya still useless in this episode?
Yes, and at this point I've lost hope that's ever gonna change.
Good taste, user.
Hopefully she dies so we can forget her useless ass and move on.
why do so many people turn off their brains and get confused by the most basic things when watching this show?
Probably because they already have the opinion of the show being bad/boring, so they pay even less attention. Meaning they miss out on even more things and that reinforces their opinion.
Not saying this show is amazing but if they're gonna bother to watch the show, they'd probably have a better time if they paid attention.
k, thx for the opinion
Nothing as badass as whistling your own theme song. Well, maybe having spanish guitar follow you around can hold a candle to that..
>Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.
Is this still a 6/10?
Ray Dawn is best boy and best subject and deserves an APOLOGY.
Marlya managed to not be useless this week, at least. At least not compared to how useless the army is.
>Marlya managed to not be useless this week, at least.
Well, she also didn't really do anything at all.
Veronica will assassinate Ray Dawn. No forgiveness.
>spanish guitar
It's even more badass when you're rescuing lolis.
>Marlya managed to not be useless this week
She didn't do shit. That's useless enough all things considering.
It kinda looks like Ray Dawn is going to do some badass things next episode, considering his Fairy Weapon is missing from it's container. And I think I saw him in the preview.
Big question is what is his game. Will he be a loyalist or will he try to seize power after having both Dieze and Emperor killed (regardless of order)?
sick, bored, expired
It was stupid, but this guy proceeds to be fun.
Damn Nanomachines luck.
Who is going to die next episode?
the rule of cool