New Vinland Saga preview

New Vinland Saga preview

At least the ending sounds good

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Ayyy why no hype /vs/?

Has there ever been a bad aimer song?

Will they animate Ylfa's whale hunt?

I hope.

You can see parts of the bonus chapter in the trailer so yes

>generic women pop for a viking story
Yeah it's shit. Too bad Japan can't into folk.

Fucking CGI

>OP and ED are both meh
Hopefully the rest of the OST is more fitting. Those small clips you hear in the trailers have sounded pretty promising.

>not viking songs as OP and ED

it will be shit

>tfw I somehow lost interest in the manga since the latest big arc began
Don't like that ED and the CGI but I have still a lot of hope for it being good as long as it won't rush or skip shit. Hope I will at least enjoy watching the former arcs animated, I still love the first one and farmland.

Just read through the manga. Christ, I don't think I've ever seen a manga fall so far down the "if-you-kill-your-enemies-they-win" hole.

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> we want "viking songs" for a story about a guy who learns to despise the violence that forms the centrepiece of the viking culture depicted in said songs
What did you mean by this?

Imagine not being able to understand a goddamn manga.

Yes, screamo rock and pop are much more appropriate for that.

I understand it perfectly well, that doesn't mean I gotta like it.

This is the next big thing.

The next big anime.

The author of this Manga will be a millionaire.

What I love about this manga is how easily it allows you to spot a pleb because they are always that one faggot complaining that Thorfinn stopped being a Sasuke-tier edgelord.

He probably already is

A dollar millionaire, being a millionaire in yen makes you upper-middle class at best.

This one.
Shit music desu senpai.
Based and correct.

Yeah but he's probably a dollar millionaire too. It's his second popular manga already. Though I guess it's not super popular because normies don't pay attention until anime comes out

I'm still surprised they were willing to fund an an adaptation that has zero japanese characters and no mention of japan.


>there are no possible settings between "Sasuke" and "killing is wrong just disarm them with your Viking kung fu bro"

The middle ground is for faggots who can't commit to anything.

There aren't really

>we want viking songs for a viking series

yeah you are right, Thorfin is a race traitor

it's fiction, dude. Scandinavians became docile and intellectuals after they embraced Christianity. I shit you not.

>Scandinavians became docile
>what is Sweden up until 18th century

Thorfinn's absolutist pacifism only works because he's already a superhuman fighter and can parry/dodge/flee his way out of almost anything. That's all well and good for him, but the annoying part is when he tries to preach it to everyone else.
>if you kill this guy to avenge your used goods waifu, that's the same as how I killed hundreds and obsessed over revenge for a decade

they are cucks now

Yeah but if everyone else didn't have a murderboner then he wouldn't need to rely on that.
And what does his abilty to survive danger have to do with his views on killing? I do believe he exaggerates when he claims that killing some asshole will make you go full Sasuke for the rest of your life, but I do understand that he is trying to become the living incarnation of extreme pacifism since the vikins are the living incarnation of extreme violence.
And to be fair, he does realize trying to change other people is worthless, since his entire plan is to fuck off to another continent to create his own little paradise there, far away from the viking niggers and their shit culture.

They actually practiced eugenics untill the 1960s,and they started being cuks after they abadaoned their fascist side...kek.Thats more that 1300 years of being violent or morally questionalble(they traded with the 3rd reich and even had manny volunteers in the SS).
So those gooks can fuck right off with their peace sucking shit,plus this happens in like the 10th=11th century when most europeans were warmongering barbarians(christian or not).

Sounds like fucking garbage.

imagine this intro but with Thorfin instead of Ragnar

To be fair, MC's beliefs are a result of spending a considerable part of his life surrounde by warmongering barbarians and seeing how shitty and empty that life is.
He tries to paint it as if he was enlightened or something but he is really just a murderhobo who is fed up with that shit and wants to fuck off to the other end of the world so he doesn't have to deal with that shit anymore.

Hell they could've gotten even a noname metal folk band and the music would've been better and cheaper i bet.
Yeah i know,but the manga being a seinen so alegedly ,somewhat realistic going full canadian in that age is bound to get you killed or at best get you a worse ending than death.
Thats why the quality in writting dropped ,fights got more bullshit,theres a fuckton of drama and the story is getting nowhere.
realistically you deal with the grievances of your time period and thats that,also i hped that character development would,ve made Thorfin into a proper viking leader still willing to kill,but less of a teenager edgelord,but the retard author went with the hippy bullshit.

How will anime onlys react to the farmland kino? Also will we end there? Its the most fitting as everything after that kinda sucked. Before that it was fucking top tier though.

If the story doesn't deviate too much from the actual Vinland Saga then he will indeed die, probably because of his pacifism.

If the people in charge know what they are doing then they'll end it with him coming back home.

Hope so. I am worried about how they will adapt it. How is their tract records with animation anyways? Ending right after askelad dies would be dumb

It's 24 episodes. It's only going to adapt the prologue

How is that dumb? It's the best possible place to end it

There is no way they spend 24 episodes animating the prologue alone.
At most they spend a cour and a half with the prologue and the other half with the farm shit.

What if I love Farmland Saga but hate the new stuff?

That's okay.
The latest arcs have been kind of boring and dumb.
I just want them to do this Greece shit already so they can go to fucking Vinland.

What are you talking about? The prologue is 54 chapters. That's 2-3 chapters per episode. It's very good pacing. You can't get much faster than that

Dude,the natural transition from an edgy teenager that killed without giving a fuck due to the fucked circumstances he found himself in was not a full blown fucking cuck,but a real man that only kills when he needs.
Such fucking wasted potential,and you are just as much of a pleb as those who want edgy shit.

Same here.
I also might sound like a faggot but I am not happy with how much comedy and fanservice (not in the sexual sense) the newer chapters contain. Sure I also like a bunch of funny Thorkell scenes, but basically everybody but Hild works as comedic relief right now and then we have characters like that damn dog and baby who are nothing but balast and even further comedic relief. Also that spear guy might have not been bad on an objective level but he didn't fit to VS for me. I always felt as if he was from a different series or something.

He was always meant to become his dad, you fucking retard, that was the whole fucking point of his journey after he died till he came back home, and during the only fight where we see his dad in action, the story points out that he didn't kill anyone.
Only retards who were too busy picking their nose instead of reading the fuckig story think this came out of nowhere.

>slices through 5 people with single axe swing
I don't remember this shounenfaggotry being in the manga. Is it just Wit showing off with that awful scene?

I forgot when he wrote this and I cant be botheted to find it but the author mentioned how he wanted to add more jokes and make it less bloody after having his second new born so he can enjoy it. Which is fucking dumb for many reasons. It all went down hill after farmland. It peaked and then crashed sadly.

For season 1 maybe. I dont know how long it will be though but I just really wanna see farmland animated.

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It's Thorkell. He lifts like 1000kg boulders and slices people all the times

Yeah the series went full meme with this last arc.
I'm still trying to understand what was up with that werewolf-gorilla-monster thingy that Thorkell fought and from where the fuck did that come from.

yea but it bothers me that it looks like a dumb superkatanaslash

I assumed such a thing. Such changes are always triggered by some personal changes, I hate it too. I would also say that the series peaked during Farmland. I love the shit out of the first arc but Farmland felt more professional and not only regarding the graphic.

I totally forgot about that manbearpig thingy.

bad genetics + bullying creates power retards

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That crossbow lady is a complete buzzkill and needs to die or gtfo. Thorkill rebounding would be a cool concept but he cant cuz this lady is always behind him. Him struggling with the moraility of killing is alot cooler then him not doing it because of fear of death. She ruins the manga by just being there. This scene would be alot less impactful if she was there the whole time with her dumb as fuck crossbow the whole time.

I completely forgot about it as well. What do the japs think?

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Vinland Saga starts off pretty shounen faggy (the main character dual wields reverse gripped daggers for instance), but the author gains maturity and historical knowledge as the series progresses.

Funny you said that since having a viking song for most of the series until the pacifist arc would be perfect.

I could be wrong but I don't think the historical Thorfinn Karlsefni was an actual viking in the sense that he never went raiding. Maybe someone who actually looked at the sagas can care to correct me but from what I can gather Thorfinn Karlsefni ended up establishing a settlement on Vinland but after a few years got chased off by some native or in some telling a Monopod and ends dying of old age on iceland

Just got to the part where thorfin is asking the chain guy for funds to establish Vinland.

Does it get better? I found farmland shit pretty boring.

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Will this feature the entire prologue?

I like pacifist Thorfinn and I completely agree with you.
Hild is the worst character in the entire manga and you explained why pretty well. She kills any tension regarding Thorfinn breaking his oath or killing again, plus any potential moral dilemma over it.
It was already unlikely that he would kill again but now it's pretty much set in stone that he won't because if he did, she would kill him and the story would be over.
It's just a dumb addition to the story that makes no sense and lowers its overall quality.
Plus her dad being shown getting killed in a flashback right before she shows up in the story instead of dying during the prologue reeks of the author pulling her out of his ass. Hopefully the anime fixes this by adding the scene where Thorfinn kills him much earlier.

It gets worse.

Didn't he get killed by native archers while in VInland?

Two cours so yes

If you hate farmland (which I personally liked) you will hate the rest after that even more. Thorfin still maintains his no-fight policy but everything else turns into lighthearted comedy and weirdness that doesn't really fit to the series. Also, more women, bishounen and kids.

That was Leifs brother Thorvald, iirc the manga did mention him but I cant remember where it was (it was either right after the farm or just before Thor leaves iceland)

Oh yea I dont mean to downplay the first arcs they are great. The whole legend of artorias and how Askelad views the norse people is great. Great fight scenes as well. The manga is great until they pick up that crossbow lady and the baltic sea war arc starts. That arc ended so hopefully it gets good again.

hild is a shit cockblock
bring back ghost askelad

Oh, fuck, I got them mixed.

After reading up on what the author is going for, I think seeing it from a new perspective relating to changes for Vikings after the introduction to Christianity makes this manga enjoyable again so I will keep reading with this in mind.

It's just a shame, I really liked all the action in the prologue.

Fuck I kinda like Hild as personality but this would have been so much better and more meaningful.
Hild's role is stupid and boring as shit and she doesn't change. I don't get it why she was even added to the story.

I kinda doubt it. He might cut down the comedy a bit and finally focus on drama and historical stuff atmosphere again, which I somehow even doubt, but I have a general problem with the team and it's almost the same problem I have with the party of Berserk.

>revealed this guy is the one who ordered thorkills dad to die
>he gets fucking pissed
>oh crap is he gonna do it?
>lol nope if he does ill kill him :^)
And just like that the scene is ruined. What could have been a powerful chatacter moment down the drain. What a waste.

>did't like farmland
Shame and bad taste. It gets much worse. I say drop it.

Its not even that its a logical and good way to have thorfinns character grow and change. I loved farmland but the rest is bad. Just a warning.

The baltic war arc still has plenty of great scenes. But yes it should have probably been shorter

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The idea of a past victim of Thorfinn following him to see if he can really attain redemption is good, the problem is her "hurr durr if you kill anyone I'll shoot you" autism.

I'm still not sure which one was more retarded: Ymir the hairy retard or "okay murderous vikings, your group is disbanded, now go and be good people, ok?".

Not the other guy but the perspective isn't a problem, that would be Farmland with the semi-christian worldview Thorfin developes there and I enjoyed that arc a lot. It still had a tons of themes and it was interesting seeing Thorfin and Einar dealing with them with the philosophy Thorfin adapted by and and see how they can get out of that shit without killing. It was also nice seeing Thorfin and Einar bonding as comrades, but the later arc rather fucks with that. There are too many characters and everything, including Thorfin's ideal, gets at some point played for laughs and there is unnecessary love stuff and women problems and random characters I really don't care about, at least not in this manga.

The vinland saga team is so unneeded, thorfinns "brother" and best friend is so boring and does nothing. Hilda is worst thing ever and the love intresting girl could be good maybe depending on where they go with it. I am kinda fine with the party in berserk I just hate how puck is just comedy relief and nothing else now.

I honestly read this as "Ylfa's whale butt". This place is ruining me.

It should have been the girl who was going to marry sigurd maybe? Think about it he wants to shag her up, but she is dealing with the fact he killed her father, if he goes back to being a murder hobo she leaves him and he goes down? Anything is better then that shooting autism.

y'know I've started to wonder suppose Thorfinn relapses back into a murderhobo, could Hild actually be able to kill him.
While we do know she can be effective but bear in mind when Hild first tried to kill Thorfinn, iirc he really wasn't trying to fight back.

I literally don't mind farmland saga and its themes and a majority of its characters but its just so poorly handled that I'm losing all the interest.

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It's not as much "they win" as it is "you lose".

Yeah it's retarded because she should know more than others that you should kill in some rare cases to save the innocent people you care about. Her threating to kill Thorfin even if he kills some mad berserker is just stupid as shit and I also don't get why the author made her a super inventor either. It felt weird, but I can accept it if at least it amounts to something, but nothing has happened, she is just some angry shadow of Thorfin. And the other new characters are almost as one-dimensional as her.

She would need to shoot him in the back the first chance she gets or he would murder her ass.
She spent years in the wild hunting shit while he was fighting and killing, there is no way she can win in a direct confrontation.
Even their first "fight" was her taking advantage of her home turf and, like you said, he wasn't even trying.

that's fucking stupid dude.

I don't hate the current stuff but I join the voices that hate how irrational Thorfinn's pacifism is. I mean, come on

what the fuck are you trying to say? If I read that right, then you're saying that it's manly to kill without giving any thought and not caring about your emotions and shit? Damn you're fucking young

It's supposed to be like that. Several characters have told him how naive he is. He's a traumatized and has autism

He is saying that Thorfinn shouldn't have gone from murderous edgelord to absolute pacifist but rather from murderous edgelord to a man who only kills when it's necessary.

>it's supposed to be shit


this actually looks good, hoping they wont fuck this up

>character flaws equals shit
as expected of Yea Forums

Need more Canute.

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how is it irrational?

Killing is never necessary when you are a viking ninja

>the character flaws make the manga boring
high iq choice

No, retard, it's supposed to be irrational.
Thorfinn is trying to be the extreme opposite of the irrationally violent vikings.

but that's exactly what Thorfinn thinks, only, he never thinks that it's necessary to kill someone. I'm sure that if he finds some complete scummy person he'd kill him after several failed attempts. This scummy person would have to put others in harm

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Yeah, congrats, now the manga is boring.

I like this pic a lot.

I'm still amazed by how he went from virgin to Chad so fast.

Thorfinn's current struggle is much more interesting than a raging teenage murder machine

yeah, the author pulled it off masterfully. I fucking changed too when I read that part

He comes across the dude who had his father killed just because he MIGHT get in the way of his selfish ambition and didn't kill him.
I highly doubt he is going to kill anyone ever, even less now that he has a dyke shadowing him ready to kill him the moment he betrays his beliefs.

It really isn't

You really wanted 100 more chapters of that?

Why are you wasting your time replying to shounentards? Just let them cry in their corner.


what struggle? all the encounters are boiled down to
>me kill u
>no me no kill
>?? karate ???

Well, Asklead is dead. I hope this "I won't fight" shit stops when Canute burns Vinland to the ground.

>You are either a full teenage edgelord or a hippy pacifist shounefaggot
Why are you retarded?

That guy wanted to pass on his legacy to his kid. The kid was a good person, so no matter what killing that guy wouldn't have made any difference to anything. Try being smart

>Implying the "man who kills when necessary" idea isn't still just an excuse for edglords to self-project

Shounenbabbies actually wanted Thorfinn to kill Floki and erase 100 chapters of character development. Think about that for a moment

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He tried to have Thorfinn and his friends killed many times in that very same arc and was going planning to start plotting how to fuck them over once he was kicked out till his kid convinced him to drop his bullshit.
And doing what he did for his kid doesn't change the fact that he killed a shitton of people and would have killed even more had things gone his way.
Plus his kid didn't even want to be a viking leader.

floki deserved it

You should read some of his volume comments, he's a feminist that think only men are capable of brutal warmongering

It was all for Baldr so it's ok

It would be better then hilda telling him no. Shounen shit is better then hilda. Seeing him fall could be fun.ill stop shitting in hilda as we all get it at this point.

Can Thorfinn dick her down already

I regret reading this fucking manga

oh my god dude, read the fucking manga again and think with your head this time. Don't speed read. Actually, nvm, it wouldn't matter, you don't seem to understand Thorfinn. I'm guessing you can't relate to Thorfinn in the slightest? Not when he was an edgelord, and not when he became an adult, right? What the fuck kind of life have you been living?

How is Planetes? It's by the same author as well, is the quality similar to early vinland saga or more like the baltic war saga? Or is it completely incorrect to compare them?

How about you actually reply to what I said instead of throwing a bunch of insults and "Y-YOU JUST DON'T GET IT!"s like an underage retard.
Thorfinn is never going to kill anyone, no matter how scummy they might be. You are the idiot who needs to re-read the manga and think with your head.

I feel like everything has been poorly handled from the beginning. Why is this manga considered one of the best?

It's kinda like the dilemma Batman had at the end of Under the Red Hood. Although Thorfinn hasn't been killing for the best of reasons, we see that he ,even way back in his Sasuke phase, has a moral compass. He can tell that there are bad men that deserve to what should be coming to them such as if he were locked in a room with a criminal that wont stop committing crimes and has enough power to keep doing the same.

But why bother building suspense for his ultimate decision if the choice is already made because the looming threat of death should he choose what someone else determines is wrong? It's meaningless at that point.


Hild was a mistake. But to be honest when Thorfinn gets really mad he forgets that she even exists, like with Floki

I agree, it has great art, but the other qualities you mention don't make it good, just attractive.

When do we get to see Miklagardr?

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you know what? You're right, I shouldn't have responded in the first place. I'm in no mood to explain things. Let me just say that Thorfinn would DEFINITELY kill extremely scummy people who actively puts others in harms way. He'd only do it as a last resort

After Russian river adventures arc

I know, but that's what roped me in years back

The problem isn't that the manga is boring but that that it means that everything will be asspulled from now to create a situation in which Thorfinn and friends can get out of trouble without killing someone even when the enemies are an army of warriors and that is just pants on head retarded.

I kinda wonder how many people started reading Vinland because someone told them it's like Berserk because desu I think the people who keep complaining about Thorfinn no killing rule are from that group (not talking about the people who have complaining about the quality of the writing but the ones who keep sperging about how that after every thing he's been through the sheer idea that Thorfinn doesn't want to kill anyone is bullshit)

And they are probably the same retards complaining that Guts isn't a revenge-obsessed edgelord anymore.

The best part is based Thorkell is right about humans and war and we already know how Thorfinn's journey is going to end. Question is aside from him and Gudrid surviving and living out their life in peace together, who among his crew of fictional characters is going to die? I'm already putting money on Hild.

Just started reading the manga, what arcs are there in the manga? The Vinland Saga wiki sucks dick

>farmland saga
>merchant saga/baltic sea war

will she continue to watch Thorfinn even while he's dicking Gudrid?

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She's either going to die on the journey to Vinland or in Vinland.

There are three main arcs so far, the "prologue"/raid and war arc, "Farmland Saga" and "Baltic Sea" the current arc.

The "prologue" is long as shit, it's about wars and battles and darker than the rest, with the MC being an edgy battle maniac, Farmland is the opposite regarding the character, it's about pacifism and problems like slavery and Baltic sea is way more comedic than the rest, has a bigger cast and is about gaining money and resources for the eventual journey to Vinland.

Is the manga even following the books?

I see, Farmland saga sounds interesting. I've only read up to the part where the MC's father trades like 5 lambs for the prisoner but the prisoner dies anyway? That was so stupid of the MC's father, why did he do the trade? His family gains nothing from that trade.

Leif isn't fictional but he's very likely going to die. Not before Vinland though

Thors is a nice guy

The manga has an extremely idealistic view on morality and altruism.
I suggest you take that into account because later on you will have more of that goody-two-shoes stuff and you'll hate the story if that bothers you.

If the manga continues like that she will befriend the group and hook up with Einar at some point.
It's actually meant as negative criticism but I would probably prefer any pairing over Thorfinn/Gudrid. I still don't know why but she annoys the fuck out of me. I wish we could have cool women like Thorfinn's sister in the team.

>idealistic view on morality and altruism
which is uncharacteristic of a mangaka to portray...


Well it was bound to happen. I just wish Yukimura made her a more interesting character. Would have helped if he made her hotter too.

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There's no way he's going to say yes is there? He's too autistic to even notice women at this point. Siggy has already left anyway so it doesn't matter

Yeah, that "I DON'T WANNA MARRY, I WANNA SEE THE WORLD" shit is boring and overdone.
Paint her brown and she is Moana.

Very low IQ post.

Does he even have sexual desires?
Dude spent most of his puberty years around sweaty old men, the closest thing he had to a female figure in his life was Canute.
I wouldn't be surprised if he was gay.

Her choices are also kinda weird. At first she dumps that other guy because she wants to be the strong boy woman that does adventures but then she becomes just the typical girl and falls for Thorfinn and I really hope there won't be any misunderstanding or love drama arcs anytime because I am sick of these things and she seems like the type that would cause this.
I also don't like how Gudrid always causes trouble for everyone but it's played for laughs in the manga, even if her stupidity could easily kill the whole team. There is just too much luck involvement during the whole Baltic arc so far. Thorfinn ad his retarded party can meet an army of battle maniacs and it will someone end with jokes and someone coincidentally intervening or Thorfinn knowing someone or him saying the right words at the right time the warriors and it will save the day.

He's been on the battlefield since he was six and only cared about killing Askeladd, he's so traumatized that he probably never got to develop normal sexuality

>There's no way he's going to say yes is there
Maybe not in that very scene, but they will get hitched eventually. It's a foregone conclusion.

No thats just being realistic to any fucking time period and it just so happens that this particular time period is full of killing,pillage and rape.
If the autor wanted to write his faggot ass feminist garbage he should've done s-o from the start, because i read this manga for badass medieval mothefuckers killing eachother and him shoving his feminist bullshit 60 chapters in is absolutly retarded so i drooped it.
Not to say how he blatantly ripped off vagabond, who did it better anyway.

So what's the purpose of that damn baby? I guess he will be Thorfinn's "son" later because Thorfinn is asexual or something? Because I really hope the author has at least a reason to add otherwise unnecessary balast to the team.

After Greece, sure. But right now it would just be weird. He's never shown any romantic interest to anyone

What is feminist about Thorfinn not wanting to kill people?
And literally the first fucking fight in the story has Thors defeating all his opponents without killing anyone and telling Thorfinn "killing is bad, yo".

Thorfinn and Gudrid will have a real son named Snorri in Vinland. Fake babby has to go

The "feminist bullshit" was there from the very first chapters. Maybe you should have read it more slowly

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>So what's the purpose of that damn baby?
Who knows. Irl Thorfinn and Gudrid had a son who is notable for being the first baby of European decent to be born in the New World. So Yukimura's inclusion of this random as fuck baby is just another of his dumb decisions in an otherwise great series.

Not even an edgefag but I dislike how fucking unrealistic that is. I mean nowadays okay, but during these times when everything got raided or steamrolled by armies or pillaging mad men?
I do not mean that Thorfinn should forget his ideals, and he can even get out of trouble wihtout violence from time to time but it's retarded when the author bends the minds of war fanatics like some of the vikings so much they will calm down because of some MC speech so that he can avoid him hurting some killer or something.
I should mention that I never had these problems with Farmland, it's just that the series feels way more scripted now than then and the Baltic arc broke the suspension of disbelief I could easily maintain throughout the rest of this series so far.

What? He was leader of jomsvikings, obviously they are going to listen when he speaks

>but it's retarded when the author bends the minds of war fanatics like some of the vikings so much they will calm down because of some MC speech so that he can avoid him hurting some killer or something.
When did this happen?
Thorfinn gave a speech about not being murderous retards to the Jorrvikings in the last arc and like three minutes after that they started murdering the shit out of each other.
The only time he convinced someone to be less of an edgelord was with Canute and Hild.
I do agree that the series became more shitty after the Farmland arc, though.

brainlet post

Edgefaggots are killing Yea Forums.

I still very much enjoy Vinland Saga after the prologue but I don't think Askeladd can be topped as a character.

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Crossbow is in the story to green-light Thorfinns upcoming baby/waifu saving massacre so we can learn that letting evil-doers run around unchecked when you could stop them is similar to riding the river of blood through western Europe by yourself.

It's been a while since a character's death hurt this much.

have sex, learn how to spell, and stop wanting to self project as the MC you god damn edgefag.
Your entire argument to why Thorfinn should still be fine will killing people boils down to
>"Hur Dur If I was Viking who Knew How Kill Peeple I Would still Kill all the Peeple that get in ma way to be deep baddass"
Go shoot up a school already

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hild annoys me, i think it'd be more interesting to see if thorfinn could maintain his stance without being coerced essentially. also mfw its now battle shounen

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Thats actually one of the best PVs I've seen. Music doesnt fit at all but the way its cut is great.

I hope you know who dies soon. What a fucking blunder.

It's bound to happen because she's canonically his wife in the actual Vinland Saga of legend.

Hild is a good character, and an important one to have in the group. She represents all the people Thorfinn's hurt in the past, so we don't have to keep having zombie dream sequences to remind us. She short-circuits all the edgy 'I must struggle with my inner rage' monologues, which we've been through and don't need to see again. She provides a moral compass with teeth, unlike Gudrid and Einar who can only suggest, not demand.

Basically, she's the one who allows Thorfinn's change to be believable at all. Imagine if he'd shown up to the Baltic arc and just not cared that Floki had Thors murdered. It's cool, he's a different person now. Could we have believed that if his debt to Hild wasn't always weighing on him?

I'm excited to see how she grows as a character. Thorfinn never experienced what she's going through, trying to forgive the subject of her revenge before the hate disappears. His hate was gone and he didn't realize it until Askladd died.

Attached: (1114x1600, 437K)

I like her representing Thorfinn's victim but her forcing him to stay true to his pacifism at "gun"point is fucking retarded.
And yes, I'd rather Thorfinn had a moment where he considered going back to killing and chose to forgive Floki (the one who should have been the true target of his revenge) than him doing it because Hild would kill him otherwise.
It makes any potential moral dilemma pointless and cheapens Thorfinn's resolve.

She has a lot of potential but it's still getting annoying how she never talks about anything but thorfinn you are muh prey your life belongs to me imma kill you if you sneeze

Eventually there's going to be a chapter where they are isolated from the group and they talk about their lives and whether or not Thorfinn can change for good

I kinda hope she stops following him relentlessly, alright if she still keeps the kill thorfinn thing but if she backs off just a bit, it'll make thorfinns decisions have a bit more weight
Also can think of two possible situations with her
1) Hild see's someone knockout thorfinn and assumes he's dead and que mini mind break ala end of prologue
2) Hild decides to change tactics and threaten Thorfinn that if he goes out of line, shell shot Gudrid instead (ngl if that does happen, I might drop the series completely assuming Hild goes unpunished for it)

What is keeping Thorfinn from killing isn't the threat of her killing him, it was at first the thought that he doesn't deserve revenge because of what he's done. And later it becomes that he's trying to break the cycle of violence, like Hild did.

Him not reaching that conclusion alone doesn't cheapen it. He sees her as a touchstone for what he could be.

I mean, the only opportunity she's had to make any decisions outside of watching Thorfinn has been saving those girls from Vagn's men. If the Baltic arc hadn't been stretched so far (I think to accommodate the start of the anime) we would've seen more from her. I think with the next arc she'll come into her own.

Attached: Saga - c131 [Baltic Sea War 7] [dig] [batoto] [Hox]-img000022.png (1114x1600, 354K)

She feel pretty forced in the story to me, like her entire character and purpose is nothing but being a threat hanging above Thorfinn, every times there's an interaction with her it's nothing but "I'm watching you I'm watching you I'm watching you I'm watching you I'm watching you I'm watching you I'm watching you I'm watching you".
There's nothing more to her at all.

Yeah but at the end of the day we, as the readers, know there isn't a chance he will ever betray his beliefs because he would die if that happened.
Considering the story is supposed to put those beliefs to test, Hild removing any tension regarding that is shit.

Ah fuck it since the anime will cover the prologue, I will re-read it, watch the anime and forget about everything after that, it probably will not get a season 2 so whatever.

It would be fine if she wasn't omnipresently hovering around Thorfinn with her crossbow ready. I think all the tension would remain the same if she were just a member of the party, and the story didn't remind us all the time of her vow to kill. That way although it would be obvious that Thorfinn choosing to break his vow would be a big moment it would not be so obvious that the next scene in such a scenario would be a crossbow bolt in the back like Hild always reminds us she is ready to do.

She hasn't really threatened his life(much) since they got captured and taken to Vagn. Think of it this way, her monitoring him is basically an excuse of Yukimura's to have them in the same place all the time. If she was just another member of the party she'd be with the others protecting them while Thorfinn's off advancing the story. They have a lot to teach each other, and they only have real potential for growth in each other's presence.

You're a fag

Idk why but i keep imagining her having a persian/byzantine military engineer admirer who's going to keep chasing her and ensue romcom subplot

series or OVA haven't followed since thorfinn became a domesticated slave but that was years ago.

IS "she represents" the new fad defence for garbage characters?
You can always just say they represent something by how shit they are.

Come on now, I put in the effort to respond to you. You can do better than that.

she had potential
it was thrown all out in favor of the shitty one liner she keeps repeating in every single chapter
she's a fucking joke of a character now


I don't think you can compare them at all, Planetes is more sci-fi slice of life than anything iirc