
Make or request Yea Forumsrt.

Attached: suc_redo_s.png (1604x2000, 3.08M)

Other urls found in this thread:


This girl is one of the low ranking villains from from BNHA during the USJ attack. Requesting her getting her hair cut short in prison (so she can't use her Quirk) and looking pouty/upset about it.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Academia - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.08_[2019.06.13_20.20.01].jpg (1280x720, 442K)

Requesting Frolaytia Capistrano doing the Tawawa Tapioca challenge

Attached: Frolaytia Capistrano Heavy Object.jpg (2960x1354, 1.11M)

requesting the strip but with the genderswapped characters, please!

Attached: blackshroom request.jpg (2198x1651, 891K)

Requesting a thick, busty Mitsuki wearing Uraraka's hero costume, which os really tight. Give her big pink lips, If possible

Attached: InShot_20190616_121403164.jpg (1920x1920, 1.49M)

Requesting Zoe/Tatsuno drawing a chinese dress with covered hairbuns. She looked cute in her big hairbuns so I wonder what the entire outfit would look like on her.

Attached: zoechina.jpg (2704x1090, 593K)

Requestin Anzu planting her huge ass on Rebecca's face
Shorts or no shorts is up to you

Attached: tea rebecca.jpg (1485x3701, 1.62M)

/r/'ing GOOSH GOOSH ( youtube.com/watch?v=TqeXMWEzROM ) with an anime girl of your choice

suggesting myne from shield hero ( imgur.com/a/BA0Az3w )
bonus points for vaginal

Attached: GOOSH GOOSH.gif (320x240, 724K)

Requesting Nakano standing around with a bunch of Senko tails poking out of the ground like the Fate/Stay Night image. Thanks.

Attached: Unlimited Fluff Works.jpg (2000x1308, 712K)

requesting the hyena way
it being futa on femboy/male

Attached: haibuchi ena.jpg (1686x1196, 1019K)

Requesting Aoi (brunette) and Kotori (green hair) in swimsuits sitting in a kiddy pool, both drawn flat as a board, with Aoi glaring at Asukas (blonde) huge milkers in the distance.

Or anything involving theese three and breast envy really.

Attached: Request.png (1285x650, 640K)

/r/'ing the nude version

Attached: 1558317882576.png (1267x1402, 674K)

i need advice
if i wanted to archive my art, where would you suggest i do?

Requesting Walkure looking like KISS with their tongues hanging out and makind the same hand gesture like Gene Simmons. Not necessarily in the same poses. Showing them like they are rocking out would be a huge plus with everything above. Additionally Freyia would need new make up variation. I leave that to the imagination of the maker.

Attached: KISSWalkure.jpg (1349x679, 310K)

a pixiv/pinterest/tumblr/etc account
also uploading it to the relevant booru(s)

Requesting Kuina, as an oppailoli, begrudgingly flashing Zoro.
Front view or back view are both fine

Attached: kuina.jpg (3498x1800, 1.87M)

i see, thank you

no problem, friend user

Requesting triple tiddy size

Attached: 1559367162788.jpg (1154x1964, 623K)

No. Tumblr will die soon and already deletes shit for no reason whatsoever. For archival purposes, it's the worst choice out there. (Arguably even worse than those sites that horribly compress art, like Instagram.)

it's just an option
amongst the worst options true, but an option

This and maybe a newgrounds & H-foundry, tho im not familiar with their rules on loli and the like

Requesting Hibiki from Suite Precure and Hibiki from Symphogear interacting, either:

- Wearing each other's outfits (but changed to their own color schemes)
- Giving each other a high five or fist bump
- Singing a duet together

Attached: hibikiandhibiki.png (1400x1000, 1.13M)

Requesting mamori tokonome,mirei shikishima and meifeng sakura playing valkyrie drive bhikkhuni vs mode on psvita

Attached: VD.jpg (933x391, 108K)

Requesting Jewerly Bonney taking a massive hyper dump, preferably filling an entire dumpster

Attached: bonney.png (640x512, 91K)

Requesting Elizabeth from the anime "Persona 5: The Animation" youtube.com/watch?v=s7xQtL94RXI dressed up as this Carl.

Attached: carl.jpg (1896x3386, 1.43M)

Requesting an incredibly smug Tatsumaki from One Punch Man doing one of those snobbish noblewoman laughs.

Attached: Smugsumaki.png (1800x1200, 882K)

Requesting Yuuki Konno sitting up in her hospital with a blood bag hooked to her arm and looking in better health than left images, but not as healthy as right. With the sole exception being her breasts are now D cup with her looking at her hands going "I'm...healthy?"
Then in a second panel she's cupping her new bosom with a stoic yet blushing face.
Optionally with off panel doctors voicing their disbelief at her being cured and how the blood transfusion worked so well

Attached: Yuuki.png (1002x834, 815K)

Requesting shiki dressed as super sonico

Attached: same va.jpg (562x329, 67K)

Requesting Musashi from Kantai Collection trying to drink boba tea from her cleavage like all the cool kids are doing

Attached: 50030397_p0.png (1000x1276, 892K)

Requesting Maron stuck in the sand like in the reference with chi-Chi and Krilin looking at her with a pleasant face.

Attached: 1567346343456346.jpg (1670x570, 351K)

Requesting Faye Yeager wearing a cute bikini.

Attached: 1560117287774.jpg (1920x1080, 229K)

Requesting Naruto's daughter or this short-haired shinobu wearing this bikiki and posing as the woman on the reference

Attached: 458923893.jpg (1822x770, 328K)

Requesting top left with Ainz from Overlord but changing it to "If only you knew how boned you really are."

Attached: Boned.png (1800x1200, 1.86M)

Anchoring Jasminka Bikini

Attached: Summer Russian.png (2100x1894, 3.4M)

Requesting Tashigi from One Piece looking back at her butt and pouting over how big it is (her jacket and sword can be removed for the sake of the concept)

Attached: Tashigi_Anime_Concept_Art.png (528x1064, 465K)

(Ignore this post and focus on other requests in the thread please)
if its not too late, id recommend making her the Knight of Hope (middle)

Attached: Hero of [BLANK].png (3712x4312, 2.36M)

god these requests are trash

Requesting Tatsumaki and Tanya threatening to destroy your dick if you don't put it away, but both of them are blushing furiously

Agreed, not enough 80's-90's male anime characters doing manly things that will bring lesser men to tears

Draw megaman bass soul using a darksword darkchip

Requesting an extremely smug Hazuki.

Attached: 3eb93e05c2f3857b1b29b6608ceb5721.png (180x320, 30K)

Requesting Jeanne in a cheerleader outfit

Attached: __jeanne_d_arc_and_jeanne_d_arc_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_enchuu__205a4e61cf2815dbc71b5434ad (794x1104, 952K)

>god these requests are trash
Make a better one then!

Requesting Stocking licking some icecream suggestively. Possibly trying to seduce the guy selling the icecream to give her more for free. Bonus if she doesn't get her way and pouts.

Attached: __stocking_panty_stocking_with_garterbelt_drawn_by_ayu_mog__e4656382bb1af0b3c05421a5907a71d9.png (600x500, 413K)

Requesting Ako Udagawa dressed up as a succubus/demon girl

Attached: Ako succubus.jpg (2570x1412, 828K)

something like she raising her skirt and showing her panties?

Requesting Kuroko doing a teleporting drop-kick on an assassin, but he grabs her ankle and punches her right in her exposed cunt

Attached: 1552963762100.jpg (764x1121, 751K)

No, just looking for wholesome smug.

Requesting all character's on the right dressed as the character's on their left

Attached: SameVoiceActors.jpg (1030x3675, 439K)

Akira and Yukari doing the pose on the left with the bracelets on as well

Attached: AkiraYukari.jpg (3065x2065, 1.33M)

what sort of request do you want to see then, user?

Requesting a chubby kuroko as she's described in the light novels with belly flab and jiggly thighs.

Attached: asg23623de437.jpg (764x1121, 521K)

doesn't matter you guys just repost the same shit from last thread

Requesting the rad idol from im@s Cinderella Girls, Ibuki Komatsu, in this pose danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2909797 but holding her skate instead of the sword.
This might help you for the back shot: i.imgur.com/XqiGarA.jpg

Attached: Ibuki Komatsu.jpg (3040x3219, 2.28M)

Kindly requesting anything cute of Sage Madara.

Attached: Madara10.png (1276x880, 746K)

okay, so you're just pointlessly whining

Requesting Tsumugi Kotobuki form K-ON! performing a 360Âș no-scope dab on requ*sters

Attached: 1531058986223.jpg (1000x1000, 411K)

i need a better explanation of what exactly "dabbing on a requester" would look like

I know you're just trolling, but, damn, you're really not putting any effort into this "good" request.

This is straight up porn.

Requesting Nate and Bear from Yo Kai Watch as robots, ether designed like Robanyan (on the left) or like one the right.

Attached: Yo Kai Watch Nate and Bear Robot Request.png (1628x669, 728K)

Something like this. Sorry if it's a bit confusing because I'm a random requester who can only draw stickman

Attached: 1546999295774.jpg (1000x876, 204K)

Requesting the teacher from Fireworks getting her tits fucked

Attached: [AnimeKaizoku] Fireworks (2017) [BD 1080p 10bit x265 HEVC Jpn 6CH Eng Sub] [DashWatson].mkv_snapshot (1920x1080, 700K)

Milkmaid please

Attached: 1338040942202.jpg (1280x1302, 386K)

Requesting Kuroko dabbing on thiccfag

requesting pov cowgirl imminent_rape, yandere-mode optional, with Yuuko, or Yuuko wearing or doing something sexy
Alternatively her happy like a "kya~n" from getting assertively groped by Teiichi

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dusk Maiden of Amnesia - 05 yuuko miko omake.png (1095x1600, 1.91M)

Requesting Kirara celebrating wearing a Raptors jersey celebrating their championship victory. She could be wearing nothing under it/
Kirara dressed like a cute RCMP officer girl, or as a cute bee-girl otherwise.

Attached: Kirara.jpg (606x785, 163K)

mmm dr stone

I want that poster tho


It must be done!

Attached: good girl 1.gif (540x302, 1.04M)

Requesting artchads T-posing on the virgin requesters.

What artchads? Where are they? There are none in this thread

>What artchads?
"Artchads" are to artists what "Hunterchads" are to fans of HxH: Trolls pretending to be something they are not.
There are lots of pretend-artists in here.

maybe they're searching for good requests elsewhere

Requesting Dark magician girl cosplaying as Wizardmon.

Attached: darkmagiciangirl_wizardmon.jpg (1882x1260, 432K)

Yeah you're right, once they improve to chad levels drawfags leave these threads behind to maybe pop up once or twice once in a blue moon.

Requesting Asuka Katou having really messy, unkempt hair and being depressed in class.

Attached: Asuka Katou.jpg (1126x692, 395K)

based and thiccpilled

I'd like to request a drawfriend to draw what their interpretation would be if Ann Electel from Rockman.EXE Beast+ used a Full Synchro chip to do a Cross Fusion with ElecMan.EXE. Danke!

Attached: Fusion01.jpg (3264x3030, 1.37M)

So if I leave these threads behind I'll be chad?
Cya losers

Attached: unbelivablr.png (711x955, 182K)

Requesting Joe sipping a monster ultra while smugly reminiscing about how retro always wins.

Attached: DKQBw_qX0AAlOBA.jpg (1200x900, 165K)

Its all fun and games until someone asks you to make it thicker

Draw Index's butt

Attached: To_Aru_Majutsu_no_Index_new_cover.jpg (1200x1690, 265K)

implied lewd with Tejina-senpai

Attached: tejina-senpai.jpg (424x600, 56K)

just pick any page of the manga then

Or Tejina-senpai in the bath and her breasts are floating a bit

Attached: tejinas breasts float in the bath.png (582x528, 228K)

Should I ask for her being straight-up impregnated then

Attached: tejina belly.png (620x1510, 648K)

Requesting a slightly fit-looking toned Tohka Yatogami in workout clothes working up a sweat

Attached: Tohka-Yatogami-date-a-live-40267861-1540-1326.png (1540x1326, 1.92M)


Requesting Tamamo Cat-burglar
Latex jumpsuit and silly cat "mask"

Attached: BerserkerTamaGOState1.png (512x724, 396K)

They always reply me with skelly girls jesus
whoever picks Jirou out of all the other bnha girls to make a thick request should kill themself

Requesting Ganaha Hibiki as Hibiki Ai.

Attached: hibi kiai.jpg (2245x768, 1.24M)

When are you taking requests again


Requesting Panty Anarchy with an Angel Arm from Trigun and charging it up like she's about to fire it. Bonus if she's in Vash's clothes while she does it.

Attached: Angel Arm PSG.png (1800x1500, 2.12M)

Those poor bastards need us because they're incapable of thinking for themselves
They also crave attention that they only can attain in this forsaken shithole

it's a shame you don't like fate girls desu

Not really
We can just go directly to fandom threads for series
We get way more attention there

Juu Juuzawa dressed as a king on a chair/throne and Ame Ochibana dressed like a female knight beside him

Attached: 00de8d22c38fd1e8ea1606a6097219d68f66f5d9_00.jpg (492x512, 35K)

Requesting Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura) wearing a magical girl Knight armor

Yet you're still stuck here

Attached: 1340827265791.jpg (398x399, 35K)

Requesting a flustered Riamu Yumemi trying to hide a load in her mouth, but failing due to cum dripping out of the corner of her mouth

Attached: yumemi-riamu-the-idolmaster-cinderella-girls-pink-hair-32302-resized.jpg (650x458, 77K)

too obvious


Requesting Akko from LWA dressed up as Xena: Warrior Princess

Requesting Wiz playing video games or messing up making a potion

How can I live without all these amazing and witty requests

I am requesting a drawing of Riamu wearing the Royal Icing costume i.imgur.com/l5cv8H2.png

Attached: Yumemi Riamu.png (1280x800, 1.73M)

Joe wolfing down a 72oz steak

Attached: 213300.jpg (400x500, 83K)

Alita from Battle Angel Alita (movie ver) in love with a 'Terry's Chocolate Orange', the real-life fusion of two of her favorite foods

bent over with his skirt up with is dick/balls bulging out the back of his tights.

Attached: Maria.jpg (532x458, 62K)

Requesting that you either make proper requests or none at all.

Requesting Haruhi Suzumiya facesitting Mikuru Asahina. Feel free to include braps if you want.

Requesting babu Chariot, Young Chariot and Ursula in the middle of a destroyed stage while holding hands and smiling while laughing (Ursula middle, babu Chariot left, Young Chariot right)

Attached: Paranoia Witch.png (3804x1464, 3.74M)

Requesting Kei cosplaying as Sturm from Granblue Fantasy.

Attached: Kei Request.jpg (1942x2183, 2.37M)

Requesting Symmetrical Docking between Diana and Amanda with both their bare breasts popping out of their uniform; Amanda looking incredibly smug while Diana is blushing with an annoyed look on her face

Attached: Smug Tomboy Tops Prissy Aristocrat.png (1700x2041, 3.28M)

Requesting Handsome Amanda blushing with a lustful smile while her big tomboy tiddies are hanging out of her popped open suit like on the left. optional: text of her saying “Wanna cop a feel?~”

Attached: Beautiful Boy(girl) Tiddies.png (2000x1098, 2.36M)


You feel better now?

Requesting Nibutani (with a ponytail) and Natsumi Tokugawa/fake Mori Summer fawning over Dekomori similar to the bottom two girls in the upper left image, with them all wearing sling bikinis.

A few details I'd prefer to see would be if Nibutani and Natsumi's outfits were modeled more after Mori Summer's outfits on the right (kind of Greco-Roman looking, frillier and somewhat less revealing), and with Dekomori wearing thighhighs and a veil.

Please also make sure Dekomori doesn't look too loli, more like the bottom image (still petite/young-looking though.)

Attached: goddess deko.jpg (3192x3476, 2.33M)

Requesting Ravel Phoenix nervously trying on a nice but conservative dress in a mirror going 'Is this still too much?'

Attached: Ravel.png (645x1240, 592K)

I kinda miss his phoneposting though. But I'm happy for him that he finally got a proper PC!

Requesting Beatrix The Affectionate smiling and wearing the “Big AFFECTION” T-shirt with her breasts as big as the Lucoa on bottom. Bonus points if you use the font like on the bottom right

Attached: Hug a Tree.png (1500x2204, 2.23M)

Attached: smug.png (468x721, 71K)

Pure shmuug

Requesting JS Sagiri stepping on some paint and also covering her palms with it.
Then making a mess by placing hand and footprints everywhere.

Anything cute-lewd is okay too.

Attached: JS Izumi Sagiri.png (2099x1321, 2.46M)

Requesting Olivia Armstrong taking a dump in an outhouse please.

Attached: 1559960020424.png (665x701, 331K)


Requesting this if any characters you like

Attached: 1560721226645.jpg (1455x771, 338K)

Any of the crews from:
Cowboy Bebop
DMC any of the two

That would be perfect

JADF ascended and still posts here more frequently than that theory

Requesting Anchovy from Girls und Panzer introducing Lio from Promare to Pepperoni (top right) and Carpaccio (bottom right) as her little brother. Alternatively, you could draw just the two of them as brother and sister, maybe wearing each others' outfits.

Attached: green hair ref.jpg (3161x1556, 1.12M)


Requesting Death the Kid from Soul Eater dressed as Jack Skellington from the Nightmare Before Christmas while Jack gives him a thumbs up in approval.

Attached: Kid and Jack.png (618x399, 122K)

Requesting the "me and the boys" meme with the "literally me" crew

Attached: Literally me.png (1985x1279, 1.49M)

Requesting Saya Takagi using her twintails as a TV antenna.

Attached: Saya Takagi.jpg (3191x4499, 3.04M)

Requestin a pudgy Fuuka with nice wide hips and a bit of belly posed similar to the reference: nude except for some thighhigh socks, using one hand to cover her crotch, her other hand to cover her nipples.

Attached: fattest ayase sister.png (1220x1060, 803K)

Requesting more drunk Raph

Attached: D83RhSqUIAISvIp.jpg:large.jpg (1920x1080, 171K)

Requesting Akane from Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine with her hoodie pulled down revealing she has real cat ears.

Attached: Ukita.Akane.full.2446235.png (500x715, 56K)

Requesting sadina from the rising of the shield hero desssing as nessa from pokemon sword & shield.
Reference for nessa here:

Attached: Sadina reference.jpg (1200x830, 427K)

Requesting Dengekiko from Neptunia wearing a black chinese dress with some kind of yellow electricity pattern.
Some examples: imgur.com/a/DmXX4H4

Attached: Dengekiko ref.jpg (2428x972, 374K)

Many thanks for the smug, user! Hope you have a good rest of your day!

Sorry it's just a sketch, feel free to re-request.

Attached: P_20190616_195918_1.jpg (2035x1985, 594K)

Requesting Midori dual-wielding shark lightsabers


Attached: Midori ref.png (1049x720, 569K)

Requesting Mariko Nakamura like this

Attached: 1556264679882.jpg (1250x608, 159K)

Requesting Sailor Mercury in a cute swim suit!

Attached: __mizuno_ami_and_sailor_mercury_bishoujo_senshi_sailor_moon_drawn_by_hiki_wota__c820ecf1c023180490f3 (600x750, 262K)



Cute pat pats

Requesting Kenjou Akira in her bikini, without her shirt.

Attached: 04D4061F-3218-431E-B7B4-EEEAB189B305.jpg (736x1000, 326K)

>spend my life perfecting drawing skills and painting
>any feg can import models into koikatsu now take a screenshot and get praised

I need a drawing for this feel

Yusaku and Aoi from YGO Vrains doing lewd things.

Attached: king of gets.jpg (480x360, 22K)

Requesting ponytail Kajou and Saki examining each other

Attached: Lookalikes II.jpg (841x708, 163K)

Requesting Panty and Medb chattering/gossiping about their rampant thottery

Attached: Alpha Sluts Sex in the City edition.png (2015x725, 1.51M)

slow thread tonight

Attached: 06162019E.png (3198x2175, 1.07M)

looks more /fit/ than thicc to be honest.

Very nice work.
Sure, it's for a troll request by one of those whiners who don't care about the thread anyway. But I still find the result incredible!
Neat lines, neat poses. Even though ... dabbing ...

>looks more /fit/ than thicc to be honest.
Well, I'd consider this a good thing, really.
And with the request itself complaining about requesters complaining about characters' bodytypes being "wrong", giving the requester a "wrong" bodytype seems quite appropriate here, doesn't it?

Your art is good, but Christ you're starting to become annoying with this whiny bullshit.

You got a point there.

Requesting Astolfo and female Fujimaru posing together in lingerie similarly to Medb and Scathach, possibly with one of them trying to hide their embarrassment/arousal from the other, or one of them frustrated at the lack of either.

Or you could do something similar to one of the panels from this comic (a continuation of the Medbad/Scathach image): danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2666356

Attached: ling.jpg (3424x1852, 1.12M)

go to bed tarantulafag

Requesting Garnet as a Dragon Monster Girl

Dragon refs: i.imgur.com/YJhod97.jpg i.imgur.com/3VgjeFg.jpg i.imgur.com/r9ny5TN.jpg

Attached: Garnet ref.png (2130x1520, 2.26M)

Can't go to bed yet. I'm working right now.
Anyway, what's your problem?

requesting the bottom image with sapphire swallow

Attached: C9EA9842-C134-41B1-A261-081FD1D2C319.jpg (847x1604, 260K)


Takane wearing the Cacciatrice outfit files.catbox.moe/02vbml.png please

Attached: TD_Takane_N.png (642x802, 120K)

Galko wearing some fantasy warrior armor bikini

Attached: galko.jpg (500x421, 438K)

>user with a face
absolutely disgusting

cute pattable tummy.

deleted cuz quick fixed a thing

Attached: shinobu8.png (1106x1210, 173K)

cute and cunnypilled

requesting eri smiling and holding up a big blank sign

Attached: 1530201867025.jpg (424x544, 228K)

You mind adding her little whiskers?

Maihime wearing a plugsuit themed around her uniform please! Anything else, for example PoV stuff with her, ie laying on a bed and looking happy and a butt-focused shot, with her is good.

Attached: Maihime Tenkawa C.jpg (1066x992, 264K)

odds i work for 2 more hours
evens i JO and bed

it's supposed to be shinobu :v

she doesn't have the whiskers, right?

lol nice job delivering for a spammer, dummy.

literally every time i deliver somebody tells me this ;_;

My bad I couldn’t tell at first

Just ignore this shit. Draw whatever you like.
Yes, the Shinobu guy is obnoxious (one of the very few Policefag gets right), but that doesn't mean that you can't do one of his requests if you like it.

Nice work, great clean lineart. Thank you for wasting your time with my troll request. Now I dare you to draw her THIS thick

Attached: 1532267842787.jpg (677x1000, 186K)

Never deliver: little witch academia, most if not all persona, shinobu, military uniforms. there's more but these are the ones that instantly come to mind. this nigga is probably not even going to say thanks for your delivery.

don't worry about it. spammer request or no I still enjoyed seeing the finished result

i never seen someone deliver not once but twice to abusefag in a row
leave or neck yourself

Jesus christ FUCK OFF

looks good, user!

You do realize your sperging is gonna make Nazifag a martyr.

That's just how it is sometimes. But you wanted to draw it, so you drew it. That's what really matters.

Attached: 1534911274906.png (334x276, 132K)

He literally had the character you delivered for last time, in the same reference. Suspiciously impressive.

well, they're not wrong exactly but the request itself is fine so don't sweat it

as for Shinobu, just draw the things you like and ignore anything with weird unexplained undertones

i just like shinobu, i had no intention of causing any issues by delivering on it

nice fat cunny, but your taste must be unbelievably shit to deliver to abusefag twice in a row.

Requesting abomination with the head of Mary Jane (the blue haired water demon on the upper left), the upper body and wings of Angewomon, the arms and boob size of Passionlip, and the legs of Frolaytia

Attached: Chimera of A.jpg (2031x2400, 776K)

there's literally no issue
people are just being retarded

requesting the Jabami picture done with Tamamo

Attached: tambami.png (1746x718, 1.8M)

Requesting Komi Shuuko wearing the same white bikini as her daughter.

Komi Shouko in bikini: danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3320367

Attached: B7C4F709-BEA3-4A43-8722-4F3EB49E0B1C.jpg (1073x1073, 104K)

Requesting Nagisa Kurihara riding a rhinoceros beetle.

I'd say bringing down the quality of the threads by encouraging one of those spamming faggots is an issue though.

Forgot pic

Attached: Nagisa_Kurihara.jpg (759x570, 231K)

requesting Cinnamon in a rather small leotard or another tight-fit outfit

Attached: 1557883697941.jpg (1920x1200, 1.43M)

every drawthread has spammers, and they always will
deliveries do not decrease the quality of a drawthread
fact is that delivering to them if you want to is no issue
a request is merely a guideline for an artist to follow if they want to

>a request is merely a guideline for an artist to follow if they want to
good fucking joke

Oh okay, so you're one of the spammers that's why youre taking this position, Got it. Though you were someone legitimate for a second.

nah, it's true
you want a 1:1 delivery get a commission

I've never requested anything, I just hang about to see deliveries
my point is that bullying a drawfriend for delivering is retarded
does it REALLY matter if the one delivered for is someone who's been waiting a long time or someone whose request is new in the thread?

>theres literally no issue
this is who you're enabling

the fuck do you mean enabling
it's a person requesting art and getting art delivered
what precisely your problem with it?
I might be retarded, please explain to me

I've seen it before but goddamn that entire reply chain

I wish nazi/abuse fag was just as normal as another spammer.

Isn't the point of a drawthread for people to draw pictures

okay so it's some shitty thread """"personality""""
what's the issue with this one

You don't see the problem with somehow being recognized 100% every single time you post a request?
Do you think that's a normal thing for a drawthread?

Draw only pictures for me, yes.

taking xtra-thick/buff/futa requests

too bad its in 4channel

but what's the actual PROBLEM
so someone posts a number of similar requests
so what?

no you arent

Satsuki with her magnum dong hanging out of her skirt or tucked into one of her stockings.

Attached: Satsuki_Kiryƫin_body_(Junketsu_non-active).png (430x590, 221K)

Just stop replying.

Can everybody PLEASE SHUT UP!?
Every single time someone delivers to that guy, you retards just HAVE to completely derail this thread with your fucking policing and discourage an artist from doing anything at all.
What you are doing is just as bad as the spammer himself.

ochako like this double the ass size

Attached: faa02ea45ee9708453e71cfdeaf05c935cecf9da08d799799b0f7ed4ad01ab56.jpg (2340x1640, 656K)

prove it

Why do you say this every time you're called out, abusefag?
No one could be bad as you.

Oh, fuck off, Policefag.
Not everyone annoyed by your shit is the guy you're rallying against. Please shut up for once.

Several times more autistic and mentally ill than the worst spammers on Yea Forums, /aco/, Yea Forums, /trash/, any 8ch thread he isn't banned in etc.
There's a reason hes called abusefag, thank god artists here usually are user so they aren't DM'd and harassed for free art

Not everyone annoyed by Abusefag's shit is Policefag. You know, don't you deflect to calling everyone Policefag in the other drawthreads?

okay but what is it precisely that he DOES that makes him so bad?
you're being kinda vague
does he just insult the artists who deliver to him? the guy delivered to in this thread hasn't done that

donut argue

Attached: the glasses gril.jpg (640x480, 183K)

Jinako but closer in shape to her goofy ass FGO version i.imgur.com/0LDf5fk.png

Attached: Fate Extra CCC Fox Tail c10 p7.png (846x1200, 1.15M)

You're really really bad at this, you already blew your cover, kill yourself already.

i'm really amazed at how controversial my shinobu delivery was

not the guy you're replying to but things like this for example
(don't forget to expand the image)

Did you skip or are you trying to ignore it, abusefag?

draw her taking the bbc to make up for it

so he posted a retarded request? is that REALLY worth shitting up the thread every time anyone makes a post even remotely related to him or characters/properties he likes?

okay so he... shared a commission in an incredibly autistic manner while the thread derails itself yelling at him?
it just feels like people are getting kind of massively worked up over something that, while stupid, isn't important at all

>Not everyone annoyed by Abusefag's shit is Policefag.
You might not be THE Policefag. But you are trying to police the threads, to the point where you directly attack the artist, who really isn't at fault here. That makes you A policefag. One of many, if you will.

it's not like it's a once-off

I mean sure
but even repeated retarded requests should just be ignored, not screamed at
people being retards on purpose do only want attention, after all

Please tell me, where did I attack the artist?

>so he posted a retarded request?
You do this several times, across several general drawthreads.
>okay so he... shared a commission in an incredibly autistic manner
You do this several times, across several general drawthreads.

It can't be more simple
Fuck off.

Hi, what is your twitter?

Attached: 06162019F.png (3198x2175, 1.07M)

>everyone who doesn't fly into a fit of rage every time somebody acts stupid on the internet is actually one person
that's a wew from me

as for the other two counts
retarded requests I guess can be annoying, but you should really just ignore them
as for sharing commissions in an autistic manner
surely that's kind of a good thing? heaven only knows how much good porn is locked away in people's private collections. if putting up with a little autism is the price of that, then whatever
tldr stop giving autists (you)s, it's what they want more than anything else

Yes, very good!

>tldr stop giving autists (you)s, it's what they want more than anything else
When did we give abusefag a (You)?
>surely that's kind of a good thing?
Oh, i'm doing right now.

Futa raphtalia trying to hide her big tanuki balls.

Attached: raphtalia reference.jpg (1400x1081, 526K)

well all the people telling me to fuck off while calling me abusefag were certainly ATTEMPTING to give this guy (you)s
>Oh, i'm doing right now.
not even english

is this the police autist that asks for twitter accounts so he can spam his imgur albums at them

Attached: Untitled.jpg (3198x2175, 644K)


Probably not. Some people in here are actually interested in the artists' other works and online presence.

Draw Goku

Attached: Goku_universe_survival_by_koku78-dbg6nkx.png (400x648, 174K)

i do not have one, sorry

given the timing and who he's asking though

Could I get a picture like this with Shamsiel?
And can I get a bunnygirl Shamsiel?

Attached: Shamsiel kf.png (696x780, 445K)

A pixiv? A baraag?

Well, yeah. But Policefag spams his shit to everyone. And, from what I've heard, stalks everyone. So to him it wouldn't really matter who it is he asks.
Anyway, we should stop talking about all that shit. How many posts did we all waste on that shit now? 50?

nope nothin, i have no place where i post my things. i'll get around to it sometime