
Manspreading is when a man spreads his physical body to take up much space as humanly possible.

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Why does he sit like that?

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Maybe his dick hurt

would stick my dick

Good thing "he" is a she

inviting Galo to pound him from the front

It's comfortable and it exudes confidence and dominance. Only betas and faggots sit with their legs closed together like a woman.

From what?

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Alpha male

How is discount yoko?

I never realized that manspreading twinks could be so gap moe.

Can't you flaming homosex go back to faggot mob threads to post gay mob lewds and stuff there?

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I'm not a pedophile.


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It definitely awakened something in me

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So are we just going to be hornyposting Lio for the next three months until we actually see the damn movie and have something to discuss?

>make a girl
>call it a boy
Is this just a dumb fetish now?

Why are her breasts diamagnetically opposed to each other?

I fear so.

What would Yea Forums be without hornyposting cute girls

Do we actually have anyone who saw it here? I want to know what is the twist reviewers keep talking about

There are a handful.

>Manspreading is when a man spreads his physical body to take up much space as humanly possible.
Fake news. Men have to spread their legs because testicles are delicate and are painful when compressed. The idea that they're doing it as a psychological power trip is only the mistaken interpretation of fragile feminists who are so caught up in their gender war they seek out patriarchal oppression where none exists.

His legs are not even that widely spread when you take the exaggerated foreshortening into account. It looks to be about a 60 degree angle at most, which is perfectly reasonable.

Oh, also I should point out that triggershit is fucking gay and you're all faggots for buying into this garbagefest yet again.

I would spread his legs, oh boy, I would

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Why is Kori ni Tojikomete so cute?

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>discount yoko with rika's face, the most boring face so far in all of trigger
not to mention Lio or whatever his name is, is just bishonen viral

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He's asserting dominance.

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But that's a girl

>draw a girl
>call it a boy

The lines I’m uncertain of are “あの街の雪の中に/光など見つけないでよ.”

>posts girl (male)

That character's design is shocking.

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But it's not homo when they have a feminine benis.

Based slav mech

You mean inserting my penis?

It's pretty borderline though.
It's not that much of a trap... more simply "androgynous".

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Weird to have such a cute love song for an action movie

>Weird to have such a cute love song for an action movie
Or to have the most obvious borderline trap bait in the history of anime.
Trigger know exactly what they're doing with this character.

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More like Nia than Viral

It is slowly losing steam.. and probably transforming into a full blown androgynous fetish.

He's definitely made to look sexually effeminate, then dressed in more masculine attire. It's an odd choice.
Normally that uniform is on characters like in Jojo's or something, not an effeminate looking character.

What if it's a reverse trap?
I'm not even convinced this character is a male yet.

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>a full blown androgynous fetish.
Nah, that's just not sexy. At all. Androgynous is literally people and then you take all sex away. Nobody likes that shit, except for the few deranged fuckups.

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Lio is a male.

Why did they choose stage actors for all the mcs?

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>Galo’s VA was L in the Death Note movie

He's another kurapika

This is the first time I've seen anime voice actors more attractive than the characters

That's because those guys are actual movie actors, they need to have the looks too.

TRIGGER should have made this an anime series and the fujos would whale their moneys more buying official stuff plus it would be more popular. They unleashed a slut (male) demon.

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But then they wouldn't have had a movie budget

He looks a bit like Satsuki from some angles.

Lio's already getting a figure and Galo is getting a nendo dual figure is probably in the future.

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They're so cute
Japan sure loves them

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It sounds like a wider theatrical run will start September 20th that will have both the sub and dub.

*blocks your path*

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Damn Galo looks like THAT?

I don't mind QUALITY. As long as it's watchable and enjoyable, I am fine.

I wonder if TRIGGER will see the good reaction and finally give us more homo.

Excuse me op but you've posted a female, its alright if you didnt notice just thought you should know

It's simple really. French fags can watch subtitled stuff. Meanwhile burgers can not because they're fat and stupid and thus have to wait until shit is dubbed. Go into you, and tell me this isn't exactly the truth.

>Go into you
I think it'd be more correct to say "Look inside yourself."

I ain't fat.

But you are inbred.

Yeah, well you suck baguettes.

>Thought this would do alright but probably not get a devoted following like other trigger shows because low waifu power
>the fucking explosion of art it gets as soon as people see the movie
Good lord, now trigger's power will be unlimited if they can make popular guys just like that.

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is the green haired boy gay?
i keep seeing art of him in a maid outfit or him being shipped with blue haired boy.

Lio appeals to many audiences.

Anyone knows about which countries have are having the movie release?

It's fujos doing their thing. He doesn't wear a maid outfit in the movie.



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Let me know when your irrelevant country puts a man on the moon

Wait, is this movie out already? Any subs yet?

This cosplay is very inaccurate

Only out in Japan atm.

Why does he get shot out of a cannon in the last pv?

In the same PV the Burning Rescue leader and spike-toothed guy crash cars into each other, and I'm having a hard time thinking of a reason for that either other than "it looks fucking sick"

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Fire force rip off!

>37 pages on pixiv
>one(1)(uno) is porn

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Who's the artist?

It's not fucking fair

It's all on Twitter under hidden Privatter links now.

Awesome. Thanks m8

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wants another kiss from galo

I wanna suck Lio's feminine penis and balls.

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Give them some time, apparently there's already an event planned

In production.

yo. Galo sengen.
>yo yo yo yo



>He doesn't wear a maid outfit in the movie.

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I don't know where to watch this movie. is there anything in toronto or online?

Canada eventually

Not sure if they're showing in Canada, if not take a road trip to the US on September 17th
Movie times here (increase the radius, default is 15 miles):

Looks like Nemunemu is creating something... if it is as good as that Grandblue one (Noah X Rackam) it will be awesome.

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Keep in mind the showing on the 17th is the dubbed one, the 19th is the subbed.

This is the one thing about the arrangement that really irks me. I want to see both showings, and I'm most likely going to, but I have mixed feelings about seeing the dubbed version first. Feel like I might slightly ruin it for myself.

So go to the subbed screening event on the 19th, then wait for the 20th onward for more showings. The dub will be available still.

For me it depends on theater availability, but I'll see what I can do.

Fucking slavs

>Go into you

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edit 1

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This looks like Tattun with tits.

What are the most important components of Lio's design?

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The cravat.

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Well, to be fair. Most of the dudes who did that were german.

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He's taking up as much space possible horizontally since he certainly can't do it vertically.

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Who Lio kisses in the mobie?

I kind of want to play this just for Viral.

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i kinda gave up, her frame is too small to make tits look not retarded, the only option that even kinda makes sense is to kinda half draw them in anime style, but thats too much work

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Aina Ardeboobs should only exist in 2D.

It can’t be shared yet


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I still have no idea what this is about
Is it even out? Is it good?

Sure, here's the premise.

It's out in japan, it's out in France in July, and it's out in America in September.
Most of the impressions I've seen have been positive.

There’s a nice website called google you could use

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I'd eat Lio's nice hot Omuraisu.

rocket scientistry is a german speciality after all

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>Aina is the childhood friend
Automatic loser

wow look another fugoshit bait series.

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If only.

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? 00799/v08897/

im officially fucking done, fuck this
wasting so much time on stupid stuff like this instead of actually working is the reason why i can't leave this fucking site once and for all

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