Just finished HxH

Just finished HxH.

Gon is so fake.
I feel like he pretends to be dumb and fake smiles.

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I didn't know Gon was a transmuter.

Gon is irrelevant and sidelined. Pika is the real MC.

HxH is a masterpiece because Gon is the most realistic MC in manga history. You will never find someone as well written, morally grey and multilayered as Gon.

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the best part about this is the fact that he still cries about her lying to him, and after hes crushed her skull.

He literally has no reason to fake his emotions you autistic faggot

I love how he pisses off pitoufags. I laughed when he killed him.


You mean Her

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gon is one of the most realistic shounen protagonists so far , if you wanna see an aggressive strong , badass version of gon
i highly recommend you to watch yu yu hakusho

Both these posts miss the point of Gon;1.he's not faking emotions and 2. he's not a sociopath. Gon has the moral outlook of a wild animal, that's why he's unconcerned with Killua and other morally repugnant people because all he cares about is how good they are in relation to himself and people he already cares about. A wolf isn't gonna care how many people you killed or times you committed tax fraud if you're nice too it and feed it, Gon's the same way; he's just the shonen "mountain-child" archetype taken too it's logical conclusion. The only thing he has close to traditional morality that he's ever displayed is when he got mad at the troupe for mourning Uvo and that 99% just getting mad at their hypocrisy. He didn't give a shit about the murders until he saw them crying over somebody.

was going to kill an innocent girl not remotely a sociopath what???

He's a poor kid with Daddy issues.

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his dad didn't even care lmao

But he doesn't care about his father, not like one would expect. He's on a first name basis with him.

Ikalgo was a mistake


Pitou fans insist on calling it “her” to feel better about their 3tb hentai folder

Who was your favorite antagonist?

The king.

Because he made me cry.

Interesting how character design matters so fucking much.
Take Ikalgo. 5$ says if Ikalgo was designed as a cute female ant character, but nothing else in his story was changed, he would instantly have become a fan favorite.

>most realistic MC in manga history
>morally grey and multilayered

yeah and i totally believe you when you say that you never in your life had a normal social interaction with another person outside your family

Ikalgo is pretty well liked though.

Hina is a cute female ant and nobody cares about her because she's not interesting.

Yes, she's not interesting but Ikalgo is fucking interesting and has a good, complete arc. Now, give him a character design to match that and what you have is an instant fan-favorite.

I'm gonna take the bait fuck:
All this image shows is an edgegod character
maybe he's the best in the shonen medium but
not a single character beats Punpun

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