Are you ready bros?
Shingeki no Kyojin
Other urls found in this thread:
Cant wait for gross and kruger VA
And Falco
Despite making up less than 13% of the population, Eldians commit 50% of all genocides
Stream where
Eren is cute with messy hair.
Where can I watch this show subbed?
Found a place for dubbed shit but the Jap VAs are honestly way better, though I gotta give props to the English dudes for trying.
I can’t wait for some Faye-kino, fellow Marleybros
How long till stream?
>DameDesuYo discord
>heads up to potential titan people: this episode will be delayed due to a staff unavailability.
Why are subs taking so long this season?
Some spics and arabs keep leaking the episode.
Fucking hell I'm ready
Why the fuck did they make Kruger hair like this
I hope they don't spend too long on grisha's shitty flashback. I want my reminder already!
I just started watching S3... what the fuck happened to this series? S1 and S2 were pretty faithful to the series. Yes, they might've shifted some parts around, but the it helped with the flow of the story.
But what the FUCK is up with S3? When I saw episode, I thought to myself, alright, it seemed like they skipped a lot of things, but they're just going to re-arrange everything. Then all of a sudden they actually cut a lot of the material out AND switched a LOT of the fucking plot points. They cut out a LOT of the fucking dialogue too. Erwin and his friend cut, Erwin and Pixis cut, the whole Eren/Historia kidnapping butchered, the Levi/merchants dialogue cut, and Armin getting molesting cut. the torture scene cut. And this is only the first 2 episodes.
Should I keep watching this shit? Or is S3 absolute garbage like I'm suspecting it to be? What the fuck happened after the great first 2 seasons?
You might as well skip to S4. S4 has been pure kino thus far.
>no subs ye again
Don't bother with that arc in the anime, they cut it out and rushed it to not get critics like the manga got when all the kids jumped in after season 1 and found it boring and crappy.
Jump to Wall Maria arc, it has been kino as fuck (although with a good load of QUALITY).
>kids jumped in after season 1 and found it boring and crappy
Man, S2 got me emotion and shit. I loved S2. Too bad they listened to critics and rushed the fuck out of S3 to get to the good parts. Really butchering this shit.
Hearing a lot about how S3 part 2 is KINO, so I'll bear through S3 part 1.
How hard it is for some ching chong to translate 20min of anime? jesus...
>complaining about weebs on Yea Forums anime board
how is it that frogs are beating lards on subs?
It's incredible how shit english subtitles are, always the last and the worst translated of the bunch.
t. Hist2506
So who is Kruger's VA?
Something suzuki
bien fait pour ta gueule, mdr
I want to marry Dina and make her happy. God I would be so much better as a husband than Grisha
He's Grice VA
Uhh bros?
>eren will never be able to save faye from liberio and give her an airship ride to show her she is free
based freedombro
Delete this
Memes aside, are GD supposed to parallel EH in any way?
>"T-there's no parallel between Historia and Dinah, y-you shipperwhales are just retarded!!"
Goddam it feels good to be right.
what do you think. it's not even subtle at all
Looks more like Armong and Jean dressing as Eren
Do blonde eyelashes exist?
The Mapmakers in this world need to be exterminated, not the Eldians or the Marleyans.
Why the fuck aren't settlements marked? Why are only the main roads marked and the walls as well?
Yes. I can never decide whether they're pretty or freaky
Happy Fathers day to Eren
those are some big roads
How good were WW1 era maps?
>Erwin and his friend cut,
What friend? Nile?
subs still not out?
>Armin getting molesting cut.
wasn't that on the very first episode?
>the torture scene cut.
censored not cut
>Should I keep watching this shit? Or is S3 absolute garbage like I'm suspecting it to be? What the fuck happened after the great first 2 seasons?
Pt1 is still great, some of the changes were pretty shitty but the majority was for the best since the Uprising arc on the manga is so unnecessary slow. Pt2 is fucking godtier tough.
Yes, and red. They aren't really visible though
S3 PT2 is still S3
>oh muh maps
Mapfags should kill themselves. You always ALWAYS complain about maps in any anime/book/movie/etc. You are never satisfied.
>fake Krista smile
Leave Shingekino to me
Its probably just some shitty map they found lying around
>Don't bother with that arc in the anime, they cut it out and rushed it to not get critics like the manga got when all the kids jumped in after season 1 and found it boring and crappy.
The reason they changed stuff was because Isayama didn't like how the arc was in the manga and asked WIT to change some stuff
Season 4 confirmed! Studio change!
So the attack titan transformation also makes an explosion? I thought it was just the ct
Damn, that was pretty kino and accurate.
gib sauce
Armin's molester talking about how his shota trap fetish getting awakened while drooling all over the place was cut.
I love Historiafags who buy Krista figures with this fake smile face expression and have no problem with it. They don't even think that Historia didn't like her Krista personality.
Was it kino?
Kill yourself
it’s just anime bullshit
All of them do, the CT causes the explosion because of how big it is and because of how it can control the energy it gives off.
>implying people need to take fictional characters' feelings into account when making a purchase
Shitstoriafags are deranged.
Araki confirmed season 4 a while ago. He didn't say whether WIT was doing it or not
AnimeTV チェーン
Tu l'as dans le cul.
Holy FUCK he's too cool, how do I become like Kruger, bros?
>*sets the story into motion*
kid Grisha is cute
You don't, he is a broken man.
Does the attack titan make people cool or is it that the titan is attracted to cool people?
Ufotable or Madhouse Titan would be pretty kino
>Xaver seen around Grisha as a kid and then as a teenager
>Kruger was basically grooming Grisha since childhood into being his successor
Is there any doubt that Kruger and Xaver were somehow involved with each other?
More CGI and less Sakuga, but that's not necessarily bad depending on the execution.
Just plain shit, unless you get the OPM/BPP Director.
Look at this speedreader.
>Historia will be titanized
Were Xaver and Kruger pedos?
How long does this shit take to sub?
>Eren got to fuck this.
>Kruger and Xaver have been planning everything for years
>Xaver helped falsify Kruger's paperwork
>Xaver knew that Grisha might be a good candidate for the SnK
>Kruger directed Dina to the restorationists so Grisha could hook up with her
>Xaver met Zeke knowing he was Grisha's child
>Xaver got selfish and tried to enact his own plans (euthanasia)
>Kruger was able to pass on the SnK the day Grisha was sent to Paradis
>He knew that Xaver would have to wait until the end of his tenure to pass on the BT to Zeke
>"Start a family" so Grisha could pass it on by the time Zeke inherited the BT
>Kruger and Xaver have conflicting ideologies but neither know about it
>Eren and Zeke inherited ideologies and only one can survive in the end
Why isn't anyone just using the manga dialogue as subtitles?
Historia > Dina
Because sometimes lines get cut or added
Zeke > all
Freedom > all
Why did Dina choose Grishit over based Grice?
God Zeke > all
Did everyone else expect Dina to be pronounced like "Daina?" I can't read moon, but I always figured it was pronounced like "Tina."
Is anime bullshit, but remember that in the anime Eren created a lighting so big that it almost looked like a final flash(Annie final battle), and Zeke also created a explosion that was felt some miles away.
Yeager > Grice
I thought it was deena
We know, PATHS loli/Yelena.
Nah. Just leave it to IG or Bones.
I rabu Piku.
>Eren killed his dad's first wife, all of his friends, and destroyed his hometown.
What was Eren's fucking problem?
I want Production IG.
everyones pissed that it’s not Deena.
I was expecting it sounded like Deyna.
Owl reveal was based as fuck
>cuckren self-inserter
He knew nothing.
Dumb EHkek
Historia would have no reason to be sad as she goes and talks to the Farmer while Nile is summarizing the background check, since he believes it's a standard love story. Does that mean those panels weren't real? If anything the fact that the panels don't actually seem to match what the MPs are saying or speculating is all the more reason for the readers to pay attention to them. If Rogue believes the hooded figure/informant in his mind is Yelena then their mannerisms not actually fitting should be noted.
We know that Yelena never рuts her hands in her рockets because she is a cadre soldier. But was that Rogue's flashback with the cloaked figure born out of his imagination or was it a glimрse into what really haррened?
Having Bones animating the series from now on would be a dream come true.
And yet I'm still right. Keep seething.
They lost their street-cred ages ago.
LM soon
No, Bones is good for stylized stuff, not a good fit for SnK
That's a very nice observation.
The latter. If it were a figment of Rogue's imagination there would be no need to hide the identity of the person. It would just show Yelena watching her.
one of the main reasons I want to see Marley and the Yeagerists arc animated the most would be Kaji Yuki doing a serious and calculating "villain"
Has he ever done one of those before?
>was it a glimрse into what really haррened
The Bones meme is getting old. Ever since Mob Psycho people are treating them like they were old Madhouse (which was already a meme).
Wrong L.
it’s what really happened because isayama likes using characters imagination to progress the plot. see: zeke assuming there was another titan helping eren destroy the survey ships. it was all zekes imagination and it ended up being right.
>Ever since Mob Psycho people are treating them like they were old Madhouse
Because they basically were, the MP100 team was the one that made OPM S1, in reality it is that team that deserves the praise, not the studios themselves but yeah.
That's a good point.
But it doesn't fit, then. Rogue has been meeting with Yelena for years, he should've known she never рuts her hands in her рockets.
That's not my point. Sure, they can make fluid animation, but that doesn't fit every single anime. MP100 animation in SnK wouldn't fit at all with the tone. But people act like Bones is just good animation, without taking the style into account.
blame isayama not me
I already said that
Sure, but that wasn't in this reply chain.
Vous ne pouvez pas apprendre le français
>see: zeke assuming there was another titan helping eren destroy the survey ships. it was all zekes imagination and it ended up being right.
Except Zeke's volunteers helped with the ships. And Eren and Armin did not destroy them.
It wasn't Zeke's imagination, strictly sрeaking. He knew the situation on the island from Hizuru guys.
Yes 'cuz they DIES
How the fuck did Xaver look so young if he knew Grisha as a kid and Zeke as a kid too?
C'est dommage
Judging by that logic, Nile was imagining Historia being sad while believing in her love story with the farm guy.
Grisha probably watched on in delight as Eren slaughtered the civilians in Liberio. Anyone that ever lived there that he cared about are long dead
>link to reddit
>calls others redditor
EHfags are the worst.
This is taking forever, what the fuck.
>EMfag fantasizing
why is horriblesubs so horrible
>WIT understood Kruger kino enough to put special care into his scenes
No, BONES can do absolutely outsanding animation without sacrificing art detail. You can see that in most of their Mecha stuff and Xam'd.
But that sort of shit isn't something you can do on a yearly 1-cour anime.
Does leeching off crunchysubs for too long make people lazy? What the heck happened to the english fansubbing community?
Where is the raw?
Bones isn't just MP100. People need to wake up.
>Kruger and Xaver have conflicting ideologies but neither know about it
>Eren and Zeke have conflicting ideologies but Zeke still doesn't know
Grisha's parents are still alive. He might have been angry with their subservient attitude but he still cared about them.
Why his hair color changed from previous episode?
Do you think the Eren's bizarre Titan jaw shape will be important at some point?
Even his mindless Titan had it.
Have you been sleeping under a rock for the past 8 years or something? HorribleSubs leeching off official subs made fansubs a lot less popular, since barely anyone used them anymore. Anime without official simulcast gets fucking awful fansubs because the groups aren't active anymore. Even Commie is mostly dead now.
The groups prefer focusing on BDs apparently, since there's no point in competing with HS.
He's done yandere shotas
I’m going to, someday
i think erwin sucks
subs aren't for another 5 hours baka ningens
I can't believe this series will be ending soon
Fansubs are a thing.
Early Todoroki in BNHA is close to that. Could also be like Lyon from FT, or Sonic from OPM.
He'll probably sound the same.
Don't make me hate French because of your arrogant posts, please.
Did you guys speedread the most recent manga chapters or something? Even Zeke's titans explode in the manga.
dds is delayed so for this week, fansubbers are nothing
That makes me sad.
Someone in these threads told me to post the next chapter of the WW2 Nazi!Kruger and Nazi!Eren fic once it comes out, which it has. Are you still here?
fansubs are dead
>Eren killing innocent children
Yeees, kill them all! Based mass murderer world destroyer Eren. Do the rumbling!
>Gross killing one child because he doesn't think of Eldians as humans
Fucking motherfucker, die, disgusting, awful, die
Terrible hypocrites.
It's got it's good and bad aspects. I mean, do you remember the Eotena Onslaught? Official subs really can't have that sort of shit, and they have proper schedules they follow. They are also extremely easy to pirate, and they pick up a lot of series, much more than before they existed. There was a time when you had to pray for an anime you were interested in to get picked up, and then the subs almost always took at least a day to come out.
Eren did it for the freedom, not for fun.
Checkmate liberals.
>Eren is young and hot and has a full head of hair
>Gross is old and fat and has a weird balding pattern
If it was reversed and Gross was the hot one everyone would be cheering for him too.
Anime-onlies are going to hate Gabi more than manga readers, aren't they?
>SergeantMajorGross (assblasted)
You are retarded.
Eren killing innocents was collateral damage in an attack that was made AFTER official declaration of war by Marley.
Gross killing Faye was him exploiting his power and done for purely sadistic reasons (even though he wanted to justify it with some philosophy). He took her pretending to escort her to her home only to feed her to dogs and laugh while watching her.
Eren did not enjoy any of what he was doing. He thinks he just has to move forward without regrets until his enemies are destroyed and his people are free.
Nein but I will read it
Gabi had one of the most interesting arcs of the story
Eren did it for his girlfriend, Gross did it to teach his sons because Marley's society doesn't perceive Eldians as human beings. Neither of them did a good thing.
Hey guys, I need your help. I REALLY want to get my friend into Attack on Titan, but I really don't know how to explain to him why it's such a good show without spoiling stuff. Is there a good youtube video I can show him that explains the best parts of Attack on Titan and why it's so great while being spoiler-free? My plan was to show him the Super Eyepatch Wolf video, but the problem is that SEW pretty much shits on the whole series during the last three minutes of his video, so that doesn't really help my case here.
Thank you.
Gross > Shitren
their d*scord
One of the two was a sadist who lured a little girl into getting mauled by dogs
Would you like me to dump it? It's nice, and despite the tag doesn't appear to be shippy.
>Eren did it for his girlfriend
>Pissufags are brainlets
>Soon we'll have based Gabi animated and the Sashafags will be seething all over again.
I can't wait.
Destroying the whole world isn't necessary but Erenfags root for it. Killing your own people isn't necessary but Erenfags approve it.
I don't think interesting is the right word desu
>island devil bad
>island devils were nice to me so they're not all bad
>for his girlfriend
Why are shipperfags such speedreaders
The best character is...
If your friend is willing to watch a long video explaining why he should watch it, why doesn't he just watch the first episode?
Chasky (Subscriber)
Just show him the 1st episode.
>the Eotena Onslaught
Oh god, I remember that. Didn't the translator write a whole screed as to why he was correct in order to justify it? I'd love to read that again if anyone still has it.
Because he's extremely pretentious and just handwaves the show as "another generic battle shounen series."
This desu.
That's good. I like the setting but I'm not much for EE. I'll check it out later so the thread doesn't get mad, though. Thanks user.
Odd, they use the manga design of the airship in the mid episode card.
>people are biased towards main characters that we've known all along compared to SergeantMajorGross (YouTuber) who existed just to be a fat sadistic asshole
Who would've thought?
I don't ship EH but the only reason he didn't like 50 years plan was because it meant Historia would be titanized and constantly pregnant.
Erenfags are edgelords and hypocrites.
>Grior was chadfishing on РaraTinder using Eren's рortrait
But why would he even watch a video explaining why he should watch it then? That's really retarded, and it's his loss.
Also pretty sure it was the manga design when it's docked.
Any Paradisfag should want the rumbling. Its the best chance they've got
>whole screed as to why he was correct in order to justify it
That was a bit shitpost, retard. No onw thought that was the correct translation, you took the bait.
is Berserk as good as/better than SnK?
Use pretentious terms to describe it then. Compare it to some ancient philosopher and say how it borrows ideas from european historical wars and that it eventually explores extremism/anti-thesis of freedom/insert pretentious meme ideology here. Bullshit your way through
At least as good but Miura's never finishing it.
Where the fuck did it ever imply that? Grisha’s only opinions of his parents seem like nothing but pure hatred after his sister was murdered
I really wish Yea Forums could have animeonly threads, I read the manga but it's fun to read the discussion and speculation from them
And that was because he put his friends above protecting Paradis back then. Who knows about current Eren though
They explode m8, but they aren't hit by a lighting.
>no (_____)
Fuck you
It's completely different. It's also only great at some points, the manga has been mostly shit for 10 years now.
It wasn't, dumb speed watcher
Not really. It's extremely childish compared to Attack on Titan.
would you not do that for your friend? or would you only do it for a lover?
I know. But still. I saw comments like
>I hope all Gross family died in Marley attack
And we don't know anything about his family. They might be not like him but people wish them to die just because of their relation. At the same time they're okay with Eren killing other Paradisian Eldians and even want him to destroy the whole world. And I don't defend Gross.
He does defer to his dad and stops talking about Faye being murdered after he asks Grisha if he wants them all to be sent to Paradis
Is it really pronounced Dyna instead of Deena?
He still visited them regularly and left his son at their house without a second thought when he needed to go to his revolutionist meetings with Dinah. You think he'd do that if he despised them? Come on, now.
Who SergeantMajorGross (Subscriber) here? Anyone know if and when he will release a new video?
I just want them to make it out of this alive.
Well, if Eren wanted to rumble the shit out of the outside world by any means he could've just titanize Historia and do that.
Yeah that Gross family comment is silly. Sure fans are hypocritical but it's to be expected
He put their lives in danger in Marley (Sasha died), he put their lives in danger by locking them inside the building with hundreds poisoned people. And I have feeling that Connie or/and Sasha's dad are going to die.
nah its the new one
>Goddam it feels good to be right.
Keep being smug, that's what the narusakufags did before gifting us with the greatest asshurt of the decade.
Current Eren pretty much made using Zeke the only option for Paradis, given how Historia is pregnant and all that.
Fair enough. But do you happen to have a copy? I remember it being hilarious.
Yes, like in 'dynamo'.
oh i didn’t know connie used /snk/
I forgive you user.
Wasn't it mentioned that his children рarticiрated in Faye's murder?
Do you guys think they will get a Japanese woman to speak her lines when Marley gets animated?
The dub did Erwin's charge better than the sub
just show him the first Trailer and lure him in for the action.
Yeah, but a full-scale one aimed at everyone not Paradis isn't necessary
Maybe they couldn't 3D model it in time so went with the simpler design?
Like I said, current Eren might have changed his priorities. He probably still tries to protect them, but he accepted there is a chance of them not making it, hence why he was seething over Sasha's death. Eren actually has been acting more angry, since she died
Why is crying Dina so cute?
He said he wanted to teach them. We don't know anything about them, their reactions, etc. It's the same as Marley's citizens wish Paradis to be destroyed just because they have been told that Paradis is bad.
>talks about destroying the world when he literally chose to shut up on the one thing that could've potentially allowed him to do that
>backpedals hardcore when presented with the opportunity to obtain the power to destroy the world because it involves ruining the life of someone he still hasn't accepted to sacrifice
>gets the entire world on Paradis' back and overthrowns his own fucking government to work with a highly intelligent and unstable brother whose goals are diametrically opposed to his
How is any of this shit supposed to make sense if sacrificing Historia had ever become an option for Eren, again?
Just show him a picture of Annie
Ok, it's just that I got the imрression his children were teenagers and it was their dogs.
>Eren actually has been acting more angry, since she died
Yeah, and that's why he decided to increase chances of her family to be eaten instead of let them go to safer inner walls.
They could have been traumatized by it and ended up hating Gross like a lot of other characters in the series with daddy issues.
Wait that's actually true, I forgot about it. Well his sons are dipshits too then kek
Even fucking NaruSasu made more sense than this shit. Not that the endgame pairs were worth a damn but they were all predictable as fuck. I don't see how that applies to SnK in any way, though.
Because while wanting to kill the whole world, Eren was conflicted and didn't want it at the cost of killing one of his firends for it
Unironically men can be this stuрid only if a рussy is involved in the equation.
>Search for the Kruger reveal on YouTube
>This comes up
Tell him you'll watch any series he wants in exchange.
>their dogs
Huh, I don't like it but I somehow always end uр being right when I think the worst about рeoрle.
You have only his words, you don't know anything about them, kek. Maybe it was emotional trauma for them as well. But just couple of unreliable words is enough for you to hate them. You aren't different from Marley's people, see.
Where's this ep end lads?
>that music at the end
>inb4 Boku no Pico
kruger breaking the boat
I skipped through to see if the song went anywhere and had to go back because it sounded so fucking different. Why did they just play a whole new song for a minute?
Me on the left.
What if one of Gross's sons was Reiner's dad?
Make him read the manga braindead WITshill.
It doesn't mean that they fed her to these dogs. He could force them to do it, he could use their dogs on his own and just make them watch. We just don't know. But you're ready to hate them already. Literally Marley mindset.
I honestly think this is the best argument for EH in the manga.
Eren wasn't making sense. If he truly wanted to do the rumbling, he would accept Historia making a baby and inheriting a titan, and they wouldn't need someone unreliable as Zeke for the rumbling.
But he cares too much about Historia for what reason? He didn't care when putting in danger everyone else of the 104ths, including Mikasa, Armin, Manlet, etc.
Historia wouldn't have been killed, she'd just have her lifespan, freedom and well-being robbed from her (and her future children as well). But right now she couldn't be in any less danger of suffering that fate if she tried. The govt that wanted to impose that fate on her has been overthrown and they're all currently trapped in the middle of a war zone, poisoned and soon to be titanised.
holy shit this is much better than the japanese
why cant all dub voice actors be this based?
If it was their dogs, it was them who gave the orders, not SergeantMajorGross(Himself).
>Maybe it was emotional trauma for them as well
Sure doesn't look like it (I only have the chasky version kek). But either way, this would hold up if they were kids themselves when it happened, but they're fucked up if they let it happen as adults.
It's entirely necessary. Can't have the scraps forming a coalition
>I don't see how that applies to SnK in any way, though.
Oh boy it's going to be amazing.
I feel like so many AMVs just have bizarre music choices. That being said, I want to make a semi-ironic AMV for Reiner once we get the Marley arc set to this song
Pic related when the song gets to "pull the trigger and the nightmare stops"
They didn't even let the whole animation play, kek. Just those still shots changing with the unfitting music
unanimously agreed
Because good VAs can find a better job than dubbing on... I mean, dubbing an anime.
>the Eldian stole all the qt waifus from the other races and left the ugly ones behind
>now the Eldians have all the qt waifus and the goyim have to make due with 2 and 3/10s or breed with the Eldian waifus thus corrupting their lineage
Devilish, absofuckinggoddamnlutely devilish
Nah, the sub voice was too powerful and too clean, also you could hear how he was shitting his pants and almost crying as he was rushing foward.
Here's too low and too raspy, the sentences didn't have that good timing and of course they had to put some murica cringe flavour with shitty expresions.
They are almost as high as SergeantMajorGross(Father). He is a manlet but it means they are teenagers or even young adults so they're resрonsible for their actions.
>as high as
as tall as
The sub felt almost soulless though and the background music didn't help, the dub send shivers down my spine and overshadowed the background music.
>SergeantMajorGross (Jr.) fanfic
>Early SNK
>There are four titans! Even an elite squad cannot deal with four titans at once!
>Later snk
>Levi, there are 200 titans, I'll take the left you take the right
wow that was really good
however i remember the english dub eren VA from season 1 is the most garbage shit ive heard in my life so i can't bring myself to watch it dubbed.
Well would you look at that
I didn't even notice Chasky in the thumbnail until you mentioned it.
jeantron out get out!
>anime made Dina a 10/10 qt
Blessed WIT
It’s possible he loves her after all. I mean chapter 107 really hints at that.
You can't tell their age from this image. You just can't. Even if they were teenagers it doesn't mean they enjoyed it. It's the same as the warriors who were brainwashed and forced to kill people. It doesn't make them good people though. My intital thought was about how I can't stand any of these characters anyway. I can't root for Eren because of his atrocities (mostly towards other Eldians) or for the warriors. I dislike them almost as much as I dislike Gross. And I can't quite understand this level of hypocrisy. It seems that Marley at least don't kill Marleyans, while Eren and his followers don't mind killing their own people. I've rooting for Eldia and SC in particular from the beginning and that's why I can't support Eren now.
Dear fucking lord. Some of this artist's stuff looks interesting, but this one is just horrifying.
>I've rooting
I've been rooting
In this thread obviously.
What the fuck will they even put in episode 10? There's 3 chapters left in the arc, and they already did the Ymir flashback, so less than that. They also showed scenes from chapter 90 in the PV for episode 9.
if historia wasn’t a queen and wasn’t pregnant, she would be in liberio fighting off marleykeks. eren HAD to “send his teammates to battle”. he didn’t deliberately get them into the battlefield just so the chance of them dying would be increased.
Shit thread
I root for the rumbling. But I can't root for world destroying and especially for killing and poisoning other Eldians.
>moved from sergantgross spam to literal who translator
paranoiafags are so BASED
>watching anime
I'm not saying they enjoyed it but unless they were children then they should've stopped their dogs from ripping a little girl to shreds. They literally have the leashes in their hands. I don't think it's the same as the warriors because killing Faye was purely gratuitous and not part of a mission they had to carry out. I kiiiiinda get what you're saying though, most of the characters are very messed up and have done unforgivable things.
Cute and canon
>They also showed scenes from chapter 90 in the PV for episode 9
I thought so too at first, but then i went to check chapter 89 and it was from there.
Episode 9 will cover chapter 88 and 89, and the final episode will just be chapter 90 with extended filler scenes again. The 1 year timeskip exposition was really short in the manga so they are gonna add to that, and also make the journey to and at the ocean longer.
God EHfags are the most cringe shipperfags in any fandom
You're mistaken. They didn't show anything past 89. Episode 10 will cover chapter 90 only unless they decide to move any scenes. They could easily expand the scenes before they ride out to the ocean when they're explaining the year time jump.
____ ;)/spoiler]
They'd let Paradis fall in an instant. Marley is the greatest concentration of non-Paradis Eldians and they love the story of Paradis' devils.
based REposter!
All of them explode. They're dense mother fuckers full of mass, and they're ALL part of a single gigantic super powerful titan.
Biomass plays a heavy role in SnK
Best girl.
>get paid six figures a year to collect (You)'s in SnK threads
Experimental data science is the field of the future, I tell you.
>Magic literally exists in the world of Attack on Titan
Yeah, this show just aint for me. This took a nosedive pretty fast.
>a mission they had to carry out.
Playfully killing soldiers was part of Annie's mission for sure. But most people don't hate her because
>she's cute, her father is guilty, not her, she was forced to do it, upbringing is guilty, not her
Zeke enjoyed torturing and killing soldiers but I'm surprised that some Paradis supporters don't hate him anymore
>he had to do it, his father is guilty, Xavier is guilty, Marley is guilty, his upbringing is guilty, Zeke hates war and cruelty
>he doesn’t shitpost for fun
wagies should fuck off and get paid from using leddit
sadly will get titanized next chapter
That's a good reimagination, kek.
>That hillbilly Zeke
>Pieck with tnt
I wonder if Reiner had to grow his hair back out over the next few months
t. SergeantGross(Youtuber)
>Early SNK
>Later SNK
Like I said I agree that fans are hypocritical. But it also makes sense that people are more negative towards Gross killing Faye than towards Eren/the warriors for their actions. Because like you said we weren't given anything detailed about Gross and his sons so we assume the worst, whereas with relevant characters who have fleshed out motivations you can at least somewhat understand their actions.
Nah, his hair grew back to like it was before, Zeke was in a worse situation with being just exposed flash and skull and later he was back to like he was before.
>got my gf pregnant and now I have to get a job
It's not fair bros, I wanted to stay a NEET and shitpost on here now I'll have to wageslave for probably the next 18 years so she can move in with me and raise it. Fuck this, I'm only 24 I don't want to wageslave. I miss the /snk/ life already.
How does he do it?
s4 op by cab calloway when?
Just tell her to abort it.
wish u were aborted kike imo
Zeke pls
god damn english dub is always so bad because they have just bottom of the barrel acting
Big facts Eren's dub VA screaming is so fucking cringe inducing, motherfucker sounds like Macho Man Randy Savage.
user you should definitely talk to your gf. 24 and having a kid when you’re not ready probably sucks. my grandma has my mom when she was 18 and she’s talked to me about how hard it is when you’re not fully prepared
Some sort of bullshit power all male Jaegers has.
>doesn't hug her back
>cuts to baby being born
Why is this so funny
>man 100 years ago probably has 3-4 kids by 24
>man today thinks being 24 and not 'being ready' to have children is a thing
kek. not really surprised with how beta our society is tho
>Putting a chhild in this world just to suffer
Unless you pull your shit together, you have to pull your shit together and be a man. Or abort or put the child in a orphanage, but that would be too cruel.
>user proves Zeke was right
t. deljaun living with single mom and his 13 siblings
>uses "kek"
>says other people are beta
oh lord
I know you're shitposting, but there's literally nothing more immoral in this world than having a kid you aren't ready for. You are literally dooming some poor kid to be a social retard by the time they get older.
What if the final revelation will be that the whole world of SnK is an Ayy Lmaos exрeriment?
Grisha and Dina really made me think of EH. Are EHchads actually going to win? Even though YH/EMbros told me it won't happen.
Except the SC didn't want to go there to fight off Marleykeks, but to find an alternative through negotiation, precisely so the 50 year plan wouldn't become a necessity. Eren did send his teammates to battle, no matter which way you slice it: they had to comply and stick to the plan he and Zeke came up with because losing Eren would've pretty much been a catastrophe for Paradis, same as what's happening in Shiganshina right now: Eren was well aware of that. Doesn't mean they wanted or had any intention to do so. Obviously the objective wasn't to fucking get them killed, but a gamble was still made with their lives (and it was lost with Sasha's death).
There's also no point coming up with some alternate scenario where Historia is just a regular soldier when her condition as the monarch of the island, one of the last descendants of royal blood and the burden said condition inevitably placed on her shoulders is one of the key elements of the current conflict/situation and reasons why things ended up that way.
are you saying this because you would like it? because it would be fucking terrible and i would be infuriated with isayama.
You think thats bad? I'm 23 years old virgin (female).
inb4 reddit meme
Yeah. I should add that though I can't support a lot of characters because of their actions I still can appreciate them. Isayama really did a great job portraying each of them realistically. I personally support SC but I don't think they're "good" people. It's actually great how in SNK reader can support characters not because they're "good protagonists fighting evil" but because of their personalities with individual flaws, motivations, views, antics, etc. Even characters as Reevs or pastor Nick were more well-written than protagonists of some manga.
>pleb status filtered
That's fine and even commendable, just start thinking about it now since the female bio clock hits harder than any man can even imagine.
Dumb EHfriend
>Zeke and Pieck are the Eren and Historia of Marley
>Zeke is the royal and Pieck the choosen pleb
Except the roles stays the same, Pieck has to slap Zeke to make him realise that having a kid is good.
>Obviously the objective wasn't to fucking get them killed, but a gamble was still made with their lives (and it was lost with Sasha's death).
there you go. that’s a good way to put it.
I don't mind having the kid (being a father sounds great), I'm just too lazy to work. Her parents will kick her out tomorrow (being 18 and getting pregnant + dropping out of school probably isn't a great combo) so she'll have to live with me. Shit sucks since I prefer being alone but I'll take responsibility and slave away at my old marketing job I guess. I'll just miss waking up whenever I want and shitposting endlessly.
user, I can tell you don't even have kids. Just the way you write screams 30 year old virgin living with mommy.
>humans can bite themselves upon which a bolt lightning will strike, causing blood, bone, and muscle to appear out of thin air
Magic? In MY manga?
Did you use condoms?
Dude I am 25 and have 3 kids and we live with unde 1000$ a month(i live in shithole eastern Europe country), if you live in first world you'll be fine.
>Beyond the walls is freedom
YH blown the fuck out
So Kruger just sat on his ass for 13 years killing Eldians and living a Marleyan life? I never got to discuss this case properly when the chapter came out. The only reason I know is that he thought it's better for them to be Titans than live in a ghetto.
Is it a shitposting or are you serious?
God, you're fucking stupid.
This world that was supposedly based on reality has magic. You can literally explain every single contrived thing as magic now.
Why did Eren's step mom coincidentally eat his mom AND his friend? BECAUSE MAGIC DURRRR
Why did Marley launch their assault against the walls the VERY SECOND Grisha planned to tell Eren about the outside world? BECAUSE MAGIC DURRR
Do you see my problem? This show is way too contrived, and it's able to get away with this because of magic...literal FUCKING magic.
Totally agree user, they don't have to be good people to be good characters
I just don't like 'It's magic I'm not gonna exрlain shit' troрe.
Wanna solve this "issue"? I can help you, no kids of course.
You doesn't have to stop, but you have to put it aside and focuse on your kid.
Remember you have to try your best for your kid and be there for him, unironicly, use the mango as a base for what not to do.
A tip, try to learn how to make your money work for you, don't kill yourself by working for something that could easily go away, instead try to make something that will always give you some extra money.
No, I only use condoms for one night stands.
That puts me at ease. I hope things will go well for you, user.
>tfw Zeke actually had a point
time for the both of you to start working. especially her, with being a dropout. good luck user.
Friends becoming lovers is very cliche in yuri manga
>coincidences are magic
im sorry for your loss
paths are explained fairly well. it also is ambiguous, like you say, to avoid concrete plot points.
>user's kid in 18 years and nine months
Marley Eren >>>>>> Current Eren
Eating the WHT was a mistake
I am willing to bet every single dollar that these contrivances are because of paths.
Fiction is built on coincidences.
>No, I only use condoms for one night stands
Did she use pills? Probably no because it's impossible to get pregnant with pills. Then you're both retarded and I feel really bad for your kid. I hope you're shitposting. You remind me of certain someone who loves to shitpost here.
That's fucking absurd and you know it.
He actually changed after Sasha's death
Any good sites to stream the new episode?
name 10 masterpieces without a single coincidence that moves the plot forward.
>So Kruger just sat on his ass for 13 years killing Eldians and living a Marleyan life?
He did it way longer than 13 years.
>I never got to discuss this case properly when the chapter came out. The only reason I know is that he thought it's better for them to be Titans than live in a ghetto.
Everything he did including killing his own people was done in the hopes that he'd be able to find some way to beat Marley and save the Eldians.
>tfw best friends is no more
He was there to support the restorationists with inside intel, and counted with them doing their job, but Zeke fucked it up.
Learn French
>No, I only use condoms for one night stands.
The 3/10 for Erenfags is actually accurate
Well, at least you don't have to rumble the world because your GF got рregnant haha
I could probably get her a job if she's willing to do some job training at my old company. I just never intended it to be long-term with her, but now I haven other choice. It's financially a better choice to have her with me and pay for the 3 of us then fuck off and pay child support.
I'll have to stop for at least 2 years until everything is sorted since she's clingy as fuck and has a ton of issues. So all I can really say is thanks for the support snkbros, I'll miss the daily autism.
you don't read a lot of fiction, huh? actually scratch that, I don't think you read a lot at all.
No, your disgusting frog language makes me want to puke, I hated it since highschool and I will hate your disgusting people for the rest of my life.
It was actually when he shaved and decided a bun would look nice on him
>she's clingy as fuck and has a ton of issues
zeke just fucking gave up on their plan too. he could have just told grisha that he overheard marley police but nope. obviously he betas out and just tells them to stop doing bad things and then said we’ll end up like faye
Subs in 5-10 minutes.
>clingy as fuck and has a ton of issues
ahah my condolences
Then Russian.
uhhh guys i think the gopnikslut is broken
yeah i’m really sorry that she ended up being pregnant. i’m gonna assume she said she wouldn’t abort it, since that seems to be an option you’re not going for.
Just keep moving forward.
Hunter X Hunter
The Godfather
Twelve Angry Men
The Secret of NIMH
The Incredibles
Hell, the whole point of Arrival is that it's ANTI-coincidence.
These are all movies I thought off the top of my head with very little contrivances.
hes not going for it because abortion is for literal demons
right here, miladdo:
>fucking crazy without a condom
You deserve it all.
Poor kid though.
>oh hey i knew your dad a long time ago and i suddenly met you
>not a coincidence
>that sound quality
moves and shows*
before you rake me across the coals like a faggot.
So what happened to the devil who gave loli Ymir her powers?
>crazy and 3/10 brainlet as parents
Poor kid
It'd be easier to learn Jaрanese than Russian.
Laughing all the way to the soul bank.
>coincidences are contrivances now
Somebody рost that EH family рhoto.
let this meme die bro
At least don't name your kid Eren/Historia/Reiner/Falco/etc. Don't be that stupid.
It's keeping Reiner alive just so he can suffer.
>yfw Zeke was right
Good luck user
WHT didn't really have anything to do with that. He told Falco himself that he didn't want to go home, because facing his family was too hard. The little raid he forced everyone to participate in also ended up costing the life of one of his friends. Not that hard to see why he'd be on the edge after his return.
>believing in a cuckrenfag on
Arrête de chialer et souffre en silence, alors.
I wish it were true.
You dumb.
How is it even possible that no one has released subs
What are you talking about? S2 was faithfull but boring sometimes. S3 part 1 was kino as fuck.
Man why didn't they play season 2's ED at the end of this episode. It would've been perfect.
>Stallman on the left
I really appreciate how the Restorationists are individuals and not just randomly shifting faces in a crowd
Kek, seems awfully accurate.
Leave it to me, Levi-kun.
oh fuck, that would've been kino as shit.
Good luck. Hopefully the kid won't inherit the parents' IQ.
Isn't Historia a brainlet too? Poor kid.
Cute family
She's smarter than Eren. 4/10 iirc
500 million native speakers and you can't beat some frogs and spics, you are trully lazy aren't you.
Wit is a subset of IG you mongs.
I don't see the spanish one, I would settle for that honestly.
Don't insult Historia like that
>tfw German
>tfw German subs have been out for hours
feels good to be German for once at least
What a genius. Could it be that the child is dead at the end, which is why it's "Free", because it doesn't have to suffer being such a brainlet.
it always feels good to be German, Kumpel.
>Marley Eren > Final Arc Eren
They're the same exact Eren with different hair
checked since no one did.
don't reply to me, dumb shipperfag
>tfw Manga reader
>tfw Knows every single quote said without even knowing nip runes speak
Feels good to be a manga reader chad.
I guess centuries of inbredness can't be erased by fucking a whore.
Germans are, and have always been based, Schwartz
>tfw we will get a reversal of this scene in the future
>colossal Armin picking up Annie's crystal
Based Erenchad
Imagine having a 3/10 and a 4/10 brainlet as parents.
Man, I remember when people were theorizing that she could be his mom.
Stallman was almost the MC
Is it just me or does that titan look like a balding Jack Black?
was it rape?
There you have it faggot
She will leech you of everything. I have a chick like this in my D&D group and even after the kid turned 5 and went to school she only wants to work 20hrs/week or less when they're already struggling for money, bitches about how she never has enough money, and complains when the dad's family treats their son and gives him gifts and take him on vacations and naturally the son wants to be with them more.
You might just save money cutting off the relationship and paying child support. Or trying to use her mental health to get custody. I'm glad you want to step up, shows you're a good man. But from the beginning this sounds like an awful.
Do you know for sure she is pregnant?
>blatantly phoneposting
Zeke was right
You disappoint me.
Too bad restorationists can only swallow
They actually changed it in some merch. Her battle and strategy stats seem more fitting now
Now she could become Armin's child mom if she has at least ten months left.
thats pretty funny. she just looked so similar to her human self that my first thought was that it was annie
>Monkey Trouble is a monkey test subject that was given the titan serum, it end up smarter then a human
>Monley Trouble is around while a bigger Monkey Trouble walks around
>Monkey Troubles is Erwin's dad
>Monley Troubles is Eren's uncle
>Monkey Troubles is Grisha's dad
>Monley Trouble came from a different village from BRA's
Good times.
This рregnancy talk is way too meta.
Fate sometimes is a cruel and unironical bitch
>feelings for Ymir replaced by heavenliness
It's some bullshit.
>Feelings for Ymir
Who the fuck take this stats seriously?
Someone post the reindeer titan
no, I think it was different from Alma/Rod.
t. Mankasacuck
She didn't have any "feelings for Ymir". She had "altruism 10/10"
>disregard Ymir
>become angelic
the opposite. Heavenliness was replaced by feelings for Ymir
imagine this goofy motherfucker doing MMA with Armored Titan
>Ear theory
>Official card set
>YH delusion
I was so disappointed when we found out that he was just another nerd who jobbed to manlet instead of being some ancient titan
In 5 minutes.
At least she isn't a brainlet in the second one
>Monley Troubles is Eren's uncle
i was sold on this one, zeke looked too old to be Eren's brother
The ear theory actually was the only thing that gave us a link between Eren, Grisha and Zeke, by that time I knew Zeke was related to them.
Sadly I only have on my phone
These stats should actually say Krista
Did I imply otherwise?
english subs please
Someone check please
We don't have stats for Historia then. These look like bullshit. Feelings for Ymir? Heavenliness? Seriously? The top one is basically Krista's stats from the guidebook but altruism is replaced by heavenliness for some reason.
It looks kinda legit.
Official is guide book sorry to tell you that user
He was so smol back then
Well it looks like a screenshot from fanmade wiki.
What was the ear theory?
zeke, grisha and eren are the only titans with pointed ears; ymir used to have them but it was later retconned both in the manga and in the anime
Seems just fine at a glance. Even the long, complicated sentences are competent.
It's good enough.
Yeah, he did a hell of a bulk.
That Jaegers are the only ones with elf ears.
That's why I and some anons says the Jaegers were part of the great nine clans of the past, because one of the titans in the history books has elf ears, and the Beast Titans is their rightfully titan duo to this animalistic trait.
why do people like Mikasa?
I genuienly want to know.
Eren, Grisha and Zeke are the only ones with elf ears in titan form. Ymir had them too early on but they were retconned out
I hate Trump too bro
She's superior Yamato Nadeshiko
incels who want girls who are literal slaves
Why isn't this word an instantban on Yea Forums?
is it worse than "tranny"
They are both worthless spam
Actually, they're girls with autism wanting to self-insert as Mikasa
have sex, Zeke
Not him, but Zeke is a volcel. Nuance.
Are subs outs yet? Spoon feed me. I have blurry vision and no health insurance for specs. I will not lurk.
I want to lick her armpits while they are drenched in blood
lurk moar