Anyone remembers Arpeggio?
It was pretty big and manga is still going but it feels like nobody even cares anymore.
Anyone remembers Arpeggio?
It was pretty big and manga is still going but it feels like nobody even cares anymore.
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I honestly stopped reading once Gunzou "died".
i remember
still love it
I loved this series until the disgusting cgshit anime and then the manga became completely nonsensical at around the same time. Worth picking back up?
They really need to make another anime and this time follow the manga. Series seems to still be popular looking at the reception of new game or the fact manga volumes still sell around 100k.
>Otome plug-in
I love Arpeggio Akagi and her centipede mechas.
when i think of cg anime i always think of arpeggio as a great example of it used well
same goes for houseki and bbkbrnk
Still reading it. Shits getting pretty fucking crazy.
Also, the Admiralty Code is a cutie
I keep forgetting to read it because every time a new volume comes out I forgot what happened in the previous one
Wasn't it supposed to get a mobage not too long ago?
Wait what? The Admiralty Code actually takes of its helmet?
The plot is messy and the pacing sluggish. Since the publication is slow too, most people gave up.
I am here waiting for someone to rip 107 and now 108 from CR.
I wish danke would pick it up, this is just ridiculous.
13460 tons is 26920 lbs. I guess I would be on top right?
If you die, you die.
Mobage has been live for a month now.
Huh, didn't know that
>2 stars on google play
How shit is it?
I don't know where to read it anymore. No place updates regularly. I think even CR dropped it for a while, before they stopped providing free manga chapters in general (last I checked).
It's up to 106. 107-108 are CR only so far.
I don't even remember the last chapter number I read, only that Gunzou needs a less-dorky outfit. One of these days I'll catch up again.
Sometimes I wonder if there isn't like 5 people on Yea Forums giving a fuck and not having CR account. We're months behind with rips untill some kind faggot uploads a batch.
Pure suffering.
I just bought it on paper because military moe needs all the love it can get. GuP and Strike Witches were put on hold forever due to low sales.
Yeah, I remember. It was the show that kickstarted my journey from a clueless fag that didn't know what was the difference between a battleship and a destroyer to a fully-fledged armchair admiral able to quote the displacement and all calibers of all WWII jap ships from memory.
Did they ever explain their origins?
Literally Azur Lane.
Nope. Admiralty code just comes in, spouts some mysterious BS, and then leaves.
I know you're joking but
>In Greek mythology, the Sirens were dangerous creatures, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and singing voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island
Azur Lane has aliens who destroyed humanity then went back in the past to give humans technology so their war with them could be a bit more interesting.
I read it back when I was still new into manga, and even back then I found this shit way too cliche.
I'd say the main problem is super slow release.
Try watching it again when you grow up and learn that cliches aren't always a bad thing.
The AL Sirens haven't been confirmed Ayys though. They might be the end evolution path of shipgirls. It would explain why all of them have the same hair color as Edgyprise.
Also, my point was that both Arpeggio and AL uses the word Siren as a reference to greek mythology.
I'm really not sure what to think about this, if Gunzou becomes a fog leader I'll probably vomit. He's the weakest part of this series and now there's two of him to make it even worse.
>publication is slow
It's a monthly simulpub by CR manga. Though it is indeed slow but it's just got interesting. The revelation of what's happened in Facility #4 is underway, at least.
>We're months behind with rips untill some kind faggot uploads a batch.
The faggots are that can't read the freely available latest chapter each month at CR. I grab them though locally because they get behind a paywall after a few weeks and their Flash reader sucks ass. I'm up to date with the raws.
It feels like it's about to reveal something major for like a year now and it still didn't happen.
The only problem i have is i keep forgetting who is who and what boat design they have, and the fuck are they still fighting each other during the day but then become friens during the night?
>inside Facility #4
The boat designs are nice otaku food but from the perspective of the story, they were never highly important. There are at least 4-5 story arcs going on right now. Friend vs. enemy is not very clear at the moment as a lot of info is deliberately obscured.
>tsundere heavy cruiser
>flagship of my heart
The AC is a hax witch looking like a blonde German loli.
She also implied nanomaterial magic is what Jesus used.
That was some pretty crazy shit
Kancolle ripoff
Crunchyroll licensed the manga which killed fast interest because /ak/ scans used to dump translations live on Yea Forums.
The Anime Original Seasons also killed any interest in following the plot.
Anime Remake needs to happen because the Anime original ending made sequels impossible.
I could've sworn CR stopped doing the "free latest chapter" thing years ago, because that's why I stopped visiting them. I'm looking at their manga site right now, and still don't see free chapters in anything. Does it require an account now, or something?
Fuck cruchyroll.
They killed discussion on Yea Forums because /ak/ scans dropped the manga once it got licensed.
Fan community usually dies when something gets licensed.
Weekly manga can survive but not monthly mang.
Gunzou died in order to be able to get ships pregnant.
He needed to die so he could gain the ability to procreate and reproduce with ships.
If only it was published on comixology, then Danke would have handled the rips.
Get off your high horse faggot, they don't release at regular intervals and they get taken down before a week has passed at the very least since the latest chapter was released a week ago, and it's disgusting to read on their Flash reader either way.
Memes aside, what came first?
>The Anime Original Seasons also killed any interest in following the plot.
The anime was what got me interested and I still love it even if it differs quite a bit from the manga, a shame it ended so quickly though.
>501 hawt
They are available only for about a week now, but they are still there.
Get the chaps before free releases time out, that's all to it, retard. Don't complain if you can't manage that. They used to lag but this year they were releasing pretty quickly after the Japanese release. And a pro tip: grab them to your PC to read.
Anime made that shitty anti fog torpedo too hax when the manga reveals those torpedoes are just annoying and won't really change the outcome of the fight.
You got like gravity beam cannons and dimensional fluctuations and the anime expects me to believe some anti fog torpoedo can fucking fight against gravity?
That doesn't even qualify as bait, user. Get lost.
The most elegant ship!
Crunchyroll simply doesn't work for this in any form and you can't expect people to deal with that bullshit, that's why there used to get rips, you can't really expect to be taken seriously when you argue the contrary.
>Kongou developing a motherly attitude towards Gunzou
Kongou is much love.
>the manga reveals those torpedoes are just annoying and won't really change the outcome of the fight
Did it? I believe that was just one of the fog speculating and we have not seen it in action yet.
I just don't know anymore, who's the bad guy? Yamato was a good girl all along thanks to the last chapters from some months ago.
Mommy Kongou is amazing.
They are different but I love both anime Kongou
and manga Kongou.
We really don't know what the torps are going to do in the manga, since they have not been used against a capital ship with a shield.
But, being able to sink DDs, CLs, and other ships that don't have shields will help weaken the blockade.
Then wait for the rips, retard. It literally takes me a minute to rip a chapter to my local drive before I enjoy it. I admit, it requires a basic level of devotion towards the material, but if you don't even have that and are a lazy ass, what are you even doing here? Complain about CR?
>bad guy
It's not that kind of story.
Even the anime with Musashi's bullshit didn't go there.
As far as I remember, the new torpedoes are supposed to infiltrate the Klein field with ease. That's a great achievement.
Why does Yamato let herself get NTRed.
She is even the childhood friend!
Doesn't she feel jealous? She knows she could have won before anybody else.
Since it is a monthly release, had sporadic delays, and the continuous additions of side plots kept popping up, the manga had a serious pacing issue.
Kongou took a entire two and half years to conclude, and the payoff was not that amazing either.
There seems to be some sort of mobile game for the franchise in beta too, but I really don't know what that is all about.
Yamato is operating on a level that nobody quite fucking understands right now.
You are the one arguing that things are fine as they stand regarding the english release, which I believe people would disagree with.
If you gave a damn you would dump the rips for other people to catch up but you seem to prefer to occupy yourself with being an obnoxious fag here user.
Don't really know who is the bad guy but will this be a transhumanist manga where humanity eventually becomes part Fog and the Fog decides to start expanding in space?
This series had so much potential. It needed a season 2 so badly. Instead we got a Movie that was half review and half boring new content that left us hanging at the end.
Her keikaku seems to span beyond the individual interests of her human half.
Frankly, this is one of the problems with the manga as a whole. It shows tidbits of the mystery to build up to something huge, but the payoff just kind of fizzles out.
>arguing that things are fine as they stand regarding the english release
Never said something of the short, but I don't give a shit either as I use a workaround, fag. It would took you less time than arguing with foreign people on the internet, if you took the effort. But you chose to whine instead.
>If you gave a damn you would dump the rips for other people
Amy I a charity, what do you think, non? Hint: no, I'm not. Though I still might do it.
I really liked the anime, and I did read the manga up to some point, I've forgot, but apparantly i had favorited chapter 54.
Maybe its time to catch up
I agree, this kinda story would need a weekly. The author has sudden mind farts and starts a whole new shiny arc just to slow storytelling to a grinding halt soon after. It's fucking annoying but I still love the manga.
No, waith after re-reading i think the bad guys are the russians for invading europe thanks to the lack of human naval ships.
The ending of the movie does give us a interesting AU that could be expanded on.
That's just it though. They needed to continue the anime after that. Either a season 2 or a 2nd movie. But we got nothing. It's been 4 years. And there's still no plans to continue it. All we've gotten is a stupid smartphone game.
I am amazed that they haven't dropped it yet
Problem with continuing the anime, is the lack of new characters it will be able to use. The manga is simply to slow when it comes to getting new material.
The movie looked incredibly stupid because of this issue.
The idea that a couple of heavy cruisers and a battlecruiser being the Fog's major leaders was laughable, but the anime staff didn't have much to work with.
There are so many plot lines going at once in the manga now holy shit.
Gunzou himself is essentially a mental model at this point, and the Admiralty Code implied that he'll be undergoing a trial to see if he's worthy to become the new "master."
It's all but guaranteed that we're heading towards a coexistence ending, especially now that one of the most antagonistic members of the Fog holds a sizable amount of (maternal?) affection for Gunzou and is planning to attend a human festival to learn how to better interact with them.
What if Gunzou dad does a "The end of evangelion"? and try some retarded shit about humanity while the mental models just stand and watch for some reason?
The manga implied that his fate in the anime is canon. Gunzou's father is dead and the him that's walking around is a non sentient copy Musashi made.
Notice that the big flagships like Yamato and Nagato have twin mental models, but Musashi only has one.
Studio doesn't care about CGI anime either.
Studio just makes Bang Dream anime now.
Except we haven't seen most of the Fog, only some of the IJN ships. We don't know what other Fog commands, like those of RN or the USN, thinks of Gunzou, outside of him being a enemy.
Only the anime version works against Klein fields. The manga version can only take out unshielded Fog ships.
They said that it is theoretically possible that the Klein Fields could be bypassed, but they couldn't test one against a shielded Fog ship, so it's a big unknown.
We still don't know what the torpedo's full capabilities are in the manga.
No, but that is cutest Takao I've seen
The 3DCG killed it
I absolutely love this series, I just wish we would get more out of it like a new anime and bring Trident back together for more music.
I originally watched the anime late last year, thought the show was pretty solid and heard that they changed the ending from the Manga.
(Should I check out the movie? Is it worth it?)
Thought about picking up the manga, and found volumes 1-12 in a Half-Price Books for like $3 a piece in January.
I heard there is a Takao spin-off dealing with her being in the naval academy? Is there any scanlation of that anywhere/is it any good?
Been thoroughly pleased that I started the manga, but to be honest it's release is so slow, and the licensing of it means that discussions are nigh nonexistent.
I feel like every time I get a new release I have to go back and reread the whole series because there are so many splinter groups/fleets with their own plotlines/machinations.
The movies bring an ending to the anime so yes go watch them
i don't remember anything about this show besides its kongo being way better than kancolle's
also it had an opening i liked i think?
Arpeggio's Kongou is a top tier Kuudere waifu.
The OP is "Savior of Song" by nano
oh yeah that's right it has a singer who could actually output english i forgot about that, good times.
and it was actually one of the series user put out way back when he was doing stuff which i guess was before /ak/ picked it up
I should probably get back into the manga but that movie still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Last I remember Haruna was undercover?