400 word essay due Monday

>400 word essay due Monday
>still browsing Yea Forums

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Just turn 360 degrees away from your computer screen and take a quick break. Ganbare OP

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>1000 word essay due on the 24th June
>wasting my time watching anime

i'm fucked bros

>400 word
Yea Forums would like a word with you.

400 words is nothing you fucking braincel my average post regarding my waifu trumps that.

Are you in fucking 4th grade

>400 word essay
That's fucking nothing. That seriously takes you all day user? What is wrong with you
Oh, the summer children are here, never mind.

>Exam next monday
>Still shitposting in haremshit threads

>400 words
I remember when I was in the 4th Grade.

Seriously though, what's the subject?

Relatable stuff, OP. Where do I retweet?

Congratulations. Every single one of you just revealed yourselves as newfags

Oh no!!! M-Muh ebin sekrit club membership!...

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>he just keeps digging

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>400 words
Global rule 2

>falling for reverse reverse reverse bait

newfag, i...


>when you started this shit meme

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I bet you're this idiot

Jesus christ people falling for a twitch pasta is sad.



>everyone in this thread

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400 is fucking nothing you pathetic little highschool faggot

take a college philosophy course and then fucking talk to me

I will if this next post gets dubs

Heh, thanks for the (You) faggot

Can I visit and couch surf at your place in tokyo user?

Keep it on Yea Forums, nigger.


>take a college philosophy course and then fucking talk to me
About what? How much debt you're in after getting a useless degree?


Can you like too?

>100 word essay due in September
>just spent all morning binge watching the first episode if Gurren Lagann
I'm so fucked, guys.

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>job opening due Monday
>still havent write my CV
>still browsing Yea Forums

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I need to apply for 20 job openings before wednesday or ill get my benifits cut.

What does an essay have to do with video games?

>400 doujinshi lined up that wont read themselves
>Instead browse thinly veiled ecchi threads on Yea Forums

tick tock

Go back to 9gag

400 words is like a single page lmao wtf

You are here forever

I-I am afraid, can I go home now mom?

>400 word essay
Jesus what are you in, 10th grade English? Even then I did 750 word essays then!

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>100 word essay due September
>still browsing Yea Forums

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It's been a while since I last saw this meme

>Boss S. Shekelstein wants 300 SLOC shell script by tomorrow
>scripting anime downloads instead

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Good thread

>10 word essay on what I learned in boating school due in 2 minutes
>still browsing Yea Forums
I'm fucked boys