Boku No Hero Academia

A new preview for season 4!

What are you most excited to see? Also, the official release date is 12th of October

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Other urls found in this thread:

Additionally, here the original twitter link for those interested

I'm exicted to get past the yakuza arc so we can get to pro hero and my villain academia


Season 5 is going to be kino as fuck

I am hyped as fuck.

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Deku's 100% lolibackpack

the fights are going to be great
I wonder if the kirishima flashback will cap off an episode so the compression punch starts an episode. I really hope not.

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What's Yea Forums's thoughts about Umakoshi not being the chief animation director anymore?

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What bits will Bones flesh out for the filler episodes?

>October is in 4 months

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suck my master1200 bitch

finally My Kino Academia is back on the menu

> SHONENKINO is back on the menu boys

Fujo bitch already translated the PV

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when is reformed babytoucher gentle coming back

After the prison break and their desperately short on heroes who can capture villains without massive property damage.

When Gran Torino finally assembles the team.

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Redpill me on the latest events (if there were any)

I was not expecting her skin to be grey.

Re-Destro spilled his monologue to a clone, while the tower was dissolved. Twice clones cushioned Giran.

Now Re-Detro is hulking out and if he's not too injured by the fall, is at least as fast as the neet.

Hace you played Metal Gear Rising Revengance?

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WHAT??? WHY????

I gotta say I'm rather looking forward to Fitgum

I mean, actually I have no idea what a chief animation director does.

Probably working on the movie

Hori likes Hands.

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>animated fatgum
Holy shit. Who's his seiyuu?

Who made this

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the original image is krumbs
the person who added the impact font, who knows, maybe a redditor
the subtle tell is that it's abbreviated to MHA instead of BnHA

Who cares? KINOmetsu no Yaiba is already superior in terms of production and popularity and soon will also be in terms of sales

> More madman deku in 4 months

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>World War Twice
>Dabis having a Song of Ice and Fire.
>Shiggy keeps up his Diggy.
>Redestro is going full Armstrong on the monologue and hulks out now.

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What's your OTP and why?

dabi is currently getting molested by geten who was hiding ice cool mega milkers all along

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these two
i don't know, i think they go well togheter and i like their interactions

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My OTP is (you) x your (you) bait


>implying clothed sex isn't patrician

My fucking nigga

He is working on the new Doremi movie

Do you think this will hurt the S4?

No, not at all

that panel of Redestro hulking out one arm and blowing away all the clones is pretty cool. I hope he can get that swole over his entire body at the same time so it's like he was barely even trying with this first one

I've listened to eri's bit over and over again and it makes me feel very funny inside. She's the end of me, my ultimate waifu.


Cute and canon.

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>Tfw still have to wait a while until Mushroom is animated
Hurts just a little bit

Very cute and very canon

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Umakoshi is working on the movie but not on S4- he has a lot on his plate at the moment with Precure.

It's fine though- the schedule looks really good so we're not going to get any disastrous downturns in quality. It's going to be a pretty consistent production- and given the time they've had and the fact they feel comfortable with who they have staffed it'll probably look better than S3.

>we're not going to get any disastrous downturns in quality
I hope so.

Extremely cute and canon

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as long as the staff is the same I don't get how changing the director would affect that much, unless his replacement is straight up incompetent

You did the same thing last thread. Please don't spam images, the first one was enough

The cutest and canonest.

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If the schedule is good that usually means nothing fucked up like parts of Dororo or OPM2 should happen. For a consistent production that's more important than just about anything.

Last one I promise

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There should be zero issue with quality whatsoever. The team they used is experienced and they were given plenty of time to make the season really shine. I can't wait to see how it turns out

This is Eri-chan, say something nice about her!

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She looks horny

Cope BCfag.

Famous self inserter Krumbs, do not confuse with slightly less famous self inserter Akeemi chan

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why is jirou puking in dekus mouth?
why is she crying?

she's not puking it's just a really autistically drawn kiss

>thicker lines
Yeah, it's obvious that the animation director will be different.

Some Filipino fujo

I know who Krumbs is, and I know the art too. I'm talking about the hideous impact font 'meme'

That's a tongue but the artist apparently can't draw those.

she's crying because she's horny and nobody is helping her


God how the fuck could they let her go?
Neither Mirio nor Deku are hero material

Really, all Deku had to do was grab her and run into the main street with his YEETspeed and Overhaul would have been done for. If he tried anything there he'd have every pro hero around on his ass while he's isolated from his reinforcements.

You better not respond to this

They didn't know Overhauls quirk at that point in time, did they?

They felt really bad afterwards. Look at the positive side, now Eri has two dedicated oniichans.

That Eri died
But a different one got lucky

Blame cuckrio, his bitch ass would jump of a cliff if sir said so

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No, they didn't. It could have been risky, but it's better than trying nothing at all.

don't be retarded

>God how the fuck could they let her go?

This is how SJW's think. They are under the illusion that they can do everything in their own hands just because. When in reality, all they can do is bitch and whine.

don't say that...Eri is still Eri, even if she experienced death many times. Her memories are intact and her soul is still there.

Eri has no soul, she's a cursed being that only exists to cause mayhem and suffering. Overhaul was right

Based and redpilled.

If she is so cursed how come she makes Mirio so happy?

Because Mirio knows he's going to be erased. Suicide by loli.

Because they are morons. If Deku had activated Full Cowl, grabbed her and ran they would have gotten away. They didn't even NEED to run since Pippin there can solo emo-hawk.

Objects can make people happy

Mirio is mentally insane and hates the world. That's why he didn't bother trying to help a defenseless tortured loli but suddenly wanted to help her when he realized she's an evil spirit of destruction

I'm glad nejire is nothing but decoration.

I wish Nejire's mouth was decorating my cock

barley any animation. (unlike based mob psycho)

> another OPM S2 but with better looking still frames. and below average 7 quirks asspull story.


Doremi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my hero academia

mob psycho > pedo loli bait eri plot device

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Cope seasonlets

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that's right, solve all your problems by punching harder! (and in FMA:B punch father harder)

>hero aca fags in a nutshell

I'm sad because Eri will go very mainstream after this season. Let it be know, I was after her cunny as soon as she showed up.

mob who? that manga that had a rushed ending?

here is your mangaka fags:

>Mobfag complaining about pedos when the only people who still care about Mob are the fujos who want Reigen to fuck him
cracks me up every time

no it had a perfect ending and at least it has an ending unlike your average shounen jump trash.

there are no pedos in the canon material of mob psycho

As shitty as BnHA is at least we'll never sink so low as to allow fujoposting on our generals.

Stopped reading at the end of the joint training arc. Has it got any better, or is it still shit?

you do! check tumblr and pixivi

it's still fucking bull shit!
just read mob

Stopped reading at the end of the return of Shiganshina arc. Has it got any better, or is still shit?

We MGSR now

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it's a lot better, especially if you like the League

What if I hate the league because I think they're weak as shit and don't really do anything? Have Hawks and Endeavour at least made any more appearances?

it's shit.

unlike based mob psycho

>our generals are the same as tumblr and pixiv
Take this (you) and fuck off.

Name one pedo character in MHA

how can one man be so based
I know others don't but I really like how soft his art looks

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I get the feeling you're just a huntard in disguise.

What did Mirio mean by this?

if you're a fujo then you're beyond hope


you fuck off and take your 7 quirks with you.

Well, it's basically a league training arc currently, where they are facing off against a rival villain organization directly rather than half-assing it like the did with the Yakuza, it might change your opinion of them for the better, it's been excellent so far.

Hawks just recently got a smidge of screen time.

quick i need the image with bakugo asking todoroki why his dad lets him have 2 quirks
and then below pic of deku pulling the 7. one out of his ass


Nice reddit spacing

99% stills.

yeah! more budget for based mob psycho S3

mob psycho > hero aca eri pedo

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Lmao anime onlies are gonna be trailing way behind by the time this airs.

>BCfag trying to turn Yaibros into a shitpost scapegoat
Get the fuck outta here.

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Eri was made for me


unlike mob psycho fans and manga

Reminder to report underage posters like >189439567

There's so much porn of shota mob x reigen is not even funny.

missing the entire next chapter of explanation as to why they needed to wait and not fuck up the plan. speed readers deserve the rope

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ONE didn't draw that porn.

Murata probably did


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you can't just kidnap someone's child because the child is scared

Kirishima and Rappa should be good shit.

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if the flashback is fixed

>hyped as fuck

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shounenfaggots, what do you expect

>forced drama
>Kirishima doing literally nothing
>should be good
Is this babbys first anime for you?

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you literally cannot go a single post without embarrassing yourself, can you
fucking tripniggers

Imagine being on Yea Forums for 10+ years and still jizzing your pants to the most tropish shit ever

have sex

As a fan of this series, I am indeed looking forward to the season 4 of Boku no Hero Academia.
What about you user?

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You can't enjoy anything anymore

I do not like this sculpture
its smug aura mocks me

>looking forward to the arc that killed the series
Imagine how much good anime you could watch instead

How will dabi win bros?

>What's up with the sudden influx of mob posters? Is this the new false flag?

>I'm getting the band back together.

Who cares

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If i saw that sculpture without knowing Redestro and MHA i would think it's some jewish caricature.

>the arc that killed the series
i don't know what you're talking about, the series is still alive and well

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I want Mirio to molest me

>i don't know what you're talking about, the series is still alive and well

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Do you think mina likes it up her butt?

He won't
Twice is also about to get his ass kicked by skeptic


Hori got the flu 7 times in 2017

>implying Twice can lose while his wife's life is at stake

She's only for pikachu.

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I just want Mirio to be a hero bros

i'd let deku out of his cage only on the condition that he would cuddle with me in return

it'll happen eventually

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She's great for making drugs

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Pikachu is an idiot. Make Bakujirou canon

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this except I'd roughly rape him in the ass instead of cuddling

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Made for each other.

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why not both?

cause I'm not gay, fucking idiot

Kaminari was made to be an orbiter/phone charger

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But it's been 80 chapters since he lost his quirk

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Can you prove it?

What did Aizawa tell Mirio?

i'm not gay either, i just want a wholesome and vanilla relationship with deku

80 or 800, that quirks not coming back.

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>Wishing Energy son

I trust nighteye

>Sorry Mirio, i jinxed your career by saying youre Nr 1 material.

I like anything that could give us more Camie. Though I think Bakugou is the better Chad to her Stacy.

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sounds pretty gay to me, fag

like I said

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But I want him to continue his hero adventures with his lifelong partner tamaki

>Honoring the Mother of Quirks here, Shigaraki. Cant fret over every quirk user!

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he's not his partner, he's his best friend

it's not gay if it's between a man and a woman

just calling yourself a woman doesn't mean you are one user

Isn't that the same?

Deku is a nigger

We know, Ochako.

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> See the thread again
> A Lot of people Is seething only with a trailer

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let him out

i'm most excited to see Mirio get shot and Eri get turned to goop

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Hell yeah another giant villain fight. I don't remember this scene from the manga.

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>Eri's voice
I came

Chapter 131, theyre used as fodder for Nejire to show her quirk.

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>If he keeps this up...(Bakugou shuts her up)

Boy is gonna be a permavirgin at this rate.

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Thank you memory-kun.

Akeemi's Bakubox fanart is fucking hilarious

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not really? partner in today's world typically means either half of a duo who work closely together (they intern under different people) or someone who are in a relationship with but for some reason don't wish to call boyfriend or girlfriend

god i wish i were her

Honestly if enji doesn't steer the boy in the right direction shoto might be a perma-virgin too

But woody called Andy partner in toy story 3. I understand that partners are people that are close friends, and do everything together.

A partner is someone you work closely with, they can be your friend but they can also be a simple acquaintance
For example, buisness partners

Holy shit
Is bakugo really in a cuck box

god i wish i were him

I just imagined Enji standing proud over Todoroki in Bed getting ready to lose his V-card shouting "SHOOOOUTOOOOOUU!!!"

very wholesome and sweet

Sorry, English isn't my main language
Is there any other word for best friend?

Momo and Kaminari can be the utility couple.

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Remember when SnK was the biggest anime in the world for like a year and now nobody cares about it except autistic 4channel nerds?

Bnha seems oddly reminiscent

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well, BFF stands for best friends forever, and that kinda works
there's not really a single word that means best friend. confidant and companion both sorta work, but confidant is more to do with being able to tell them things than strictly being best friends. and companion can also just mean someone who's along with you on a journey

Oh fucking hell how I wish

based and electro stimpilled

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Shouto needs a slut who will make the first move, either Mina or Camie, or if everything else fails, pixie bob

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>not massively popular still
ok retard

Companion it is

God I want Mina to rub her socks on my face while she pees on my torso

Tell me the last time you saw SnK merch in public
I'll wait

Why did you quote me at the end?

last time I went to an anime con which was uhh about a year ago?

Don't worry about it
>he has to go to a place where nerds are locked in a building to see SnK
Wow super poplar

Too late

miro getting hero cucked.

If anything Shouto will win Momo over with his pure awkward waifu autism.

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reminder that ReDestro brushed off Dabi's flames as if they were nothing in the hulked out panel
You can best hope the NEET is good at dodging

Toga is the League's _____

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Imagine how much more impactful Redestro's speech would've been if he was addressing the actual Shiggy and not a clone

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>the destruction of the league of villains


Crawler>Virgin Deku

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I don't live in some slant eyed hellhole, nobody fucking wears anime merch in public

little sister

I kinda like the fact that he´s cheesy enough that he even takes the chance to monologue with clones.

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did he get a boner



still mad about magness she and spinner are the most interesting characters in the LoV

i doesnt make a difference because they would make the same exact reaction

dog tamer

clone or not, shiggy is is still shiggy

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Wow so much power wank
Can't wait for Class 1A to somehow magically be able to counter it despite their last appearance proving they suck

Why is it so impossible to care about anyone in this boredom simulator

>popular = good
you lose to your own fallacy

Why is it so easy to care about everyone in this boredom simulator

The poster above me sucks cocks

Grey skin ruined it, she should be dark

i love everyone in this thread!

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Imagine having sex with Deku in his room while all his All Might merch is watching you

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She's blue skinned. It just looks washed out in the scan.

i wouldn't care, i'm happy as long as i get to have sex with him

Imagine giving Deku a quirk so shitty and boring that you have to give him 6 more to make him less vanilla

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>Deku blushing and his eyes darting to the images of his idol as he gets defiled

Probably, but who wouldn't over Momo's Momos?

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Sure, he'd probably perform better as well, feeling encouragement from AM's smile

What's more awkward in this world
Having sex with a picture of all might watching you?
or havingsex while a picture of jesus is watching you?

I still hate kuckshima

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Is religion even a thing in the bnha universe?

Depends, do you prefer baras or twinks?

we know, doesn't mean you should spam your shitty mspaint vent art everytime you enter these threads

well there's ibara and we saw the crc guys in a church

imagine hugging and kissing deku without his consent in front of all might

pic related
also twice asked "isn't religion profitable"

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>having sex with an otaku

My bf

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Plant girl is very religious. Her room is probably nothing but crosses, rosaries, pictures of jesus, and a bookself of bibles.

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Not like we got anything better to do

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Oh yeah, forgot about her

Considering the whole spreading decay thing, could Shiggy disintegrate entire areas, including objects and people on them, by touching the ground?

I would love to

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She probably also keeps a big dildo and a picture of Endeavor hidden in her drawer

>ywn tell Deku to imagine it's All Might 's thundercock while you his tight ass
>ywn hear his flustered indignant denials insisting All Might is just a hero to him
>ywn never blow his mind by telling him it'snot just heroism in all that muscular fapbait
seriously does no one ever even wonder about deku

remind me why you hate kirishima again

All Might's reaction
>You have a great lover in user!

She slaps the Endeavor picture in the face with the dildo while telling him how sinful he is.

Snotty brat

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Well, we had a actual cult.

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He wasted my time

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Why My Villain Academia is so much better than Hero Academia?

>muh manliness
>sucks bakufag's cock harder than anybody (even deku)
>hates bullies/has past with bullies. Also thinks Bakugo is a good (and manly) friend
>shit quirk
>literally no character beyond liking manlinesss and being fujobait
Also, I'll never forget that endeavorxKirishima doujin

>Ibara will never slap you in the face with a dildo while telling you how sinful you are

All Might would be proud.

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I remember.

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Official out

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I want to rape deku in front of all might while he yells encouraging words to me!

>13 pages of exposition
Boku no nothing happens

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>being jealous of a 2D character's physique

>for the record All Might is the number one slut in the hero agency
My sides.

Well, this could be a problem.

>be villains
>get stronger
>get shelved for more school shit immediately

I would guess this is from a BL doujin if not for the Yaoyorozu mention.

>Chrome Dome Cult Man.


And the limitation why Twice wont need to die: His clones still wont be able to be fully trusted unless its a life or death situation where theyre 100% focused.

>13 pages
goddamn, not even 14?
I wouldn't be surprised if by next year it'll be 5 pages per week

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It's a doujin where Momo grows a cock for no reason and fucks the entire class, boys and girls
even all might

nah, Redestro and Geten killed them all. Problem solved

>13 pages
Why are anorexics allowed to have jobs?

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Nigga is ripped as fuck, I want him to punch me with those bazookas. Cute and stronk

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I want Deku to Detroit smash my ass

What is it with MHA and abortion comics

Why is Hori drawing 15-13 pages since jt?

He draws two spreads per chapter, and I imagine Redestro's pimp slap took him time, look at the detail on his clothing

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Ahhh... i have such trash taste, it actually gives me goosebumps a little.

also some bread
she likes bread

>Deku will never smash you so hard that he breaks his back.

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but he himself acknowledged making so little pages was shameful during the JT arc. You'd think by now he'd try to fix that, but it seems like it became the norm now

I feel like it probably has more to do with his editors or Jump than his lack of desire.

i wish i could smash ochako

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deku has such a cute and lewd body, i just want to corrupt him and turn him into a slut

Monoma is a lucky man, being held down by her.

Deku already is a slut, he pleases old men for money

T. Uraraka

It's purely intentional.
>hey let's take this modestly paced arc and drag it out for half a year by making each chapter half the size
>No we totally aren't milking this franchise for every penny


yeah, duke definitely whores himself out for money
how else can he afford his collector's edition all might merch

>Hori is a hypocrite
News as 10

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i want to bully bakugou relentlessly and make him jealous by kissing deku whenever we're together

Well, he did give Shinso development

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Sure, we only had to wait 18 months.

>not reading the raw

He definitely sells himself to cakes

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is the left translation Viz or Jaminis?

Its 15 dipshit. Learn to count.

Do you think that guy can turn off his neck quirk or is he stuck like that?

>but he himself acknowledged making so little pages was shameful during the JT arc.
Because he turned in chaptees with 10 to 11 pages retard.

He's been drawing 13 to 15 pgs since the beginning newshit.

i wish he'd sell himself out to me

God, he's so cute

at what point will s4 end at in the manga? want to know if i should read more or if i can put it off until s5

Eri's smile probably

You sound mad.

really though, he's perfect
i want him to blush for me when i touch him

>Deku takes Joke, Midnight and Mt Lady to pound town on the reg
I don't know who's luckier, him or they.

>Makes a stupid comment
>People point out why you're stupid
>y-y-y-you mad?

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He would be a stuttering mess instantly, you could get away with doing literally anything to him and he would be too flustered to tell you off


FYI manga like Dragonball never went beyond 14 pages.

Still, doesn't change the fact he went from 20 pages to 15. Now he posted 13 as well, how do you even justify that?

>bakugou jealous over deku
In your delusions, fujoshit
t. Bakugou Katsuki

lol like you can just make him your boyfriend and he wouldn't even say anything, you could walk around with him while holding his hand and he wouldn't object
like you could tell him that you love him and he'd say it back because he's too polite to say no

>Still, doesn't change the fact he went from 20 pages to 15.
He never did 20 page chapters retard. Even the first arc had 13 to 15 page chapters.

cakes and MILFs alike of course, he even has a GILF with him in his dreams

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>implying I speak anything other than english

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>Mirio would eat Eri like a burrito

>Miriofag is into Vore
It gets worse by the thread

Hey, Mirio is the one who compares her to food.

>be hori
>get sick once
>forget how to write

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reminder that aoyama tried to murder mirio

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Imagine Endeavor discovering reverse psychology and trying to use it to get Shoto to spread his eugenics genes
>Boy, you know what I hate? Grandchildren. I swear, if one of my sons was to go and ruin his perfect genetics by intermixing with some hussy, I would just be FURIOUS
>Especially if her quirk is strong and compatible with his, that would reaaaally get my goat

I fucking love Mirio

if only he'd succeeded, then Eri might have been spared from days worth of cruel torture without Mirio forcing Deku to abandon her

So did mina
God I want Mina to torture me by peeing her acid on me burning my legs and rendering me immobile

Do you think All Might can even fuck properly outside of his muscle form? You'd figure all the exertion would just wear him down.
Then again he is getting into jogging now, so maybe he's working his way back up, but that missing lung and stomach have got to put a cap on his performance.

Good, pedophiles deserve the axe

but if mirio was dead deku wouldn't have been on patrol with him and thus would never have found eri there anyway

mina can turn her acid into glue, though
we've never seen anything to indicate the aoyama's laser isn't deadly to humans

Honestly aoyama is a saftey hazard who shouldn't be allowed in the hero course
It's only a matter of time until he shots a hole into another student

AM is a virgin and his waifu is dead/in the bahamas
he's never getting any

His laser was set to "stun".


Days don't matter much when she's been tortured for years

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>superhero manga
>its actually about babysitting

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>"Yaomomo, i need to impregnate you to get back at my dad, so come to my room tonight."

>Shoto has kids that inherit Momo's jobbing aura

>yaoi shota manga
>its actually about tournament arcs

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Nah, Momo and Shouto's jobbing auras cancel each other out.


that's not how that works. They'd combine and get stronger. If Momo and Shoto had a kid he'd be Risotto tier at jobbing

7 month training arc fucking kek

Imagine waiting that long for a resolution that is literally just more waiting

Wouldn't that jobbing aura be so potent that it affects the villains too?

possibly, but it'd effect them both equally at best, so they'd still need to be more competent than the villain to win

They managed to beat Aizawa so that shouldn't be a problem

How excited are you guys?

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not that excited
it's months away
call me when we're a week out

He is the one who dictates how the anime is going to look, he will correct animation and art at the end of production.

why would I be excited? It's just going to remind me of the absolute shit year that was 2017.

Mirio's parts will be animated in 5 minutes and I'll feel cheated because I waited endless months and several Hori breaks just so Deku could asspull the victory in the end. It's gonna be trash.

I'll be more excited when the anime gets to the good bits like chapter 160

Wouldn't Mirio's visor also come off his body? Its not like its made from his hair.

Hori wrote a note about it. He uses it because it looks cool

100% hype
we're finally getting closer

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>teasing bakugou and shouto in an arc they're not even in
Casuals will fall for this so fuckin easy

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yeah it falls off

Miriofag is a spic
We all had a good laugh

A bunch of shit happened but it won't matter past this arc

It still puts a smile on my face.

>moved to tears by her smile
she really is his waifu

This pleases me greatly. The cuck deserves this.

Krumbs is Filipino?

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if ochaco doesn't want deku then i would gladly take him

It is even better when you realize how much he lost for her, yet seeing her smile is all he needs to be genuinely happy.
They're very wholesome.

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>wakes up in the morning
>immediately starts eating donuts before she even has clothes on
finally Kacchaco art that has Ochaco in character

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Been out of the loop for a while. Any happening happen yet?

Yeah, the one thing worse than a spic.

This will make my heart hurt again

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The league of villains are killing an entire city as we speak


honestly the whole mirio fucking up hard and redemption is one of the best subplots in the manga
and the fact that it gives us a loli ship is just the cherry on top

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Flavor-of-the-arc villain is about to job again

>this entire thing
gas the western fanbase and gas it now


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You mean instant slide into irrelevance

he's more relevant than 90% of the side characters even now

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Was this a HxH reference?

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I wonder what it feels like to be OVERHAUL'd
Surely Eri was just being a lil bitch

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I miss when the drama in BnHA actually had weight and wasn't painfully obvious it didn't matter

she was being drained of her blood daily
losing blood feels fucking horrible

>last appearance: January 2019

>recognizable human forms
nah, it can't be

literally everyone who gets Overhauled complains about how painful it is, including Overhaul himself

Redestro is about to go full Armstrong before his likely battle with Giga.

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Nah they're just weaklings
I could take it multiple times and be fine

It is extremely painful. That, and the fact she was kept conscious while having her skin carved for days.

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Redestro is so based. I hope he doesn't go down easy.

Stop reading shit anime

Life is too short to waste years on arcs that go nowhere

that's a LOT more relevant than most of BNHA's cast

You are aware that this here is Yea Forums, right?

We saw him in February. Plus, the last time we saw any of the heroes was the first chapter of March anyway.


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>stop reading shit anime
you want me to tell you how I know you're a Yea Forumsedditor tourist?

What could make Eri feel pain? she must have been overhauled plenty of times, and Chisaki is so used to pain getting his arms cut off didn't make him flinch. Eri must be worse.

Would you take an Overhauling if it meant never having to go to the dentist or doctor ever again? You have to experience the pains everytime you reset your body, though.

>Chisaki accidentally curing chronic illnesses by disassembling people and then putting them back together inaccurately
that's a pretty neat detail

>reading anime

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Been here longer than you, shitdick

>It is extremely painful
She's a small girl.

>I never learned to cook
>treat me like a lady

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for you

Miriochads cannot be stopped

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Redpill me on their relationship in the manga

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as if we needed more proof that kacchako fans are self-inserting landwhales
somebody post THAT pic

retardedly written
every panel dedicated to it is a panel wasted

I would. I'd rather experience extreme pain for 1 second rather than mild pain over days or weeks.

cute and also cannon

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d-do you think overhaul cut Eri's loli thighs to drain her blood?

Worst rivalry in modern shounen

Cuter and canoner

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Genuinely bareboned and underwritten, is barely even coherent as a "rivalry"

Can Eri contain Mirio's powerful cock juices?

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I’d let you cut my thighs user
I have feminine thighs from all the running I do

the canonest

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With enough training, sure.

While I disagree with your opinion I respect your right to have it.

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I can accept that.

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I politely dissagre faggot

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Mina is such a cute slur honestly every ship with her is cute and canon

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II i

>the Mirio doujin by this artist
Why do they have to do this to my boy?

i understand, deku is really cute and goes well with anyone

Explain for those of us who don't read radiation.

Makes perfect sense doesn't it?!

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god his face is so spasticated


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unrequited love

Almost as much as this

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I dont know. But my guess it has something to do with his five penises.

You mean they take Deku to pound town. Get it right.

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i'd peg deku desu

mandalay confirms

No way, Deku shows 'em who's in charge with his massive 12 incher (13 if he's using ofa)

I can't think of a worse one even in old shounen

God deku selfinserters are so fucking cringy

Mina stared right at his peepee

T. Bakufujo


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t.bakushima self inserter

Why haven't you taken the greenpill yet?

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Showing scenes of Bakugo and Shoto at the start is kind of fraudulent

but I took it on chapter 1

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>not the fastpill

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remedial exam you dingleberries

>a whole season without Bakusperg
Has the lord blessed us Yea Forumsnons?

cause Deku is still less interesting and likable than most of the villains. Call me when he's as cool as Twice

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>there are people who read the manga who unironically dislike deku

Lida is a irrelevant insignificant meme. Hori wasted all our time hyping him up along with the real Heroes of 1A.

>whole season
unfortunately it's one cour at best

I'll take it

he's so cute, i want to marry him

I took that pill ages ago

not quite, he'll be in remedial and culture festival if they get to that in the second cour or something



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my crime lord older brother can't be this cute

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Like actual sex without penetration

the best bet for the anime's pacing is that the yakuza arc will be the entire first cour, then we see Bakugo again because of the remedial exam

you can literally ship Mina with anyone

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I want to fuck little brother ofa, but I want to get fucked by afo

Why was there so little Mirio in the PV? He's the season's highlight

what about the villains? Would Mina fuck Shiggy to cure him of his NEET rage?

I'd watch that threesome sandwich user

MGR shitposting is the best thing that's graced these threads in a while

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Can anyone beat the super charged cock tho?

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Since chapter 1

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I don't think Mina thinks as far as having a reason to fuck anyone

why does this make sense

Why does Hori draw eyes like that?

Its been with us for over a year now, ever since Gentle.

Good times.

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If it's all we can do while shipfags infest the thread, then so be it. Also, for future reference and by offchance, is there any good place to anonymously host videos with audio. I'm making the motther of all shitposts here, user.

They will get some training filler due to pandering, might as well just accept it now.



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can't wait

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She's gonna be a hero, she will do what she must.

Canon couple

Who'll be even slower than Deku once Deku can use OFA properly.

Everyone has their eyes drawn in a different style.

imgur can do it
also catbox

Miriofag has been confirmed to be a la creatura

I bet he winds up faster than Deku. Hori can't be that cruel.

Probably her nipple hair. Ew.

Long or short?

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she looks cute like that, i bet i could do that with my hair

You've got a good voice actor, Eri-chan.

She's even the color of a bubble. DIdn't expect that

mob psycho

>Kyouka talks to Midoriya once
>shippers go wild
>Kyouka is always paying attention to and laughing at Derpachu and it's an ignored ship

Why are y'all like this.

I mean, I'm all aboard the "Deku sucks" train, but really?

Yikes! already tall animation bad!

Because Kaminari and Jirou is a predictable ship. Midoriya and Jirou is obviously never going to happen, which makes it more fun.

Fuck, I should have saved the "count to ten" one. I hope it doesn't become unfindable.

That's cute. Embarrassing hairs are cute.

Overhaul's a fucking retard for not becoming a back-alley doctor. Honeslty, he and his cronies have perfect Quirks for low-profile crime and con artistry


>he doesn't have big dreams

>dude killing joke reference
I stopped reading there

Why back-alley? He could be a televised miracle healer.

>remedial exam
Literally what

dream big, but dont bite off more than you can chew

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If the shounen audience is literally little boys then why is there blood and fapbait and soap opera drama?

stop speedreading

Because why write a story when you can just ride off aesthetics and junk food content?

>Why is there fapbait
I wonder

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A battered wife who refuses to accept that she's being abused, and an unrepentant abuser who everybody seems to love for no reason

Little boys can't procreate, Abe-san.

Not with that attitude