Shingeki no kyojin

Why does season 3 looks so bad compared to the previous two? Even the BDs of season 3 Part 1 look bad.

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aot is dead, mha is better

It doesn't. It looks great, except for CGI.

>It looks great
It doesn't.

>mha is better

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>aot is dead, mha is better
Volume sales say say otherwise.

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You're cherrypicking, it doesn't
Every season has great looking scenes and not so great looking scenes, there's also different directors that are better than others


S3 is pure shit.

It still does look good, even with the bad CG and stuff like , but yes it's a lot more inconsistent. I think that has more to do with the industry in general struggling, but also Wit getting tired of the series.
With how ambitious the overall setting and fight scenes are it's still amongst the best production wise.

Do you want me to post volume sales?

>With how ambitious the overall setting and fight scenes are it's still amongst the best production wise.
It looks like shit compared to season 1 which had no CGI.

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Stream where guys?

Faye-kino soon, Marleybros

>being marleycuck


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Grice is so handsome. Colt's wife will be very lucky.


Stop being a brainlet, Shitrenfag.

is that shopped or is there a reason for these proportions?
Haven't watched it yet.

The CGIs not great but it’s tolerable. Sometimes it can look a bit awkward

>4 threads

>not turning Yea Forums into /snk/

I like both and even I know this is bait

Wait until /pol/ made 5 other ones about whether X factions are jews or whites

>season 1 which had no CGI
It did

Keep in my that it took them 4 years to do season 2
But I agree that the art style change in sesaon 3 is bad, that's why I want another studio like Bones, Production IG, or Madhouse to take over the anime

ayyyyyyyyy bert is thicccccc

Fuck off nigger

Let's face it, is there any real situation where the eldians can actually win? No matter how decent each individual one may be, the fact still remains that the eldian race is just one, big ol' bioweapon. There simply is no trusting them. Even if they were to use the Found Titan's power to remove the titans from existence, all that would do is leave them defenseless since they're too many years out of date technology-wise. After that they would simply get torn apart by all the world nations seeking revenge for Eren's attack on Liberio. Honestly, the 50-year euthanasia plan really is their best bet. It's a win-win scenario; the eldians get to live out their final days in peace, and the world is finally rid of those devils.

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Wake up the outer wall and fatten as many countries as you can before the bombs start to drop. There is no other correct move.



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Is annihilating the majority of the world's population really a victory, though?

Yes, Eldians are undeniably superior. Other races don’t matter, gotta protect your own first

>if you kill your enemies, they win

But all that will achieve is trapping them on their filthy island, since the rest of the world wiould be rendered unusable by the rumbling. Eventually, that tiny island is gonna start feeling a bit too cramped.

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sure, they can then repopulate the world themselves

Yes. Peace isn't feasible when the rest of the world sees you as subhumans.

>people actually think eren wants to rumble the world
stop falling for red herrings brainlets, you do this everytime

Is dis the tred


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yes bro stream soon

>the rest of the world wiould be rendered unusable by the rumbling.
It will be smashed up, but it’s not like it’s radioactive or anything. I would consider a clean slate for Eldian settlers to repopulate. Eren has thought this stuff out

>ddy subs are delayed today
no more comfy snk evenings...

Still better than the manga which always looked like shit.

Magic bullshit can't effect non-Eldians and a talk ending is even less realistic than stomping the shit out of everyone else. A timeloop ending is sad because that has no closure. Rumbling, whether it succeeds or not, is the route to the best ends.

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>still thinking the rest of the world will just stop hating Eldians are allow them to live amongst them
It’s time to rumble. Isayama will not disappoint unless he pulls some magic bullshit

fuck off EHspic

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h-h-heil hisu!

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Twitch link:



Nah i prefer vk and the russian bots.


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They are going fast af boi

Just tuned in, Faye already died? What the fuck?

Yes, it feels more like a info dump.


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madagascar brooooo

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yeah no dog gnarling

>rushing Marleykino

Chasky did his job

There was a still scene when the dogs started bitting her at least.

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That happens during Erens flashback when flock was bashing Armong


lmao they're not even rushing it was just as fast in the manga

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>all of the Koreans spamming dog emoticons in chat

>Grisha speedreading wasn't skipped
Thanks WIT

The voice of Dina is cute, at least.

>barricades (historias theme) playing when dina arrives
what did wit mean by this?

The VA are talking fast as fuck so everything can fit into the episode kek

oh boooooooooy

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Dina was thirsty as fuck for Grisha.

It means to kill her

This is fucking over, Marleykino is not happening

nice powerpoint presentation

marelykino RIGHT NOW


They are butchering like half of the narration and dialogues lol, fuck WIT

>here's your rumbling bro

Wait, did they skip the part about "Honorary Marleyans"?

I was afraid that they were going to censore this nazi meeting scene

And they fit the chapter 86 in half of the episode. Sasuga Araki.

Reused animation from the third ending kek

>skipping the torture

Ahahahahahaha They do a skip to the walls in Paradis. Barely torture scenes.


>Grisha backstory in ONE fucking episode

>Skipping the torture
Jesus Christ.

They added a desert

now we even have speedwatchers lmao gimme a break

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Do people really make fun of this in-betweener when the TV version of season 1 is the worst the show has ever looked?

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its fucking trash holy fuck

>Kruger isn't greying

its good


>QUALITY titans

>that eren scream
god tier

He looks more blonde, if anything.


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Unironically hot.

Finally we see Cute Titan. Is that Richard Stallman Titan behind him?

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>SergeantMajorGross (redpilled)

VAs are literally carrying this shit

Unironically pretty good desu

I'm glad they left in his full speech.

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ngl, wit is kinda based

damn, that was really fucking good. amazing ost and va work.

WIT really drop the ball with Kruger's appearance

>Grisha's dad VA is better than Kruger's VA
>no impact on Faye's death

That was based

Luckily they didn't rush the second part like they did with the first

That was fucking KINO holy shit the transforamtion scene


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2nd part of the episode shit on all the show this far, truly Marleykino


>next EP title is: "Shingeki no Kyojin"


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>Posts static panel with the guards falling in slow motion

I take it back, WIT did it again. Based


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The transformation was well animated at least

>EHcucks will defend this episode

my heart skipped a beat when they apparently skipped the torture, luckily they inserted it soon after




The transformation was eh, but at least the revelation was pretty good.

This episode confirmed EH yet again my fellow EHchads.


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Loved this ep. Grisha's VA did an incredible job and I felt fucking horrible during SergeantMajorGross's monologue. Was disturbing as shit.
I think that's typically the kind of episode you appreciate a lot more when you understand what the characters are saying or have the subtitles if you don't, even if you read the manga.

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True, overall i would say 8/10, the first half of the episode was kinda bad though


Shinge KINO Kyojin

>So that's it ? we some kinda of shingeki no kyojin?

really Isayama?

and now i realize that we are only missing two episodes...
dammit! the anime ride is ending

The madmen actually do it. They are fitting 2 manga chapter in 1 anime episode.


>Faye's body censored


Grisha's VA is the purest of kino

it seems like they are gonna do the same for the next episode, looks like the final episode will be only on chapter 90

>they stretched out all of last episode just for the cliffhanger so they had to rush this episode

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>First thing Grisha says when he holds his child in his arms is how useful he's going to be to the cause
Best father.


Best 4th Wall break I’ve seen in a while.

I guess we really are.......shingeki no kyojin............

Wait, was that episode 90 in the preview? Are they really going to show us Marleykino in episode 10?

Get hyped for S4 by JC Staff.

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>VAs doing those screams

Sayonaaara, sekaaai...

>reduced the torture scene

Marley kino is back on the menu

grisha's fuckin high pitched screams tho, lmao

I really hope chapter 88 won't be rushed like 86

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So rate the episode

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>no falco WW1 KINO

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>animeonly friend was literally shitting himself in the latest episode

Wait was Gross' (Anime) referencing the viewer? Did Isayama even intend that in the Manga?

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>Keep in my that it took them 4 years to do season 2
It didn't, they just took a massive break inbetween, season 2 only took them a couple of months to a year.

>In the end, Grisha, you truly became the Shingeki no Kyojin


no it's chapter 88 shingeki no kyojin and chapter 89

i havent gotten to watch it, was the gross kruger part kino, yes or no

>monologues about people wanting to experience living in fear while staring at the camera
>in a show that is about people living in fear of titans


Bed hair Mikasa is so damn sexy

part of 89 (ymir's flashback) was already animated, so next episode will be less rushed

Almost identical to the manga chapters with some scenes being summed up in a few lines instead of the whole page of dialogue.

In the end.... shingeki no kyojin



>Wait was Gross' (Anime) referencing the viewer?
Yes, Isayama said so in an interview some months ago.

yes, it was very clearly intended that he's looking at the viewer/reader

in the end... we truly are SnK

pretty kino, very good VA

Isayama said to the anime staff to make clear that he's addressing the viewer

yes, isayama explicit asked the staff to make gross's spech much more directed to the viewers

In the end... we really are attack on titan

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Enter: GODco

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where is this from?

Didn’t get to watch it. Was 86 rushed?

Yes, the voice acting was amazing, especially Grisha.

>Grisha does ooga booga we wuz kings impression
>Dina instantly wet for him
That was comedic.

Based episode

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S3:Part 2 Highlights
>Reiner gets bamboozled by Erwin on top of the wall:ONE JOB
>Loose Belts: The Marcogate incident:Trost was an inside job
>Bertnedict Hooverbach channels the chadforce: Check
>The charge of the sasageyo brigade: Not Kino enough
>Marlo realizes too late that Hitchu's hitchus are better than Dwayne Johnson's johnson: WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT
>Sopa de macaco: Uma delicia
>Burrito Fiber gets BTFO: Talk shit, get hit
>I-it's a d-d-draw: Not actually a draw
>OMAERA: Check
>Moblit saves his waifu...*sob*: Check
>Erwin's psychotic pet midget murders him in cold blood: Check
>Jean's face when Bertold gets eaten: He had it coming
>The key does not open the door: MIDGET KICK!
>"I hope that whomever first reads this shitpost is a fellow ancestral faggot": Check
>Kruger drops his hat (and the mic):*dabs on Marley*
>Kruger becomes the Kwisatz Haderach:
>Eren becomes Erekose:

Attached: Hoot hoot motherfucker.jpg (1067x1200, 87K)

*is the most kino character in the entire series in your path*

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>Shingeki no Kyojin

I bet most normies won't get the reference because they only know the name Attack on Titan.

I am fine with that. They could add the Falco scene if they aim for maximun teasing.


For comparison

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they cut this right?

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ohnononon its over erenbros

I rabu Piku.

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Not really.
A few scenes were shortened but that's about it.



dont think so, gross's monologue was really long

>exact same color scheme as Historia's orphanage clothes
So, are there still people around trying to deny the obvious parallel?

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Why did they spoiled EH that early?

They cut half of Grisha's flashback and the torture.


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>Literally EH


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We won EHbros

EHfags are mentally ill

they also played historia's theme in that part

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Several dialogue of Grisha's part with the restorationists are shortened and summarized. That's about it

>so in the end the real attack on titan were the friends we made along the way
jesus christ and people say that this show is good

they literally play historias theme when she walks in. its not exactly subtle at this point

Was this in?

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WIT has a gift for producing kino with very limited time and resources


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>la creatura

I know this is an unironic bait but Isayama said Eren has grey eyes

AT shifters (no matter future or current) are alphas from which every women want to have children.




>"in the end we really were the Shingeki no Kyojin™"

Walked out of the theater right there.


>>exact same color scheme
Are you blind?

nooooo how can this be
the father is supposed to be farmerkun
Eren is a cuck noooooo



As far as I can tell they cut the bottom panel. Can anyone confirm this? The entire scene was about 5 seconds long so probably.

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Damn... they are recycling the manga now?

>Kruger becomes the Kwisatz Haderach
>Eren becomes Erekose
And you became retarded, I see


>overused joke
And I thought Marcel spamming was bad

They didn't, but it overlapped with Grisha talking there so

I think so? But yeah, Grisha did a quick summary of this scene instead of playing it "live".

yeah it was grisha talking instead


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They should've spoilered the next episode title.
Now the anime's ruined.

So most people will miss it. It's a shame since it the only reason giving for why anyone would send their kid off to become a Warrior in the first place.


>green and pink
Are you?

So now that this episode adapted chapter 86 and 87 how are they going to adapt 88, 89, and 90 in 2 episodes when chapter 89 was almost adapted already in season 2 and chapter 90 is super short. More filler?

Epic shitpost

I can't wait for this pure EH kino

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falco WW1 kino

did Dina get turned into smiling this ep

88 and whatever's left of 89 next ep. 90+filler for season finale, end at sea, tease of Falco and bird

So when is Reiner gonna steal a car?

last episode is confirmed to be only adapting 90. potential marleykino foreshadowing?






I guess that answers the question.


/wsg/ webm of Grisha/Eren scream when

He's not wrong, the manga reveal completely caught me off-guard, you know well the official translation for next episode title will be "The Attack Titan"


Honestly, Eren crying for Dina was very sad. Poor him for killing her.

The rap music from the cave?

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fuck i missed it bros, how kino was it

The chapter was also called "the attack titan"

very kino with title drop at the end for next episode

>title drop in the middle of the next episode

1st half was 6/10
2nd half was 10/10


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Ended or picrelated shot

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orchestral version of barricades

where is that "get the fuck out of my island" pregnant hisu attacking the blimps pic when you need it?

chapter 88 is very long
I smell cuts

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Yes, but we didn't know that a month prior did we?

So next episode they will end at
>whose memories are these I wonder
Cant wait for this kino, my favourite scene

Since when is that her song?

They adapt most of 89 already
Hopefully 88 will be kept as is, I still expect some exposition shortened though

Isn't ymir's backstory in chapter 90?

why are you all here when there is already a thread at 470 posts?

Where did Kruger get the photo from?

You will never guess that they will call eren titan that

what ost did they play for it?

nah, 89

since season 2

Maybe because that the song when she made her speech

From his house.

Marely secret vault

No. 90 is
>the truth get publicly revealed
>medal ceremony

s02e12 during her talk with ymir and s03e09 when she killed her father

I will if they told me next chapter title is going to be "the Attack titan" right after Kruger transformed.

They are both royal family
all bitches are thirsty for alpha males who lead neo nazis groups.

nah you wont'

>In the end, we really were the Shingeki no Kyojin™ by Wit Studio
Seriously? What the fuck. Dropped.

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So he kept grisha's family photo in his house?

Instead of getting a bunch of people killed why didn't Kruger just waltz into the walls himself and take the founding titan with the 13 years he had?

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>alpha males who lead neo nazis groups.
explain /pol/ then

Because he couldn't guarantee he'd get it within 13 years.

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Because he also was banking on Grisha's plan with Zeke

>Kruger's voice

He's a policeman not a doctor, he even referenced it himself: They make the best spies.

>alpha males

Don't really think the lyrics are fitting for her

Sex with Dina.

Woops my bad.I meant he took it from Grisha's house.

Are you ok?

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Eren intensively staring at Historia SOON

So it's weird it's her song, if it's even supposed to be that

Dina... can keep the scarf.

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I've heard that track before but don't know the name of it. I think it wasn't on the OST preview so it's probably from disc two.

I want the thick lines back

Love someone inside the walls, Eren

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p-probably we will get them next season

Why didn't they use this shot instead of those laughable 3D muppets? Worst part of the adaptation in this episode by far

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Can't wait for "that phase"

We just got them last episode.

>Love someone inside the walls
to protect Armong, Mankasa and everyone else

there is no way next ep is ending at this

Attached: 0089-045.jpg (1067x1600, 604K)

>drawing more shit when you can just reuse assets

>Tfw royal cunny is too good to save your country

Same as this scene

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too lazy

Because they would just copy past the CGI CT

Did one of Gross' sons became top marley military officials?

EH begins next episode bros

Wtf are you talking about? The lyric literally about her living for herself and the lyric does have "you know you had to kill her, kill her" which is very prophetic

Was he (Anime) the most kino part of the episode?

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Nah, Kruger stole the episode

Can't wait

>SergentMajorGross (4th Wall Breaking Monolouge)

Would they show him (corpse) next episode?

so, when we gonna get the shit subs?

Did the anime make GD and EH parallel more obvious?

If Eren uses the coordinate to unleash the wall titans would this also wake Annie from crystal stasis?

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oops, you seem to have mispelled 'completely and utterly based'

bros... its fathers day today
what did wit mean by this

Araki gave up. Abe and Isayama won.

same OST for Historia and Gina
almost same type of clothes and color

nothing because it's tomorrow in japan

That EH is canon.

>I like watching people get eaten by titans. It's fun.
So basically all the people who say SnK sucks because it stopped being a Zombie story, right?

the shifters can feel the coordinate being used, but we should assume theres a range limit to them feeling it. ymir, reiner, and bert all felt eren use it the first time, but we got nothing about annie/zeke/pieck feeling it being used (no flashback scenes or anything). so the answer is maybe.

doesn't snk air at midnight?

Is it just me who thought Dina was pronounced Deena?

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Father's day is already over in nipland

>its not
what the fuck? is it like dyna? lame as fuck.


s-she can still win right bros?

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Gross has the same VA as Anubis from Jojo

me too, Dee-na flows better instead of Dy-na.

She is Daina in oficial Russian translate too.

Based Abe.

We got them last episode on a few frames lmao

It looks like he's trying really hard to contain a raging boner.

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You'll always be MY main character.

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That looks like Erwin with Eren's wig.

so last episode will end with gabi looking up to the sky right if they want to do season 4?

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>Eren walks into Historia at night
>"you are mcqueen" with' jon snow's voice
>they have the sex

uh.. no thanks.. you can go look at other girls please

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It's literally Historia, EH gods win again

It was Falco

This titan´s name is... the Eotena Slaughterer

it airs at 0010

>Lenin, a revolutionary who was partially motivated by his brother’s (Sasha) death by the state and someone who was drunk on an ideology

Because we don't have good translators after Nora Gal died.
And yes, Deena would be way better than Dayna. Dayna sound almost as whorish as Stacy or Angie.

She was never in the race, mate.

Wait why did kruger shut up Grisha again on that part with Dina?

*eotena onslaughterer

is historia going to turn into a titan?

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>Not Falco
We know it will end with Eren's "declaration of war" at the shores of Paradis

Grisha said Dina had royal blood

>The Chad Queen
>The Virgin Orрhan /Racemixed/

Can’t wait for more CHADger art that isn’t just from seep_cobalt

He doesn't want Marley to know that Dina is a royal.

i wouldn't be surprised.

So Marley wouldn't make Dina a broodmare to pump out royal children

Don't insult Historia.

didn't want maré to know she was royal

Peasantstoria wishes she was a pure royal like Dina

Kruger's words do make you think

Wasn't Kruger at the end of his life's span?


Why didn't Kruger save all of them and wait until only Grisha's left again?

Dina is actually the peasant from Marley

>when louise got the gay

I actually want mankasa to manhandle Louise into scratching eachother's cunnies

subs when

based retard

No she’s going to turn into a slut for Boyega’s cock.

I love Hisubongbisu.

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oh right i always mistaken falco as gabi

>literally Reiner with a D instead of R

bravo WIT

i love krista

Attack Titan's influence makes you to choose the most edgy decisions.

you can't deny this cuteness

Wait... even if they somehow didn't hear it (it's not like it matters since they all died) then why Marley did not force Zeke to breed babies?
People already knew that Zeke is the only Beast Titan to control and turn other people into titans and suspected that it has something to do with his genes even if he's nor royalty, so what's stopping them from making him a breeder?
Why Isayama is such a bad writer?

wait what, how else would you pronounce it

Past mistakes will not be repeated.

Who's Kruger's VA?

Grisha won't be able to reach the wall with his friends. It will be hard to protect them. He needs to go alone.

negative post IQ
never post in shingeki threads again

wait, it's not?

not terrible. fits better than zeke's shitty va

I don't remember Marley suspecting Zeke of being a royal.

>transform into titan mode
>carry others on his back
>rest at day when titans are active


Not an argument

>DameDesuYo discord

>heads up to potential titan people: this episode will be delayed due to a staff unavailability

>negative post IQ
If anything that means he's right at home, here.

BASED retard

One person is easier to infiltrate. Grisha is also a doctor

zeke va is a hack

They didn't know that Zeke was royal and they had no way to proof it.

Jaрs рronounce it as a Dyna. Like in 'dynamo'.

What would they do? They have no fingers, Grisha is the only one can only turn into a titan, they must travel with him as a Titan all the way to the walls? There were a fuck ton of them there. And wouldn't a massive group of crippled dudes and women coming from outside the walls alarm the government?

Marley doesn't know Zeke being a royal you dumb speedreader.

And Beast Titans have different kind of forms so marley just decided that Zeke's one is another unique variant of Beast Bullshit Titan

Probably the reason Zeke defected was because of that (besides the euthanasia plan)

>EHcucks are brainlets

>staff unavailability
EMfags finally killed selfs?

I didn't asked if it was good or bad, I asked WHO IS Kruger's Voice Actor.

I almost forget that we're getting close to the part where Eren has his first erection while looking at Historia. Kino


This is important
Did Marley soldiers get their way with Dina before sending her to the wall?

>And Beast Titans have different kind of forms

they thought it was beast titan unique ability


>touching a filthy Eldian cunt
The prejudice is too strong

Looks like his uniform totally changed colour.

>breeding with dirty eld*ans

Kek, and I was going to throw some quick subs but then remembered about DDY uploading their subs earlier than official rips

yeah because its been about 10 years and people dont normally where the same uniform from 10 years ago

More importantly, why didn't Paradis lock Zeke in a rape dungeon to breed him instead of bringing him to a random forest?

>paranoid fujo is still paranoid


Because he is Piku's only

>Dude, a certain shifter has the same ability as the Royal Titans!
>We don't know why he's like that but whatever, let's just wait for him to die and let someone else inherit the titan
>Should we make him breed with Eldian women so we could possibly reproduce the results? Nope
Shut the fuck up you speedreaders

Attached: 0093-011.jpg (1067x1600, 446K)

subs whence?

If you make some subs that aren't googletranslated subs that sound like someone braindead made them I will suck your dick

only in her mouth

>Shut the fuck up you speedreaders
thats not what being a speedreader is you fucking BASED RETARD

Never ever pursue a career in scientific knowledge, please.

sups never

I get what you mean desu

based retardbro

Now that's just SEETHING


damn mikasa look like that



Same style, different colours.


>german and frensh subs are back to the original time
>english subs still delayed for more than 6 hours
Are english translators so slow?

>Hey Dude, let's waste out time to make a guy fuck some chick so we can see if he has and ability we don't even know how it works
>Great, ours supervisors will love to hear that


Yeah because marley needed more eldians right?

He has a point though, why didn't Marley do anything regarding his ability? That is groundbreaking news, that is a devastating weapon that could greatly help Marley and their Imperial bullshit. They should be researching his titan, and they didn't.

maybe bnha is more your style? its not complex so it should be easy to follow :)


They actually did. How do you think they came up with those methods they used in Ragako in the first place?

Any idea when they come out?

>EMfags are retards
Nothing new

isn't it not that the translators are slow, but the official ones just don't get given the episode until later?

Judging by Grior, they unironically believe that it's below them to fuck Eldians.
Would you have sex with a Mexican woman?

>Everyone hung up on the first act of the story is a fat sociopathic imbecile
Based Isayama.

Sorry user, I hate to inform you but Hisu’s kid is race mixed as well


in about 45 minutes
But the german subs got delayed until the next day as well, why are they back to normal but the english not? Maybe they managed to get a better deal with Japan.


based retard

You mean the strongest nation in the world does not have time to spend on a titan shifter?
Actually yes. Marley does not want Eldians to go extinct
I'm not a shipper but I believe Eren is the father

Holy shit fuck off with this. it's not even funny anymore

wrong quote

who's kruger VA?


Kuruga Eren

>You mean the strongest nation in the world does not have time to spend on a titan shifter?
no. they have 13 years and zeke is the warchief. they also did test with him, obviously. remember ragako?


Not sure user but I see you point they could had at least demanded Zeke to breed atleast one child just to see if it was exclusive to Zeke himself or if it was in his genetic. But maybe Xaver told to Zeke to say that his supposed power was a anomaly or Zeke himself said "Dunno, but Xaver told me he das this happening 1 in 1000 Beasts".

>And Beast Titans have different kind of forms
Based speedreader, what part of Maggath's "Is the same as ever, a little bit larger then the others" you didn't get?
Can't this headcanon die already? Beast Titan was always a monkey.

They don't want them to go extinct yes, but have you any idea how many eldians are on marleys? as if they need more lmao
Did you forgot about the part where grisha zeke and dina got insulted by a fucking janitor for having a child? the one who started zeke's hatred for living and chilbirth?
Maybe you need to re-read the manga again, slowly this time.

Definitely wasn't planning on doing googleTL tier subs but it's a bit late now to work on them.

it was, it's called ShingekiNoKyojin. It's kino as fuck

Kill yourself EHFAG

Dude, just take the translated lines from the manga and timestamр them.

People literally time subs to a decent standard, then "translate" with shitty google translate. None of them seem to understand you can literally just copy-paste lines from the manga in and make a few adjustments when needed.

The sheer stupidity that people exhibit when it comes to "speedsubs" is honestly mind-boggling since you only need a rudimentary understanding of japanese to know when certain lines are not being adapted from the source material.

>EMfag trying to escape when someone called it out on its retardation

>One titan that can overpower a entire capital in one night
>Not wanting to experiment to see if they can make all of their Warriors being able to have a army for each one of them
Zeke was literally their most powerful weapon because of it, trying to invest on it would make sense.

True, it's a real shame that SnK is an anime original production and the entire script isn't already translated on paper for years now.

Oh wait.

Great minds think similar.

one of my favorite pages in the manga
gave me fucking goosebumps

Loads of murrica did

>Would you have sex with a Mexican woman?
Ask Mr. Amerimutt

Manga translation is shit though.

>Manga translation is shit though.
CR translation really isn't that bad

Nah the colors are pretty much the same too.

Attached: SnK_-_Manga_Volume_17 (1).png (640x958, 849K)