What are the most generic elements of an isekai story?

What are the most generic elements of an isekai story?

I'll start
>protagonist starts out with a power thought to be useless, and later learns its the most powerful one

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If you mean Konosuba then that is not the case. He is still the weakest in the party

Wrong picture. Aqua is still useless compared to other cheats

Kazuma sees Aqua as a pet

Konosuba does not do this particular one, no.

Shield Hero is guilty of it though

what power? the power to always win at rock paper scissors?

> thought to be useless, and later learns its the most powerful one
His luck?


>protagonist was an incel in his former life

Eris, you do not count as you are deity of luck

lmao @ konosuba niggers

Congratulations, you died.
Here is everything you will need.

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nowadays the protagonist does not return home nor does he have any desire to.
what does that say about modern society?

>later learns its the most powerful one
Like 1 chapter later?

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yeah ignoring the fact he has been resurrected 3-4 times

>Shield Hero is guilty of it though
how so?

Alright here's one: RPG or D&D inspired world elements. Basically the boiler-plate code of many modern isekai.

>adventurer's guild
literally 0 effort

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he dies in the most pathetic ways, fitting for an out-of-shape NEET

>all these waifus that are considered shit tier in-universe are instantly drawn to mc, pledging their lives and cunnies to him
>turns out they're only considered shit because of some stupid prejudice within society (being a demi-human/one-horned demon/useless goddess/whatever)
>only the mc, being an outsider, can view them as an equal, further earning their love and enabling them to tap into their potential

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For one the shield hero abilities let him do the modern isekai thing of powergaming the rules. The other thing is that the supposedly useless shield hero is actually the legendary hero of the Demi-Humans

Having video game elements like skills and stats

and you find that problematic?

>Konosuba does not do this particular one, no.
it doesn't

Having god slayer tier luck is pretty much a cheat

except he loses to a god

That was around long before Isekei was.

I don't think you understand the meaning

>obligatory visit to the adventurer's guild
>thuggish adventurers encounter
>bonus points for being mistakenly judged as a noobie and weakling by the guild
>more bonus points for showing your strength correctly, but still starting as a low-rank
There is one isekai in my recent memory where MC doesn't visit it, i forgot the name. It's the one where MC takes a few hits from the ogres so he can powerlevel his knight waifu.

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>Having god slayer tier luck is pretty much a cheat
It is not a cheat. He will lose in battle. He will lose in a game of chess. He cannot defeat Demon King with luck alone. He can be richest man in the world but other cheats are way more impactful.

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The reason you might think that is because naofumi is the only one making effective use of his abilities while the others don't. All 4 weapons are equally as powerful but their strengths lie elsewhere though at this point in the story as shown in the anime it's not apparent.

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and here it is

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The shield is shit compared to the other weapons though.

Not him, but it's become a very tedious trope. What I see more often than not is a prop for lazy writing to create an underdog, which ends up reading as really contrived and unbelievable. Suspension of disbelief in fantasy can be a very delicate thing. And in Shield Hero's case I felt it was really, really clumsily done.

You're missing this.

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You can't deny that it's annoying and predictable that these stories all start with their heros having absurdly shit abilities at the beginning. It just gives the writers a way to shit on the protagonist at the beginning while still having him end up comically overpowered.


all the weapons are supposedly equally powerful the only issue is that the other 3 heroes keep treating it as if it were the rpg game they used to play so they were each only using one of the ways to improve their weapons

With the other heroes being dumbasses while the shield hero being the only one competent enough, i can see why you think that.

the most trope-y of tropes is the MC getting a harem that includes a beastfolk slaves
bonus points for the MC not fucking any of them, and the slaves begging him to actually remain slaves

why do u fucktards keep whining about le originality? the entire mass media is filled with nothing but copycat shit and you whining about some guilty pleasure/escapistic fantasies being unoriginal, do you just wanna sound as pretentious as possible?

Entire story is spent building up romantic and sexual tension between characters without any real progress and the ultimate "payoff" is an epilogue scene where they're shown to have gotten married at some point or are just implied to be romantically involved. It takes a real shitty writer to honestly believe that is in any way a satisfying conclusion, imagine reading a book with a love story in it that goes effectively nowhere until the last chapter where a single sentence says "also those two got married and totally did it and they're happy the end". It's almost worse than just dropping the romantic subplot altogether as the story goes because the author realizes he can't write it for shit and would rather just leave the loose end dangling, and that's saying a lot.

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This but with a harem and they pick one before the series is over

Agree but not only with romance but in general
The most interesting in the show or writing is aftermath, to see how decisions and action had consequences.
Usually, anime ends like 5 minutes after defeating bad guy

I will argue that considering the usual status of the beastfolk and the like in the human kingdoms, being officially a slave is more socially secure than being a free demi-human.
Cat-girl slaves not wanting to leave the side of the overpowered and super naive highschooler makes perfect sense.

And the lack of the sexual desire from the mc, despite his claims of "i am a healthy young man", and no romantic progress is indeed annoying.

>no romantic progress
when gilligan gets off the island the show ends

>>turns out they're only considered shit because of some stupid prejudice within society
it's not actually far fetched that subhumans would be discriminated against to the point where people are unwilling to work with them and any achievements would be downplayed.

what is far fetched though is that MC is apparently the only one who has ever not done so.
in bigger towns or cities most would dislike or be hostile towards them, yes. but smaller towns or rural areas there'd be a decent number of people that wouldn't care as long as they showed they were a decent person. it's not at all unreasonable that there would be a significant subhuman population living alongside humans in smaller communities.

but of course gotta have muh special MC be the only one they meet and thus instantly willing to drop their panties as soon as they learn he doesn't hate them.

church has a pope and catholic nuns despite the god of that world having no relation to abrahamic religion

>in bigger towns or cities most would dislike or be hostile towards them, yes. but smaller towns or rural areas there'd be a decent number of people that wouldn't care as long as they showed they were a decent person.
irl the most racist areas are the rural parts, so how does that follow?

Hell yeah, I FUCKING HATE Arifureta

It is a cheat if used properly

>damn these white supremacist japanese

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Using your brain is a cheat too if used properly

Slaves I think, what's with Nip obsession with them?

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slavery was never really a big thing in japan like it was in Europe and the Americas.

>every dwarf character is a male

Every female dwarf character is literally a loli

Let just ask another question to the anons then.
What is the most generic isekai element that you DON"T find annoying or might even like?


It is, indeed, not far fetched in terms of how society works irl and all that, what i was trying to say is that the explanation given in the show can often be grasping at straws. Like, remind me why the fuck were demihumans so hated in Shield Hero. Because they don't grow like humans, eh?

>every female dwarf is literally a shortstack
fixed that for ya

Depends on how they are used

Not really. Even when he tries to capitalize on that by using the sniping skill that scales off luck, it still doesn't do shit to running lizards because he doesn't do any damage. If anything, I'm pretty sure luck only justifies why he hasn't died for real like when he gets decapitated or digested by hans

>in bigger towns or cities most would dislike or be hostile towards them, yes. but smaller towns or rural areas there'd be a decent number of people that wouldn't care as long as they showed they were a decent person.

You got it wrong, m8, that's the other way around. The smaller communities are, the more tight-knit they are, the more the people constantly look at each other to watch for the nail that stands out and that must be hammered, and the more hostile they are to outsiders/strangers/people straying from the norm.

Where is the 'Heroine is actually evil/retarded' option

isn't that the entire premise of the show? That the shield is worthless but it turns out he can do the most bullshit with it

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MC becomes a monster and they have to claw their way to the top of food chain. I liked that spider isekai up until she became god.

Read and rate my isekai idea guys.
>MC gets isekai'd after setting up his first youtube account to become a yutubar
>even the goddess in charge of the world MC is isekaid too doesn't know why he is there and how he got there
>she concluded that it might be a glitch in the system and until she finds a way to send him back, he will stay on her world guarded by 2 of her female angels
>the first few chapters would feel normal and generic
>except for the fact that we will follow the story from the perspective of one of the angel
>the angels diguise as humans
>go adventure guild and were ranked as the highest ranked adventurers and MC the lowest
>MC involved in a fight with the demon king army
>MC help and humans won against the demon king
>MC was then mysteriouly killed
>MC was killed by a rogue monster explained the humans
>the angels were about to report to their goddess until the MC casually walked in asked who died
>the angel we were following the story from quickly turn around to see the dead body
>what the angel saw was the body of the man who explained how the MC died
>the other angel quickly tell the MC that the guy died getting killed by a rogue monster
>did the second angel not notice that it was the hero that was dead just now
>the first angel went to ask the goddess
>she saw the goddess was dead
>MC suddenly came out of nowhere
>"So, it is you."
>MC then explain how this is all only a story
>none of it is real
>that everything is just escapism for pathetic men
>and he liked it because he was the main character
>the spotlight was on him
>but the viewers changed view
>the MC wasn't the main character anymore
>MC made everything generic isekai so he can become the main character again
>it didn't work
>MC than rejected isekai and want the viewers to suffer by seeing isekai destroyed
>he orchestrated everything to find who the viewers follow now
>the end will have MC forcing the angel follow him to force the viewers see the destruction of other isekai worlds

All the other ways to upgrade their weapons were tedious and nonesense, while all shield hero literally had to do was feed the shield with random shit he found lying around. He was OP long before they even shared methods.

>backstabbing retards formed a working goverment
Fucking rats.

Agreed, in bigger cities there's more diversity so it's easier to break the groupthink. Also, the easiest way to stop being racist is to actually meet and get to know some of the group you're prejudiced against, which is much easier in a city than a rural setting.

>Using your brain is a cheat too

well, I'd say in most isekai, using your brain is actually a cheat
pic related

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Thanks but fuck you
God saga is good and surprisingly well pulled off

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protag evolving his mindset from a naive otaku faggot to a sly magnificent bastard. it's kinda cringe but still fulfilling when you see it unfold.

Kazuma isn't an isekai hero he's an isekai tard wrangler

This, why the fuck is the inferior demi-human so overused

It's kinky. Although the way stories bend for the hero to be complacent in it while still being a good person is always hilarious to me.

Oh and one of the dumbest things about isekai is how prejudice is handled. Conventionally attractive white/asian bitches looked down upon for some fantasy trait that the main character finds attractive or doesn't notice so the girls get wet for him. Sometimes they're even high class.

He is basically the same shit in the end

the premise I thought it was going to be was that him mainly being support and bringing out the best of other people.

The shield is good, he just wound up in the sole country that hates his fuckin guts. Other heroes don't seem to have even tried unlocking cheat-jutsus of their weapons because they had no incentive to do so.

that fad died out bro

the wanton slavery, i don't even care how silly it is that you can literally just grab a random adventurer leaving on their first quest and selling them on the white market in the town square that afternoon without the government having any problems with it and the civilians who are at risk of being victims of slavery at any time not minding it either

I kinda want to see something like Rance but from Kentarou or Miki's perspective, though all that running away might getting too repetitive.


>using your brain
>societal changed that took decades or centuries to implement in our world
>enforce them over weeks or days in a culture he doesn't know
>all at once
>sudden civil war

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>I liked that spider isekai up until she became god.
Well that's a good long time then, it took 7 whole books.

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same, i dropped after apotheosis

I've never seen so many buzzwords in a single post

platos cave user

There's a multitude of reasons for that but the two most prominent are

Currently diversity is widely accepted and encouraged, which means the elites find it politically advantageous to follow it. These elites form and mold the culture of larger cities and towns and the people living there will come to adopt the culture.
The people that are adverse to change will start to dislike living there, seeing it as ideas being forced on them, and live somewhere else. they will then be even more resistant towards whatever culture was being pushed in that city.

And the second is something that is no longer applicable in modern times.
In medieval times, which most isekai are set around, smaller communities lived and died based on how hard their laborers worked and how many they had. In a world where subhumans are discriminated against, most would be willing to work harder and make sure they pull more than their own weight to prove themselves to others. Which means they would actually be fantastic to have around. Even more so if they have racial differences that can be advantageous for one of the many jobs required to keep a small community alive and reasonably well off.

Any that would be ambivalent or distrustful in small communities would quickly grow to accept them due to their contribution.

That's where the second point in this post applies.
in modern times most small communities won't starve if they get a small or bad harvest for example, so they are more focused on keeping culture and tradition alive and are resistant towards anything trying to change that.

>base 10 gold to yen conversion
what is wrong with this?

All these isekai'd nips are taking our jerbs

>Thinly veiled rec thread
>People reply seriously

It's a legitimate problem in many historical slave-owning societies. After all, there's no way of proving who is a real slave except through testimony, and often the only real determinant in "law" was who was in chains or not.

Indeed, only after sometime do they actually do it. Motoyasu himself does that and awakens to a colossal amount of power.

>feeding stuff to the weapon
That's half the story. Not only do you need to feed stuff to your weapon, you've got to use the resulting weapon form for a bit of time until the equip bonuses apply permanently. And all heroes could do that, but didn't because they stuck to what they knew, and even if they did stick around for the equip bonuses, they were for skills and other shit. Stuff like magic +1 or defense +1 would've been overlooked. The only one who bothered to unlock those was naofumi because he didnt see any other way. and as you can see, even dust can pile up to be a mountain.

my rec is to read the wandering inn

>purchases slaves
>doesn't send them to salt mines or cotton/sugar fields
What's wrong with nips?

I don't think he's trying to claim that rural communities would be accepting of outsiders, I think he's saying that they wouldn't treat established community members much differently regardless of whether they're Jim the Baker or John the Nigger, and they'd certainly be more accepting of their local minorities than the urban centers where they segregate themselves into Little Chinas, Little Italies, and the like.

Doesn't he even beat spear hero in a 1-on-1 fight until some bitch cheated him out of victory? That's like textbook for this shit, his power is the most broken despite being told the opposite, but they copout in changing the status quo when he beats someone by having him cheated out of his victory anyway

you must be 18 to post here

That's an isekai thing? Sounds like 90% of romance manga/anime.

I won't speak for everyone but I happen to believe that since literally every possible writing element is a cliche at this point in time it boils down to which ones are well written as a cliche-ridden story that's executed very well is ten times more enjoyable to read than a super original and unique concept with shitty execution. Very very rarely do you ever get stories that succeed at both, especially with the inescapable effect of how time ages all things, including stories, convoluting any attempt at objective analysis.

When one gets into anime one should already understand they're getting into something as rife with cliches and trashy writing as hollywood's seasonal bottom of the barrel crap pumped out regularly just to keep the industry alive, anime is no different except that the pornographic industry for it is like a million times better. So to get the most out of it one should focus more on watching the things they enjoy rather than what they think is smarter or better written, at least that's the conclusion I've come to after watching this shit pretty much all my life.

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I think this is the most generic one on Yea Forums:
>it’s supposed to be a cringe unfunny garbage for toddlers because it’s a parody!

dark soul isekai

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His real power is his insane amount of patience with Crazy women, which allows him to keep the party from killing each other for longer than 30 minutes.

Re:Zero is pretty much most of this and is hated on Yea Forums

When did anyone say return by death was useless? Subaru hates his power but he doesn’t think it’s useless.

I'm not surprised because the show that chart wouls make sounds awful

I want it.

Nah, it's pretty damn good when it comes to shit like gambling, and he's used to the greatest extent possible, but as a fighter all it does it make him a very viable sniper with good results from stealing despite being Aventurer class (doesn't give extra strength to the shots though, it's purely accuracy)

I truly, truly love Kazuma's character build. He's taken skills from several classes but it's clear he has settled for the rogue/thief archetype, and all the weirder skills have perfect synergy with it, like basic bitch elemental magic used tactically for dirty fighting, the drain touch as his close quarters backup and mana restoration, and of course the snipe skill itself that makes him basically Garrett from the Thief series.

Most of the Isekai fucks either become super all-rounders, or failing that, are so outrageously broken in whatever their talent is that it makes them all-rounders anyway. There's also those twats where the story tries to trick you into thnking they're actually shit but it turns out they're just as broken as al the rest if not more. Kazuma's build being created around both his talent and limitations for an efficient but still fallible result is just lovely.

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Other way around. Big towns have more trade and more immigration so they need to be more cosmopolitan.

it already exists

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he cheated by using low-level mobs himself. also, the whole fight was basically a pokemon battle anyway, shield was just lucky to have specific techniques to deal enough damage to the spear.
then the bitch came, but that's a whole different story. it was about showing that having a shield is in itself not a problem, but having a shield in this specific country is. because, uh, fuck the shield, yeah. and fuck demi-humans worshiping that cunt.

You are like a broken record. He was OP even before they shared methods.

it's only by comparison

everyone knows that the weapons are all equally OP but the other heroes didn't value it because they're all soloists (so they're going to take the ones with the most DPS. see: every speedrun ever) and the kingdom isn't admitting it because the beast kingdom says it's the best weapon even and they are the human kingdom's rivals.

that being said if the other heroes were more competent they probably would get weapons that surpass the shield anyway (like how spearchad unlocked a spear that time travels)

Logistics failure seems more likely.

Garbage. It's not even a story.

not really she's sort of the best healer in the world

>heal any injury
>easily revives
>completely fucks over undead
>incredible water filter

It isn't but it's more of a cuse than power if you consider the price to pay and use ratio. Soul silvers and body possession don't come in cheap.

Yeah but 9 times out of 10 she causes those problems to begin with

>exceptional healer
>puts you into crippling debt
is Aqua american healthcare

You dont need to be resurrected if you have OP power to begin with

and the chinese variant

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>What are the most generic elements of an isekai story?

A male homo (sapiens) from Japan gets transported to a different world.

>What are the most generic elements of an isekai story?
Eating/beating an enemy lets you gain one of it's powers.
By the end of maybe chapter 3 you already have enough abilities that chain together that you're pretty much unbeatable and all future fights have no meaning/conflict because the conclusion is forgone.

Then as the chapter ends we introduce the jerkbait girls who constantly express surprise at the main characters ability.

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The armor smiling face on the top panel looks really damn funny for some reasons.
>heh nothin personnel kid

Given the chance, motoyasu could(and did) reverse the situation. Naofumi had some momentum to mantain to eventually beat motoyasu, or at least make him give up. That wind spell that bitch fired at him gave motoyasu the chance he needed to break out from naofumi's assault and win. He could only work with what he had, and what he had wasn't much. In a spear hero loop, he dueled itsuki instead and by then he had more shields, and more options. In that particular duel, he stabbed itsuki with a shield with a poison that had a paralyzing and also a silencing effect and owned his ass. The main timeline naofumi didn't have any shields with poison effects at the time of the duel or he would've used them.

>What are the most generic elements of an isekai story?
Story immediately devolves into revenge/rage porn.

What the heck kind of shitty specific "luck" is that?

Wheres the "enemies severely overestimate themselves" trope? The one where the bad guys go "ha, i dare you see survive this!" "X has used his secret technique! MC cant ever hope to live after this!" "mc is impressive but X's secret technique never fails to kill it's target!" "MC is already dead, he'll surely regret not making that deal with my guild/sect/cult"

I see you, slime

Aqua has 3 uses;
>Bullying Undead
>Bullying Demons
>Bullying Eris into permitting unlimited Resurrections.
Bonus use - Punching bag

>And the lack of the sexual desire from the mc, despite his claims of "i am a healthy young man", and no romantic progress is indeed annoying.

it hapens because 3 reasons
>publisher does not allow sex
>japs believe it will lead to a school days ending / takotuboya oreimo doujin
>japs believe that if a sexy girl asks you for sex she is teasing you

The last one is the most infuriating because while they believe 3dpd exists they also believe in >but of course gotta have muh special MC be the only one they meet and thus instantly willing to drop their panties as soon as they learn he doesn't hate them.

That's a valid example but there are something like a bakers dozen isekai that use this mechanic.

As an addendum if they aren't out of their dungeon or starting area by chapter three or four get comfortable because they're going to be there a long fucking while or the entire story takes place in a dungeon.

And for some reason the dungeon has a complex ecosystem and various human/monster societies that live inside it yet for some reason people insist on calling it a dungeon instead of something else.

A stat like all the others, from an RPG-like isekai which is the case for Konosuba.

LCK is usually like that, a gimmick stat that most of the time helps you with drop rates for items, or increases/decreases the chance of a critical hit/insta-death from you/your enemies, but in certain cases games allow for someone to make a viable LCK build by havng items or ablities that rely on LCK. For example, there's this magical scimitar weapon in Demon's Souls that increased damage from LCK instead of STR or DEX, and it allowed for a certain gimmick build.

In Konosuba's case, Kazuma specifically searched for and learned the Sniping skill after he learned that its accuracy was based on the LCK stat, and since none of his party members had reliable long range firepowers, he and his high LCK jumped on that shit. It does have its uses outsde of character building as previously mentioned. It gives him a great advantage in gambling and playing Rock Paper Scissors.

Was thinking arifireta with that image of ghost ferrus.

That image is from warhammer

That's pretty much Star Vs The Forces of Evil.

Fucking season four SUCKS A DICK

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Isnt that the little ghost that keeps haunting corvus and vulkan in TTS?

It's a slow burn but the dread and suffering makes up for it.

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The shipping wars on Yea Forums reminded me of Yea Forums's bullshit. Star VS had four fucking seasons of shipping wars and will they wont they bullshit.

We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.

>>japs believe it will lead to a school days ending / takotuboya oreimo doujin
I am out of loop, can you explain this one?

That we live in it.

Main character gets violently murdered by a girl who wasn't picked.

how often does that happen?

Alright ,
Slow down the libido mathlete typing for a moment of the Queen's living Portugese. Are you a fantasy football fatass? Are you a hearsay conjectured by the ear motherfucker in the middle ages? No I'm not done New Mexico Steeeeeeeve, are you dense? Too close? Oh really? Amount of shit you talk has me worried for more 3 dimensional universal Justice. Maybe if you had a fucked up upbringing that would hold water in an arid township, but if not.... Get 4 clue kiddo, I don't want or have time for stone faced Jim Henson rejects like you bring to the table.

Attached: justicefst.gif (240x358, 31K)

It happened exactly once and it traumatized a nation of otaku with disposable income.

The magic/powers/cheat skills are way more fun if they have a clear set of weaknesses that the MC just can't just bypass and must work around instead.

Or yourself a hindered petty maniac.

Ok what the fuck?

A lot of isekai tropes are bad because they make it very difficult to write well. For instance, unless you are damn close to ending a series, making your main character The Most Powerful:tm: is a terrible idea. There's just no way to make a character like that interesting for any real amount of time, because at that point they aren't a force of will in a struggle, the victory is foregone, their will is enacted or will be soon, and any change in that will is just as soon reflected in the world. They are now a force of nature, not a character. This is why, for example, Saitama doesn't even show up for large swathes of OPM, because he's not the interesting part, everyone else and how they are affected by his existence is. You can keep making bigger antagonists, but eventually you'll just be playing number games like DBZ, and it won't really solve anything.


So it's just "luck stat" not really "luck"

Yes, that's the loathing ghost of Ferrus Manus.

>by havng items or ablities that rely on LCK
In most games this is strong items that require high Luck to equip rather than items that scale off your luck.
You can almost think of it as an apology to offset all the bonuses you aren't getting from better attributes.

then what?

If he was actually broken he wouldn't have died in the first place.

if death has no permanence its not really death.

>all the weapons are supposedly equally powerful
Wait, but Yea Forums told me that out of all weapons spear is the strongest in terms of raw damage.

I could deal with him learning strong counter moves, but Iron maiden is clearly an offensive spell that he has no business being able to use. I guess having a protag that is completely powerless was just too much of a hassle for the author.

Don't forget that she purifies any liquid that touches her into water, so you can drink her ass sweat in a desert environment.

or pee on her.

I'd rather she pee on me desu

Death is merely an obstacle that has to be overcome. Failing to do so is merely a proof of weakness.

based nip author

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what the fuck did I just read

Tbat's why i thought you meant arifureta because hajime built himself a new arm. Kinda reminded me of ferrus.

House Isekai. Guy and his house get truck-kun'd to another world. House appears on a dense spot of mana and this allows the central support beam of his house to come to life.

"when you have sex with a house an additional building appear.

Learn to quote, retard.

Kazuma's powers are all super weak and situational at best.

Not him but I rather thought it would represent the rage and loathing he had when posting his post. Hajime is kinda ill fitting as comparison to Ferrus since unlike Ferrus he does appreciate the augmentated tools that replace his body parts.


this is actually fun

Fair enough. Flesh is weeeeeeeeeak. WEEEEEEEEEAK!

Never read the novel but I dropped the manga. Waterworks isn't my thing.

This but with a harem and they pick one before the series is over and in the next season, the one that was picked dies and her daughter dies shortly after.


This isn't isekai exclusive, this is 90% of anime romance

>I "hate" isekai thread #354638484
Stop it. Get some help.

one of the former haremettes did it.

>Le overpowered MC that makes it impossible to ever have a plot

Im looking at you Shit Walford.

Attached: download.jpg (190x266, 10K)

protagonist has godlike power that can solve any problem he comes across
but he is reluctant to use it directly and instead creates conveluted and often retarded plans that ultimately still rely on his special powers

Literally nobody said that

>not justifying the use of your special powers by creating needlessly complex and convoluted plots and schemes that ultimately don't matter if you just gave into thre corruption that said power brings

He's paraphrasing.

>sex-based cultivation

what does this even mean?

cultvate your dao and attain a higher level of meditation by having sex.

>the easiest way to stop being racist is to meet people
m8 that's how people become racist. Most don't start off hating the world, they react to the bullshit thrown their way and make basic connections. If all trashpandagirls stole from you constantly, would you let them handle your money or belongings?

I guess this walking armour maxed its stealth stats for the mc to not even notice it approaching.

except the 4 weapons all work based on how the wielder assumes they will work. Later on around the island ark naofumi even shows that to some of the idiots, but them being idiots think it's just his shield being more OP.


"Fuck a cute girl and you will advance another minor realm."

>video game systems and stats
>generic RPG fantasy
>adventurer's guild
>adventurer ranking system
>demon lord
>harem shit
This shit infuriates me with how lazy it is. Konosuba is the only isekai story that has all of these elements and isn't complete garbage.

Really? That shit got boring as soon as she became OP. Most of these skill hoarder series drop the ball as soon as the main character can effortlessly get through most encounters which happens pretty early on.

Usually en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taoist_sexual_practices
But sometimes en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karmamudrā

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I made the mistake of reading 10 chapters of Re:Monster and that's literally what happens. God, that shit was the manga equivalent of cheap, unhealthy junk food that also tastes horrible.

Is this the one where girls die before turning 20?

>Isekai is either a child-like aventure where the most violent thing is beating the shit out of some wild monsters or bandits saying they want to sell people to slaves or the ultimate gorefest where everyone is a psycho from a B-tier movie from the 80's

I swear theres no middle ground.

No I forget that one's name but this one is Dark Souls with the serial numbers filed off.

Attached: Isekai Protagonist.png (2000x1600, 2.65M)

You mean like any JRPG protaognist with a bad player?

>It's the one where MC takes a few hits from the ogres so he can powerlevel his knight waifu.
This sounds interesting.
>i forgot the name

Attached: Amagi Brilliant Park - Sento Isuzu.jpg (419x419, 152K)

Oh boy you're all going to have a field day with Arifureta

I think you're thinking of Parallel Paradise.

It's Moto Sekai

>op starts out with a reddit space thought to be useless, and later learns he's a fag


As professional house rapist this makes me rock hard.

Attached: Bueno.jpg (630x636, 207K)

>I got a degree in Gender Studies in college but with this one trick, it became the most influential skill!

Attached: 1557540529723.png (271x259, 34K)

Just start with the notion of being bestowed a "cheat" in the first place. It's so generic it goes into titles along with isekai pretty frequently, I think we have one of those next anime season too.

Thank you.