Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2045

Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2045

Director: Kenji Kamiyama and Shinji Aramaki

>In the year 2045, after global capitalism has defaulted, Japan's elite Section 9 begins conducting covert cyber operations in California.

The anime is being animated by the same CG studio who did Netflix‘s Ultraman which looks pretty good. Hopefully they’re getting the original writing team and Yoko Kanno back as well.

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Other urls found in this thread:!L4hUXKZC!Bs79kWquVzXpK2sWHt4Czw

Fuck off shill

This is Kusanagi‘s new design by Russian designer Ilya Kuvshinov

Stand Alone Complex is my favorite anime, this has the potential to redeem the franchise after Ubukata ruined it with Arise.

>Made by netflix
>setting is fucking commiefornia
Fuck off, shill.

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Tracing faggot

why would Japanese cops operate in America?

is this true? hard pass

>CG studio

Yea Forums is fucking dead if Aramaki and Kamiyama returning to GITS isn’t news

Synopsis is listed from Netflix‘s website. Sorry you’re too much of a lazy faggot to do a simple google search

Why isn't this simply SAC season 3? Why did they have to change the character designs? What's with the weird synopsis? The fact that Kenji Kamiyama and Shinji Aramaki are back gives me hope but I don't think there's enough info to have a thread no matter how much I like SAC.

I'll watch

>produced by netflix
>drawn by some russian gaijin who's been caught tracing multiple times

Also holy shit, I thought your synopsis was just a meme, but it's real

Guess it's just going to be a political agenda pushing shitshow the entire way.

>you now remember Origa is dead
This shit won't even have that saving grace

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Just because Netflix is involved doesn't mean you have to get paranoid ,I trust the directors will send whatever message they want to.

>In the year 2045, after global capitalism has defaulted

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They might still get yoko kanno though

If tehy don't get the original voice cast on this I'm not even watching this shit.
Especially now that it's ruined by that faggot's sameface designs.


No it doesn't
There is absolutely nothing that suggests it

and by CG

Into the trash it goes.

>Just because Netflix is involved doesn't mean you have to get paranoid
Quite the contrary

Nothing short of a full-blown 90s OVA miniseries that's faithful to the source material has the potential to do that, and it's not gonna happen cause waaaaah traditional animation is too hard and costs too much money when you're the front of a gigantic yakuza crime empire that only wants you to launder money instead of doing good animation.

Amaki had nothing to do with SAC, he's a bad director. Kenji has gone downhill, check his credit list, he hasn't done anything good in over a decade. Both did Ultraman anime series which was mediocre.


isn't demand for cyberpunk stuff dead in the water now?

Everyone knows that the Japanese animation industry has been taken over by yakuza groups (or companies that might as well be) you get testimonies from animators about it every other year.

pretty much, which is why they're not gonna spend the money for proper animation, only for CGshit

I read the manga and I don't think it's that great desu, the animated works are all much better (except for arise)

Cyberpunk 2077 will save cyberpunk.

I was looking forward to this back when they made the announcement of a new SAC anime production years ago.
>they get kuvshinov to do character design.
>it's full CGI
Two nukes weren't enough.

Came here to say this.

i dont know what that is, but it probably wont.

It's not news because it's old.

No they aren't, every animated adaptation is worse because they all get the character designs wrong, which is a big deal considering how absolutely gorgeous it is in the manga. They also get other stuff wrong, like the comedy, or the characterization, and replace it with blander stuff.
The one upside of the animated adaptations is that they simplify the convoluted plots of the manga or come up with tighter ones.

>Kenji Kamiyama
the original SAC director is good news.
very sad about CG though.

When will people learn that the fact someone did something good once, doesn't mean they will do it again.
We live in a completely different world and he will be working in completely diffrent conditions, without mentioning whatever changes he himself has gone through.
What makes you think he will deliver the same product quality?

What the fuck it that design ? Mixing CGi with this art it looks like some shitty League of Legends K/DA cgi clip
I hope they really know what they are doing... How's their Ultraman stuff ?

God even Yoko Kanno might not save this.

>Director: Kenji Kamiyama and Shinji Aramaki
Same duo as Ultraman?

LOL! HUGE HUGE HUGE FLOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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>Aramaki as director
It's shit.

and the involvement of masamune shirow could be good news, if he wasn't completely off his rockers and hadn't lost 70% of his talent in favor of CGI backgrounds and spindly oily horsecock BBC porn.

and the involvement of oshii could be good news, if he hadn't already blown his creative load over 25 years ago, wasn't a self-fellating pseud and still gave a shit about the medium.

being full CG already tells it won't have the same product quality.
but i guess a director that did something good once is still better than a director that never did anything good.

you could say the same about everyone working in the entertainment industry, what point are you even trying to make?

why are you so triggered about this? do you have some personal feud with him?

>what point are you even trying to make?
It's right there
>the fact someone did something good once, doesn't mean they will do it again.

That the entertainment industry has gotten worse and worse over the years and is extremely unlikely to produce anything good ever again no matter how many once-talented people are still in it.


>remake an anime 4 times because it makes money every consecutive time sucking the dick of a bigger corporation

It makes me glad to my core this commie propaganda bullshit just proves leftism is fucking retarded by being the biggest hypocrisy cop out possible.

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i've seen this mentioned before, how can you tell? i can't into art/drawing

I might.

Does that make my points incorrect?

yeeeh man back in the day everything was so much better!! there's absolutely nothing good to watch these days at all!! fuck you're cringe.

Who says it'll be commie propaganda? In the source material the USSR is still around and has conquered half of the US. And it sure as fuck isn't depicted in a positive light.

The fact that it's taking place in 2045 indicates that it's not following real-world events (cause good luck having all that futuristic shit in only 15 years) but rather an alternate timeline.

no, i just wonder why you care so much when you've yet to whether if the film will be good or not, why not give it a chance?

This was the sequel to my favourite show and I have wanted it more than any other anime for more than a decade.

I've never felt more monkeypawed.

I'll still give it a chance, but my optimism is completely gone.

>n the source material the USSR is still around and has conquered half of the US.
it makes the ussr seem a whole lot more competent than it really was.

wow so deep man, someone who made a good piece of media might not do it again; i bet nobody's thought of that one before! he was merely stating that his involvement might be good, not somehow implying that the director is fucking infallible.

Slight correction: ENTERTAINMENT was a lot better back in the day.

also, sarcasm will never help you in defeating the truth.

oh? why was it better then? what was so good about it that's not around now? i don't think any of us see enough 'entertainment' to make such a sweeping statement.

Even if he knocked his part out of the park, he's only directing half of the series, Shinji Aramaki is doing the other 12 episodes.

The more I learn the less I believe it's going to be good.

Because there are no good reasons to give it a chance and several good reasons not to.

that's science fiction for ya, also it was written before the fall of the USSR and we've only since then learnt just how incompetent it was.
remember, the Hunt for Red October was filmed just a couple years before it as well, and it also has the USSR as this super serious military threat

Cyberpunk as a genre was an art movement started by anarcho commie tards.

Ultimately it got hijacked by Hollywood and Hollywood is the only thing keeping the genre alive since the early 2000s. Isn't that a delicious irony.

You are typing like a child.
Face it, any potential GIts had has been run dry by the constant attempts at getting money from it. This serie won't be any different, and if anything it will just assure everyone of the little worth the IP has left.

>CG shit
Instant drop.

That's where you're wrong, we've both seen enough, you're just unable to properly assert quality because you're a contrarian bitch who's more concerned with giving yourself the feeling of being a free-thinker by going against the obvious truth (that entertainment was indeed better) than with being in the right.

You're delusional, go to the infirmary

It's the other way around retard.
There should be a reason for us to give it a chance in this day and age of over-saturation.

Reality of the matter is there isn't none.

We've already watched GITS. Not once or twice. It's about as stale as a media brand can get nowadays.

3DCG on top of that.
Fcuk this crap.

>started by anarcho commie tards
I've never heard about that. You got sources that prove it?

GITS has always been political, you fucking crybaby

perhaps in a world where you have to pay to watch it, why would we give anything a chance in the first place by this logic? i mean any director has a chance of not releasing something up to his old standards, so why go and see it if it could possibly not be quite as good as their previous work? your argument is ridiculous, it's just an excuse to shit on something.

reference to chernobyl? i liked that series too, and look, it was released in 2019! how could it be possible that we were entertained by a series that's new? i thought all entertainment sucks now?

yeah but Shirow's political views seemed to be a weird blend of anti-authoritarianism, anti-consumerism and NIPPON BANZAI GLORIOUS NIHONJIN MILITARY IMPERIALISM.

not very fashionable nowadays

typing like a child? reread your original irrelevant argument. a director who has been good in the past should be shit on because there's a chance he might not be good now (even though you haven't seen the film). good one, bravo.

That's the thing

It shouldn't have happened. The fact it happened is what's commonly known as a miracle. And I don't believe in miracles until I see them.

>i thought all entertainment sucks now?
That's a statement you made, not a statement I made

aka a strawman.

you mean a director who's been bad several times.

can you even give me a single argument? why was it a miracle? lmfao.

who's also been good, just as pretty much every somewhat respected anime and hollywood director has been.

He both traces and copies stuff/concepts, which many people view as cheating since he's essentially stealing the creativity of other artists and then redrawing the picture without even giving credit to the original artist.
When he actually tries to do something on his own, it tends to look like shit, as shown by his surprisingly shitty "manga".

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I already did, actually, and you're aware that I did because you read my post.

God fucking dammit you're so bad at gaslighting.

First it's "you said that all entertainment is shitYES YOU DID " now it's "you didn't make an argumentNO YOU DUDNT JUST BELIEVE ME OK"

that shit doesn't work on me

Cyberpunk/Science Fiction will comeback to the forefront since Isekai is already fad and cancer to anime creativity.

Next year will usher the return of Cyberpunk.

and hasn't been good enough to trust him again

haha do you think Shirow will ever finish Appleseed? that would be funny
also an animated greaseberries

sorry? is this some sort of persecution complex? all you said is that entertainment is worse now than it was, so why do you think that is? if you can't actually justify why you believe this then you're being a contrarian bitch.

no, more moeshit will come to the forefront now that isekai is getting less common

the well has been poisoned, it'll be nothing but moeshit forever

this is why we have to wait for things to come out BEFORE we review them, because despite you not trusting him it's perfectly possible this film could be absolutely fine.

ok so GITS1 they became 1 thing, gits2 batou loves gynoids , SAC1 and 2 were pretty straight forward but in SAC3 was the badguy 2501?,

No it's just me seeing through your bullshit.

I mean, you've read my posts, and yet you keep claiming that I said stuff that wasn't in them. Either you're a retarded schizo, or you're deliberately attempting to make me believe that I said that shit.
>all you said is that entertainment is worse now than it was, so why do you think that is?
Because I've seen some and I have no reason to claim otherwise.
>if you can't actually justify why you believe this then you're being a contrarian bitch
No that's not how it works. I'm not denying the obvious truth for the sake of being in a perceived minority.
Yet more bullshit I'm seeing through: you're now trying to persuade me that "contrarian" means "hasn't justified his claims"

try your weak sophistry on someone else

>Cyberpunk/Science Fiction will comeback
no it wont,
there is a reason isekai is a fad

>moar terrible CG in GitS
get this shit out of my face!!

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Fucking hell

Shit on it? Quite honestly what I see in this thread is that we simply do not care about it anymore.

GITS had a time and a place when and where it was relevant in the 90s. It's not 95 anymore.

Stylistically it's stale. And since it's a Netflix original I can only expect it to be about as cringy as anything else tailored for the mainstream American.

Pretty fucking bad, major isn't supposed to be a moeblob

because you've seen some? bravo. i certainly believe you now whereas i didn't before. i've seen a lot and don't think this, keep playing the victim though.

Cyberpunk is dead because everything it predicted was wrong. We're well into the age of mega corporations and we're living ever better than before. This is definitely not dystopia.

It's just an outdated visual style now.

so SAC was completely irrelevant? lmao, ok. i guess we're rating everything based on cultural relevance now.

>we're living ever better than before. This is definitely not dystopia.
The most bluepilled post on 4channel

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SAC came out in the early 2000s at the tail end of cyberpunk relevancy. It definitely didn't do as well as the movie. Especially the second season.

And yes, as it turns out media success is based on cultural relevance. Next thing you'd be surprised why no one is listening to your glam rock band.

hopefully it still has some fanservice and doesn´t get censored by netflix

Genuinely one of the worst posts I've ever read on this site

I'll take Slice of Life than dealing with Isekai shit. Hell science fiction will comeback stronger than ever.

>no it wont,
Well science fiction will make a huge comeback. Also post-apocalyptic war settings are coming back too.

retarded post

just because it doesn't have bare concrete sovblok buildings, cop cars burning at every street corner and giant nazi flags doesn't mean it's not a dystopia

so you intend to rate things based on cultural relevance? in that was why was chernobyl popular, why game of thrones, why is the shawshank redemption imdb's #1 film? why is attack on titan any more 'culturally relevant' than gits?

baseless wishful thinking bullshit

Does someone have the link to his manga?

The Oshii movie has more cultural relevance because it was more successful with normies who normally wouldn't watch anime.

But SAC was still plenty relevant as far as Anime goes, and many people, myself included prefer it to the other adaptations and the source material.

If we were just getting more of that with the same staff and close to the same style I'd be very happy right now but life is cruel.

>after global capitalism has defaulted
nigga, what?
How the hell does that even work?

Even space scfi is making a small comeback.

imagine greece, but like the whole world.

No, that user is completely right and you're the ignorant faggot here, at least from a material well-being perspective. Less and less people are dying off of hunger, we have the lowest infant mortality rate ever, statistically, the lowest war related casualty toll in recorded history, violent crime rates are going down at pretty much every developed country and have been declining for decades etc. You being a sour neet is the definition of being myopic. Pick up a fucking book, negro. The fact that a bunch of snowflakes think Donald Trump being in office in the US is somehow the worst thing it has happened in the world is clear enough indication of people being soft coddled now. We clearly don't know any true suffering.

Going trhough his deviant art uploads, most of his girls drawing looks a lot like his Kutsanagi design

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Superficial as expected

>Hollywood director

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>The fact that a bunch of snowflakes think Donald Trump being in office in the US is somehow the worst thing it has happened in the world

It certainly is user.

One of them said bluepilled unironically.
Why are you trying to argue with incels with logic. They are genetic deadends.

And you aren't?

that artist draws same faces all the time

Western anime fanbase is obsessed with big names and famous people.

Looks like someone needs to rewatch all the Deus Ex scenes

It's not even just anime, you see the same shit in the western comic industry and video games.
All you need is to mention some old guard developer and people believe it will be the return of that age

>CG studio
There goes my hype

They call them whales for a reason.

By the way I wonder what the morrons who kickstarted the System Shock remake feel right now. The game should have been out last years.


Blade Runner 2049 shows that the genre still has legs

its not an illogical conclusion to draw.

>Blade Runner 2049 shows that the genre still has legs
That shit bombed pretty hard

it would be logical IF no other fact was known. But we know that things are generally shit and almost never improve, so with that in mind, geting hyped just because of an old guard name IS illogical

It absolutely is.
Games and anime are made by TEAMs.
They are not a solo effort.

And the statistics back this up nicely.

did it bomb or did it just not make Marvel profits?

The truth hurts user.

This is terrible.

I wonder what other drawing Ilya used for this painting.

>looking pretty good

Then why don't you kill yourself to escape it then faggot?

>That shit bombed pretty hard

The sequel lived it up pretty well in the box office.

Will Gost In the Shell keep getting more and more adaptations till the end of time?

Why do people like you get so mad when others say the world isn't a utopia

100 mil profit which is not that great
The shitty GitS live action movie nobody watched made almost that

Cope more.

>The sequel lived it up pretty well in the box office.
>100 mil profit
That's not how the movie box office works. Theaters have a cut from every single ticket. The usual point of breaking even is budget x 2.5.

>100 mil profit which is not that great

It is a success regardless.

No. I want SAC back.

I wish they stopped raping GitS...

Show me the numbers then.

>Global Capitalism failing
>Covert operations in commiefornia

Why do I feel like this is going to be some politically charged CG cyberwank. Why does my beloved anime series have to fall to western pandering, what happened to gunfights and pseudo cyber psychology? And then same face the artist is the art director? What have you Americans done? Why must you ruin anime with propaganda for an economic system that put many countries to civil war.

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I don't care about tracing, I care about his artistic skill. The guy can do two similar female faces and one single facial expression, and that's it.

>why would Japanese cops operate in America?
Because Netflix want the show to take place in multicultural america, not in single-ethnicity japan.

The same reason Carole & Tuesday takes place on Mars which looks like San Francisco (without all the human feces and needles).

Sucks but the sequel is really good. $80 mil isn't a big loss.

thats enough

>global capitalism has defaulted
This is unironically fine if they treat the political themes in the show with grace and show how complicated politics can be. SAC2 wasn't afraid to show the refugees as sympathetic and villainous from the various perspectives that existed in the world.

It's not enough for a proper expression set for the animators to follow. It's not enough for the animators to know how to draw the head and body in particular angles, so it's going to be a mess of inconsistency.

well I think it is.

They'll just download a shitty model from Turbosquid, gotta love cgi

>$80 mil isn't a big loss.
$80 is a VERY BIG loss for a movie. It's not the "biggest flop of all time" level, but it's pretty high up there.

Why do capitalists always chimp out whenever anyone is critical of their political ideology? You can get a communist, fascist, libertarian, or even socialist to admit their ideologies can have some faults, but whenever you talk bad about capitalism you get pages and pages of apologia and zero effort to actually address the issues with how capitalism is being implemented in the real world.

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>without all the human feces and needles

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This was my reaction as well, how could you possibly hire someone as a concept artist when he all he can do are good looking portrait paint-overs ?

>this has the potential to redeem the franchise
Um sweetie.

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The funny thing is San Francisco is literally the end result of liberal capitalism. If it was truly "commie"fornia then the people running the town would be thrown into a labor camp while the populace would be forced to clean up the shit and needles on the street.

Hopefully they don't. She doesn't need to associate with this culturally appropriated garbage.

Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2045 is an isekai set in California. It'll be popular.

>In the year 2045, after global capitalism has defaulted, Japan's elite Section 9 begins conducting covert cyber operations in California.
What? I never watched more than maybe 7 episodes of GitS, but didn't WW3 happen? Isn't that the bigger issue?

WW3 and WW4 had happened

It's neither too hard nor costs too much. Learn how anime is made, brainlet.

Tracer-kun is a good fit with music plagiarist-chan.

The old left is dead
The modern left had been mindfucked to hell and back, so it's still conmiefornia

"I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones"

>it's called chromatiq

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The story is that Japan invented radiation-absorbing nanobots, and became world superpower, with USA second. No idea about Russia, China or Europe.


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Dude has a lot of followers jerking of his sameface girl.

It gives them exposure.


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It's enough to make a very decent and easy living.

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The radiation scrubbing tech made them an invaluable country but I don't think they were ever implied to be more powerful than the American Empire, the Soviets or the Chinese in SAC, they're caught in the middle of all these powers.

This looks so soulless. I'm not sure what is so off-putting about it, but it fails to capture the manga style at all.

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this is where it gets good

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>looks good

Is there a more abused franchise than GiTS currently? It got one good movie and a decent TV series, then the rest has been a nonstop shitshow for almost two decades.

This is the most pretentious thing I have seen in my life.

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it's great isn't it?

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I know user, I know. I dream of the day the old left returns, but it will always be just that -- a dream.

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Never underestimate the lack of creativity in the fiction industry.

Some of this honestly just seems like reference material

>Altered Carbon

There's still tons of tracing and nothing looks good.

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>I dream of the day the old left returns

Dream on faggot.
It's pretty hard to produce morons like that nowadays. We have a mandatory education system in most non-shithole parts of the world now.

Even the typical African isn't that retarded now.

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The only reason we as a species went to space was because of the USSR providing a threat and competitor to the USA. The minute the USSR fell is when things started stagnating, because there was no reason to advance technology outside of profits.

Necessity is the mother of invention, it is only under the scope of a serious threat that societies evolve.

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>we as a species went to space

We have no place in space. We've not evolved to be there. It's a waste of resources designing vehicles capable of sustaining a human in space, when a computer can do all the work you'd ever need to do there.

The space race stopped because both sides realized it's retarded.

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>We have no place in space. We've not evolved to be there.
And this is why you will never understand what true conquest or greatness is. Space is resources and land, it's worth going for. We weren't evolved to live in a lot of places on earth, but we live there anyways because of our stubbornness and technological accomplishments. Space dominance is also a military asset, a civilization that's expanded into space can threaten the entire planet and have little to no fears of retribution. It's as important as air dominance.

To say that we have no place in space is as foolish and shortsighted as saying that we have no business building airplanes because we didn't evolve wings. It's neo-luddite garbage because you have no interest in cultural accomplishments achieved through military and technological might.

Americans shit their pants at the idea of a Russian moon base base, because Russia expanding into space would mean the end of the American empire. Nobody fears a Chinese moon base because they can't even make properly functioning escalators.

feast your eyes on the panel flow in the upcoming pages.

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I'm not American first of all.
Hilariously you still believe there is some sort of rivalry between Russia and the US, that's a joke unto itself.

Secondly stop reading science fiction and pop science articles. The only people thinking humans will live outside of Earth before we figure out how to genetically modify the species to survive low gravity and deep space radiation are people retarded enough to think Elon Musk anything besides a very good marketing person.

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I have no idea what's going on but I can sense that everything's drawn in the worst way possible.

>ruined it with Arise.
Arise didn't ruin anything though
also every single version of GITS is completely different to the other, Oshii's stuff is nothing like the original manga either for example

One thing probably follows the other.

>Elon Musk anything besides a very good marketing person.
The guy has a degree in economics and physics. He knows his shit, even if his hype comes from a lot of pop-sci retards. Jeff Bezos, one of the most successful businessmen in history (and also has a double degree in electrical engineering and computer science), wants to expand into space as well. It's incredibly economic sound in the long term, as the person who successfully brings humanity into space will gain access to enough resources to control the world economy at their whim.

The gravity is a meme that can be dealt with clever engineering or just not giving a shit about the long term consequences. Deep space radiation is the biggest roadblock, but it's another issue that can be engineered around.

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GitS California is part of the Russo-American Alliance.

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>Is there a more abused franchise than GiTS currently?
Eureka 7

that's it.
Check out this cool looking fellow.

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And two good mangas (unfinished)

Jesus Christ americans are scared to death of Netflix ,they wake up and the thread turns into paranoid fearmongering.

>Niggers, Interracial relationships, *clap*
>Homos, trannies, and other mentally ill *clap*
>Guns are bad, living in a sustainable cardboard box rules *clap*
>The state tries it's best, if it wasnt for those pesky whites, socialism > capitalism, *clap*
>Generic anime with burger tropes, now that's what i call entertainment *clap*
Here is the trailer:

shit sucked
Would have been better in color.
Awful backgrounds.
I hope he dies.

Stop reminding me of how they massacred my boy.

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>Just because Netflix is involved doesn't mean you have to get paranoid
Name one Netflix-involved thing that didn't suck. You might not have to hate the new GITS immediate but you damn sure have the right to be paranoid given their track record


So he made a manga where he rips off Blood Last Vampire...

This. If his attempts at Appleseed are anything to go by this is already done.

That synopsis reeks of executive meddling by Netflix.

It's just pandering to the political views of Netflix's stereotypical audience.

hopefully you're wrong but when is it ever wrong with netflix

You're correct about that. There's always the PSX cutscenes at least.

Newfag pls. SAC was politically charged from the get go, specially Second Gig.

i serious wonder what's wrong with you people,Kenji Kamiyama is directing and sure it's full CG but GiTS SAC has always had cgi why so bitchy now

some CG is not all CG

Burgers are pathetic. For all their talk about freedom and whatnot, they live in fear of anything and anyone that doesn't agree with them.

it's well deserved with netflix though, not an american.

Is that Hinata

Iirc, brap2049 broke even thanks to home video sales, streaming and merchandise.

Holy shit, what is this even

Attached: Character Design.jpg (363x315, 13K)

What is this from?

2008 crash
but on a bigger scale

>Live action
>now this

Why do they insist on destroying this franchise

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>looks pretty good
You are either netflix shill or retarded

Cyka blyat

This is some turbo contrarianism. Manga is goofy, cartoony shit. It's like a rough draft, and Oshii's movie and SAC are the real deal. Shirow is great at designing things, especially mechanical ones, and he can come up with interesting concepts but he's not a good writer. First movie and SAC are both vastly superior to manga. Only the most contrarian of contrarians unironically argue the opposite.

we let Oshii do "his own spin" on it

give em an inch, they take an arm

Tokyo got nuked in sac

Kamiyama did ultraman?

Who is "we"?

Ultraman cg looks ps3 tier.
Did they even ray trace?
Should just use unreal engine 4 and animate at real time 24 fpa inatead of 12fps shit.

The thinner guy wasn’t even saying anything. And what the hell is this girl even doing, just give him what he asked you dumb slut.

Let the francgise dienwoth dignity.

SAC 2 is my favorite tv anime of all time. SAC 1 and movies are also up there as some of my more liked anime. I was so hyped when I heard that there will be a new show that's basically SAC 3.
Fucking hell. Why do they ruin everything?

>capitalism has failed

immediately kill yourself

>I've never read or watched a cyberpunk work in my life, the post

Cyberpunk has been a critique of capitalism since it's inception.

If Netflix produced a single consistently-good series I'd be less skeptical.

Someone call an ambulance, this kid is stroking out.

>flyover state hick having a temper tantrum because a cyberpunk story is critical of capitalism
wew, it's like getting mad that someone got shot in a John Wick movie.

dull post

Was complete and utter trash, what's your point?

I rest my case.

Cyberpunk is literally capitalism taken to its' nth degree. No, this is like if a cowboy movie had no guns, or a gay sex porno had a guy and a girl fucking.

it's just the truth. only the most contrarian of contrarians unironically argue the opposite.

The animated adaptations are weaker, more streamlined versions of the source material.
In the case of the plot it's a good thing because Shirow's wasn't great, in terms of everything else it's a strict downgrade from something vibrant, interesting and inspired into something blander.

>Manga is goofy, cartoony shit
which is a good thing that should never have been removed.

And as I pointed out, the manga has clearly superior character designs, which is extremely important.

You can deny none of this without lying.

>which is a good thing that should never have been removed.
Not him but I disagree with that, GITS has always worked better without the goofiness. It's perfect for something like Dominion though.

I'd have to agree, however I'm quite concerned that because netflix is involved that its going to be american left wing pandering.

>GITS has always worked better without the goofiness
that's inaccurate, though, the lack of silliness tends to make the characters less interesting and the overall tone dull, and not in a good way considering that the walls of dialog are still there without the wacky shit to balance them out.

It also has the side-effect of making the few silly elements (the tachikoma) appear out of place because nothing else is silly.


Down to personal taste in the end. As for the Tachikoma to be fair Oshii was smart enough to remove them for that very reason, I didn't miss them then.

>Ilya Kuvshinov

While I didn't particularly like the tachikoma's quirkiness and weird humor (especially the tachikoma day shorts) compared to the rest of the anime I did find the connection between Batou and them to be quite good.

yeah except he sold prints of all this stuff and never mentioned anything about them being studies or redraws like most artists

>down to personal taste
First off, that's not the case, it has objective, negative effects on the characterization and stakes, because a humorless major is a major with less personality, less of an upside and therefore less potential drama, same with all the other characters.

Secondly not all tastes are equal, if you prefer the adaptations to the manga, your personal taste is worse.

>Japan's elite Section 9 begins conducting covert cyber operations in California

I'm getting Man In The High Castle flavors. Japan annexing an entire American state? Quite appropriate actually given the original GITS was meant to be a satire of how the Imperial Japanese Police force (The Tokko) conducted itself during ww two.

>>In the year 2045, after global capitalism has defaulted, Japan's elite Section 9 begins conducting covert cyber operations in California.
What the fuck? Did fucking Chapo Trap House write this commie bullshit?

Oshii's choice is a middle ground

I never understood people complaining that Arise or even the live-action film weren't "faithful" to the source material. Wtf guys, the 1995 film is like a mash-up of 8 different story from the original manga

that could totally work, but not in the hands of anybody except 1991 Shirow

no it's just alternate history cold war stuff

why would anyone hire this guy as a character designer? he has a distinguishable rendering style but thats about it. this guy built a career off of redrawing anime pics and instathots, he has no actual design skills

That's because most of them believe that the 95 movie is the source material.

And, that aside, it's also one of the least faithful adaptations.

Also, it's not faithful to its own concept art.

I believe it's part of that campaign by Kodansha to spread the brand abroad. Which is why, around the time the live-action movie was released, they hired western artists to create spin-off tribute mangas. I guess that's when he got his foot in the door

Oh,shut the fuck up you dumb consumer. Everything netlix touches turns to shit.

Case and point most of the fight scenes in Baki and how they look like borderlands 1 in ultra low detail from how bad the cell shaded CG is.

To be fair castlevania was aight.

>SAC 2045
So has anyone officially said if this and actual sequel to SAC and SSS?