Other urls found in this thread:
>level 99
>die from the weather
Is this foreshadowing they're gonna join Isekai Quartet? We'll see them at the top about to die and then the button appears.
Died from zetsubou.
Who will they like the most in the new world?
Should have hidden in the metro and grown mushrooms in the train tunnels.
Chito would probably become fast friends with Beatrice since she loves books. I can also see Yuuri bonding with Aqua since both of them always get hit by their partners. Maybe they'll feel most comfortable with Tanya's gang since they're wearing millitary outfits too.
Hello again gentlemen.
Why yes, Girl's level 99 is my favourite isekai manga.
Instead of an isekai crossover, why not a zetsubou crossover, it could be called Quartet Simulation, who would you like to see besides the taters? Instead of a button that isekais them, the story just starts with everyone dying.
A collection of tkmiz art, animations, manga&anime screencaps and fanart, for those interested.
But why does egg have the corm?
Well the giant fish was already taken by Shimeji, Egg just had to make do with giant corn. She's in her pyjamas, maybe having something to cuddle helps her sleep?
is this the woman that only draws potatoes but is a complete lecher on twitter
>lecher on twitter
No idea, I don't speak ching chong.
"After I was reborn into another world with Chi-chan, we became lv. 99 heroes, but... What was I supposed to be doing again?"
Just another one shot like "Hunter Gatherer Girls".
They are in the supporting cast of Shimeji Simulation so its not like they don't have jobs.
Thanks for the tl.
There were also some others with the taters in some vidya, I kind of like the idea of them appearing in many different worlds, kind of like gondola.
You all are gae potatoes
I wish.
My heart skips a beat seeing Yuuri like that, she looks so gallant.
1.She probably smells good
2.She is brave and selfless
3.Her attitude keeps spirits up
4.Her body is wonderfully proportioned
5.She has pretty eyes
6.Scientifically proven high adaptability
7.She gives off a sense of warmth and softness
8.She is beautiful.
9.Hair tastes good.
10.Great sense of rhythm.
11.She would keep you warm and share food with you.
12.She is good at pressing buttons.
13.She would be a good mother.
14.Right amount of crazy.
15.Knows how to operate all weapons.
16. Fat teats.
17.She is protective of those she loves.
18.She has no inhibitions.
19.She could make a great meal.
20.She is probably god.
21.She is the coolest person in the world.
22.She inspires creativity.
23.She is very strong.
24.She is difficult to digest.
25.She makes her friend happy.
26.She knows how not to embarrass her friend in heartfelt moments.
27.She always knows the way.
28.Not afraid to experiment with the unknown.
29.Well balanced.
30.Does not get hangovers.
31.Defends the weak.
32.Athletic, could have competed on an international level if the world hadn't ended.
33. Always helpful, regardless of circumstances.
34.Not ashamed by nudity, finds it to be liberating and beautiful.
35.Greatest philosopher of her time.
36.Can harness the power of the moon.
37.Stretchy and cute face.
38.Fears no man or beast, can defeat foes despite obvious physical advantages.
39.High intelligence.
40.Can discern between the inedible and edible.
41.Her body is warm and would be nice to cuddle with.
42.She is a survivor of impossible circumstances.
43.World's greatest riflewoman.
44.Quick reflexes.
45.Great at holding hands.
46.Greatest artist of her time.
47.Not too picky about things.
48.Great with pets.
49.Talented singer.
50.Can hold her liquor.
She would be such a good night too.
51.Possible descendant of Finland.
52.God emperor of Dune.
53.Know how to FUSION.
54.Understands the complexity of human nature.
55.Cute giggle.
56.Understands the concept of death.
57.Probably fertile.
58.She would never abandon a friend.
59.Very hygienic.
60.She is extremely genki.
61.Very cute when intoxicated.
62.Defines life itself.
63.Can survive long periods without proper nutrition.
64.Understands how valuable food really is.
65.Very resourceful.
66.Highly empathetic.
67. Therapeutic, helped her friends keep it together.
68.She is very photogenic.
69.She is an excellent tactician.
70.Cute navel.
71.She is very kissable.
72.She has very nice hair.
73.She is interdimensional.
74.Hands on learner.
75.Healthy state of mind.
76.She probably tastes good.
77.She is designed for cold environments.
78.She can create culture.
79.She could be an excellent farmer.
80.She understands that somethings are just things.
81.Loves all living beings.
82.Can perform miracles.
83.She can bring people together in the name of love.
84.She sounds cute when sleeping.
85.She is very pure.
86.Very animal friendly.
87.She is very fashionable.
88.She has a wonderful smile.
89.She Is an excellent swimmer.
90.She is good at crafts.
91.She is an avid collector of fine artifacts.
92.She is an excellent dancer.
93.She has a nice butt.
94.Good vision.
95.Great taste in food.
96.She enjoys explosions.
97.She is very imaginative.
98.Can conjure items into existence.
99.She has saved lives.
100.She lived an interesting and fulfilling life.
I don't really know much about those sorts of fantasy settings though.
101.Very nice skin with healthy color.
102.She’s an explorer.
103.Defies psychological concepts.
104.Doesn’t need socks.
105.She’s Yuuri!
106.Her skin is likely smooth.
107.Well padded.
108.She never gives up.
109.She enjoys building things.
110.She is an astrologist.
111.She would risk injury for the sake of her friends.
112.She does well with what little she has.
113.She can anticipate danger.
114.She owns the best rifle ever made.
115.She can sleep whenever she wants.
116.She is very supportive.
117.She knows how to discipline children.
118.An expert prankster, the last in human history.
119.She is an excellent archeologist.
120.She is an excellent anthropologist.
121.She has a really soothing and lovely voice.
122.She has the survival instinct.
123.She is an excellent medic.
124.She may prolong your life by a couple of years.
125.She is an outstanding waitress.
126.She is really cute.
127.She is very humble.
128.She gives off a motherly aura.
129.Fresh breath.
130.She is very polite.
131.She is very proud.
132.She can most definitely be trusted.
133.She is very honest.
134.She’s a terrific teacher.
135.Excellent choice in headgear.
136.She is very considerate of others.
137.Great immune system.
138.I love Yuuri!
140.She has a really nice name.
141.She advocates for firearm ownership.
142.Adorably goofy.
143.Can operate giant death robots.
144.Has a well-balanced diet.
145.She’s hip.
146.She has great hips.
147.She is in touch with humanity.
148.She has cute feet.
149.Brilliant ecologist.
150.Keeps her equipment in good working order.
I've already ran out of things to say on gallantry.
151.She’s good at remembering stuff about food.
152.She can speak various languages.
153.She’s good at digging.
154.Very strong teeth.
156.She is sly.
157.She has great dental hygiene.
159.Can take the place of society.
160.Always has something to look forward too.
161.Doesn’t mind the rain.
162.Could tell a story without saying a word.
163.She has an excellent collection of milsurp.
164.She has a very soothing appearance.
165.She isn’t afraid to try new things, especially food.
166.She is difficult to put into words.
167.She’s very knowledgeable about firearms.
168.Keeps you coming back for more.
169.Trancends all language barriers.
170.Got along with hopelessness.
171.Cute armpits.
172.Able to impede the natural order.
173.Can’t be ignored.
174.A dedicated and hardworking employee.
175.Really great at hugging.
176.Wouldn’t hurt anyone, even if they wanted it.
177.May be capable of entering a hibernation mode.
178.Skilled with bashing weapons.
179.Nice legs.
181.Really likes fish.
182.She is very sweet.
183.She is very caring.
184.Was able to kill an intelligent AI.
186.She is a hero.
187.She has a good head for heights.
188.She can wear the same thing every day and still look good.
189.She can tease without being too annoying.
190.She likes a challenge.
191.She can appreciate a nice chair.
192.She has a good aesthetic sense.
193.She is playful.
194.Finds joy in simple meals.
195.She is merciful.
196.She doesn't mind carrying things.
197.She is an excellent photographer.
198.She is an amazing communicator.
199.She knows when silence is best.
200.Rather than despair, she has fun.
But that just shows how amazing Yuuri is, her actions speak for themselves.
201.She takes big, enthusiastic bites.
202.She doesn't mind the dark.
203.She likes to go off the beaten track.
204.Culinary expert.
205.She is open to new experiences.
206.She has chubby cheeks.
208.She enjoys baths
209.She is a tireless kneader of dough.
210.She respects people who can read and write.
213.She doesn't mind being hit on the head.
214.She is upbeat.
215.She can invent the art of music from first principles.
216.She will never die.
217.She can appreciate a nice view.
218.She knows the importance of a pantry.
219.She can find sugar.
220.She is content with no bed.
221.She looks at her friend's sleeping face.
222.Lives in the moment.
223.Can conjure items into existence.
224.Frequently laughs.
225.Appreciates architecture.
226.She doesn't get travel-sick.
227.Compression resistant face.
228.She warns of obstacles in the road ahead.
229.She's a natural drummer.
230.She is happy to show the way.
231.She is great at stacking rocks.
232.Made an incredible contribution to literature despite being illiterate.
233.She blows bubbles.
234.She can find humour in every situation.
235.She makes a fine, big fish.
236.She would be great at hide-and-seek.
237.She's content with the road as her home.
238.She doesn't mind that her boots are too big.
239.She will never stop being Yuuri.
240.Expert Snowman builder.
241.She has a soothing snore.
242.She would make an excellent nurse.
243.She would make an excellent pastry chef.
244.She would make an excellent primary-school teacher.
245.She would make an excellent ice-skater.
246.She would make an excellent stand-up comic.
247.She is good at finding water.
248.She can find warmth.
249.She does not realize she is beautiful.
250.The cold does not affect her shooting ability.
I'm really glad I fell in love with her.
251.She is always curious.
252.She can find paradise in a warm bath.
253.She would be a good mech pilot.
254.She is very gallant.
255.She retains her individuality in all universes.
Hello again Yuufriend, once again based and redpilled!
Why must you remind me every thread user.
Not just yet, user. But thank you.
>complete lecher on twitter
I thought she only talked about how depressed she is?
When was the last time you had fish anons? I had salmon for lunch yesterday.
i want to eat calorie mate with tkmiz
thierry urbains photographs in the babylon series really give me an ssr vibe
He's a dude but delusional mentally ill anons who can't read Japanese still refuse to believe it
I can't read Japanese, are those the tweets where he confirms he's male and also the one where he talks about cumming on his ipad?
she (the artist) can't let them go, right?
He probably can't, given that he put them in his new manga as well, I can't blame him though, in fact I'm glad. The taters are just too good, they deserve comfyer lives than what they got in SSR.
That would explain the suicidal tendency
Yeah, but wouldn't it be hot if that wasn't the case
i wonder at what point tkmiz stopped being kinky and swallowed the despair pill. around the time ssr got big, maybe?
I want to marry this sensei!
Remember to drink beer, anons.
I don't drink so much, but if it was with Yuuri I'd like to get drunk for the first time.
Shimeji has cute panties.
Tkmiz is a pantsu connoisseur.
i want to look at his panties
Deliciously flat chest.
What the fuck was she thinking?
I'm assuming you're talking about Yuu, she was just messing with her friend, just harmless fun, don't worry, she's got proper trigger discipline (at least in the manga) pic related.
If you're talking about Chii, she just wanted some tasty rations.
You should never point a gun at somebody no matter if your finger is off the trigger or if it's even unloaded. Yuuri was being a bad girl.
I remember everyone and /k/ losing their shit because of this back when the first episode aired.
early tkmiz can't draw ankles
You're right, that you shouldn't do that, but I think this is a special case, the taters have been together all their lives, they can trust eachother, you can see that Chii is at no point afraid, that's because she can trust Yuu, she sees her finger. Also in the post-apocalyptic world of SSR, there wasn't anyone to teach them gun safety.
/k/ loses its shit if you call the ak47 the ak47, I wouldn't worry about it.
Practice makes perfect, he improved with time. pic related
wait, what?
Stop being in denial user, accept the truth.
Also see
It does not matter, I would still make sweet, sweet love to them.
I want to calorie mate with tkmiz
Not fish but I had some seafood (shrimp, scallops, etc) last night and earlier today.
i want tkmiz to choke my chicken
Tell me, how can you feel sexually attracted to someone you've never seen? Unless you're just talking about the lab coat character.
>pic related
It's not hard to get sexually attracted to someone's personality despite having never seen them. I would fuck tkmiz's self-insert too though.
Lab coats are hot
They might not be the most realistic, but they fit the strange distorted aethetic of the picture.
I understand being attracted to someone's personality, but to me attraction based purely on personlity inherently isn't sexual, I'm not judging though.
holy shit
I was looking through SS and SSR to compile a list of all of the books that tkmiz has referenced, and noticed that it's conspicuous that an entire panel was used to show what book Shimeji was reading. According to interviews, tkmiz is kind of a bookworm, so it's unlikely that the book used here was just arbitrary.
The basic premise of the Old Man and the Sea is that there is an older individual who has had a long streak of being unlucky in fishing; this person basically lives in squalor, doing nothing but fishing and failing to catch anything all day long. Their only companionship in the whole world comes from a younger kid who looks up to and admires them. However, one day they suddenly get the feeling that their unlucky streak is close to coming to an end. That vague version of the opening premise almost perfectly lines up with Shimeji's sister so far. This could just be a matter of Shimeji, who looks up to her sister, wanting to read a book that is relatable to her own situation. However, it could also be foreshadowing about the direction of the story. It's been a while since I read the book and I don't remember it well. I am in the process of rereading it just to see if there are any specific story beats that might give hints about future events in SS.
Will SS end with ss?
all things considered I probably owe tkmiz some sex or something since Shimeji Simulation got me to put off killing myself until it ends
Nice catch user, I think we can definitely expect some foreshadowing with SS with SSR we literally got in in the title. If you look through the mega then you'll also see tkmiz drew art with books outside of SSR and SS as well. Off the top of my head most of them seem to be western, non-japanese books as well. pic related
Yes user, the girls will join the Schutzstaffel
>potato boogie
never knew i needed this
I also updated the SS character speculation image from last week a bit. These are recurring twitter art characters who seem likely to appear in SS.
tallbook and shorttwintails are more or less confirmed by the color image from chapter 1.
plant and angel seem likely to be part of the main cast because of their appearances with Shimeji and Majime in the twitter art. An user pointed out last time that the angel and the x-headed girl were likely to be the same character, and looking more closely at their hair decorations, that seems to be the case.
shortbook seems likely to appear based on twitter art, but her exact role isn't clear; she may be a librarian from the school library. I still haven't had a chance to translate the comic featuring her from the mega. The third book-headed girl may have been a prototype for shortbook (since she has the same hair style in one of the twitter images) or shorttwintails (who is holding a book in one image), or may be someone completely different.
tako-chan shows up in a ton of twitter art, and kind of fits the object-on-head character design theme, but she has no concrete connections to the main cast, and her uniform is different. She may be a character in SS, or may be intended for something different.
The names used here are not official in any way, and are just generic descriptions of the characters.
>implying sex with user is a reward, not a punishment
>Shimeji in a SS uniform
I'll dress up as Shimeji for Tkmiz if I have to
If you think about it, every day we draw closer to the end of Shimeji Simulation, which is another day closer to being able to kill myself free of regret, so there's always something to be happy about. So smile, Anons.
I hope Shimeji Simulation lasts like 10 years and you get ran over by a truck a day before the last chapter comes out.
Nice job user, I like how you placed angel and plant, makes it clear to see. As I've said in the previous thread I'm sure we'll get all the girls from the cover, but as far as the others are concerned, I'm not so sure and I think we might just see them as background characters or in a future manga.
Just based on the visuals, I like tako-chan the most, I don't know why, but gray/white hair on young girls is cute in my opinion, maybe I'm just weird. But they're all cute of course, all girls look cute in the tkmiz style. She's kind of different from the others though, she doesn't have a head object, the octopus is very much detachable and it even speaks, so it could be a character of it's own. I wonder of tako-chan and octopus are lovers.
Maybe angel doesn't have a halo in the pic on the left, maybe it is also an X and it just looks like a halo because of the angle, but it does glow like a halo, so I don't know.
I wonder if Plant's plant will grow with time, that could be interesting.
I bet shortbook is the biggest nerd in the school.
I don't trust shorttwintails, she looks shady, I bet she works for the lizards. I know that big sis was speaking figuratively, but it would be funny if we got literal lizardmen in SS.
Tallbook also looks kind of like angel, but not quite, maybe just a different version of the same character.
C-Can you dress up as Shimeji for me?
The taters in their SSR uniforms were cute, but shimeji in a SS uniform, now that would be something.
>tfw ywn fight communists in a king tiger with shimeji as your driver
why even live?
After SS ends, tkmiz will make another manga, in the end, you probably won't kill yourself and you'll just die of a heart attack, like a normal person.
Obviously. Women don't care about philosophy and existentialism.
is soulless stop pretending his art is full of soul it's just extreme moe blob art
That's cruel but I probably deserve it.
>you probably won't kill yourself and you'll just die of a heart attack
I'd prefer my own pre-planned death over a heart attack honestly.
Why are you so angry user?
Shimeji Simulation is extremely soulful though.
There you go pal, I gave you what you wanted, now leave.
He's jealous. It's easy to draw, but it's not that easy to give life to your drawings
And He said, “Truly I say to you, no prophet is welcome in his home town." Luke 4:24
i'm not angry i'm just ashamed in all of you for thinking tkmz is so good when made in abyss exists and does the whole moe blob art style way better and with way more skill and soul.
maybe the story might be but the art sure is not
thanks for the you, but i will lurk
>made in abyss exists and does the whole moe blob art style way better
if made in abyss is not to your taste even something like nichijou is better than tkmz
It's embarrassing reading this guy's posts, honestly.
> i will lurk
You do that, and no more spewing shitty bait, thanks and have a good day.
i'm sorry the truth hurts.
but this mind set of tkmz is good and soulful is spreading like a disease
Why are you guys even responding to him? Just ignore and go back to talking about the usual stuff
Someone send that guy to please we were having a nice time here
Wise words.
I wouldn't wish the ungodly hell that is Yea Forums on my worst enemy, seriously.
what level of delusion is this?
I wonder if tkmiz originally wanted to be a scientist, since his self-insert is one and wears a lab coat all day.
What do you think the next Tkmiz series will be about?
If you fall in love with someone then surely that means loving them in all ways?
I've fallen in love with someone purely from talking to them online before
It's a little early to talk about that isn't it user, I mean, we still don't really know what SS is about.
I get what you mean about love, but said make love, which just means sex to my understanding, and in a euphemistic way, so did and
Haibane Renmei 2.0
although SS might be that already
Same desu although it might be a product of spending too much time on the internet
this is my tkmz oc her name is brainlet i tried to put as much soul into her as possible please rate her
Shimeji just started. And who knows how long that'll go for.
That's what I mean by loving them in all ways
I've definitely fantasised about fucking the person I fell for plenty of times
Cool! I also have tkmiz OC, doesn't have a name tho
>no head object
All of this is assuming love is real, though
I am God.
Him being male is nothing but a conspiracy
Why haven't you smited me then yet you bastard
Love is real and it's just a chemical process in the brain that exists to compel us to procreate, because that is our evolutionary purpose. Evolution didn't account for anime and manga though, so that's why we're fucked.
God is dead.
Lying to yourself is not healthy, just accept you are a homosexual.
she looks like she smells like drool and bad hygiene practices desu
>just accept you are a homosexual
I did as soon as I discovered Yea Forums
so any chances of S2 or much depression for one?
i want her to look like a soulful potato though
A massive improvement, I'm deleting the entire tkmiz mega and just replacing it with this image.
Season 2 seems very unlikely, since s1 didn't do exceptionally well and the manga is over, so no need to advertise it, so most likely no season2. Just pray that SS eventually gets an adaptation.
Because I love you and want you to be happy.
If I'm dead then how am I talking to you right now? Checkmate, atheists.
Tako-chan is pretty cute. She could certainly be a character intended for her own series, since she doesn't totally fit in with SS. The octopus is the biggest question mark. There are other characters with detachable head objects (such as the book characters), but it's the only one that's an independent conscious entity. I'm not sure if the octopus can talk, though. The speech bubbles in the bottom-left tako image say "Look!" "Look at the octopus!", so I think they may both be from tako chan herself, unless there's another image where it talks.
I could definitely see plant's plant blooming or wilting as a visual gag at least, similar to the twitter gif of Majime's egg sizzling on her head.
Tallbook and angel could be the same character. I grouped them together in the first image, but I noticed that, in addition to the head objects being different, there were two distinct styles of hair decorations among the images. And the head object could be an X in both images, but tkmiz has also posted twitter art of at least one already-shown character with a halo (the restaurant heaven waitress), so the halo could just be on a whim.
It's not really clear how much the head objects should be taken into account in identifying the characters, since the nature of these head objects seems to still be up in the air. Sensei's head-object only appears for a single panel and then vanishes, so it seems like it might just be imaginary. They are not strictly imaginary, though, since they are referenced by characters other than the one that has them, and Majime even seems to recognize Shimeji's mushroom and her egg as being the same thing. It might be some weird aspect of the simulation. Or it might just be a little surreal element for its own sake.
Goodbye brainlet-chan.
The taters are dead, yet they seem to be able to talk in SS just fine.
Checkmate, god.
>tkmiz will make another manga, in the end
this seems like a good argument to kill myself now so I don't get stuck in a loop, honestly.
You could also seek help and potentially end up not wanting to kill yourself at all.
You killing yourself has nothing to do with tkmiz's manga, let's be real here, it comes down to you being somehow mentally ill and wanting to kill yourself, there is no rational argument for you to kill yourself, it's just your emotions.
thank you user, brainlet appreciates that you think she has soul
tkmz brainlet oc
tkmz brainlet oc 2.0
I guess I was mistaken about the octopus speaking, I don't speak japanese, so I didn't know what the bubble said, also upon closer inspection, it does seem to some from Tako-chan as well.
I think the head objects should be taken into account and they are definitely not imaginary, since others seem to be able to interact with them, with that said, I think they will play some bigger part later on, even if just as metaphors. Even if they end up being meaningless, I like them regardless, just because they are very visually interesting.
Hey brainlet-chan, what happened to your last post?
but I don't like myself enough to do that and suicide is a much quicker much more effective method
Given that you are here with us talking about it instead of necking yourself, that shows you probably don't want to do it that much and don't forget it's never too late to try fix your life, despite what you might tell yourself. At the end of the day, it's your life and your decision, but maybe consider at least trying to better yourself first, who knows, maybe then you suddenly won't feel the need to end it all.
I'd tap that.
Assuming you're the same user who mentions it 5-10 times a thread, it can get a bit much.
>the same user who mentions it 5-10 times a thread
I don't have enough energy or dedication for that, you got the wrong dude user. Have a nuko for your troubles.
Truly a tragic tale, I cannot even begin to imagine why the moderators wouldn't consider your contributions to this thread worthy of staying up.
I'm sure tkmiz will see your brainlet-chan and reply with a very sincere "Thank you".
Is that gamer girl pee?
Nevermind then, sorry to bother you, thanks for the Nuko though.
brainlet-chan is happy that you support her, and her quest to be reunited with her soulmate tkmz. she wants to give you a smooch, just press your lips or cheek up against your screen to receive it.
(it indeed is gamer-girl pee, she plays fortnite and flosses on her enemies)
I want to play Fortnite with Brainlet-chan!
That's cool, I just want to remind brainlet-chan that she shouldn't fear death, because in death she can go to Shimeji Simulation and join the potatoes and other girls, including tkmiz-self-insert-san.
inb4 mods 404 the entire thread again
Her grammar is too good for a brainlet, seems fishy
She probably smells fishy too desu
>inb4 mods 404 the entire thread again
Will we be able to start the uprising then?
I think I am missing something here. What does exactly means "tkmz oc" in this context?
this thread is almost as HighQ as GochiUsa generals
>in tkmiz thread
yeah, because out of all seven people there so many will be riled up by weak bait
oh, how Yea Forums has fallen
brainlet chan would love to play fortnite with you
brainlet-chan is scared of death but she knows you guys won't let her die and will continue to let her live with fanart which you will share to her soulmate tkmz.
she is only half good at grammer, somedays her grammer is good some days it's that of a 4 year old. she is just having a good day.
it means that she is a oc made for tkmz or inspired by tkmz.
user, I think you are as retarded as your oc.
why must you be so hard on brainlet chan
she is doing her best to embody the tkmz fandom
and represent the best parts of it.
I'm genuinly surprised the mods haven't banned brainlet user yet.
thank tsuuuuu for the fanfic
Has everyone here fucking snapped what's going on
My only complaint is that implies that You is smart enough to turn on, let alone, use a pc.
I thought this would happen sooner or later, it's what happens when new content comes out monthly, but threads go up twice a week, it was inevitable. We always say that we should wait before the next thread, but the next thread always goes up after like two days and we all join in regardless.
Brainlet-chan is qt.
someone inform them that brainlet-chan is the new fandom mascot.
brainlet chan is a bit like lain from serial experiment lain she knows how to use a pc but is to dumb enough to know the difference between virtual and reality
I've noticed for every few threads we get one shitpost-filled one, honestly, it could just be a life cycle of sorts. This one's not as bad as the shitpost ones usually are if I remember them right.
I was away, what got deleted?
It's just one shitposter, calm down. If everyone would just ignore him we wouldn't even be having this discussion. The last thread was exactly a week ago too.
Autism. Like, literally.
The good kind of autism or the bad one?
I guess it isn't that bad outside the one guy, it does happen from time to time, people here do seem to be bad at ignoring bait.
Good point.
Literally the same brainlet shit he reposted later, you missed nothing.
>to know the difference between virtual and reality
I wouldn't expect Brainlet-chan to get that the prophecies of Lian were folly and the ultimate outcome was almost the opposite.
Alright lads, I'm going to sleep, when I wake up I fully expect this thread to be 404d, see you in the next thread.
user have mercy, compliments are to much for her she has autism and is over stimulated easy causing her to pee her pants sometimes.
Tkmiz had corn on the mind since an hour or so before this was made he posted "I want to touch the bushy corn."
She is not wearing pants! I am pretty sure she should be dehydrated at this point.
>yuu load your gun
Ah, so it's the good one
who said she isn't wearing pants?
what a whore
Tell Brainlet-chan to not expose herself like that. That's way too lewd!
What in god's name is going on in this thread?
do the mods not like us
No one likes us user, no one.
Hiya all you fish. How's everyone's suffering today?
Oh. I'm used to nobody liking me I guess I just didn't think it'd spread to Yea Forums too. I would've liked a warning...
we don't like anyone
His first three posts got deleted but apparently the rest are fine. Jannies work in mysterious ways.
Based Yuurinigger
Don't prompt people to blogpost, that's the last thing we need. But hello
she has autism she follows instructions easy like a child. if you tell her to spread her legs as it's an act of friendship she won't question it to much.
she is sorry she didn't mean to disappoint you, she wants to try harder to be on better terms with you.
this made me sad
I like everyone who likes tkmiz, therefore I like you.
That's fine but tell her this website is not safe for children.
i tried to tell her but i don't think she gets it.
i think she just likes the stimulation all the attention gives her.
Chapter 6 when???????
when brainlet-chan makes it into the canon
Thankyou christfag. I would fuck you with my penis.
egg and shimeji should just fuck already
That's in Chapter 6 user
what happens when i get 100 apathy points?
tkmiz comes to your house and gives you a kiss.
d/u/mb user, shimeji isn't gay
that pic makes my arms tingle in a nice way
That's okay, just don't actually do it.
She literally has a girlfriend.
You're officially invited to Shimeji and Egg's wedding, what present do you bring?
you mean had
she's straight now
Anti-fungal cream.
a mushroom omelette.
yes/no pillow
does anyone ahve the pic when you send tkmiz a wallpaper to her twitter?
two husbands for them.
Post guns.
Most recent addition to the Yuuri collection, a Type 44.
I really need to take a new family photo since my old one kinda sucks.
Wow, very nice!
Yes, if you've still got some good lighting, please post a new family photo.
At the same time, though, these threads last forever so take your time.
I think I've got maybe a couple of hours of light left, let me get it all set up.
I've been needing to take one anyways.
I had a really terrible camera back then.
Can't wait, Yuuribro.
I'll take a new photo of my patches in solidarity.
Although it's already dark out and they probably won't be good.
this looks like the collection of a serial killer in the making, no sane person collects guns.
Somebody's jealous of Yuurifriend.
do NOT bulli yuuribro
i'm not jealous of a collection machines and tools designed to take lives. the only thing i could want is the tankabon/manga.
yuuribro needs to get their priorities sorted
But guns are cool
>I'll take a new photo of my patches in solidarity.
Can't wait for your updated family photo!
>the only thing i could want is the tankabon/manga
Maybe he gathered so many guns to protect his manga collection.
>doesnt want the artbook
more for me then i guess
shut the FUCK up NERD
uhhhh.... no.
only in fiction not reality.
has yuuribro never heard of a safe?
Stop being a luddite, it won't save you from bullets no matter how much you wring your hands about it.
Guns are neat tools that can be used for various good things like protecting those you love, and they're pretty fun to shoot. You should go to a range and try it one day
No, user, let his obvious bait keep going, it helps bump the thread.
> You should go to a range and try it one day
>not having a gun collection so you have a wide variety of choices to shoot yourself with
they can't be used for various things they are always used to shoot or take a life, they are not like knifes, everything about a gun is designed to be use for bad purposes
thanks user, i love collections like this
>X amount of time from now
>last chapter of SS releases
>go to last page
>it's someone making a mushroom and potato omelette
>They fuck up and it's now scrambled eggs
>they are used to shoot
That's what they're made for, silly user. It isn't always for taking a life though, and can be quite fun. If you're in a country that allows guns, give it a chance.
Taking a life can be a good thing sometimes
>Taking a life can be a good thing sometimes
you're right you should take mine as an example
video games exist so we don't need to shoot real guns for fun anymore,and taking a life is never good but it's sometimes something that has to be just done for survival with animals and if a human is evil.
Video games do not recreate the feeling of firing a firearm accurately, and refusing to call something generally beneficial "Good" is cowardice.
Despite the existence of video games, I intend to continue shooting real guns. Guns can be used to do bad things, but so can just about anything. That doesn't mean guns themselves are bad.
You should live, user! Wait until technology is advanced enough for something like suffocating in Yuu's breasts
>video games exist so we don't need to shoot real guns for fun anymore
That's like saying looking at a picture is as good as visiting somewhere cool.
>hunting animals and stopping bad people can't be good
>suffocating in Yuu's breasts
why I'd never turn down the opportunity
yall are lost good look thinking guns are cool and good using them from the safe side, but when you find yourself on the other end of the gun in those last few seconds of your life you won't be thinking there cool and good
If the reason is good enough and I die quickly I'd go along with it. It's the person that does wrong, not guns as a whole
t. chito
If I find myself on the wrong end of a gun, I'll have fucked up and will probably wish I had a gun too.
>when you find yourself on the other end of the gun
it'll likely be my own gun held by myself honestly.
And when you get stabbed you'll wish knives never existed, and when you get beaten to death with a rock you'll wish we never figured out how to throw stones, and when someone beats you to death you'll wish fists were banned, and when someone bites your throat you'll wish teeth never existed.
What's wrong with Tkmiz's lips that they need to be licked?
God taking that picture took a lot more time than I thought it would and in the end it still doesn't look good, let me try and clean it up before I post it.
Haven't you ever had chapped lips before?
>SSR ended 1.5 years ago
WOW. It feels like yesterday
Alright patchbro, here it is.
Still a little fuzzy, but I think it's better than my last collection picture.
I need to practice with some photographic techniques.
But that can wait, I've got my eyes on a couple of more rifles of semi-auto nature.
The number of weapons I have gives me another idea, but that would mean putting off the shooting celebration.
Made one more adjustment, here is the possibly final photo.
I love her so much, you people don't even know.
>Shimeji Simulation ended 3 years ago
Where did the time go
What's that writing on the stock?
Make sure to make redundant back ups of tkmiz works. Or always check twitter for new worm and rip it. Tkmiz deleted some of tkmz older posts just now.
I'm not sure, something about storage.
New image post. Fuck this sorry.
That's a lovely collection Yuufriend, color me jealous.
>no polymer
>no folding stocks
>no meme accessories like lasers
>all bolt action
Good taste, user. Have you ever considered a lever action instead of a semiauto? You seem like the kind to appreciate an older technology. They fire a lot faster than bolt action but you still get the satisfying feeling of chambering the next round yourself.
Are these real guns?
>user doesn't see the polymer semi-auto AK with a folding stock at the very bottom of his image
I've got polymer in there and a folding stock.
The SAM7sf, an AK with a side folding stock.
The semiautos I'm talking about are the SVT 40, Ljungman, and a MAS 49.
Those are the top ones I'm looking at anyways, so old military semi-autos, I've got my fill of moderns with the AK.
Yes, they are all real.
I guess I live in a relatively free state, and the work I do gives me some leftover to buy these old things.
I really do like the older guns.
I forgot to add, I am also considering a lever action 30-30.
But that's kinda lower on my list of things to buy.
And it's a long list.
I think you can buy old guns everywhere in the US
Can you tell how much they cost? Some info about them, names etc
Do you shoot them?
They look really cool
I don't know much about guns, i only fired a gun while i was serving (it's mandatory here), it was kinda boring after a while desu, but i really like the aesthetics of old guns
>quads of truth
Time traveller please stop spoiling SS.
Oh wow, that's pretty nice. What do you think of shotguns friend?
look for yourself, armslist . com
From top to bottom in the image.
The pistol is a French Mle. 1892 revolver.
Next up is a Type 38 short rifle, also called a cavalry rifle, it is essentially a standard Type 38 that was cut down for some reason, most suspect that this was done because of damage caused to the weapon.
Next, a Type 44, a dedicated carbine for cavalry, it is distinguished by its integral folding bayonet.
The VZ-98, a czech copy of the German Gew 98, I think the story goes that tooling was given to the Czechs as war reparations.
Mauser 1895 Chilean, I'm not too familiar with the history of this one, but Mauser made a lot of weapons for South American countries, this is one of them.
Mauser 1891 Argentinian Engineer's Carbine, another of the South American Mauser rifles, this one being on of the first "modern" rifles as we know them today, I think so anyways.
Mosin Nagant M44, shortened and given a side folding bayonet.
Yugo SKS 59/66, Yugoslavian variant of the Russian SKS, this one has a grenade launcher attachment, no grenades for me sadly.
And finally, SAM7sf, Bulgarian milled AK.
Look up more information on the internet, I am not an expert at all, I just like them and happen to own them.
I've also been thinking about them, mostly the 1897 winchester, but I'll probably end up buying a police trade in or something.
Last shotgun I had wasn't even mine, it was my father's, and it was a 16 ga double barrel.
Almost forgot.
I can't remember how much I paid for each of them nor the total, but I've had some deals and I've over payed for some.
I've shot most of them, my Japanese guns (Type 38 and 44) I still haven't gotten around to nor have I gotten to my French pistol.
However, I have all the components to make ammo and I plan to fire all of them.
Thank you! The Mausers and the VZ-98 look so cool and they are actually lighter! than the shitty G3A4 i had to carry for a year.
So do you use any of them in shooting ranges or something?
Share some of your experiences user
oh fuck yeah this is a good night
Ok nvm about that question then
So, what's your favourite to fire?
based and yuuripilled
My favorite so far is the Chilean 1895.
The 7mm mauser cartridge is such a soft shooting round and this one seems to be pretty accurate.
I haven't had the chance to go long distance with it, but I plan to.
Next you should get a Luger
I actually don't have any German guns, unless you count the Vz98.
I have to sleep now, I have work early tomorrow.
I really wish I could go to bed with Yuuri, but someday I will and everything will be alright in my world.
Oh nice. I love the things and plan on getting a shotgun of my own eventually, though I'm an indecisive idiot so I still don't know what I want. A winchester definitely wouldn't be bad, I think the mossbergs were the most fun for me though. The KSG is also pretty fun, but whenever my buddies and I would go shooting it would bruise up my shoulder bad.
Remember to bathe regularly, anons.
Tkmiz threads are the best threads on Yea Forums. I love all you guys.