Remember when anime had soul?
Remember when anime had soul?
Not really no.
I was born in 93 and didn't care about anime for most of my life, so no.
>implying it doesn't have soul anymore
Anime having soul is always few decades in the past.
the only thing bizarre about it, is how anyone likes that shitty show
Thank god we solve it, nobody wants another Skynet situation.
cringe newnormalfags
>it's a city pop circlejerking AESTHETIC retard just discovered UY episode
Anime is an industry. It always had tons of crappy 'soulless' shows that were only designed to make a small profit. Then you always had some 'geniuses', that either by luck or by actual creativity, managed to hit all the right keys and were given just enough freedom for them to realize their projects, making the actual iconic shows.
It's basically the same as Hollywood. Look at Star Wars and Evangelion. Both are iconic, but they came in a time where their medium was also saturated by profit driven products like today, and their production was an inferno that somehow hit all the right keys to become a genre defining classic. Not because Lucas or Anno were actual genius, but because they had the right idea at the time and the right team to carry it out with the studio giving them just enough breathing room to not fuck it up. Their later projects, even with them having much more control and the studios giving them whatever they wanted, have resulted in lower quality products.
Animes with 'soul', as in innovative and genre defining, have been a rare thing through all of its history, only coming out when the rare key elements (a director with a good idea, passionate animators, competent writers and a producer who can handle the money well enough) are put together and a bit of luck is involved.
>I am kawaii? uguu~
Fuck off
Complaining about anime not having "soul" any more is itself soulless since it's become a parroted opinion and something close to a meme.
She looks like a fucking alien.
its le epic meme anime, of course brainlets like it
No it doesn't.
I remember when it had Indian tomboys.
yeah, back when we had real animes like Apocalypse 0 and Cybernetics Guardian
It never had
No and neither do you because you are not a 50 year old japanese man.
What is soul
I do, and it's about 15 years.
Muh poses and wacky music references