How does it fell Yea Forums, knowing that Touko will always be superior to your waifu?

How does it fell Yea Forums, knowing that Touko will always be superior to your waifu?

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Other urls found in this thread:杉菜水姫

It can't be helped either as she is voiced by Aji Sanma. Her voice is purity and innocence literally personafied.

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At least my waifu isn't dead

Miki has pretty much created a waifu closest to perfection.

Is it worth playing the game for her?


of course

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The VN itself has a good enough story with a superior sequel.

The best waifu ever created.

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Why so many Touko-shilling threads lately?

I heard the script for episode 3 was finished. How long until they begin production?
Also isn't Rihito's VA retired or otherwise unavailable anymore?

They are in production. A few days ago Miki tweeted that they were recording for Touko.
Nevermind Rihito, the VA for Stella has not been active for fucking 10 years, and yet she is probably the main heroine. They have to bring the VA back somehow.

Wasn't she in the trailer?

scenario making...done
voice making... now
what is innocent gray have to do next?
i think we can buy kns3 in 2020 winter.


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She is in the trailer and the narrator. Her concept art is also revealed first, along with Reiji. I think we can assume that Stella will be a character with significant role
Art, music, programming... Lots of stuff

Suoh > Touko

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Can you describe what the Flowers franchise is all about?

>Comparing yurishit to Touko

Lets see
>doesnt have 10/10 in-laws
>doesnt have 10/10 daughter
>doesnt have 10/10 OST

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Imouto is 10/10

Miki being a yurifag and doing his own version of marimite.

I was always under the impression that Sugina Miki is a female name.

Sugina Miki is only a pseudonym. He is actually a buff dude who went to Tokyo to become a boxer before turning into an artist/director/CEO.

Here is his wiki article. His real name is Aoki Fumio杉菜水姫
I always think he has one hell of a career trajectory, from aspiring boxer to eroge artist to the CEO of a company specializing in gory utsuge. This dude are obsessed with both yuri and making young girls suffer

>doesnt have 10/10 in-laws
Who cares?

>doesnt have 10/10 daughter
Her daughter is an 11/10

>doesnt have 10/10 OST
KnS has far superior OST than any key VN.

kns anime pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
2 cool pleeeeeeeeeeeeease

>kns anime
No studio can give it justice. Better leave it.

There was a hentai OVA sort of thing for KnS1 that couldn't possibly do a good job representing the VN's contents.

You asked for it.bros ;_;

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I've no idea how can they bring Senri back after Cartagra and KnS2 and still have it as a genuine threat.

I got over it long time ago, except for getting gut punched on every re-read.

People have finally accepted the KNS series for the masterpiece that it is.

My waifu is alive ;_;

Yeah i know for studio to make KNS anime is so difficult.
But i want more people to know this masterpiece by anime like fate staynight and when they cry.

Maybe ufotable or bones can pull it off with a good director.

literally who?