Why is Bitch still tagging along as a comedy relief character? She was seen being mischievous in the kitchen, also

Why is Bitch still tagging along as a comedy relief character? She was seen being mischievous in the kitchen, also.

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Oh boy. She sticks around in the story until end game, at that point Shield cuck reached dragon ball power level and this bitch or more like her real self is still around

spear-nigger's a thirsty moron

That mage is a qt, hope she doesn't die horribly like martial arts girl.

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good she is best girl after al

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Literally did nothing wrong, shield cuck deserved it

>shield cuck has forgiven her without as much as an apology
What a fucking mangina. Really hate this "MC is healed by his newfound harem and gets over it" trope.

>the rising of the cringe hero

But user, if he removes this active psychopath who's been shown to be a chronic liar who has zero problems with ruining other people's lives (namely his) from the gene pool, he'll be just like herâ„¢!

>Gurr durr if you kill him you will be as bad as him duhhhhhhhh
this is still something unforgivable

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Edgetalia is hot.

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If you kill your enemies they win

That's why you rape them instead.

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*gulp* *gulp*

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The only time I've ever seen a scenario like that is in a movie.

Melty is my enemy.

>t. spearfag

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>martial arts girl

The pain of death is temporary, the pain of rape is for life.

If she isn't apart of the heroes party, she has to go marry her uncle.

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She has debts to pay, also saving the world, being a hero's companion and stuff looks good on her resume if she doesn't want to end up with a certain someone. She doesn't know yet however.

How does having the legal name "Bitch" look on her resume?

a shame his party dies.

It's her legal name now, I'm not sure.

I thought that according to spoilers I read in other threads she gets sold off and raped/murdered or something. Was that bullshit or will the anime just not get to that?

they don't have resumes in midevil times

That happens in the WN but the LN changes that so even if by some miracle the anime keeps adapting this it won't show it.

Something that happens in the web novel version of the story. The light novel doesn't have it, while the other adaptations are based in the LN, they won't have it either.

I see, not surprised since edgy WN shit getting changed is pretty common in adaptions.

tell me more about this rape please

15 holes

Because she is actually the heroine and legitimate love interest.

They are changing it. She is going to get redeemed.

Sure she does you animeonly.

>implying they won't make an original ending in the anime for her
Let's face it user. She has become too popular to not do it.

I dont see much fanart of her even on pixiv.

You can find those on twitter. Also the show isn't popular in Japan.

you're not popular in japan. then again neither am i ;_;

How many episodes does this thing have?

Two more.

Her Team Rocket shit really screwed up this show.

> Also the show isn't popular in Japan.
Source: your ass.

Did you even watch the anime? They are changing so much that a redemption is perfectly realistic, it doesn't matter what happens in the source material.

>the show isn't popular in Japan.

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>3rd place
Nice but when was this?

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His entire party dies? How?

That's the latest poll, for july.

Shield hero is at third place on the top 10 shows on newtype.
Also bunjo stray dogs is the most popular show in japan this season and the fujos love their characters.

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She goes through an Asanagi doujin and gets raped to death or something but her soul is recovered

The spirit turtle's familiars kills them.

Slut a best, and she is both the first and the final boss. Shield Hero and Slut's lives are intertwined, you can't take the bitch out of the shield devil!

Just wait till the spear hero spinoff gets adapted to anime, the fujos will latch onto that shit.

Drunktalia is a qt

Holy shit

she is best girl

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When her fat uncle finished raping her holes he continued to make new holes.

Fat king sent Crystal Ball videos as evidence of her death to shield hero.
Shield hero has a passive censorship power so he was able to watch the whole video... While everyone else puked.
The fat king thought he found a fellow man of culture and sent him more videos starting the porn industry of that setting.

And that day, the porn video industry was born.

That's similar to Tolstoy's way of thinking.

Because she is hot