What would you do to sensei's supple ass?

what would you do to sensei's supple ass?

Attached: 46248923648.png (1920x1080, 1.25M)

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shave her bottom with a rusty razor
shave her bottom with a rusty razor
shave her bottom with a rusty razor early in the morning!

Uruka, Mafuyu and Rizu a best

Attached: 1550148081870.png (912x1150, 1.05M)

>Activate Windows

i recently changed motherboards

dunno how to fix it

You should activate Windows

Use it to activate Windows.

changing motherboards invalidate key.

tough luck, installs get embedded to the motherboard these days.

You have to re-install / repurchase / reactivate.

you probably had a free-upgraded win10, and that means it's not a retail key you can just re-apply. You basically had an OEM key which cannot be re-used on other motherboards.

I love Rizu

Attached: Rizu8.png (602x800, 527K)

Buy a legit windows license

If you actually care about activating Windows you could probably just buy a key for $5 off ebay or some shit.

nope, those days are long gone.
His choice is acquiring full price key or doing pirate activation. Basically any microsoft product sold with more than 10% discount off full price is guranteed to be a scam


Install Gentoo

fucking /g/ is fucking senseifag, you disappoint me with yer taste

If you link your MS account to your Windows account it activates automatically
I pretty much built an entire new computer a few months ago and my windows was still fine since I linked it to my email address.
Microsoft just doesn't tell you this for no fucking reason.

No wonder he was seething about that laptop

/g/ wouldn't be caught dead with Windows.

Doesn't work like that with free upgraded w10.

free upgrade basically becomes an OEM key and is embedded to motherboard. It gets invalidated on other motherboards unless released, and you cannot release an OEM key.

What's Mafuyu's preferred OS?
I can only see her using MAC tbqh

>I can only see her using MAC tbqh
Most people use Medium access control.

japanese are computer illiterate, they buy prebuilt, so Windows or Mac

>nope, those days are long gone
Absolute fucking retard.

Only soibois and bimbos use Mac

These still fucking exist?

Attached: vaio.jpg (1600x1200, 236K)

teach me how to install windows LTSB pretty pls


>automating an anatomy model
for what fucking purpose?

Attached: automated skelly.png (839x585, 232K)

I love Sensei.

Attached: 01x.jpg (908x1300, 1.21M)

Have sex, incels.

Make fart sounds and laugh at her!

Attached: Rizu5.jpg (271x311, 29K)

why you laugh? am i wrong for thinking LTSB is the superior windows 10?

Stick something not so supple into it.

not your dick then

You can't make me Abe!

Here use this.


Attached: 1515853575553.png (1145x700, 183K)

>Find an iso in here.
>Use universal usb installer to write it.
>bootup PC in the usb and install

Why does the penguin have moobs anyway?

that's it? thanks

>changed motherboard on 2nd machine
>wnidows deactivated
>contacted windows through live chat
>explained my situation
>asked me to take pic of motherboard box to show proof that I recently made the change
>activated my windows after proving that I did
worth a try, user. took 30 minutes because the tech did remote desktop and tried to activate through the built-in activator. after it refused to work, they just did it for me.

>For us, the important point for OS is EROTIC Games.

>Doesn't work like that with free upgraded w10.
I didn't know that, Thanks!

You fix it by activating windows you retard

You cannot convince me that she isn't nopan there. Also, I'd rather play with her thighs.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 11 [720p].mkv-0002.jpg (1366x768, 119K)

Windows. Retards like Windows.

Just use a KMS activator like KMS_VL_ALL


I want her to sit on my face.

Attached: 1558199768688.webm (1280x720, 393K)