So Granblue S2 will be airing soon. Should we expect it to be better this time? All recent Cygames anime were good

So Granblue S2 will be airing soon. Should we expect it to be better this time? All recent Cygames anime were good.

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Why would you not expect it just to be another advertisement for the gacha game.

>advertising game at maturity stage

Because other Cygames anime are not really adverts?

How is S1? never played mobage but the girls are hot

More fat dragon tail please.

Attached: Big Thick Dragon Tail.jpg (1911x2254, 2.53M)

You won't get much of most of the girls. It's good if you like high-fantasy. The plot is pretty boring and the show is written more for a younger audience, which becomes more apparent in the dialog and how some of the villains are written. You may like it if you want more high-spirited, optimistic, bright high-fantasy with airships.

Look at that thing! Just how fat can it get?

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God that thud when it hits the floor makes me so hard.

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I've been playing Granblue for the plot. Good god, I know this is standard for mobages and kusoges, but it takes ages to get anywhere.

I'm excited for Vira and Orchis story, especially Orchis. I think it's the best part of the plot.

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why is a girl smelling the shed skin of a thicc dragon making me horny

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because you're both degenerates

Because you just know she masturbates daily while sniffing it, and only resists furiously rubbing her pussy with it so that Grea's scent isn't tainted.


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Orchis is S4 material.

What Granblue needs is anime about popular side characters not the boring main plot.

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This. Society, Dragon Knights, or What Makes the Sky Blue would do a lot better than the main plot by itself

>Dragon Knights, or What Makes the Sky Blue

That's gay shit. Not happening after fujo market collapsed.

People want Vira, Naru, Charlotta, Cummies or Ferry.

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What if they just ignore the main story and jump around all over the place instead? Open with society shenanigans and end with WMTSB, who gives a fuck.

Society show would be best, covers lots of markets.

S1 finale already kinda did that.

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S1 was the introductions chapter. S2 will go to Akasha so it should be better.

Honestly I'd rather have specials with some of the event stories animated. The Main Story Quest only really starts to shine in Nahlegrande and I doubt they'll ever get that far in the anime. With event specials you could have all the cool events animated like the WmTSB series, Right Behind You, Platinum Sky, etc.

The Main Story has gotten a lot better than when the game started, but it takes too long for that. It's unfortunate, it now has become impossible to convince people the game has a decent story now

>Arcarum episodes
>Pandemonium episodes
>Eternals episodes
>Nahlegrande episodes

Fuck it, animate everything, it's not like Cygames can't afford it. 200+ episodes, each Blu-ray volume has a gold bar or sunstone in it. All volumes gets you 5 evolites and a cat zodiac.

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Finale of Empire arc is already good but that's like 2 seasons away. And this adaptation is fucked anyways since they went with Gran and made it very generic shonen like. It's obviously aimed at kids.

Only real hope is spin-offs.

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S2 will have Vira and the kino that is the Albion arc though. An animated fight with Gran v. Vira could be pretty darn good to watch, since it could basically become like a gundam fight v. funnels.

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now they just need better writers!

I think they're going to animate all the way through Girl in Blue this season. There really isn't a good stopping point after Albion and there's just no way they won't animate that.

Eh, Albion is very dull if you don't like Vira or Katalina. I think Return to Lumacie is so much better as far as Girl in Blue goes.

It's going to be Albion + Ferry and maybe some Monika/Lecia. No way they will finish first arc.

Don't say that. Albion starts of with some good character drama for Katalina, but then it transition to the first "real shit" fight in the series, which has a lot of hype potential. I mean, look at the stuff they pulled out for Tiamat. That ain't gonna hold a candle compared to the stakes of going up against Vira inside a crumbling citadel.

Vira is what made Granblue popular in the first place.

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Angel Saga was intended to be a movie, so it's possible.

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She is one of many but not a main pull anymore.

The fact she's still so popular so many years later is insane.

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Delusional as always.

Funnily enough, it was actually Jessica who made Granblue really popular the first 2 years. Vira attracted some people, but I'll say Narmaya attracted just as many.

Nowadays both still enjoy some popularity, but it's in decline for both. We're currently going through the Homo era with Sandy and Belial.

Legit retard or a fujo. Homo era is already over since while they got more twitter likes revenue nosedived like never before.

And you were obviously not there when Granblue was new so stop spewing bullshit.

Is this 2017?

Vira doesn't even rank these days

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To be honest I'm a bit surprised that she hasn't made a comeback in the main story yet. I suppose it is because all of her gatcha iterations is the "continuation" of her story.

What are you smoking? Vira is winning polls again.

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Stop trolling retarded fujoshit.

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It's from the last stream you fucking idiot.

>Not happening after fujo market collapsed.
The fujo market collapsed because of mobage like Granblue. A WMTSB adaptation would print money.

Were you? Naru was the bulk of granblue doujin. Vira is popular but certainly not what made it popular alone. I don't know what you mean by homo era, but it never ends.

>Last stream
>4th anniversary logo

Ok, my mistake, that was March 2018. Mine is from 5th anni stream.

>2018 summer stream

At least post recent stuff breh.

Fujo market collapsed after YoI. Fujoshit never even got big in GBF, twitter likes mean nothing.

Every single money related data Cygames releases shows that fujos are a tiny minority and actually a lot of players got mad over fujoshit events. It's never going to happen again.

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Before Naru it was Heles. Before both it was Jessica.

Seriously, sounds like neither of you were around when Jessica was literally the face of Granblue, she was everywhere.

>Every single money related data Cygames releases shows that fujos are a tiny minority
>Literally the top characters people spent money on valentines for.

All these people shitting on the first season... I for one enjoyed it a lot. Art style was also dope

And you have to say "again" because you know she declined and fell out for several months until they shilled the wind version and cd.

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I'd say it's mediocre and story was pretty bland, mostly because it only covers the earlier chapters which aren't really great or particularly interesting

Yours is Valentine Chocolate ranking you dumb shit.

Nice cherry pickings.

The 2019 costume poll is still probably the best gauge of overall popularity for all characters.

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Wish we had gotten more chapters in the style of Mary and Karva's fun adventures. That was the peak of S1.

The thing with Season 1 is that it only covered the character introduction chapters, the story hasn't even begun at the point the anime ended. They also completely changed the whole Lumacie chapter which really introduced Orchid's and Black Knight's relationship, so while they get introduced in the show, their appearances are mostly brief cameos.

And another for guys.

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>posting a rigged poll

If those were not separate there would be no male in top5. Fujos like to pretend that fujoshit is big in GBF but the reality is revenue dropped hard due to fujo events and went back up again after the ended and Cygames started loli pandering.

Thats what the manga does better for what I've read of it. It's also adapting the main story but the side characters show up occasionally and it takes time to develop some of the side stories like how Almeida and Vaseraga met up or introducing the society members.
I hope they do the same for the 2nd season of the anime.

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Oh yeah, the manga is great. Easily the best adaptation of Granblue's story. It does such an amazing job expanding each character's story and introducing the gacha characters to the main story. Makes the world feel more connected. Honestly wish the anime had followed the manga instead.

Too bad fucking Cycomi have become jews and have removed most of the chapters from their site.

I'm guessing the Girl in Blue arc would need at least three seasons to cover proper. To round up season two properly, they'll probably add more "filler" episodes with gacha characters appearing.

I'm thinking we are due a casino chapter.

Does this cutie show up in season 2?

She's going to show up when they decide she should. There are like 200 characters that could appear at any time.

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Probably not.

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There's no point having much expectations when the story itself isn't that good
Needs to get to china arc at least which takes like 2 more seasons

If you mean Medusa for loli pandering she wasn't nearly as successful as summer yuel+sparkable lucifer during anniversary nor grimnir.

Will Satyr appear?
The lack of canon futa in anime industry is disturbing.

She will be in the unannounced yet full length movie about the Primal pals for sure.

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my dick demands that they animate pic related

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>Geo stealing the movie adaptation from homoangels and other events
It would be glorious

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I hope the keep the pencil outlines.

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How do we stop him?

>That's gay shit.
>People want Vira
But only gays want Vira

I self insert as gran and I want the girls to have some romance with him and it ends with a harem.

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Gran is for Lyria only

Bigger question, will they top season 1's OP and ED?

Hold on. Then who is Djeeta for?

Djeeta is for Percival.

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Sex with Sandals.

Who's the cute girl with the great legs and heels in the back?

S2 should have Djeeta join as gran's clone or lost half sister.

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Outsider with only basic knowledges from doujin here
why is Vira so popular, isn't she a dyke obsessed with another Hot girl?
Do waifufags like this?

Just leave the crappy shonen adventure to Gran and make another anime about DJ's adventures based on events.

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Contrary to what fujos and yuri haters on Yea Forums would like you to believe gay girls are super popular.

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The Imai factor.
Albion arc is also where the story starts to pick up.
She's also one of the few characters that had character early on.

>isn't she a dyke obsessed with another Hot girl
That only adds to the options when it comes to dicking her down.

Her voice is sex and she gets obscenely aroused from fighting. It's hot.

Her laugh is precious

Vira is wonderful. She's beautiful and all but I don't even really fap to her, she's just such a good character you don't even need porn to like her.

Attached: Vira2.png (634x726, 597K)

>ああっ! そう、その表情です!/ Aah! Yes, that expression!
>もっと! もっと私を楽しませてください!/More! Entertain me more!
>この悦び、あなたにも教えて差し上げましょうか?/Shall I personally teach you about this delight?
>この昂り… 鎮めていただけますねっ!?/This excitement... would you kindly soothe it for me?

Crazy laughs
By far the craziest one is her critical health/red HP line.
>あははは! あぁ、足りない! まだ、まだァ… はは!/ Ahahaha! Ah, not enough! Not yet, not yet... haha!

Vira's batshit insanity is a miracle of the universe.

She doesn't even need porn to be top tier fap material.

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No, they know they don't have to put in effort, all they have to do is include a redemption code for the mobage and they'll make billions.

superior dyke reporting in

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A lizard's wife.

Also performances like this


Anne is great but she's nowhere near Vira.

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When it comes to being a dyke Vira is a failure.

Arguably the biggest weakness of the first season of Granblue is that it was TOO FAITHFUL to the source material, covering the early game where nothing much happens beyond introduction.

I really hope that the second season starts with a timeskip, and overall focuses on side character plots and building up to a major arc resolution, like the Black Knight/Erste Empire/Freezia finale.

There's no point, this sells based on BD bonuses alone. They might be even lazier this time.

The faster they get into act 2 the better

Fuck, I loved that they remembered wacky races was a thing for that event.

"Oh god, the world is about to end and we can't possibly fight through all of those enemies. We will never make it in time!"

"Don't we have a tiny racing ship? A REALLY fast one?"



Scenes like this help a lot

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that's the kind of goodservice that spawns doujins

>posting NTR rape

Don't forget about SR Vira's last fate ep

Some like being 2nd best some don't. Not as popular as she used to be. The secondary waifubait is Ferry now.

As long as I get more living onaholes and standing paizuri machines I'm happy.

Lyria is for protecting as a little sister. (You) are for Percival.

Vira is a miracle of the universe. Whenever she shows up, you know it's going to be good.

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>Vira hating bloodshed


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Vira's actually a pretty good Lord when she doesn't have to think about Kat.

Was there ever a point in the gacha where someone suggested that they should marry considering they can't live apart from each other? Only watched the anime.

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They changed alot from the game story but I guess it looks pretty if you want something to turn your brain off.

The old chapters are better than the current ones. Which isn't hard.

idk guys a tail that thin seems like a pretty useless defense mechanism.

But that's the male list...

Sandalphon is the worst thing that happened.

Yandere lesbian with popular voice.

Needs more potatoes.

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Maybe if they push for some quality control to set a bar this time.

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I don't think so. People generally see them as siblings, not much different from Gran/Djeeta and Vyrn.

>Needs more potatoes.

I want Djeeta

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>implying people wouldn't shell out money if they hinted at Belial, Lucio, or Sandy being animated

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I don't follow the series but like this fluff, what are the chances we get her?

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It's the year of the pig in the era of the gyaru. She's in.

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>people desperately running the sibling narrative

Lyria obviously WANTS (you). She's literally the most territorial out of all the characters.

She already had a brief appeance in the first season in the battle against Leviathan

But I want whole episodes with her.

>playing event
>it's boring so far
>suddenly Vira appears
>automatic giant grin and legs start trembling

Every time.

I dont really care what they do, I just hope we get more free stuff!

They are so cute.

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That doesnt change that other people see them in a sibling way though

Fujos only buy keychains and shitpost on twitter. YoI completely collapsed the fujo market.

Reminder that this is the best mommy to ever mommy.

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>YoI completely collapsed the fujo market.
What do you even mean with this?

Let it be known to everyone that I want to fuck potatoes.

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I love Monkey!

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Did nothing wrong.

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I remember they gave her human ears.

Nothing after YoI is selling even fujo gacha games are falling apart.

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Gran x Vira doujins aren't canon.

I think.

God I love my monkey

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They might as well be.

How is it YoI's fault? Non-fujo shows are selling poorly too. Nips in general don't buy that many BDs anymore, and spend more on gacha, rhythm games and merch.

That doujin makes me cum buckets.

Fascinate Nail makes a very good argument.

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There are girls on the list too.

Did Drang get any role in S1? My favorite character.

>only jita in top 10
>6/20 females
We did it sisters!

>Took the FGO timeline instead of the GBF
all those cute girls that I will never know

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We don't use that meme here user


Theres still a chance to get onto the correct timeline user.
I suggest waiting for two days when Flashgala is likely to start before jumping aboard.

You made the right choice.

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We got our share of men in dresses

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I recall him being there all the time with his cow wife.

At least she didn't get a rainbow themed event and put in the fighting game.

No rainbow was unironically one of the better events this year.

I hope they drop the main plot. The main cast is boring.

Do you really think someone that hates on Ladiva plays the game?
They get better as the story progresses, the first act is easily the weakest. If we do get season 2 that will probably cover the Vira arc which is miles better than everything that happens in the first season.

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No, they're still boring even in the latest chapters. Vyrn and Lyria speak for the MC and the rest of the crew just agrees with whatever they say.
At least Katalina is finally getting more development.


Pretty much nobody ever calls Gran and Lyria siblings. Stop with this meme retard. She's canon.

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>173 replies
>no mention of this adorable walking WMD
You all disappoint me.

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I thought it was kind of funny that the main cast were pretty much reduced to secondary Z Fighters in What Makes the Sky Blue 3. They only seemed to appear to get beaten up.

Only Dokkan I have is Light Dokkan, but i've honestly had her on the bench for so long. She really only comes out for GW EX otking.

I hope she gets a uncap at some point. Or maybe they take a look at her during the next rebalance, her fire version is awful.

Her valentine fates gave me diabetes.

Will Cag be appearing? I need more images.

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Hopefully not, I need vira x lyria x katalina x gran doujins.

I wish

I actually just got her fire version recently, got everything else though. It isn't in an awful state, like say fire Heles, but I agree she could use some attention for the rebalancing. Her dark version can be pretty disgusting though.

Same here. Wasn't expecting her to follow through in asking Gran/Djeeta out. Somewhat curious if they will ever followup on that. Probably not for the usual reasons.

They go back and forth on who they give attention to. Vast majority of the time they suffer massively from "first arcitis" where they set everything in the first part. Other times they might remember that part 2 exists and involve characters like Cain in that Rainbow event.

Though I still feel bad for main story characters like Lecia who is in a weird in-between spot. So most of the time it feels like Cygames forgot she even exists.

Fire Heles got rebalanced and is way better now.

She had an opportunity to join the main cast in the recent chapters, but it seems like Cygames doesnt want the crew to gain anymore members.

Lecia wont ever get any real attention since fate owns her VA basically.

How do you even get these voice clips?

Wiki has a bunch and you can rip the rest from the game.

Ferry is cute! Will she appear in the anime?

Go back to /vg/ and stop bumping the thread off page 10. Most of the thread isn't even anime related, you already know what the anime will cover and it isn't these fucking gacha characters.

Reminder, Yaia was cemented as the new littlesister-wife, and is the only character canon confirmed to sleep with Gran.

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the finale of the first arc is kino though
>black knight still wants orchis back but by now realizes that orchid deserves to be her own person
>can't bring herself to choose between them so decides to have a final battle with you to let it come down to who has the stronger will
>orchis comes in after like "nah fuck this bittersweet ending shit apollo deserves two loliwives

I haven't gotten far in the story but I saw someone talking about a red string of fate involving different girls
is that shitposting or is it actually a thing
I remember Clarisse, Yaia, and Lyria being a part of it

Should if it gets a second season, right after Vira's arc.

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She debuted around the time when the yandere craze was still red-hot
One of the extremely few gacha characters who had a main story arc
Stacked body
Fantastic voice acting

THIS. Harvins are the epitome of sexy-cute

There is nothing in story about romance after early on created stuff.(they basically retconned most the stuff the early early story set up, early on they wanted a boy meets girl story, but now it is just epic fantasy and romance isn't on the plate outside of seasonal lines and fate episodes for interested chartacters, Lyria use to get irritated if girls hit on Gran, now she doesn't care and acts more like a sibling would) Most the characters only show up in events, misc quests, and fate episodes(characters personal stories). The game is kinda up in the air when characters actually meet with the crew and when events go on, only ones you can really infer are the ones that reference stuff that changed in the main story(relations with varied cities/states and how well known/experienced they are).