7 > 5 > 4 > 6 > 3 > 2 > 1
7 > 5 > 4 > 6 > 3 > 2 > 1
Other urls found in this thread:
1 > 2 > 5 = 3 > 6 > 4
>7 at first
seems like OP isn't a Fa-
>5 at second
1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 8 > 9> 10 > 11 > 12!
Imagine being this stupid
>2 that low
>5 that high
Oh my god
>part is good
>part has caesar
pick one
Why are Part 4 fags so sensitive.
7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1
2>The rest
> 5 higher than 6
stupid niggers?
yea that joseph and dio fight went well
>60 year old did poorly against immortal vampire
He didn’t have his cracker balls Unfair fight
If he was part 2 Joseph he would beat dio, no contest.
Its just that Araki made Joseph retarded to make jotaro look good.
7 > 5 > 4 > 6 > 2 > 3 > 1
>guy with glowing fists charges at you
>stop time
>punch through his lungs, which are vital for hamon users
of the animated
Lungs are vital to anyone tho, not just hamon user
is it the weird art style of 5?
Ultimate redpill taste:
> 4 (Araki's favorite and peak JoJo)
>-> 7 (the part that re-ignited Araki's passion after 6 almost killed it)
>->-> Part 2 (the main reason why JoJo became successful, everything except Stands was established here)
>->->-> Part 5 (worst JoJo protagonist of all time, filled with idiotic asspulls committed both by the main character and main villain, but carried by the side characters)
>->->->-> Part 8 (like Part 5, except the protagonist started out better, and there aren't as many inconsistencies, but there is no Bruno's gang to save them)
>->->->->-> Part 6 (the part that almost killed JoJo) = Part 3 (introduced Stands, but also had the highest amount of shit filler fights of all Parts)
>->->->->->-> Part 1 (Araki's un-favorite)
>4 that low
>1 that high
>all the while 2 is that high
What the fuck am I reading?
Hot Take
What's odd about liking the hamon Parts? I find it rather weird when people like 2 a lot but dislike 1.
I don't like 4 because the story and battles are bad.
what about 6 is so great?
Hamon users can heal themselfs tho
almost any injury
and without lungs they can't use hamon
1 is utter trash mah boy..
>Story of tracking down and killing a serial killer stand user
>Bites the Dust, Superfly, Bad Company, Enigma, Echoes Act 2, Sheer Heart Attack, Highway Star, Stray Cat
>Part 6 (the part that almost killed JoJo)
You know that he only got into "trouble" only because they were trying to restraint his creativity (cf: turning Annasui into a guy because there was few male character)
SBR > SO > DiU > BT > VO > SC > PB
Part Six is literally WHAT IS THIS MAGNIFICENT BULLSHIT: The Series and it's really underrated.
6 > 8 > 7 = 5 > 4 = 2 > 3 > 1
(Part 6 will again just like part 5 gain 1 or 2 places in each of your rankings with the anime)
Part 4 hardly even focuses on the story.
Bites the Dust, Bad Company, Enigma and Highway Star were dogshit, yes.
Today i will remind them.
Trash taste.
7 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 6 > 8 > 1 >>>>>> 5
How was BtD dogshit?
Based Stoners Bros dodging Haters
So what do you think: Who is going to voice Jolyne in the anime? Sawashiro Miyuki?
Very gay
Shouldn't even exist (garbage)
Its like my nigga Joseph didn't defeat the ultimate lifeform.
1. Is Invincible
2.does not age
3. Will not Ever die
4. Not only embodies, but surpasses, the powers of each and every living thing.
In addition, its like a greek statue, a model for beauty.
he survived through pure luck and asspulls
Sawashiro Miyuki is one of the most well known female VA plus being the voice of Jolyne in the games and the ads she will certainly play Jolyne. Heck DP is known to take big shots for the voices like Daisuke Ono for Jotaro and Koyasu for Dio. they aint gonna miss this chance for sure
Bad writing.
very cute
Asspulls and luck ARE his ability. He does that in all his fights. That not a pure coincidence in his final fight either.
If he did it to kars, the guy Speedwagon said was impossible to kill.
He can do it to a lowly vampire who can stop time for like 10 secs.
7>5>4>6>2>3>1 desu
>5 being this high
All Jojo parts are amazing and unique
7 > 4 > 5 > 3 > 6 > 2 > 1 > 8
Dio was still asleep during the events of part 2 you dumbass. He wouldn't have his stand were he fighting 18 year old joseph.
i imagined part 2 joseph in cairo in the 90s
>not coincidence
it's called luck because you didn't intend it
what's wrong with 5 besides giorno?
Oh Im sorry How the fuck was he going to win without asspulls? he's a mortal man? Being able to use hamon doesn't really change that.
During that scene I was thinking to myself
>Ok maybe if he.....no.....
>Or maybe if he........no that wouldn't work
>I even thought for a moment that now that kars is the "ultimate being" he sees beyond good and evil (because ultimate wisdom and intelligence) and has achieved enlightenment and will peacefully rise to the stars to meet God or some shit.
The volcano idea was the only feasible solution I could think of and THAT was a unrealistic risk.
Come to think of it ALL of joseph's opponents were significantly stronger than him and there was never a clear way to defeat him. Running was mandatory in these scenarios.
That's physically impossible. Unless you want to bring (((Time travel))) into this.
Plot Armor Plot Armor Plot Armor, ruining a lot of the best antagonist of the serie.
Part 2 Joseph beats Part 3 DIO, HOW?
Taunts him by predicting his sentences
predicts the Muda Wrryyy autistic screech.
Does that for the whole night, Dio gets cocky.
>Joseph strangles him with his balls
Sunlights comes, Dio Dead.
WOW some good taste but it's actually
If you put part 6 higher than part 5 and 3 you should kill yourself
I'd like to fuck jolyne and annasui (male) at the same time
Aside from Giorno's somewhat inconsistent GE, name one asspul from part5
7 > SnK > HxH > 4 > 2 > Trash > MHA > 3 > 5 > 1 > Shit > 6
Not going to read 8 until it finishes and gets coloured
7 > 4 > 3 = 5 > 2 > 6 > 1
>m-muh overrated part 3
Part 3 is fire and if you think otherwise you should end yourself.
I should really read SBR
I still can't go over the fact that Aniki lost only because the fucking train swayed randomly 1 time and got the heart of Bruno back together wtf araki
>furry tranny poster
Jesus christ.
if were going by heritage to the future rules, one smack from his balls will stand break dio and its all gravy from there.
I think it's okay to like part 3 as long as you acknowledge it's shortcomings. While the fights we're repetetive the cast, interactions, and villain was great. Also I really liked the travelling the world aspect
Wrong thread buddy
Absolutley any kind of hamon loaded bullshit hits Dio.
A thread, a steel ball or whatever is enough for Joseph. Just see Acdc and Wham
Kek, right
Part 3 is a real underage-magnet.
part 6 surely is a pleb filter
>SnK over Jojo 4 and HxH
>SnK over Trash
Kill yourself.
>Underage people attracted to SHONEN
Oh wow, that's a shocker take senpai
The real order.
Jojo 1: 8/10, unique and fresh experience for people who don't watch old anime.
A breath of fresh air for moe fags.
Dio is hilarious and every scene with him is great.
Makes vampires cool again.
Badass and emotional death scenes. I mean did you see that scene with zepelli walking towards his death.
Jojo 2: 10/10. Very bizarre and unique. You honestly can't find stuff like this anywhere else. The soundtrack is one of the best in anime. The villians are great. Doesn't take it self too seriously. Hilarious posing is never not funny. Emotional death scenes, badass fight scenes.
Jojo 3: 7.8/10, the length drags it down. But the final scenes with dio bring it up.
Starts off in a high school as most anime are now. But you can tell its not the usual shit. The protag isn't a loser. In fact all the characters are badass. Araki seriously didn't give a shit about self insert retards. He just wanted to tell a good story. And its great. Stands bring freshness back in jojo. Fights are unique and jokes funny. The adventure through the world is what makes the pt. worth it.
Jojo 4 : 7.5/10. Only this high because of kira. Overall gayness brings it down.
this part is where the problem starts. You can tell its not like 1-3 from the start. There is self insert midget character with a love story. Josukes friend is legit retarded . Josuke is a pussy and his "hair" looks stupid. Rohan is gay. Hayate is an annoying piece of shit.
So all the main characters are shit and unlikable.
More than half of this show is boring shit. Kira is a very interesting character though. He single handedly saves pt. 4
He's the only thing you'll remember after completing the show. Whereas the other jojo pts had a lot of memorable scenes.
No reason to watch pt. 5 its just not jojo anymore.
So the anime rating is
Stone Ocean, Stardust Crusaders and Phantom Blood are extremely underrated.
You know, if you had SnK and MHA as the last two, this wouldn't even look like bait.
>No reason to watch pt. 5 its just not jojo anymore.
Yes, 5 is utter dogshit (both the manga and the anime), but it gets it's shine back when 6 comes out and 7 is the peak of Jojo.
I like all parts,also Pucci is the best villain
Does H in HxH stand for Hiatus?
Is the part 7 fag mad because his part isn’t getting enough attention
Only 4channers rate 4 that high. On Reddit, we have unanimously agreed that 7 followed by {5,6,8} in any order are the real best parts.
t. nonconfrontational bugman soiboi from Reddit
So basically, Redditors' real favorites are 5, 6 and 8. But to virtue signal, Redditors always put 7 above their favorite part, to make their opinion "legit".
Based. Redditcucks btfo
Yeah, part 7 is really good.
But i don't like 6 that much. I would put it below 4. But above 5 (worst part).
I'm honestly only waiting for 7 to be animated.
8 > 7 > 2 > 4 > 3 > 5 > 6 > 1
In this exhibit, we see a Redditor trying to blend in by putting his second most favorite part as the second worst.
Almost perfect. It should be:
7 > 5 > 6 > 2 > 4 > 3 > 1
Too bad there aren't any Nazis around to help him
>4 that low
No, Redditor real favorites are.
2,3, 1(for memes) and 7
With 2 being considered the best ,as it should be unanimously by everyone, even on 4cheddit.
But retards here enjoy being contrarians too much.
I like how you can pretty much describe any JoJo part with a sentence that triggers your curiosity
>English Dracula with Buddhism
>A man memes a god to death
>World Tour with racism and fighting
>David Bowie serial killer in Japan
>Gay men torture a mentally ill man for eternity
>Hot girls in prison DON'T what to fuck the one black guy there
>Horse Jesus President killing
>4 balls and a fruit
2 > 3 > 5 > 7 > 11 > 13 > 17 > 19
3 > 4 > 1 >>> 2 = 7 > 5 >= 6
Is the part 5 fag mad because his shitass taste has been showed?
So close
Jolyne is probably the protagonist with the best character development, followed closely by Jonny.
Prove me wrong
Jolyne and Johnny are the only ones with character development
Part I taught me how to find the good in people
Part II taught me how to expect the unexpected
Part III taught me how to fight my fears
Part IV taught me how to love again
Part V taught me how to be a dreamer
Part VI taught me how to face religion
Part VII taught me how to fight adversity
>copied from reddit
Nigga he beat 4 Vampire-eaters almost single-handed and de-commissioned a literal God using Hamon, a gay Italian and a robot Nazi.
It took all of Jotaro’s Stand power just to beat a lone vamp that STILL got rekt by a pre-Hamon Johnathon in a burning building. With Hamon, a youthful Joseph would fuck Dio like a retarded step-daughter.
this board is so fucking contrarian that if you hated part 3 hard enough because it's the most popular part I'm pretty fucking sure it'd go right back to being everyone's favorite again.
Dio couldnt stop time and use a super powerful invisible punching ghost when he fought jonathan
If I'm gonna be honest, part 1 dio would have wrecked every one in pt 3.
That guy was a beast. And he was really intelligent and cunning too.
He could have killed jotaro gang numerous times using his eye lazers only. Not to mention, he had ice powers, super healing, faster reflexes etc..
You just showed me that SnK and HxH are boring trash.
7 is overrated.
A lot of character development amounts to nothing. The fights are dull. There are still high-highs and low-lows like any other jojo.
The only entertaining part of Part 7 was diego brando. If they took him out, it would have been the worst JoJo.
ah so that's why I got a huge faggot vibe from it. Reminds me of those cringey lists you see but usually with characters from naruto or one piece.
I don't know; part of me will never not think Ogawa would be the perfect Jolyne if only for Sailor Uranus.
He couldn’t beat a spoilt English Rugby player who only just learned Hamon, despite having an army of Vampire Zombies at his disposal and mother-fucking Tarkus. Young Joseph is WAY more cunning and intelligent than Dio, who was at Anne Rice-levels of Vampire gay by his timely death.
4 > 2 > 7 > 6 > 1 > 3 > 5
"I hope all goes well in taking the napkin"
Swap 6 and 5 and 1 and 3.
>frogposter thinking his opinions matter
funny because I posted it on Yea Forums first
2 > 7 > 3 > 6 = 5 > 4 > 1
I hope DP changes Anasui hair colour, he looks like Diavolo too much
6 > 7 > 2 > 1 > 3 > 8 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4 > 5
over your dead body