Why is Saber more popular in Japan while Rin is more popular in the west?

Why is Saber more popular in Japan while Rin is more popular in the west?

And why does Japan love Sakura but not the west?

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Yeah with a 2.7/5 rating people in Japan must love Sakura

>Why is Saber more popular in Japan
exotic blonde cutie
>while Rin is more popular in the west?
exotic brunette cutie

Nobody loves Sakura

>saber most popular
Maybe it has to do with her route being adapted first and so there's a bit of nostalgia for veteran anime fans. We could just say it's because she's blonde and cute, but there are plenty of those in anime and she's way more popular than them. There's obviously something very pleasing about her image and character beyond her hair color.

>nah m8 she's just blonde that's the only reason
Just no.

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I get liking Saber but why do the nips still like her in Zero? She was at her worst there

Saber > Sakura > Rin > shit > Illya

user you know that hardcore FSN fans in Japan don't really like Fate/Zero at all right ?

Saber is a dumb Welsh with a washboard torso.

>washboard torso
That's what makes her perfect.

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The only thing dumber than Saber is her son.

She was cool in Zero but not a great character really.

Saber is a boring submissive bitch, Sakura is a straight up mentally ill rape victim, Rin is the dominating one that will step on your balls and peg you

This, but
Saber > Sakura > Heaven Feel's Illya > Rin > shit > Illya

Saber > Sakura > Illya > Rin

Rin is great but not a good love interest. Her "route" wasn't even really about her.

I want Saber to piss on me

>Rin is more popular in the west

Based on what? Saber's still the face of the franchise and by far the most known character from there. Were there any type-moon polls in the west?

Isn't pegging gay? Or is it ball stepping that's gay?

who cares anymore

Not officially, but the most answered polls were conducted by Reddit (yeah I know, but afaik there haven't been any other polls on that scale) and Rin beat out Saber

Remind you about best boy

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I want both of them to sit on my fucking face.

Most the Fatefags I've known personally have liked Rin over Saber so it's very likely that poll is accurate.

Damn i hope he will get more screentime in HF3

If they're anime onlys who got into Fate not long ago, it might be because they watched UBW anime where we get a lot of Rin and barely any Saber.

Rin is not popular anywhere, she is a rotten greedy whore with a trashy persoanlity.

He will for sure
He's the pro-life to Shirou's pro-choice after all

Not them but my friends who like Fate all prefer Rin. At least one of them even acquired their ZR fetish from her

Fat burger mutts have shit taste, no surprise.

Oops forgot to specify those who played the VN also like Rin

Fair enough. My point was that it's a bit unfair to Saber if their only exposure to her were recent Ufotable's adaptations which lack fate route and I assume a lot of new fatefags from west have only seen those.

I'm fairly sure Saber is the most popular one everywhere.

trips never lie

I love Sakura

Fate zero saber is best saber. She’s far more dignified than her moe portrayal in FSN. There she’s an utter insult to western heroes.

Hey fuck you, as a Welshman apart from sheep Saber is the only one i'd have sex with.

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>exotic brunette
I'm pretty sure that we in the west have more blue eyed brunettes than Japan

Yeah but they're not Japanese

Western girls don't wear thigh highs or skirts

The west started warming up to Sakura quicker (2011 or so), while Japan has a more recent and intense love for her (since around 2015).

Because in Japan they prefer purity and in the west they prefer sluts.

Yeah, anyone who isn’t an incel does.

Found the incel

>disliking a boring, manipulative, vengeful cunt makes you an incel

FZ Saber has no personality except for representing chivalry just so Urobuchi can shit on it.

At least she isn’t a kawaii waifubait shitter

Read the VN, secondary.

She’s even more of a waifubait shitter in the VN, blushing like a japanese schoolgirl and sucking japanese dick

>found the grain of sand at the beach

You're talking as if that's her only trait there.


see the west seems like bitches who wears the pants thanks to the feminism koolaid they swallowed
nips are still traditional so they prefer ones who are actually act like women

She has bigger boobs, and yet isn't a total wimp like Sakura

Rin doesn't even have the balls to kill anyone while Sakura kills hundreds.

*four villains

Rin tried to kill Sakura though, she was successful in one of the end routes.

You mean a bad end? See Femme Fatale in that case.

Doesn't change the fact that Sakura kills and Rin doesn't

There's a reason why people like Batman better than the Punisher. It takes true strength not to kill. Rin is a good person. Sakura isn't.

Not him, but he is probably talking about bad end where Shirou chose Sakura, but had Rin's geis placed on him and she went to kill her.

What about the mind of steel ending where rin is implied to kill sakura as well?

Now to be FAIR, Sakura only kills when her mind is being screwed with by the grail

So she's a wimp. Maybe not in-universe, but her appeal to the audience is being helpless so they can feel like a big hero when saving her from herself.

Same shit regarding Rin's actions with her killing Sakura in the end. The only difference is Shirou proposing to kill Sakura himself and Rin refusing since it's her duty.

It’s funny because even Dark Sakura hesitates to kill Rin the first time they fight, while Rin doesn’t hesitate in MoS and Geas.

Yeah saber definitely acts like a traditional Japanese woman.

>Rinfags have to use Reddit to save face from the fact her waifu is unpopular everywhere now

I know what poll you are talking about and let me tell you there are hundreds like that in the west where Saber (amd even Sakura) beat her

[citation needed]

Look for normies FB waifu groups. I. You already are cancerous enough to use reddit, you can go all the way

wtf I love Rin now

The West always liked Sakura. Yea Forums isn't the entire West.

Japanese first exposure to fate was the visual novel.
In burgerland normalfags have only watched zero and ubw, they dont even know about different routes, and even when they do, since ubw was their first route for a long time, if emiya ends with anyone but rin it feels "wrong" to them, while people who played the novels know that sakura and saber's stories with emiya are way better since rin route unlike the other two is archer's route.
Also the hf adaptation removing all her superbitch moments help I guess.

even japanese zoomers who are probably more into anime by now than the boomers who first played the vn back in the 2000s?

Most Yea Forums usually prefers sakura over rin lately, just that the bunch of dedicated haters she has are as noisy as ever.
Yesterday's saber thread was fantastic though. I forgot fate threads could be that comfy.

Which one? There are so many saber threads nowadays I've lost track
Sometimes it feels like there's been an explosion of popularity for her

She's the posterchild. Her design is the most effective at letting people know what kind of story Fate is. She was used to market Fate, so people came to instantly recognize her as "the main girl". As far as marketing goes, she is far more important than anyone else. Her popularity is inherently tied to the popularity of Fate in general.

She's a constant ally throughout all three routes, resulting in her getting the most characterization over several different situations. The audience gets to see her at her best and worst, her strengths and weaknesses. Her duality of proper mage vs. her kind-heartedness makes her one of the most complex characters in the story. Her popularity is due to the audience getting to know her so well.

Her irrelevance in the first two routes hurts her popularity in comparison to the other two heroines. Even for those who have read HF, we still didn't really get to know her as well as we did Saber and Rin. The recent adaptations have given her a boost, especially among anime-onlys, as she is "new" to them. In a few years, after the freshness of the HF movies has worn off, it will be interesting to see what people thinm of her.

I love these women so much.

The real question is when are Saber threads not comfy?
We Saberbros are the comfiest bunch on Yea Forums desu

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>Rinfags are actual faggots
no surprises there

Reminder that of the three heroines only Saber had a dick

CCC completely disproves what you said about Rin. Also, while Rin does like to put on a dominant facade, she would never get intimate with someone she actually dominates, she doesn't respect those people.

Wait isn't Extra Rin a different person from FSN Rin ? She is her niece or something IIRC

femdom isn't gay it's chad

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Because one is pure and the other is a whore.

Yes, but that's just an excuse for the sake of chronological consistency. They are exactly the same character, just in a different time and setting.

God the butt cheek behind her pussy
There has to be a term for that. It’s amazing


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I am a sakurafag and I admit saberfags are better than us, the only shitposters that like saber that comes to my mind is one, literally only one saberfag that spams "wormslut" and blames sakura for killing saber (clearly just has read spoilers of the VN and has never played it), and the ESL guy, who isn't really a shitposter, he just shouldn't be posting here until he learn decent English

at least the west and japan have a middle ground that isnt giving a fuck about heavens feel lol

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True, sakurafags would be the best ones if many of them didn't fall into shitposter's games most of the time

>most popular route in both the west and Japan nowadays
You were saying?

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>There are people who think that Rin is the dominationg type

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Because Rin likes fucking fat old men, and the west is morbidly obese

The west is more open to bisexual heroines, something that isn't as popular in Japan.

and you're nobody.

>Japanese Schoolgirl Raping King Arthur (200X colorized)

Pretty accurate

Don't you fatefags ever get tired of falling for the same bait day in and day out

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I'm not failing for bait. I'm allowing myself to fail for bait.

An exception to the rule of [bait]. It is said that it is the materialized will of user that retreated to the bottom of its heart. The "paradise and liquor". user has accepted the [bait] in him and has accepted the result of the [bait]. This is "acceptance". user is a person that has accepted [bait] in his heart, which appears to be the exact opposite of [trolling]. Thus he was not baited, but baited in turn.

Once the Tsukihime remake comes out in 2035, we'll have 5 way waifu wars

Yeah it takes true strength to allow the guy who has a higher body count than most 1st world armies to keep fucking up your city and creating thousands of children in the exact same situation as you but without the millions-billion to not end up on the street.

She's an even worse jobber than in FSN and has literally zero personality outside of wearing a suit and being Irisviel's not girlfriend
She's barely even a setpiece

TsukiCHADS don't engage in waifu wars. We all appreciate the girls equally except for Ciel

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Zero falseflaggers cannot be left unturned in the case where a retarded normalfag stumbles into a thread and thinks he's in good company because no one called them out for acting like literal teenagers

I hope you don't have an aneurysm once /vg/ comes over to Yea Forums during the fall season.


What's wrong with Ciel? Never got the hate for her

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>Fate zero saber is best saber.
Quit being stupid, user.

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Japan hates and can't handle strong women. Otakus are pitiful neets that want to hear from their waifu nothing more than: "yes, master".

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Because we really cannot picture a female king arthur without laughing.

Found the seething roastie pig.

Rin is a lot more timid than Saber when it comes down to it though

>Saber's still the face of the franchise
not anymore.

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Do they mention anything about Lancelot in the universe? He'd make a good servant but would probably mess up Saber's story.

>except for Ciel
Good taste.

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yes, in Zero

>what is Fate/Zero

The answer is actually:
>westerners prefer the illya

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... he's literally another servant in Fate/Zero

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Fate/Zero and FGO.

Rin is just like a normal girl, loud somewhat obnoxious with strong opinions and timid her first time. Seiba is a neets dream waifu quiet, obedient and cheeky in bed. I don't see any contradictions to what I said.

Jalter and Salter buddy cop anime when?

Rin exudes a certain confidence that a lot of men find appealing

have you read the VN, doesn't seem like it

>Except for Ciel

I did. Do you have a point or something?

>Jalter and Salter buddy cop anime when?
Do want.

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But Sakura had the same blue eyes and brow hair though. She also has the Edelfelt genes going strong with her quarter Finnish curves.

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you seem to think rin's timidity is just in bed

The only fair assessment in the thread.

best girl

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I find her anus appealing.

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I said she acts like a normal girl, full of contradictions. She's an interesting character.

She needs a route.

I find her toilety

she's the typical "strong on the outside, weak on the inside" character

based and correct

It's called Kara No Kyoukai

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You mean tsundere? Yeah that a popular archetype so what?

The West love shit and want their gf to be more disgusting than they are.
Japan actually has taste

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meaning she's not actually strong willed like you said.


My friend, you must be new to the scene then, I knew a lot of Saber fans who would make fun of Sakura constantly, including one dude who tried to passive aggressively do the slut jokes and then act like he was innocent saying he liked Sakura when people told him to fuck off after he got annoying. Then another guro fetishist artist who made pics of Alter shoving Morgan up Sakura's vagina. I could name too many to count, but some Saber fans were cool, most were not though.

We all know Illya is the best though.

But this semen demon stole that show.

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>Japan actually has taste
>no illya route

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>that top 3

she's a little kid, sicko

Prisma is her route.

BS. I love blondes, but i prefer Rin to Saber.
Rin is just more fun.
Saber could have been a guy, easily.

Prisma isn't canon

Japan fans don't like tsunderes as much despite popular belief.

Same could be said about Saber. She physically strong but emotionally weak, insecure about her identity and sexually/gender.

They appear on FGO, so they are canon.

The appeal of tsundere has always been dudes who want to claim a seemingly strong trophy as their prize. The truth is that they just want the illusion of having tamed this strong girl, because there is always the half joke that a tsundere that goes dere is no good anymore, the chase is over, the conquest is done.

That's why the true patricians go for the girl next door that is a devilish minx on the inside, like Sakura or the girl who bagged Shiki from Tsukihime, Tokie Jinan. Our boy Hughes from FMA knew it, that's why he was so happy all the time.

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It's all you nigs will ever get

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i wouldn't deny that

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Why is this pairing so popular? They know Sakura and Saber our of all the Fates are pretty much friends only.

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yes yes..well done. well done


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Illya is best at everything!

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Rin is just jealous that Illya is better in everyday.

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>he doesn't know

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Please go back

Their VAs akso voiced a yuri couple, so it mostly stems from that

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/pol/fag detected.

>does Japan love Sakura
I thought they were big on purity and shit.

That only applies to Otakus from almost 20 years ago

Only a vocal minority of basement dwellers.

Go home to reddit election tourist

The word incel originated on reddit, please go back to Yea Forumseddit or lurk for two years before posting.

>The word incel originated on reddit
no it did not.



She's over the age of consent though.
Not that it matters.

>the word incel originated on reddit
that is some top tier delusional newfag shit right here

Anybody with actual taste has realized that Rin is shit

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I like illya.
But I HATE prisma. It's boring unless you're into softcore porn.
Illya in Fate was borderline evil for most of it.

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The real question is, why are either of them popular.

>bad tempered over-controlling bitch
>semi retarded transgender bulldyke

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Rin is bisexual. That makes it a roastie.

The real question is, why is caster best grill?

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Depends on whether she's faithful to your harem.

if thats no longer a thing why do they still do retarded things like having a succubus character that still a virgin?

>transgender bulldyke
Transgender would require she lost what little chest she had and her vagina. She was a futa.
Second off she's never slept with a woman, that's partly why Lancelot fucked Gwyn.

You do us Saberfags a favor and tell these guy to kindly fuck off. Saberfags must carry themselves with dignity otherwise they can never carry her flag with pride. They make a mockery of her honor, her struggle, and her commitment to protecting the innocent by acting like douchebags.

>Transgender would require she lost what little chest she had and her vagina. She was a futa.
Not even a futa.
Gender bender is a thing.

> best girl
That would be Emiya.

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>>transgender bulldyke
>Transgender would require she lost what little chest she had and her vagina. She was a futa.
>Second off she's never slept with a woman, that's partly why Lancelot fucked Gwyn.
"She" is Arthur, a man, yet identifies as a woman.

Japan likes women to be reserved and subservient, the west likes woman that are vibrant and active (and subservient only to them so they can display a greater overall dominance).

In terms of mainline Fate? Maybe, there's not a lot of competition. In the whole franchise? Not even close.

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Give me your sprite rips or at least tell me how to /diy/

I am of a benevolent sort.


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So does Issei know who Caster is in FHA? This scene confused me.

>west likes woman that are vibrant and active
Or tsunderes that are softer on the inside once you get there.

Or perhaps chicks that dig buttsecks.

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Instead of crying learn from Emiya how to be a better housewife.

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Google it.
Though it is tricky to find.

I think she just told him that she's from Greece.

It doesn’t make sense for a king during the middle ages to be a submissive bitch at all

Rin > Illya >>>>>>>>>> Saber > Taiga > shit > Al Qaeda > ISIS > AOC > Satin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sakura.

>literally only one saberfag that spams "wormslut" and blames sakura for killing saber
Nah it’s multiple people. I know this because I’m one of them (and have vocalized my thoughts often) and I have played the VN. I don’t spam wormslut though. I just don’t like HF because of it and dislike Sakura by association.

>incel being used as an insult of Yea Forums of all places

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Saber is perfection. Rinfags and wormfags are fighting over second place

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This looks pretty submissive to me.

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I think he means the one that can't help but constantly bring up Saber's death in HF. I'd hope it's just one guy, but if he keeps getting mentioned it'll become bait at some point.

She's not weak, she's just haughty. She's a teenage girl who lost her family, thrusting herself into a battle royale. When she was a little child, she investigated and fought off caster's psycho master.

Saber isn't weak either, she just doesn't want to take charge. She does things out of obligation, not her own desire. This isn't surprising, since their only purpose is to be objects of desire for otaku playing a visual novel. If anything, all three girls are remarkably similar because they all want Shirou for the same thing: his strength, stability, and cast iron jackhammer.

Is this child porn?

Well either way, I wanted to correct user in that it’s not an exclusive opinion. I dislike Sakura but prefer to show my love for Saber instead of paying attention to her.

Her whole character arc is that she was forcefully suppressing her true personality of young girl behind the "King Arthur doesn't understand people feelings" facade though.


It's an official series. It doesn't (exactly) share continuity with the main series, but the entire purposes of alternative-universes in fictional settings is to explore how characters react in different situations. In a metacontexual sense, it would be appropriate to call Illya in F/SN and Illya in Prisma the same character. That's the reason why Shirou is Shirou in every incarnation we've ever seen.

I really don't see how you could blame Sakura, but I guess you dislike her by association to HF. But yeah, to each their own.

fucking zero secondary

she didn't even get close to the lair of Caster and his master, nor she fought Caster's master. She didn't save anyone there. All the kids died.

She was literally seconds from dying as well before based uncle Kariya saved her ass.

Kariya did nothing wrong

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That’s precisely why I dislike her, yes.

Sorry did you miss the Sakira posters here?

I'm not going to deny it. Did the anime change it, or did I misremember? In any case, my point was about her inner strength, not her fighting power level.

Getting real year 1 psychology student here: might have to do with that Saber's timid personality is easier to handle for Japan's more timid culture climate. Whereas here in the west we are used to spicy tsundere women a lot more. But that's just a guess.

the anime changed it. in the LN she didn't get far before almost dying to a tentacle monster.

All three girls are destined to become a harem, we're just not privy to that route.

>Saber doesn't want to take charge
You're joking right? If it weren't for the command seals being a constant threat of "fuck what you feel, do what I say" none of the servants would be obedient to the masters. Saber is literally obligated to do what Shirou says for the most part of the story. Its not an issue to her for the most part because they are compatible to one another.

If it weren't for the command seals Shirou would be her pet dog for all the "taking charge" she'd let him do. She Would call all the shots, for better or worse.

But Saber isn’t timid. She’s the only girl that calls out Shirou’s hypocrisy directly

You're a fucking idiot.

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seems like you should think of finding a different profession.

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You don't need to study psychology to make such assessments.

Yeah, and what was the reason she followed Kerry despite her utter distaste for him? Alexander and Gilgamesh both wanted to dominate their masters, but Saber acts as just another soldier.

She doesn't want the responsibility of being in charge, she just was because everyone around her was fucking incompetent.

She’s not timid, but I think her personality is definitely more humble (as Issei put it) and traditionally feminine than Rin’s and therefore more appealing to the Japanese.

>what was the reason she followed Kerry despite her utter distaste for him
They had the same goal of obtaining the grail and she didn't disaprove of his objective of saving the world.

She wants the holy grail. Bickering with her master wouldn’t help her with that

You would think a king would want to take charge.

Rin is loved by America because she's loud, bossy and obnoxious.
Saber is loved by Japanese because she's loyal and obedient
Sakura is loved by autists because she's shy and would do anything to please Shirou
Illya is loved by Jews because...

>Whereas here in the west we are used to spicy tsundere women a lot
Interesting way of saying we here in the West are used to bitchy 3DPDs

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I love them both.

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That's not allowed

>she was forcefully suppressing her true personality
I don't agree with the idea that she was forcing her stoicism or chivalry, and that secretly she wanted to be a girl. She literally has the blood of a dragon, she both knows and wants to do what it is she needs to do as a King. It both undermines her character and misinterprets it in a pretty bad way. Her instances of alleged timidness to her sexuality/femininity never last beyond the first few lines of dialogue in any of the h-scenes she has.

First Fate h-scene:
>she's nervous but willing to have sex for the sake of battle
>quickly subsides this feeling for the sake of Shirou and Rin

Second Fate h-scene:
>agrees quickly, saying again it's for the sake or her mana-stock
>literally and figuratively "takes the helm" in this scene when Shirou can't get full-mast
>appears much more comfortable throughout the whole scene

Last h-scene/Hallow Ataraxia
>literally surprises Shirou in the bathtub with sex
>instigates coitus with him as a more confident young woman
>is in almost full control throughout the whole scene

brb going to masturbate

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>implying rin isn’t loyal
She’s loyal to a fault while Saber actually goes behind Shirou’s back on several occasions

Going by Zero, her and Kerry acted almost independently of each other, it's not like she was just waiting for his commands all the time. In the VN she said that Kerry only spoke to her 3 times just to use command spells.

Not that user but you can't stop me from loving all of them

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>and what was the reason she followed Kerry despite her utter distaste for him?

And the fact that she couldn't protest to a master who was out hiding in the shadows from afar like a little bitch.

It's 2D.

I didn't ask you for legal counsel, I asked if this is child porn.

It's been heavily rumored Seibah seiyuu is a lesbian.

>tfw no harem route with saber, tohsaka, sakura, illya, taiga and rider


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Firstly, it's not porn.
Secondly, it's not a real child.

>The word incel originated on reddit
reasonably certain it originated on /r9k/, the original den of "trying to outdo each other in misery".

Some facts:
Lancer Saber has some milkers. godDAMN. Best Arturia, since she was allowed to grow up and flourish. Also Rhongomyniad.

Taken as a whole, Fate Stay Night tells a story of Shirou's evolution from "boy" (Fate Route) to "teen" (UBW) to "adult" (Heaven's Feel). All the other characters were secondary to this. Nasu said so, don't bother him about it.

There will never be a Tsukihime remake. Type Moon is currently rolling in dough by being a legitimate company that makes fighting games with moe history characters.
They quickly retconned out the sex from Fate Stay Night when the fighting games started taking off. (Realta Nua)
They backpedaled on the sex because they saw the market, and saw that it was good. The current value statement is "back then we added in the sex to appeal to dating sim gamers" which is a complete reverse from previous statements.
They made Tsukihime back when they were just a doujin circle, and they're ashamed of their "porn" origins.

>I like illya.
>But I HATE prisma. It's boring unless you're into softcore child porn.
>Illya in Fate was borderline evil for most of it
>I'm not going to deny it. Did the anime change it, or did I misremember?

Read up on it. Readfag posted these a few years ago and they seem to still be valid.

Vol 1
Vol 2
Vol 3

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The loyalty from Rin and the loyalty from Saber are on two entirely different planes of existence. One is almost physically contracted by the laws of nature to be loyal, the other could honestly turn their back on their comrades at any point if it proved beneficial. Rin's trusting nature is, honestly, really just a foolish thing to do for a master in the HGW. But it serves to show how moral Shirou is and how good she is herself.

Saber stops going behind Shirou's back after it nearly gets her killed on the steps of Ryudou temple. I think that moment was a little understated in the VN because it was likely the point where Saber became more of a partner to Shirou. She wasn't expecting to need him or to have to rely upon him because, well... why would she? Kiritsugu, Shirou's dad, didn't seem to "need" her as much as Shirou and she probably just thought it was the name of the game to go awol occasionally

It originated on puahate, a site frequented by elliot himself

>Firstly, it's not porn.
The persons in OP's pic are clearly prostitutes. How is it not porn?
>Secondly, it's not a real child.
Yes, anime characters aren't real people. Congratulations on figuring that out, genius. But well, I guess that still makes you smarter than 80% of the anime fandom.

Attached: f23HiqP.jpg (600x403, 55K)

Okay, explain to me why the hell I should give a fuck about Saber? She's nothing but whining about how everything she did was a mistake and she wants the grail to completely undo her rule and wipe her existence. The only thing that can save her is our oh so very special ginger and his magic plot armor and cock! Saber's a shit just like the worm bitch the only reason I can think of why she's so popular is because she's got all the fetishes that power fantasy fags love

She's time locked as 15 year old flat chested teenager for good.
- She's got blond hair and blue eyes
- She's strong but she's dependant on her husbando to take care of her basic day to day needs
- She's completely submissive and eager to please.
- Solving her problem holds no dramatics.

She's the perfect waifu to have for a typical visual novel reader.

I despise her for her obnoxious lack of character and nothing is ever going to change my mind. She won't be sympathetic no matter what because most of the shit that happens to her is her own fucking fault and I'm not going to be a cliche white knight just to console some bratty kid that she did nothing wrong.

Fuck Saber and fuck the fat moefags that fap over her. You are EVERYTHING wrong in the world.

>Hurr I'm Saber I'm a PROUD KNIGHT and KING OF BRITAIN, look at how honorable I am, I sure have a high amount of self-respect

>becomes the fucktoy pet of a teenaged japanese ginger highschool boy
>becomes a worthless fucking moeblob who can't defeat a single servant without MANLY MEN WOMAN GO BACK INTO KITCHEN saving her ass

If there was ever a character that embodied the term "waifubait", it's this slut.

Attached: shit character.jpg (798x594, 244K)

>I was only pretending to be retarded

Attached: marcille_face.png (420x420, 244K)

>It's been heavily rumored Seibah seiyuu is a lesbian.
>posting zero proof so we're forced to take this armchair opinion as fact
Cool story, bro.

It's actually older than all of those sites. Some woman in the late 90's coined the phrase

>She's got blond hair and blue eyes
seething shitskin detected

>Solving her problem holds no dramatics.
What on earth could this possibly mean?

Is this /fgog/? Jesus Christ.

user you could go to /fgog/ now and see what they are discussing right ?

Stay mad faggot,

Attached: 1445479460560.png (420x515, 198K)

What a truly awful notion.

Now I'm sure this is a troll post.

This is the most protectable smile in existence
I can’t get over it

You act as if there's a difference between reddit and Yea Forums. Where do you think all those gamer gators came from? Why do you think they still use words like "redpill"?

That Venn diagram is a fucking circle.

>Some woman in the late 90's coined the phrase
Tell me more, because I'm not actually interested.
>If there was ever a character that embodied the term "waifubait", it's this slut.
She only turned into "waifubait" when all the fucking saber faces started popping out all over the place. Pic related.

Saber agreed, don't bother her about it.

Attached: foai6q5txquy.png (2048x1044, 2.33M)

I don't think you know what that word means.
>How is it not porn?
Are you some hyper-puritanical faggot? You can find raunchier pics in the average magazine these days.
Oh, a redditor. Makes sense

>What a truly awful notion.
I mean, what? This thread doesn't have anything in common with /fgog/ right now.

No, I mean telling people to go to /fgog/. It's fucking terrible there. All /vg/ is garbage for the most part.

>You act as if there's a difference between reddit and Yea Forums.
There is a fundamental difference between Yea Forums and Reddit which nobody brings up, because nobody fucking gets it: Anonymous.
On Yea Forums, it is the message, NOT the person who brings it.
On Reddit, it is Poster Popularity, NOT the person who brings the message.

If you think for one second I give a shit about upboats, karma, +1, likes, gold, or whatever the fuck raiting, then yeah I'd be over there.
Instead, I'm here, because i think people like to hear an (arguable) voice of reason, and whose message isn't predicated on view count, post count, user name, or other cooked-up false identity bullshit.
anonymity breeds honesty. Identity breeds social conformity.

My King is beautiful!

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>no rebuttal

I will accept your concessions

This is a pretty good synopsis


That picture says it all. Rin is headstrong, loud, and dominant. Saber is obedient, quiet, and submissive. The west likes the former while Japan likes the latter.

>expecting a serious rebuttal when half the "argument" were just lol capslock
It honestly just sounds like you hate her because she's popular. You've probably never read the VN and if you did, you were probably exposed to her from some secondary/tertiary thing first. Either way you should go back to fawning over whoever your literally-who waifu is.

Kaze no you ni

In bed the two act pretty similar desu. Have you not read Golden Bathtub? Saber is more dominant in that h-scene than Rin is in any of hers

Does anyone know what it’s called when her hair goes down the side of her face like that?

Tsukimihara wo

Tell that to the worms

In practical terms, the amount of anonymity between the two sites is negligible. People still act like asshats regardless. I've moderated message boards, and I've known the people behind usernames: the absence of actual human contact is a greater motivator than an ID tag.

>I'm here, because i think people like to hear an (arguable) voice of reason
The fuck? Do not take this place seriously.

You mean her haircut? I don't know if it has a name, I just think it looks awesome. She has shoulder length hair that she puts into a bun with bangs.

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Mainly just the bits of hair that frame her face on the sides. I’ve seen it elsewhere and wonder if there’s a term for it. After all, we have terms for bangs, buns, etc.
Agreed however, her hair is great


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Nuh, Rin is fap material, Saber is a cure for your soul.

I wonder if that's another reason why she dislikes the Saber x Shirou pairing.

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>still no rebuttal
behold, another secondary faggot btfo

False. Rin is straight. Retconned material does not count

Because despite being strong and a warrior, her character is very submissive and easy to imagine that despite her being strong, she is subservient and will bend over for her master at will.

Rin is barely submissive or subservient and sad dudes who want to imagine their perfect, subservient waifu can't project that onto Rin.

It's the same with Rei from Evangelion. She's such a popular waifu because despite showing very little emotion or personality, she's also very subservient and arguably a bit of a floormat.

The anime fandom will gush over any female character that they can project as being overly vulnerable/submissive that will exist to please them, rather than having any degree of personality. It's why characters like Rin are seen as bitchy. It's why with Tsunderes, you gotta have the dere because without them secretly really vulnerable, shy, and submissive, it would just be a confident female character that treats your average Yea Forums user the same way women would in the real world: coldly, and maybe with some degree of disgust (because Yea Forums users are irredeemable losers).


>imagine that despite her being strong, she is subservient and will bend over for her master at will.
For the 100th time, have you not read Golden Bathtub? She literally takes full control over the scene with Shirou, and does similar things at the beginning of her second Fate route h-scene. Outside of the h-scenes, in Hallow Ataraxia she rarely acts dere in any of her scenes, and rarely acts this way in the Fate route. But I'm sure you haven't read any of these. Also, weird to project this sort of image on someone like Saber when Sakura is literally the definition of the deredere archetype.

Question for you: what type of character archetype is Saber?

>how someone acts in bed is exactly how they act normally

>I wonder if that's another reason why she dislikes the Saber x Shirou pairing.

[citation needed]

>Rin is bisexual.

It's the most striking example, yes. Saber is awkwardly trying to act more feminine but she honestly does a pretty terrible job. She acts like a very noble and chivalrous dude (hence the "lol autism") jokes. You are confusing awkwardness with submissiveness.

She acts like you'd expect a King would. Crazy innit?

I don’t get why people get triggered by it. What’s wrong with being bi?

it's either /pol/tards, insecure rinfags, trolling, or a horrible combination of the three.

Rin isn't bi, she's full on lesbo. She only used Shirou for his mana cum but was always more interested in Saber.

Is Saber supposed to be like 25?

Yes, she’s a cougar with a teenage body

Not him, but I think she just has a crush on Sakura

Q: Did any of the stories leave a big impression on you?

A: The chapter where Saber, who specializes in eating, is taught how to make pancakes for Shiro, by Sakura. (from Volume 1, extras ‘Saber’s Snack of the Day’ in the comics). It was only an extra chapter, but I really love the feeling of kindness you get from Sakura when it comes to her choice to make pancakes.

Anybody can make delicious pancakes that would make everyone [who eats them] happy, right? The kindness of Sakura, who watches carefully as she’s teaching, and the cuteness of Saber, who is earnest in her cooking attempts – indeed memorable.

From Saber’s perspective, all the other chapters just have her eating, eating and eating (laughs)

In the Fate route VN it is said she ruled for 10 years. Pretty short, but she accomplished quite a bit during that period if GoA is anything to go by.

Once a cougar always a cougar.

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>25 YO

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sakura best in japan

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>What’s wrong with being bi?

Attached: H2x1_NSwitchDS_Everything_image1600w[1].jpg (1600x800, 233K)

Disgusting used goods, the lot of 'em

>a spiritual nigger to his daughter
>best boy

Sakura would more typically fit into this role, but Yea Forums is also too concerned with virginity that the fact she is "used goods" as many like to put it makes it harder to waifu her.

Also, I never said Saber was "dere", but there is a whole Master/Servant dynamic involved with Saber and she's very dedicated to serving and protecting her master. Just because she has a few h-scenes (which were only in the game because Nasu was pressured to put them in) where she can be a bit more dominating doesn't suddenly change all the other dynamics at play. She's supposed to be a strong, incredibly influential historical figure that happens to be very sexy and also your servant who is dedicated to you and your safety (and later on wants your dick). I mean, there's a whole scene dedicated to Rin and Shirou totally dominating Saber sexually and completely removing her autonomy in that situation (because he's gotta fuck her to give her mana so they can live).

Her body doesn't age because sword magic

Attached: 51024458_p0.jpg (1260x1666, 889K)

Her relationship with Shirou being Master and Servant doesn't mean she actually acts submissive to him. The thing that she really likes about her master is how he treats her like a human being and slowly they become partners due to both of them having similar character arcs. You really just don't understand the nuances of Fate. The whole series is built around some of the teams being better at cooperation than others and this always showing that in away these heroes are just as much of human beings as the rest of the cast.

>removing her autonomy
She consents to this though, and the other scenes she starts acting much more dominant.

Also, you are weirdly expecting Fate to NOT be Waifubait: The Game. Jesus Christ this whole industry is built around waifubait and has been for years. Might I suggest a more normalfag series like GoT or western capeshit.

her hair is black not brown

Saber riding a banana.

Attached: 1558147376205.jpg (386x480, 33K)

[citation needed]

Not even worms love her. But she loves them.

She kind of has to though. Like, if she doesn't she gets no mana and they're all fucked. Can't really call that true consent.

>riding a banana
of course. The natural progression was obvious. That shit will change you're life

I understand the nuances of their relationship and the justifications it gives for why, but it doesn't change the fact that it's a scenario that's been contrived to have a certain appeal, and the Master/Servant dynamic is sort of a kink for the player to self-insert themselves into Shirou. I'm not even really saying this is completely intentional, just explaining that these aspects of Saber's character plays into why so many people like her so much. The fact that she's your servant who also happens to like the fact that you treat her well and at one point you get to fuck her because she needs your magic semen to have enough power to fight, so she reluctantly agrees to it because she's your servant and she needs to do anything in order to protect your master.

Saber is pooing

nah it just means shirou is a gay faggot for trying to fuck king arthur

Haha gay men are silly

She's straight.

Am I weird for wanting to be in an intimate relationship with Saber Alter and Dark Sakura?

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>She's straight.
As spaghetti and so am I.

Attached: smug rin.png (477x530, 428K)

As straight as a laser beam.

Wait, does Rin have a bigger chest than Saber?

Japanese zoomers would be more into FGO

Slightly bigger.

More than Rin will ever be.

nope, but Nasu is a hack for not going through with their H-scene

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Literal perfection

Attached: saber lewd.jpg (850x843, 117K)

Sakura is straight. She doesn't go that way.

So which girl is popular in Africa? That's the real question.

That would be awesome. Even if I doubt either one would be interested in working as a cop.

Private Detectives then. Complete with all the neo-noir trappings.

All my mom's african friends love blond white girls. So I assume Saber would be their choice.

But who would India's favorite girl be?

>And why does Japan love Sakura but not the west?
Japs are predisopsed to being cucks and accepting used goods

Rin clearly. She fits right in.

In your imagination. She's a real bisexual icon.

Saber is useless, got bland personality with zero sex appeal, also eats your entire food stock and should be bullied.

Why is every secondary posting about Saber being submissive to Shirou in this thread? Have you even read the VN? Just because she doesn't act tsundere all the time and tease Shirou like Rin doesn't mean she's like some obedient doll. Saber kills shirou for the holy grail in one of the bad ends of the Fate route, and she disobeys him and questions him constantly after first meeting.

>Might I suggest a more normalfag series like GoT or western capeshit.
Honestly, I prefer eastern waifubait shit over western grimdark nonsense. Exploitative though it might be, it consistently results in more interesting characters.

I mean, say what you want about the cast of Fate Stay Night. But the fact that they can make a show like "today's menu for the emiya family" and somehow have it work is kind of incredible. I don't think that kind of spin off would work for something like Game of Thrones.

Is it because she's spicy and smelly like Indian food?

If she was, it would have come up in an interview. It would have been mentioned somewhere. But it never has. And you know why? Because it was never there to begin with. Nasu and Takeuchi have spoken of Rin's many potential male suitors, but no female ones. That is telling.

can you ask her african friends what they do when they have anal sex? Like don't they have trouble spotting the shit on their cocks?

It's because she still hasn't learned to poo in the loo

She's bisexual-heteroromantic.

Prove it in a way that does not involve using the VN as evidence. Prove it from interviews with Type Moon.

Isn't that just because Rin needs to breed to continue her line? Like, even if she was BI, girl is still going to end up marrying a boy to make babies.

>does not involve using the VN
This has to be bait.

Breeding doesn't makes bisexuals less bisexual.

If there's no mention of Rin's supposed sexuality outside of a retconned version of the VN, then it's not canon.

Sunny Day still is canon. And TYPE-MOON will reprint the OG Fate/stay night.

Like in her 30's I think. She's 14 physically.

The UBW Anime's version of Sunny Days made it clear that Saber was the guardian of Rin and Shirou, and not any part of their relationship.

It wasn't going to be gay, it was going to be Saber Alter, Dark Sakura and Shirou. Much like the Rider scene in HA

Rin blushes when she talks about mana transfer methods with Shirou.

I've never read the VN, anywhere I can download it?

>Much like the Rider scene in HA
Wasn't that a literal dream?


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That's nothing to do with Saber though. That's entirely between Rin and Shirou.

Yes but I don't see what that has to do with anything?

They had to transfer mana to her.

That time wasn't gay because literally never happened.

UBW was Fate's big push in the West where Rin is a more prominent character while the Fate anime flubbed its release.


>Whites are predisopsed to being cucks and accepting used goods


Western media tends to write women as sassy or cold action hero types in YA fiction or lowest common denominator hollywood films. Westerners tend to think any female character that isn't sassy or written like a man is a "weak" character. So it's kind of natural for westerners to gravitate towards Rin over Saber or Sakura (though Sakura only recently got an anime and she is barely present in the other 2 routes, which is fat more impactful than cultural biases imo).

Why is Rin so cute?

She has none

Twin-tail tsundere.

Are you sure about that?

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where did I say it was gay?

Which one would Antarcticans choose?

What I am saying is that a Saber Alter, Dark Sakura and Shirou threesome will be gay. The Rider/Sakura/Shirou one wasn't because it never happened.

Has anyone ever noticed how lanky the FSN sprites are?
They look like god damn Olive Oyl

Attached: sakura2.png (1500x3096, 3.71M)

>Why is Saber more popular in Japan while Rin is more popular in the west?
Same reason why Asuka is more popular in the west and Rei is more popular in Japan.

America doesn't have as many hangups about sexual purity as japan does. So that might have something to do with it.

And that reason is what?

>America doesn't have as many hangups about sexual purity as japan does.
Nice joke. Slut shaming is a thing in the West.

And so is third wave feminism
And so is tinder

At least more Americans are open to sleeping with women who are not virgins than Japanese people are.

Yeah, so much better at getting a sex diseases. That is so admirable.
The sexual revolution left such a festering cancer to the West it is already past terminally ill.

>The sexual revolution left such a festering cancer to the West it is already past terminally ill.
What's wrong with having previous partners? What if a relationship doesn't work out? What are your thoughts on men having multiple partners throughout their lives?

There's your answer. They barely understand Fate but feel welcomed enough to talk with primaries about it. It's irritating as fuck.

I never said that people should be stuck forever, but the West treats relationships like they're switching to the latest iphone, almost zero regard for the consequences. I guess the beef hormones also screwed up your sex drives.

Then shut the fuck up and enjoy the waifus.

>What's wrong with having previous partners?
It's specially harmful for women. It takes a physical toll on them.

Attached: female-promiscuity-comic.png (1500x500, 156K)

Shirou has to transfer mana to Rin. Saber has nothing to do with the process.

No, not all.

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Rin's supplying her the way all masters supply their servants, with a constant trickle of mana delivered remotely. There's nothing sexual about it. The only sexual thing is Shirou giving Rin top-ups every so often. Saber has no part in the process whatsoever.


We have seen how are mana transfers.

And Shirou's the one doing everything.

It's completely natural to avoid them. Just like normal and bisexual women avoid bi men.

>except for Ciel

Attached: arcueid2.jpg (1764x2076, 596K)

>what is safe sex
>what is std testing
Let's not kid ourselves, even if the woman were completely healthy, you'd still shame her for having multiple partners in the past.

Doesn't Arc fuck Ciel?

Look, having failed several relationships it's not the best indicator. Quite the opposite, in fact. It tells that you can't get into serious relationships.

Are you blind?

He's the one who goes into her dragon core. He does all the hard work.

Yes its wish fulfilment but, speaking as a massive Saberfag, it's not because she's submissive and meek that I love this character so much. The VN never portrays her in such a way. You simply are misunderstanding the character and her relationship. Just because it's a "gal-game" doesn't mean there can't be strong female characters.

I love Saber because I like strong, independent women and I believe that's a major reason why she is so popular.

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>porn can't have story

She literally was one in prototype

Same can be said about the other two heroines.
Popular girl and prodigy mage who happens to be tsundere for Shirou
Devotes herself completely to Shirou's affections to the point she spends the rest of her live alone in one end.
All of them have been contrived to a certain appeal. Why would an author write a shitty heroine no-one would enjoy rooting for?

Illya > Saber = Caren > Rin > Caster > Rider > Sakura >Bazett

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That doesn't denies that Rin still gets action with her.

Pretty sure it's meant as a joke, but I don't think that's an accurate description at all.

That doesn't count as action.

Because the nips have better taste in waifus

>insecure about her identity
She has, is and always will be the King of Britain. It's kind of the conclusion of her character. Despite everything that has happened in Fate she never backed out of that fact and it will always define her.

I'm pretty sure her identity refers more to the being a girl and not really wanting to endure all the responsibilities of being the king, but that's not really what ultimately defines her.

FSN is obviously that user's first gal-game or thing even remotely close to one. Probably a normalfag. Worse than a secondary

She was exceptionally bulliable in Zero. Everything she did backfired, she couldn't refute Kiritsugu, she stood no chance against Gilgamesh, she lost her argument against Iskandar by virtue of having nothing to say at the end, and her fight against Lancelot just made her feel even worse about herself. It all sparks a certain sadistic fire in those so-inclined.

Saber gets her ass beat constantly by others and is seen to make stupid decisions like fighing alone without anyone knowing. She also isn't absolutely loyal. In at least one bad end she turns on Shirou and kills him to achieve her goals.

In Fate I might even argue that she's pretty much a classial tsundere. Just take the whole dojo arc with its conclusion as an example. About the removing autonomy part, it's one of the main parts that she needs to be actively enjoy the whole act, so it's not like they can just do whatever they want. The whole scene really serves as a character showcase for everyone. Saber has trouble accepting herself as a woman and has trouble working on that level. Shirou is a relatively considerate guy that has hots for Saber and Rin is a very determined and ambitious person that somehow bonded with her servant and doesn't want to make his death be in vain.

OG Fate/stay night is CANON

Attached: D81oMV8UYAAATQT.jpg (1536x2048, 545K)

Incredibly based, adaptations did her injustice

I don't think that Saber likes how she's treated as human by Shirou at all. She is either indifferent or dislikes it. It directly interferes with her goal of being a servant and getting the grail. She also finds it silly and irrational. That's the whole clash in the "but she's a woman" argument. The thing that changes it indeed is their arc being seemingly similar and what finally breaks her is Shirou making different choice in a similar situation when she expected him to act as she would. The fact that he's molded by Avalon and pretty much attuned to her also helped I guess.

>She was exceptionally bulliable in Zero

Wasn't that Nasu's decision?

Thanks Nasu for the bisexual representation with Rin Tohsaka and Gilgamesh.

What's wrong with Bazette?

don't you Tuskihimefags get tired of denying the existence of the anime adaptation

I'm not sure about the particulars, but I hate the faggots that pan Zero for "ruining" her character and the like. I thought Urobuchi handled her stupendously well, taking the flaws that were only touched on in the Fate route through flashbacks and quickly resolved and showing her desperately try to hang on to them, suffering greatly for it. She's meant to go through character development by seeing Shirou in a similar situation and how he pushes through regardless, so obviously she'd never make any progress in a prequel. Zero does a great job of illustrating her predicament through its other Servants and their interactions with her.


>I don't think that Saber likes how she's treated as human by Shirou at all.
Wow you really have no idea what you are talking about. She is literally written to enjoy his company and hospitality. The first time they meet in the dojo you can visibly see shock on her face when he says that he wouldn't ever make her do something they didn't want to do like Kiritsugu did. Pic related is the exact sprite.

>She is either indifferent or dislikes it.
Show us the scene where something even remotely like this happens. She is taken back by it but she never once hints at not liking it. Read anything from HA or the other routes (like HF) and you'll see what I mean.

Your perception of Saber is fucking bizarre.

Deep. Forgot the pic

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What does Zero do right?

Attached: fate zero.png (1044x1165, 179K)

Gil is super bi. He loves Enkidu and Saber Alter.

I love Sakura.

Attached: D7-VAn2U8AEPv4E.jpg (989x1200, 171K)

Is Gil a cuck?

Like the dozens of times she complain about how she's just a servant and that he shouldn't treat her like a normal person. The time he saw her naked or said that he doesn't want to see her fight.

She did find all of that incoprehensable and actively fought against it. Complaining that she should be fighting and that if he doesn't want her to fight then why is he a master at all.

The change comes gradually, but the innital point is of her not seeing herself as a person and when Shirou does so she's in pure disbelief.

No, but he's kinda into fendom.

Thinking Richard is the best when jack exists

>Like the dozens of times she complain about how she's just a servant and that he shouldn't treat her like a normal person.
This is a result of her ceaseless self-destructive selfless altruism, which is meant to mirror and compete against Shirou's. Its not that she didn't like it but that she didn't want to be humanized by him because thats how hero anti-heroic character arc makes her. Its not a healthy mindset and both of them turn into examples of why it isn't healthy for each other.

>The time he saw her naked
What about it? Its an h-game retard.

>that he doesn't want to see her fight.
Congratulations you've realized Shirou's foolishness which he puts to a stop after he tries to fight Rider and gets his shit kicked in. He has character growth in this way you fucking mong. She sees this and accepts him as a partner.

He watched Saber and Shirou making love with his clairvoyance

everyone knows the west loves butt stuff

Many East Asians prefer White European women. That is why many East Asian women in South Korea, in some cases Japan, and even China are getting surgery to make themselves look part European. Also, many young women in Japan and other East Asian nations wear heavy makeup and may even tape back their own faces to look more European especially with whitening cream.

Fuck the King

Attached: Fuck the King.jpg (2480x2548, 349K)

>this is a result of her ceaseless self-destructive selfless altruism
Well, if you trace her reasoning far enough, but there's no much too altruistic about her immidiate behaviour in itself.

>which is meant to mirror and compete against Shirou's
To a certain degree. She's behaving that way due to accepting the kingship as a way to save Britain, which is made to be a selfless act in that scenario, while Shirou follows his ideal, which is to save people.

>its not that she didn't like it
Repeating myself. She was personally pretty indifferent to it, she mostly finds it bizzare, but it often conflicts with him being a master and her a servant, which makes her find it pretty irritating as she's there ultimately for the sole reason to getting the grail.

>thats how hero anti-heroic character arc makes her
I'm not really sure what that means. There really isn't much anti-heroic about them. I guess you can take Saber's coldness and decisiveness at times, but it don't think it was meant to come across that way.

>its not a healthy mindset and both of them
I'm not sure I'd agree fully. Their personalities and mindsets are constantly ciritcized from all angles, especially Shirou's in later routes, but who they were ultimately made them able to prevail in the end. Shirou surviving the mud and Saber never fully broke her character in the route and in the end her actions were validated and reinforced.

>what about it
It showcases perfectly how innitialy she doesn't see herself as a person and a sexual being. She's just a servant and she retains most of it towards the end, but there's still extremely noticeable shift over time that was clearly not present in the beginning.

>she sees this and accepts him as a partner
Kind of, it's more detailed and complicated than that certainly, but it's not incorrect.

Based fuckthekingposter

I don't think he's based


O King of Mine

Attached: Saber.(Fate.stay.night).full.2219014.jpg (2507x3541, 1.17M)

Saber > All TM girl
Tsukihime girl > F/SN girl

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FGO made her popular