Hokuto no ken

So, when I was a kid, I used to watch that show, but it was badly dubbed and not always aired in the right order.

I have been feeling like getting into it again, but now there is a more recent version of the anime. Should I go back to the 80's version. Or start anew with the new version of it? I don't really care for Nostalgia, I just want to know which one would be the best for watching the series from the start.

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You're probably thinking of the movie series, but those do not cover everything. Watch the original or read the manga.

Okay, thanks. Also, doesn't the 80's anime stop before the end of the Manga?

There are variation the manga, no? Like the kid driving a car in the anime.

Which version is considered the definitive one by the author? the anime or the manga?

He's likely thinking of the shitty CGI Souten no Ken

No, not the CGI, just the more modern, cleaner animation style.

Do the movies bring something new, like more focus on certain characters, or do they only retake the already existing episodes with nothing else new?

Is it better to watch dome of the movies instead of the episodes it covers? Time is not an issue.

Yes the manga has some more stuff at the end, but at that point the series has gone so far downhill I feel like it doesn't matter.

No clue what the authors think, but the manga has no filler and has really nice art.

>but at that point the series has gone so far downhill I feel like it doesn't matter.
Is it really that bad, without spoiling too much?

Was Ken's youth and training before the Atomic war? It's not clear to me. Toki's sacrifice seems to indicate it happened when he was not a kid anymore, but even before that, the world already seemed fucked up.

Read the manga to get the best experience with Hokuto no Ken. Also, the only show the manga got was the 80's version. Everything else is a movie reimagining, an OVA, or a prequel series with a different protagonist (who looks a lot like Kenshiro).

>or a prequel series with a different protagonist (who looks a lot like Kenshiro).
they can't have done this, can they?

That's what Fist of the Blue Sky is. IIRC it's in 1920's China or Japan.

HnK is widely considered to have one of the finest drawn manga, even by today's standards. The anime adaptation does have a lot of filler with villains-of-the-week. That being said, it does start off very 'of its time' by which I mean the animation, voicing and art direction are quintessentially 80's. The longer it goes on and the more you watch, the more you can see the quality improve.
HnK2 is arguably one of the earliest examples of a series extending beyond its life expectancy. It does have its highlights but by and large it depends on tired tropes and there's not much engagement.

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But that user there said >Yes the manga has some more stuff at the end
So, the anime has just been following the manga and doens't even get till the end of it, so the manga exceed its lasting even more?

I haven't finished the manga but it does have I think one chapter more than the anime. It's more of an optional extra that details some character resolutions after the story's done.

Is there a better bromance than Ken/Rei?

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the first time i saw a JoJo cover in a library, I thought it was an fist of the north star spin off.


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After the Part 2 anime ended there's maybe 2 volumes worth of story before the manga finished and one split part "final" chapter, all of which are mediocre. After the end of Part 1 the franchise isn't worth anything. Has some cool Gaidens though.

I mean it technically is.

Was Ikki and shun inspired by Raoh and Toki's youth, or is it just a common trope?

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How long times elapse between Shin taking Yuria and Ken meeting Lin and Bat in the village? I am not sure if it should be scaled in days or in years.

Manga doesn't have filler but the Anime has a great cast, great songs, and the filler isn't all bad because of the new and interesting ways Ken kills people

Yes. The world only got nuked after Ken became an adult and Ryuken named him the successor. In the original we didn't know anything about the state of the world other than Colonel calling his superiors retards, and the fact that the Hokuto and Nanto schools weren't closed off from each other(see Ken going through the Nanto death gauntlet and Shu beating the shit out of him)

I assume years because Shin was just starting up his city before he abducted Yuria and by the time Ken gets there he has statues of himself and rules with an iron fist

>other than Colonel calling his superiors retards,
Too bad they skipped that part in the anime. I made this character more interesting.

Rei is the only one who isn't thirsty for Yuria. I guess it helps.

Rewatching it now and it's kinda weird how I remembered Lin and Bat sticking around, but not the dog. It had been completely erased from my memory. Even now that I am rewatching it, I still can't remember the dog back then.

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