New manga by Rei Hiroe (Black Lagoon) Read it on mangastream. I'd dump but I have to go

New manga by Rei Hiroe (Black Lagoon) Read it on mangastream. I'd dump but I have to go.

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So I guess Black Lagoon is never getting a true ending then?

This hack is really bored of black lagoon.

Problem is he's a shit writer.

Couldn't even write a decent isekai series.

Nice, I remember seeing cmilitary oncept art or doodles posted here. Didnt know he got one out already.

Hope no, new chapter will out in autumn

An okay start I guess, also black lagoon this september. Maybe hiroe threaten the publisher for time to draw this tank mango.

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Nice try nigger shill, either dump em here or fuck off.
Like hell I'm gonna give those niggers any traffic count.

Lazy fucking OP.

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What happened to BL?

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Fucking maid arc ruined blacked lagoon. Fuck

Go back to Yea Forums you shitposting nigger.

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it was very boring

It was interesting at first with the graveyard pages, but once the girl rolled up in her tank the prose got worse. She also doesn't seem like she's changed enough to last six months -- her hair is even still the same. Maybe the point is that she's still alive due to the pulled strings getting her a commanding rank in a tank, but so far it seems like she's supposed to be legit.

The hook at the start was alright, but the rest feels like it fizzled out. That stuff about the horrors and the glories would have been more poignant if this first chapter stayed on the battlefield instead of having a flashback to the docks.

>Read it on mangastream. I'd dump but I have to go.
Just make the thread later when you can post the stuff you faggot.

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I just want my season 4 damm it and with the english dub with it.

Looks pretty shit and soulless tbhq.

Huh looks interes...
Oh, the same faggot that wrote this mess. I'll pass.

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Is there anything more miserable than tank piggus?