Be born without magic and everyone says you can't achieve your dream

>Be born without magic and everyone says you can't achieve your dream.
>Fuck that I'm getting swole as fuck.
>Those around you despair believing there's no hope if you're poor, and orphan or otherwise no the elite.
>Fuck that, I'm bringing hope to those same people. I'm gonna work to repay those who helped me and give a better life to everyone.

See, this is a protagonist.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Literally every shonen protagonist.

Yeah. There's a reason for that. A protagonist needs to be someone the audience can and wants to root for. Who's active and achieves things for their effort.

fuck off shonen baby

yeah but he has an annoying personality.

Deku (useless) says hi

What anime are you going to watch next after your first one?

>everyone says you can't achieve your dream
>scream autistically at all of them
>get five clover grimoire immediately

None. Anime sucks monkey dick.

He's a bit loud but he's sincere and works hard with noble aspirations beyond just wanting to be the best for his own sake.

>Get's a special book.

/thread also he gets an anti magic sword

after spending a lifetime of working his butt off and winning people over with genuine optimism and gumption

>dude he did some sit ups and push ups
>so him getting an anti magic sword in a magic setting is fine
Top kek

Having goals or motivation doesn't make a strong character.
He's still an incredibly bland and generic underdog shonen protag.

>Characters who work hard shouldn't be rewarded. Characters who cry and sulk are better because they remind me of myself. Reward them for no reason.

>Having goals or motivation doesn't make a strong character.
Those are quite literally the things that make a strong character.

i actually like him as a protagonist, but too bad that the manga went to shit.

Haven't read far myself, but the books didn't seem to care about rewarding that hard work or not. Seemed more like just destiny type shit.

This, shitty Walmart Naruto with some LN tier harem protag mixed in

He’s not even a good underdog because he has a counter to rest of the cast

>wah I'm going to be a magic king
>cool what magic can you do
>um I can smash and suck stuffs with anti-magic which is not actual magic

It's pretty fucking obvious that the series will end with Yuno becoming the Majikage (Hokage of Magic = Magic King) and Asta, since he's not a mage, will instead be voted in as the King of the Clover Kingdom.

No because Deku exist.

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My Hero Academia is trash.

This show is generic, with a generic protag, and you are making the world a worse place by giving it attention, ratings, or money.

Consider playing in traffic

this is why people should read Black Clover, it's better than My Hero Academia

Anti-magic is not new but Mx0 does it better.

Honestly I miss his yelling. I read the manga before but no other shonen protagonist had sounded like a car engine, and it was beautiful.

Name 20 that are as swell as asta.

>protagonist is a retarded moralfag
>has op powers with some retarded excuse so he can't always use them
>has everything handed to him still people say he made great effort

Shonenfags are cancer.

Literally cannot get any more generic than that.

Why is it so hard for modern shounens to create good protagonists? Asta and Deku kinda both copy Naruto's architype(but in different ways, of course), yet can't even stand close to him. And that's not just about these two. I haven't seen a decent new WSJ main character in a really long time. They all are either annoying or being pushed by plot rather than moving it themselves

I wish there were more shonen protagonists who really just work around their disability instead of being an underdog and then getting something special anyways. I thought japan loves the working hard message?

The best ones are like Denji. Basically a blank slate that gets filled as the series goes on.

>A protagonist needs to be someone the audience can and wants to root for.

Naruto fails at that, desu. Gon, too. Deku too. I don't like any of these guys. The best protagonist is Goku

Idk. I myself hated Goku, rooted for Naruto(for the most part, more rarely during the later chapters), was bored by Gon and only cared about him in context of his relationship with Killua, and kinda rooted for Deku in the first few arcs, but hate him now

>not rooting for the villains

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Then there is the Sasuke clone.

The only two that I know are Tsukune and Kenichi. Both don't have special power and just go through trials to become what they are now.

>Asta is a good protag because he's better than Deku
BCfags really need some higher standards.

All a protagonist needs to do is move a story forward. Anything else is just preference.

>sasuke clone
Proof that this is just a circle jerk of faggots who don't read the manga sage

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Actually even worse. He's got a personality of a wet towel.

Yeah. I don't know how you should read this to think that Yuno is anywhere close to Sasuke in terms of personality(or anything else really). Sasuke was lots of things, but he was an unforgettable and distinctive character for damn sure
Unlike the bland pointless furniture that is Yuno

>Defending "yeah sorry" to try to shit on bc
KYS sage

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>hurr durr
You can't even defend your garbage series you retarded nigger.

Villains are cool
Even more when they show their weak side

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Black Clover is a wholesome manga.

>Literally every shonen protagonist.

Let's think of some of the most famous ones...

Goku: was not really an underdog, people didn't doubt his talent.
Yusuke: was a delinquent, people didn't doubt his talent.
Naruto: not swole, not a particularly hard worker.
Luffy: not an underdog, not a hard worker.
Ichigo: not an underdog, not a hard worker.

Black Clover is trash

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Ed Elric: not even close to an underdog
Kenshin: a legendary war hero
Gon: not an underdog

The only similarity you could find.

>fairy tail
>not a ripoff

what if a regular strong mage got swole?

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>not an underdog
Neither is the fucker fighting with an anti magic sword against wizards

Asta is an underdog.

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Not even close

Clovercucks are retarded user


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so Yami, Vetto, Mereoleona

is this copied from somewhere?

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>melee fighter vs long range

gee i'm sure every fight is piss easy

The demon specifically presented himself to Asta due to his despair at the moment offering a possible body and his latent potential as a magicless freak.

How hard does a character have to work before it doesn’t count as “being handed his success”?

might as well pull up a picture of any asian or western royalty with advisers in a throne room.

nice bait faggot

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Naruto was a messiah with insane chakra because of his hax fox with the best genetics.
Ichigo was 1/4 everything. Genetic legend.
Goku was a dumb /fit/ autist with an insane genetic ability to always get stronger.
Kenshiro was heir to literal magic kungfu.

A lot of shonen heroes seem like underdogs but mostly are just op they just don’t know it yet, and after doing a training arc unlock heir full potential or are handed op powers. Asta so far hasn’t been revealed to be the chosen one/genetic genius. He’s all hardwork so it’s enjoyable.

Imagine having self-esteem so low you self-insert as an annoying brat with the OP anti-mahou that DEMs his enemies from a manga aimed at 13 year old nips.

Lets start with not having a magical book literally fly though a wall to hand you broken ass demon powers with no downside?

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To be fair, all they say is true. Yuno is uninteresting fag who have personality of wet towels. He makes Bakugo and Todoroki million times better.


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If his anti magic was an entire field around him sure. He has to be able to react to magic attacks and shield himself with his sword. Has to get close to enemy wizards while they can do all sorta wizard shit. You never play dnd? Quadratic wizards linear fighters. He’s an underdog

they tell you every fucking arc that he is just a genetic failure for not having mana and being hated by mana itself, yet autists still theorize he is a demon lord son of god

BC comes first nigger

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>getting an anti-magic sword that only you can use isn't being the chosen one or a genetic genius
why are BCfags so fucking delusional?

stop spreading misinformation

>Is gifted with the rarest possible type of grimoire as well as a magical friendship sword and a kyuubi-style demonic powerup

>Bleach invented people lining up

Thats very generic. One Piece did it too.

This, literally the FIVE leaf clover even more special than the four leaf clover. Plus the powerful demon inside, calling Asta an underdog despite this dumb

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>Said sword would be useless to anyone with magic
>Said sword would be useless if he never trained his body because it’s fuck heavy
>Said sword can only stop magic attacks he can swing at
As opposed to
>be useless quirkless pussy
>never work hard a day in your life
>here’s the best quirk ever
>o my 7 quirks

Clovercucks always lie, no believes them

>b-but MHA
not an argument

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Nah. Asta will learn muscle magic and cast fist against any naysayer. He’ll die a virgin because muh sista lily, after being magic king after Yuno dies

>but muh MHA
Whats with inferiority here?

Seriously the inferiority complex BCfans have towards that series is funny as hell

>ignoring everything else

>nigger keeps posting images "comparing" out of context panels from other manga
>"d-don't use other manga as an argument!"

Asta would have been an underdog if he fought using an ordinary sword, but that is not the case

>Asta is the chosen one but it's ok because Deku is a worse written chosen one
not an argument

>can't defend his series without dragging another series

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>Said sword would be useless to anyone with magic
We don't know if the original user of the sword is magiclet like Asta
>Said sword would be useless if he never trained his body because it’s fuck heavy
Any standard shounen mc will always meet the basic /fit/ requirement to use heavy weapons
>Said sword can only stop magic attacks he can swing at
Except it can suck magic or do more shit now

Honestly it makes for a nice change of pace. Fags wanna shit on it because they’re older and seen the same tropes used before, but it’s a literal Mongolian kids flip-book, why do you expect anything more than what it is is beyond me. I just hope he keeps Asta as being some genetic failure who has no grand fate or whatever. Just a good kid who works out a lot
Issue 12, 2019
The Overhaul arc ended in 2017.

Eren is the only good modern shounen MC

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>if I don't like it it's bait :(

kys you edgy retard, literally 99% of the side characters are more interesting.

Black Clover did it better and with better art too

>five leaf clover
>sword that negates, absorbs, deflects magic
>demon inside grimoire that gives him upgraded stats without much struggle or character growth
>learns ki easily
>large harem despite the first chapter of the series pointing out all these flaws that make him annoying
Definitely not an underdog, closer to a Mary Sue

>we don't know
it fucking isn't, stop talking shit, he literally took back one of his swords and removed the antimagic

Can someone explain the speed feats in this show? Like Yami, how is he moving faster than light without tearing his clothes apart as well as destroying the surrounding area? Nips don't even care at this point

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And none of that would have mattered if he didn't got the strongest book because well, he is the mc.
Same shit as Midoriya, or Naruto.

>falseflagging thread still up


>without much struggle or character growth
so you only watched a youtube video, good to know

It’s specifically stated that the sword can’t be handled by anyone with magic as it drains mana.
If he never worked out as hard as he did he wouldn’t be able to use it. He is a shonen protagonist and he does workout a fuckton so idk what point you’re making here
That’s the second sword I think, he hasn’t mastered that shit, the Licht guy did that at one point. The third(?) sword has a stronger dispel effect. But it’s still not an aoe shield against magic and he has to physically touch someone with it to start the mana drain. And even then if they have a fuckton of mana they can still power through the mana drain for a bit. Enough to do wizard shit and fuck him up

This manga has insane powercreep, we’re still in the first arc and characters are ftl, one character has destiny magic, another can restore mana making the Black Bulls OP as fuck

Still waiting for the consequences for this.

They have reaction speed, they don't move that fast except for the light magic user.

>idk what point you’re making here
It means he's generic

Todorki is hitsugawa.
That character archetype is the worst of all japanese media. The faggy nonchalant kid made for fujos.

Yuno is the chosen one of the setting. Literally beloved by mana, gets spirit and all the op magic shit.
Asta got a heavy as fuck sword. You act as if the anti magic is a “I win” power. It can’t even stop a powerful enough caster when it’s lodged inside of them (Vetto). To block an attack he has to be able to see it and react to it, since it’s only the sword that is anti magic. If he was immune to magic sheerly by holding it or could stop someone from casting by touching them with it, sure then I’d say that’s op and he’s a Mary Sue. But thus far he’s pretty restricted. Before you “muh black form” or whatever, it’s a shonen and power ups/upgrades are a staple of the genre. Scaling power ups in accordance to the power of the antagonist, but still his power ups are hardly overpowered.

>black clover
Top kek
Remember when Asta’s arm was healed almost immediately?

what do you mean?

>muh father figure is dying!
>oh my sword cured him!!! Yay!

And that’s bad why? It’s a kids manga, new readers will enjoy it since they don’t have the years of reading the genre and knowing the tropes to a t. You people shitting on it most likely loved the same generic shit when you were reading your first battle shonen. Why you faggots cannot simply enjoy this shit for what it is is beyond me. Why you come on a Mongolian basket weaving forum to shit on a series you seem to hate is similarly beyond my grasp

>To block an attack he has to be able to see it and react to it
Guess who learned and used ki detection after watching Yami did it a few times

How can Asta walk through Finral magic portal while holding a swords that cancels any magic it touches????

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>almost immediatly
>it took like 10 chapters or probably more

The current worst fandom

The Mary Sue MC?

>hehe I read this series I hate
>that’ll show em
Lmao imagine wasting your life like dis

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>meanie stop criticising muh favourite series

The caster doesn't have actual light speed

>learns ability to help sense people
>doesn’t increase speed or reflex time
If he just asspulled that ability out of nowhere and didn’t learn it from a mentor character. Still doesn’t change the basic idea that he physically has to dodge/block an attack with the sword

They literally say they move at light speed

>53 posters
>126 replies
samefagging retards

I know right. Actually, that fight kinda reminds me of Yuma vs. Viza in World Trigger. I wonder which came first.

>Naruto not a hard worker
>Ichigo not a hard worker
>Luffy not a hard worker
You're a fucking moron.

Based thread, fuck Black Clover

He was also annoying as fuck.


If you have precog you can prepare to intercept attacks since you know where they will come from. It's a buff on both reaction and movement speed.
I don't mind Asta learning it but the fact that he did it after watching Yami in the same battle just makes it bad to me.


proof you are an underage of all the characters he mentioned you don't defend yusuke or goku, the characters that an argument could be made for, you defend the three new age beta faggot mc's
kys sage

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fucking cringe

Asta sword touching you makes you unable to use magic meaning once he gets a ranged anti magic attack he will be broken.

>shonen protagonists who really just work around their disability instead of being an underdog and then getting something special anyways
Protagonists who are truly like this are gonna be in for a really rough time. Are you OK with that?

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>Vetto had that fucking thing deep inside his chest
>doesn't give a flying fuck and keeps fighting

the thing is that mages are fucking twinks, Asta gets a match against fast spammers and melee types

That’s wrong you faggot. Vetto had a sword inside him and still was using his magic to great effect. It slightly nerfed him and that was all. It’s a mana drain

Do all clovercucks have low iq like this retard?

Based Chadsta

Yes, why else would they think BC is good?


That's not Hunter"chads"

No one asked for a description of your life

read the manga next time faggot

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The sword drains the magic out of anyone but Asta because, well, he doesn't have it. That's why it chose him, simple as.

>ignores the other two
like clockwork retards
>bleach fags
cringe keep convincing yourselves fags

>Asta used his hearing to move before and not ki
Are you ignoring that part?

>muh demon daddy
>Asian superman
wtf is there to defend faggot

>Not a hard worker
>Spend your entire childhood training to use your powers and nothing else
>Train vigorously so that you can use your insane body make up in unnatural ways like turning yourself into a human piston
>Get a good portion of your life taken away as you are too determined to go and save your brother to even let yourself heal properly
>Live on an deserted island for 2 years with some old dude doing nothing but training and surviving

The only asspull thing Luffy ever got was the emperor's Haki and that doesn't even do anything important except clear the enemies that are too weak for him anyway.

I'm on chapter 100ish atm, does Asta ever catch up to Yuno in the next 100? I'm fucking sick of Yuno's asspull powerups.

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>It chose him because he was the special chosen one who can wield this anti magic sword in a setting where everyone uses fucking magic

El em ay ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

He didn't say they weren't hard workers dumbass.

>admits he doesn't actually know what he is talking about

when will faggots learn

He's gonna survive the final round against Nino, Eggplant, and Yuba r-right?

>>Be born without magic and everyone says you can't achieve your dream.
>they are right

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who did he mention in the post faggot? the three beta males. you have been exposed as an underage kys

I'm waiting for some magic-less /fit/ peasant to lift Asta's sword and pretend that he is the mc

nope kek. yuno outclasses him in every way thats what makes it fun

You're a retard. He didn't say anything bad about Goku or Yusuke, so there's nothing to defend. Do you have brain damage?

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They can't afford to feed any more points to the other teams if they want to reach the Top 2, so it's likely. Plus he hasn't survived a match since Round 2 so he's overdue for a survival point.

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>muh boogeyman


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>Naruto is nothing without the nine-tails for the vast majority of the series
>Ichigo literally made to be the best, Has Soul reaper, Qunicy, Hollow & more. Aizen and Yhwach claim that he is best.
>Luffy actually tries hard and trains to succeed

>the arc that killed the manga hype

Eh, the demon just needed a host.

Thanks for confirming

>frogposters having bad taste
what else is new?

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>Luffy actually tried
>3 type of Haki
>Son of Dragon and grandson of Garp, both are famous figures
>Will of D

Demon Asta made Spirit powered up Ladros job so no.

I don't mind it since he's not a bitch and kind of hot. Real men are allowed to be annoying as they please.

>that punchable ugly face design

Luffy was already a monster in East Blue user it took logia hax just to give him hard fights.

Alright what will it be
>Asta is actually a son/descendant of some super being
>Asta gains demon power through the demon, possibly become a hybrid or change form to a demon
>Asta combines the swords to create a greater sword
>Asta can create a no-magic zone
>Asta goes to not-Japan to learn how to ki

I get that the sword is really good, but he can't do shit alone, he doesn't have range.

Jeremy you should kill yourself fag

Did you forget how he learned how to fly through the volcano? He could enter melee range against any mage now.

>Limited uses
>has to have time to charge it up
Keep reaching fag

I love muscles and they get me all wet.

>not part of ki

>Asta gains demon power through the demon, possibly become a hybrid or change form to a demon
>Asta combines the swords to create a greater sword
This might happen but I wouldn't put my money on any of it.

>fucking twitter
jesus christ this thread

>soi cope

MHAfags are always on twitter and they're the ones who always draw shit art like this. They also make video's bitching about purple man.

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Everyone has at least 2 types of haki and against the really strong willed people aka the enemies he fight, the 3 type of haki don't add dogshit.

That he is the son of famous people doesn't do anything. Look at Ace. He was the son of the one and only pirate king and was literally fisted to death

And the will of D till now also add dogshit to his character expect hearing an elephant speak

Without the necessary strength to lift the sword the anti-magic powers are useless, it's not that hard to understand is it? Also he's outclassed in almost every 1v1 by powerful ranged mages or by any cunning mage.
>Haven't read far myself
So why are you here debating with people who read the manga weekly?
The demon needed a host that can lift the sword and has no magic and Asta was one of the candidates it seems.
Asta is hardly a moralfag.
>has op powers with some retarded excuse so he can't always use them
Yeah everyone know that doing something perfectly right of the bat is the norm.
>has everything handed to him still people say he made great effort
He only got an antimagic-sword, everything else is by his own merit.
Yeah, let's give him a stick from a normal branch so he can defeat mages with it, it sounds cool as fuck right?

>normalfags and sjw hate mineta
>they don't know he's horikoshi self insert

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They always flip their and shit and call me a liar everytime I tell them this.

Hori is based and sad David got canned it was fun.

>horikoshi self insert
citation needed

>sad David got canned it was fun
the gimmick was getting too repetitive
it was for the best

I guess but I'll miss it though.

So after reading the thread, how hard and how long should an MC work before they get powers? And how should they get them?

>Everyone has at least 2 types of haki
Except Usopp, Franky and Robin or some of the Shichibukai.
>against the really strong willed people aka the enemies he fight, the 3 type of haki don't add dogshit
It has tons of use, for example Luffy would have to fight lots of people in the slave auction if Rayleigh didn't use it. Being able to crowd control mobs is a good thing. It is also an extremely rare thing and people generally want it on their sides.
>Look at Ace
Who almost fucked up Blackbeard. Genetic and bloodline are more important in shounen than you think. For example Coby could never ever catch up to Luffy even with extensive training from Garp, or how the top tier of Big Mom's children are uber strong.
Also Ace could escape that fight if he didn't take Akainu's bait. Hell he could become even stronger after training with Luffy and Rayleigh.
>And the will of D till now also add dogshit to his character expect hearing an elephant speak
It implies that Will of D allows you to do shit like defying the Celestial Dragon. Remember how Doflamingo never let his cage go until Luffy knocked him out? Blackbeard also accomplished lots of shit. Roger told Whitebeard himself that his name is not Gold Roger but Gol D. Roger, implying that the Will of D is really something special.

>It's Jeremy samefagging and falseflagging again.
What a sad excuse of a human being.

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>black bulls

"A manga where characters use 'jutsu' but let's call it 'magic' so it's not obvious that it's copied. Also, the protagonist wants to be wizard hokage or some shit."

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Hey I liked Naruto before the whole big war thing and prefer magic over Ninjutsu, I ain't complaining even now that the series is over

By the end of Naruto it was full blown wizard battles. I liked it better when they used tools and tactics.

wtf i love shonen now

Clean your toilet after you are done with your Futurama porn.

Seething clovercuck

Tools and tactics are for fodder, the first chapter introduces a moutain destroying ancient beast you fucking retard. Most tactical naruto fights are dumb because the characters are very fast meaning closing the distance and killing your foe before they can react is the smartest tactic overall. There is no reason given how Tayuya couldnt just speedblitz Shikamaru in their fight for example.

>Asta is hardly a moralfag.
He forgives noble scumbags like Kirsh and Nozel so he is a moralfag.

Not Deku

>real men


His personality is not for me. Naruto is also considered a "loud" character but he's not annoying.

Except Deku



why aren't we allowed to see asta's muscular shota buttocks? it's unfair that only barafags into yami get uncensored muscular buttocks.

Rent free

>2 characters
did he forgive patri, vetto, heath, langris , rades
kys faggot

Anime only fag here, someone spoil me are Asta and Yuno grand magic knight level yet?

>>not rooting for the villains
what if the villains are secretly the good guys?

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That all gets thrown away the instant he gets his "Super special Tome that is super unique and is a perfect counter to literally everything"

>hes still constantly underestimated and undermined
>people still find ways to get around him i.e keeping him at a distance
>still needs to learn ki to even attempt to be more competent
the tome didnt change much, just changed that he now has a way to prove them wrong

>implying Fairy Tale wasn't just One Piece 2.0

>mha invented carrying someone on your back

World Trigger is two years older than Black Clover so it's gotta be Yuma vs. Viza.

How can Deku even compete