No wonder this girl is dying, she only eats shitty bread her parents make

No wonder this girl is dying, she only eats shitty bread her parents make

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No bulli

Akio makes decent bread though, it's Sanae who makes the bad bread.

>feels bad for her mother so she eats her shitty bread
>doesn't have her father's constitution to handle the toxins
>gets sick and died because of it
Ladies and gentlemen, I believe after all this time, we have a diagnosis.

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Delet this

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why do people say C:AS is good again?

I hate women who don't care about their health during their pregnancy. Is that supposed to be socially acceptable abortion?

>It made me cry!
though I liked how they handled Clannadman's father and Clannadman as a father situation

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What's so wrong about their bread? Do they supplement the flour with asbestos or something?

I want to dick Ushio so fucking bad

She won

shit taste

"carbs are bad" is the new health meme to replace "fat is bad"
next protein will be bad

"and daddy's arms" was literally the greatest line delivered in any audiovisual medium in the history of art.

Because it is.

>10 reasons why eating protein will kill your gains

kanon is better

For me, it's "Goal!"

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Kanon was way more atmospheric


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