People shat on me for bullying a disabled kid but I'M THE VICTIM

>people shat on me for bullying a disabled kid but I'M THE VICTIM
Why was this so heavily praised again?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I get that you were bullied for being disabled growing up but that doesn't mean you should lash out on anime characters like this OP.

This movie spent roughly 20 minutes to get the audience disgusted with the main character and then tried to make the audience sympathize with him.

A lot of movies do that. Matter of fact that's a very basic thing to do in writing.
Maybe you are disabled after all.

>Matter of fact that's a very basic thing to do in writing.
Making your character unlikable is not a basic thing to do in writing.

Does a victim accept punishment and seek retribution? Because that's what happened. Doesn't seem like you watched the film, did you speed watch?

He's a narcissist looking to atone himself out of pride

>atoning for their actions
Retard, a defining trait for narcissists is that they believe they're always right and justified.

>was going to commit sudoku after he paid back his mom

Because it is suppose to be a story of redemption you dumbass

I'm just kidding I liked this movie and wanted to start a thread.

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>autistically denying yourself of happiness for some self-imposed punishment
fuck this hits too hard

imouto a CUTE

Because it's a story about healing and redemption. He was an absolute asshole for the first 20 minutes of the movie, but does that mean he should be punished for the rest of his life?

It's him putting his life together after suffering the consequences of being a little shit

Speed watch confirmed.

Who'd this loli?

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Call me a speedwatcher but I forgot why he even bullied the girl, and why they bullied him after she left.

You're either triggered by the thought of bullying to the point it's blinded you or baiting.


Ever been a kid? Being different is enough to isolate you.

I laughed whenever she spoke

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I read manga after movie so can somebody please remind me what was the point of KyoAni movie ending?

I want to hatefuck ueno

He regrets his actions and wants to atone. The main conflict is that the humans around him don't forgive easily and it takes unbearable amounts of effort to overcome.

Not sure why he was next in line for being bullied though, was it because he was poor and had no dad?

It was admirable but grueling to watch.

Fucking animeonly secondaries, I swear

Please enlighten us on what was butchered from the manga

Do they fuck in the manga?

Merely 3,5 hours of screen material

>feel bad
>don't want to watch any sol even if it's my usual cope
>don't want to associate my cgdct with my depression
Too close

The ending felt incomplete. Only major flaw of the movie, haven't read the manga.

Haha, another one animeonly secondary

I wish they’d make a series. Maybe one cour could be enough. I’m still upset it wound up as a film.

He tattled on the other bullies so he wouldn’t be the only one going down with the ship. They turned on him because he tattled.

Because it's a story about dogezas.


Manga has an unsatisfying ending as well, the movie did well to end where it did.

Pretty good but the part where the MC nearly sacrifices his life to save the girl felt straight out of a fanfiction or a scenario that a young kid would imagine countless times about his crush haha

Because those who did the same thing as him (or enabled it) got off scot-free and only the first individual to get blamed was used to satisfy everyone else's urge to bully because they felt free of guilt because of it.

He did disgusting things and no one should feel bad for him until he re innovated himself as a person. But picking a single target to punish from a group of perpetrators is pretty bad.

Does Shouko have stockholm syndrome? Why did she easily let him back into her life just because he spoke a little sign language?

You can shit on his past but you shouldn't shit on him genuinely trying to become a better person to make up for it.

Well... Yeah. That's a thing authors do all the time. They're trying to take someone who you'd otherwise just think of in very one dimensional black and white sort of way (bullies) and they're trying to make you see them as an actual human. People do disgusting things to one another. Most of the time is just because they're clumsy fools who have no clue what they're doing. Most really are trying their best to not be a shithead, they're just bad at it.

>Speed watch confirmed.
how exactly do you speed watch a film

thats a bingo!

She blames herself for people getting angry at her and not the perpetrators. She also knee that Shouya's life went to shit after the bullying incident, and while a normal person would see that it was his own fault, she thought she was the one at fault. Don't know why I have to explain something so simple. Not to mention taht learning sign language, bringing the notebook back and asking to be her friend is genuine growth.

Put it on 2x speed.

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He never claimed to be the victim, the author was merely putting him in the shoes of the bullying victim, something he couldn't ever do before. Also, you can't tell me that you didn't notice how extremely hypocrite were everybody else by shitting on him and pretending to be saints. He was bad, but the class didn't need him to organize themselves to write crap about her, and even the teacher that never lifted a finger to help and even encouraged the bullying, had the gall to also throw the kid under the bus. The only reason this kid is sympathethic is that he had to go through the same ordeal and learnt from it, to the point that he wasn't that unlikable anymore when the plot actually starts.

They used him as a scapegoat, even though he wasn't even the one that organized the bullying. But he was the more notorious, the school got into financial and legal trouble for the ruined earpiece, and only then they decided that they had to do something. Damn it how much I hate that teacher, I wish he had lost his job and lived as a hobo until he commited sudoku. Not even Kawai inspires so much hate on me.

it's bc everyone else who was bullying her (which even included teachers) decided to pin all their own actions on him as well and ostracise him for being so awful to the poor girl they totally left alone and never tried to hurt either.

you see this most strongly with miki kawai, who straight up invents her own memories of being an innocent bystander, protecting nishimiya and being bullied by ishida, crying whenever her internal narrative is challenged so people don't call her on it.

worst girl.

congrats you just discovered character development

I don't know about the manga, I haven't read it, but in the movie he bullied her because he's evil.
This is a point the movie tried to make: the rest of the class bullied her because she was a nuisance and, most importantly, a weight and a nuisance given to them by the adults. The class hated her because they couldn't hate the adults for given them such a hassle.
The mc is different. He doesn't have a motivation, he just wants to hurt someone.

Basically social/group evil versus individual evil.

Have you seen BNHA?
People love Baku even though his entire life revolves around bullying some basically disabled kid.
When the disabled kid actually gets super powers he flips his shit even though that kid saved his life before he got super powers.

Don't compare normal anime to shounenshit. We can expect better from this.

I feel this did it quite well with the ratio and taking into account his age during the first part.
It's much better than when a tsundere is a cunt for 16 episodes and then they become slightly less of a cunt for the rest and we're supposed to care somehow.

It's the same in the manga

Theres absolutly nothing wrong with bullying the disabled, since they should be euthanised.

fuck now I laughing really hard at some fucker putting the film on 4x speed and the moment it ends he goes to shitpost on Yea Forums about how shit it was.

Wait, THAT's the story? I was bullied in primary school pretty badly over the visible symptoms of a physical disorder, so that plus the fact that I was very sick at the time fucked me up. It makes me instantly hate bully characters way to much to sympathise or relate to them.

wow congrats you are legitimately retarded

i love this movie too user :)

Read the manga but don't I want to see the movie if it is not enough.

Ah, sweet sweet cognitive dissonance.

You'd be surprised at how many people on this website do shit like that. Whether it be Yea Forums, Yea Forums or watch a 5 minutes rant by a e-celeb on YouTube and then parrots those thoughts on Yea Forums.

That's what happens when retarded direcrtors obsessed with their own superiority try to quickly bait for Oscar instead of making at least 12 episodes of anime with properly paced character development

>caring about oscars

Kyoanus direcrtors are the most westaboos in this case, yes, they do

Isn't that the fucking point? To make sure that you understand that he was an actual terrible kid, not just misunderstood or doing it for a reason other than he was bored. And then you see that even he could change.

Infuriatingly shitty story. Everything goes full retard when they start hanging out with Ueno and the other cunts again for no reason, since it was obvious that she was just as much of a bitch as before. Then it comes the forced drama of the bridge scene, where he rightfully tell them to go fuck themselves but it's treated as a he low point of the character for some reason? And then at the end they all pretend to be friends again, despite Ueno and Kawai having done nothing to deserve forgiveness and being bitches like before. What point was it even trying to make with this bullshit? I can't tell if it's shit writing or some retarded japanese moral about keeping up apparences.

I love how reasonable replies get buried under mountains of shit. /thread.

are you for real

Users on Yea Forums are too emotionally stunted to discuss Koe no Katachi. Do do attempt to discuss it here.

I really didn't like that Kawaii got away with everything.

The hell are you talking about. We used to have great KnK threads, but of course it was before that terrible flick happened

Why SHOULD they forgive him?

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*does nothing*

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Its not about if they should, but if they could.
And they did.

Because they are not disgusting little SJWs who do not believe in forgiveness.

People do change over time as they mature and gain new experiences.

It's literally the perfect movie adaptation. You are merely one of these retarded fucks that expect a movie to adapt 1:1 and get mad when they leave out any of the inconsequential scenes.
The threads were better because only a handful of people were discussing it in the first place.

Did they get an Abe-approved ending at least?

>It's literally the perfect movie adaptation.
How retarded do you have to be to believe that? It's the definition of a sloppy adaption, with lazy cut & paste, bad pacing and vestigial elements from the manga left in despite not serving any purpose A perfect adaption would have had the script reworked from the ground up according to the different medium.

>inconsequential scenes.
Stopped reading there.
You braindead cultist won't understand anyway but I will say it. The manga was famous and beloved for what it was, not for what it wasn't.

There is nothing you can ever say that will ever justify bullying. "They don't know better" is a bullshit excuse because most, even little children, know exactly what they are doing: hurting someone. And no, you don't deserve happiness after you fuck someone's life like that.

>perfect adaption would have had the script reworked from the ground up
are you for real?

"They"? The only one he did anything to was Nishimiya, he didn't do shit to anyone else, not even Sahara, her bullying was on Ueno and Kawaii. And he did a lot of stuff for Nishimiya, essentially turned her life around, even retroactively made her childhood better, and then saved her life while nearly dying himself and went into a coma.


>Stopped reading there.
Of course you did. You will never actually come with an actual argument either.

Both your arguments are summed up as. IT'S BAD IT'S BAAAAD.
You are just pre-emptively claiming to be superior and bolstering your post with empty words.
>you know pacing was totally bad
>The manga was famous and beloved for what it was, not for what it wasn't.
because you already know you can't back anything up.

Fuck off

Are you? Trying to cram every character and every key scene in despite not having the time is not how you make an adaption, it's how you make a bloated mess. They should have cut half of the cast, merged different roles in single characters and made the narrative more straightforward, not this.

Haven't seen this anime, but I'd totally agree here. Karma is a bitch and he probably deserved everything that was coming his way.

>both outed as autistic retards already
Lmao, you guys are even worse than the people hating Uneo here and not understanding her outstanding role in manga and movie.
I really did think Uneo-haters were the low point of these threads till now.

>despite not having the time
Making a 7 volumes manga a fucking movie instead of TV was a retarded decision to begin with. Serves them right.

This anonymous never got over his schoolyard bully.

>Because they are not disgusting little SJWs who do not believe in forgiveness.
Is your brain so fried over retarded Internet politics that you think that's a phenomenon exclusive to one group of people?

>People do change over time as they mature and gain new experiences.
But that doesn't mean they should forgive him.

If you can't forgive someone who has reached true atonement then you haven't healed and never will. Your loss.
And if you can give true forgiveness even when the other party hasn't reached full atonement, perhaps only partial atonement, then you just might on path of true enlightenment.
Forgiveness isn't only for the aggressor but for the victim itself.
If your only argument is they should not forgive then congrats you figured out that people can do what they want, what a revelation.

A perfect adaptation would have been a 24 episode series. Trying to cram a multivolume series into a single 90 minute film is retarded.

>being an asshole in fucking elementary school means you are completely irredeemable

That means you're not as far gone as the girl. Shouko got bullied to the point where she developed a strong sense of self-hate because of it.

>tfw never did anything wrong
>Everything still goes bad in life
>Haven't smiled for close to a decade
>Have one moment that makes me feel happy
>No idea what to do
>Brain is confused as fuck
>Just break down into tears

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Yeah, pretty much.
People don't really change as much as you think they do. Otherwise we'd live in a perfect world without crime or poor people.

I'm not going to watch it then, it would depress me way too much and I don't need that at the moment.

More like you have a complete lack of understanding how the world works.

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>a growing brain doesn’t change as much as you’d think it does
Haha...yours didn’t I guess

>he didn't do shit to anyone else
He tried to drag others in when he was punished for bullying, and they didn't like it. That's why he was bullied, not because of what he did to the deaf girl.
Basically, what goes around comes around, one shitty person was bullied by other shitty people. Except he realized his error, and they didn't.

I'm not saying people can't change. I'm just saying there is a tendency that they don't.

This movie was dope af, fuk u fight me

You also said otherwise we'd live in perfect world.
Which is such dumb sweeping thing to say that you'd should be able to realize how ridiculous that is.

Except for whiteknighting worst girl.

I still kick the shit out of myself for that. Hasn't happened since. Life is a wonderful thing.

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Morally wrong, yes. But certainly not evil. He was just a dumb kid acting out.

A lot of the shit that they cut was extremely important. First thing to come to mind are a lot of the parts that involved the teacher. During Ishida's childhood the teacher generally turned a blind eye to Nishimiya getting bullied and then when the tables get turned turns a blind eye to Ishida getting bullied insisting that he's just lying about being bullied while saying that her deserves it. During the high school period of the series he initially talks about how Nishimiya deserved to get bullied because her disability was a disruption to the class but then quickly tries to back pedal on it to try to make her the victim when called out on it.
It's a pretty damn good message on the issue of bullying in Japan. A lot of teachers tend to turn a blind eye to it because there's a good number of schools that feel that their reputation should come first and foremost before the students' well-being and that tends to show in how a lot of teachers will ignore bullying to avoid harming the school's reputation but be quick to jump in like they're some kind of saviors or innocent bystanders if it becomes public knowledge.

Nobody is obligated to forgive, nobody is entitled to forgiveness. Atonement is a constant state of being, you don't just wake up some day forgiven for all your sins, you have to keep working to not fall back into the bad habits that landed you there in the first place. Expecting nay DEMANDING others forgive shows how far from actual redemption and atonement you are, that is a self centered expectation and self contentedness is at the core of shitty behavior

>It's a pretty damn good message on the issue of bullying in Japan. A lot of teachers tend to turn a blind eye to it because there's a good number of schools that feel that their reputation should come first and foremost before the students' well-being and that tends to show in how a lot of teachers will ignore bullying to avoid harming the school's reputation but be quick to jump in like they're some kind of saviors or innocent bystanders if it becomes public knowledge.
All of this could have been avoided if all education was privatised. Competition and market demands would take care of everything

Hurting someone for fun is evil.

>that their reputation should come first and foremost before the students' well-being
I never understood this, we've seen time and time again that letting shit fester makes things worse once it does get public. Why doesn't anyone fucking learn

>Morally wrong

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>hand rubbing intensifies
The free market isn't a panacea to everything that is wrong with society.

The free-market provides the best available solutions at affordable prices. If consumers don't want bulling in their children's schools then these schools will fulfil that demand or lose customers

>Nobody is obligated to forgive, nobody is entitled to forgiveness
See above
>congrats you figured out that people can do what they want, what a revelation.

>Atonement is a constant state of being, you don't just wake up some day forgiven for all your sins, you have to keep working to not fall back into the bad habits that landed you there in the first place
How is that relevant? No one even stated otherwise. Are you just trying to point out some obvious shit to bolster your argument? I know you are speaking more broadly here but we are still in a KnK thread which takes place over years and also doesn't suddenly change after the story ends either.

>Expecting nay DEMANDING others forgive shows how far from actual redemption and atonement you are, that is a self centered expectation and self contentedness is at the core of shitty behaviour
Suddenly changing your stance to a different one that suddenly there was expectation and demand because your shitty arguments didn't hold up.
Not gonna fly asshole. This didn't even happen.

I'd say all schools around the world are incompetent about dealing with bullying. But there isn't much they can do to make it better, anyway. The only right way to fight bullying is to fight bullies, and teachers can't do that for obvious reasons.

It ends happily, I don't like watching sad stuff either, but it's worth it.

This is a good message, sure, but doesn't detract from the movie at all. The movie being more focused is a given.
That's just classic book reader syndrome.
thing or detail in book > thing not in movie > movie bad.

There isnt a single place on earth with a free market you underage

That wasn't wrong though, he told the truth, they were all involved in the bullying.

>I'd say all schools around the world are incompetent about dealing with bullying
Because they are state schools and just like any government sector it's inefficient. Private schools meanwhile have an incentive to make profits.

>murder, torture, killing things for fun = evil
>being mean while your brain is still developing the ability to comprehend morality = not evil

It's the adults job to stop kids being kids causing permanent harm, you can't blame the kid.

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he kind of just accepts his own blame and guilt,and spends the rest of the film making it up to the the end he still accepts his guilt even after she forgives him. ultimately he has to forgive himself, so really the guy has grown alot more that being a simple bully. bullies by definition don't feel guilty or ask for forgiveness.

Honk Kong and Singapore are pretty close to a proper free market and the British empire was close as well at various times in the 19th century

>the Freemarket will be a paradise!
You are just as bad as a Marxist.

It's not about the truth, it's about shitty people eating each other.

honestly the story would have SUCKED if it was something harmless like a misunderstanding. he NEEDS to be an ass for his arc and growth to mean anything. but I guess OP wants nothing but boyscout protagani

Your pic doesn't even support your point. Kids in KnK were old enough to understand right and wrong.

>Making your character unlikable is not a basic thing to do in writing.

it is if you are into GOOD writting and intend to make your character arc. Mind you, vegeta was a total murderous ass and is now so different he is one of the most beloved characters in DBZ, not dispite his flaws, but becasue of his flaws.

>He's a narcissist looking to atone himself out of pride
to whom though, he had no friends.

I've been there...

Say what you will about Super, one of the few good things to come from it was Vegeta actually admitting to his crimes and trying to make a change for the better all those doses probably helped too

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Economics means the allocation of scarce resources which have alternative uses. The free market is simply the most efficient method at allocating these scare resources and without the use of coercion. No advocate of the free market promises a utopia

because most people don't look at long term, or dont think about the consequences at all. and that's the upper echelon, the teachers are like grunts, they get told what to do and do it because they don't want to lose a job because they spoke out. it's like with companies doing shady shit and people going "why didn't they think about the consequences" when it goes public and theres a backlash - they didn't think about the consequences because they didn't think they were going to get caugh, it's that simple.

Is this what actual autism looks like?

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My understanding is they're 6th grade, about 11-12. Development happens over time, so it's not unreasonable that a child at that age wouldn't be quite there yet.

Why do you think Juvenile Court proceedings are a thing for perpetrators under 17?

How can you bully this cutie pie?

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Was Yuzuru anyone else's favorite?

To avoid fucking young criminals over too much.

People do change though and I'm probably proof of that. In recent years I've saved a dude's life several times and tried to save another dude's life but was unfortunately unsuccessful in doing so. Those ain't part of some job I've been working by the way. I just had experience and training in the field.
Back in elementary school on the other hand I was an entitled piece of shit who bullied people. I was basically one of the fucking worst types of bullies out there. I like to think I've changed a bit since then.

So why is the teacher retarded enough to let a mute kid attend a music class to sing

The only thing I didn't like was how the girl suddenly liked him after he fucked her ear up to the point where she couldn't hear out of it at all.

I don't care if you were just a kid back then there is a limit to how much of a dick you can be. I think permanent body damage is that limit.


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Privately-funded education means the poorest will go without while the richest buy the best education for their kids. Those with the best education will get the best-paying jobs while those with the least education will have much worse career prospects. This increases and perpetuates socioeconomic inequality, which leads to increased crime rates, while also limiting the macroeconomy's ability to innovate and increase productivity, leading to weaker economic growth and less overall social prosperity, meaning that everyone is worse off, even the rich.

There are very good reasons why even libertarian laissez-faire Austrian economics support social welfare systems.

It's to help you understand what it's like to not have a father.

The girl was a doormat.

Glorious Kyoani writing

Sure seems like they advocate for a utopian fantasy
>got bullies in school? Just add some free market... Bam! Bullies no more!
Anyways have fun with your pipedream user, I think we've strayed far enough from the threads topic as it is.

> In recent years I've saved a dude's life several times
story time user

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You were a piece of shit as a kid because you had garbage parents.

If I could choke you right now I would.
Stop saving people. Humanity doesn't deserve to live.

Its understandable given the situation she was in. given that hes probably the first boy to ever try to understand her as a person and not use her as some sort of prop to show the world how nice he is. One can see how she could develop an infatuation or crush.

Because it's not his job to sort kids.

>Privately-funded education means the poorest will go without
Wrong. The huge demand for education will decrease tuition prices so that the vast majority will be able to afford the education of their children. Of course schools with better teachers and facilities will be more expensive but vouchers will be one of the ways that children of poor people will be able to enrol in the more expensive schools. An expensive private school also have incentives to look for bright students and offer them enrolment for reduced tuition fees or even for free as the more good students graduate from the school (and therefore end up working high pay jobs or joining universities with high standards) the more attractive the school becomes to new customers which can increase its profits.
>muh wealth inequality
Completely irrelevant. If people from all income brackets become overall wealthier then it matters not that blue collar worker with a sub-urban house, three cars and a holiday cottage isn't able to afford a luxury yacht like the rich CEO
>libertarian laissez-faire Austrian economics support social welfare systems
Then they're not libertarians because the point of austrian economics is that the government should not be involved at all in the economy or very little and the arguments austrian economists have between them is usually about monetary policy, pretty much all of them universally agree that social welfare is bad. Maybe you're confusing them with neoliberals.

Common sense, brother

It honestly just resonated with me due to being close to my own experience growing up. I was the bastard kid that never got a chance to apologise to the people I hurt.

Average school wasn't equipped to deal with a disabled kid, the fault also lied with Nishimiya mom, she should've been put in special school immediately, but she wanted her to "become stronger".
That was from the source material.
Suddenly? It was pretty gradual. Also, her deafness, wasn't because of anyone, it scarred her ear, but ripping off her hearing aids would cause that damage.


Not free market.

to be fair, everyone else was writing her off too...
he was the only one who tried to make up for it

but that is what makes a good arc and character growth. if she was already a good guy, or made an accident, this wouldn't mean as much

they managed

Absolute garbage series with the most predictable ending ever

>vouchers will be one of the ways that children of poor people will be able to enrol in the more expensive schools.
Vouchers will help establish a baseine price for education, any decent school will quickly become more expensive than a poor family can afford with vouchers. Because that's how the free market works.
>An expensive private school also have incentives to look for bright students and offer them enrolment for reduced tuition fees or even for free as the more good students graduate from the school
Maybe for a few prestige cases for their posters, but the majority will be in those schools because they can pay handsomely for it. How else will the school maintain their 'better teachers and facilities'? This is again just the basic reality of how a free market functions with all parties (schools and rich parents) pursuing the profit motive. Which is the problem that other user mentioned: in a true free market, those who are already advantaged have greater access to social services (better food, better education, better opportunities), that ultimately lead to the stratification of society, often to people who are undeserving of it. Nothing can fully eliminate this advantage, but going full free market exacerbates it badly.

>All of this could have been avoided if all education was privatised. Competition and market demands would take care of everything
Japan's GOT private schools, the problem is still there, in the private schools too.

Canon ending

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The canon ending is that they're too autistic to fuck.

Genuinely the greatest doujin to an already existing franchise.

True but it's a shame it took 20+ years and a shitty manga/anime just for Vegeta to get this far. Hell the last "atonement" he did was commit suicide after letting an evil wizard empower him, kill a bunch of innocent people and help cause the apocalypse all for a match against Goku. At least in Super he's finally well and true a good guy

The entire point of the series is that they're all dipshits, in their own ways. They are all flawed people.
But as a talking point, I'm one of those people that always liked Ueno. Ueno is my favorite, best girl, and the most decent and realistic person in the manga. She's a realist, she's angry because she wanted to protect Ishida.
She always did care for him, but that doesn't mean she didn't make mistakes.
I thoroughly enjoyed when Ueno was slapping the shit out of Nishimiya. Though I pity Nishimiya, I experienced bullying too, her suicide was selfish at most.


Question to people who treat the free market like a wand that just magically makes things better:
Have you actually READ "The Wealth of Nations"?

manga is overall more fleshed out (duh), but the movie had a better ending.

oh he has several redemption moments after that in the buu arc. the super buu fight and his throwing his pride away in the fight agaisnt kid buu to save everyone else, ricking perminate death

>any decent school will quickly become more expensive
Exactly the opposite will happen. The huge demand for education will resort to millions of new private schools competing with each other to offer decent education at affordable prices. This competition will drive the prices down. You're also forgetting that the majority of people aren't rich, which means that most of the demand comes from the middle and poor classes.

I would've liked Ueno if she hasn't been a bitch to Ishida too. Ignoring him till they accidentally ran into one another.

It's because she couldn't live with the guilt. She thought she was irredeemable. She was pretty happy she got to talk with Ishida again. It just pissed her off when Nishimiya was there again, because she was the reason she and Ishida both separated and their relationship became irreparable.

Not much of a story to tell. The dude who didn't make it was a roommate who OD'd on fentanyl. I administered narcan and performed CPR on him. Ultimately didn't work though and the EMTs weren't able to bring him back either. They didn't tell me how long he'd been gone for but I'm guessing he'd been gone for at least an hour or two based on the discoloration in his body and the fact that his body was at room temperature when I found him.
As for the second dude I actually managed to save, he was a diabetic and the times I saved him he'd gone into diabetic shock. Worst was the third time because he had collapsed in the bathroom and hit his head in the process. Fortunately another roommate was present so I walked him through how to take proper stabilization of his head in case of a c-spine injury and used a towel to apply pressure to the gash on his head while I checked his blood sugar and put a blanket over him to help with shock.
Protip: all of these times I called for an ambulance and that should always be one of your first priorities in a situation like these as well. If you've got the training like I do to stabilize people that's good and all but those ambulances tend to have all kinds of cool equipment to keep them stabilized even longer and more importantly, they can get them to the hospital much faster than you

Have you considered that some change for the worse.

>Exactly the opposite will happen. The huge demand for education will resort to millions of new private schools competing with each other to offer decent education at affordable prices. This competition will drive the prices down.
then why hasn't this happened?

Higher education is free market already in freedomland and somehow the tuition is expensive as fuck.

>all of these times I called for an ambulance and that should always be one of your first priorities in a situation like these as well

Reminds me, I've had the experience of saving a person drunk. That entire experience actually reversed my drunken state, it was from midnight to morning. Eventually a friend contacted a person who was an EMT and did the rest while we watched and called the appropriate authorities.
The dude was crushed by his jeep. He was screaming all night getting mad at us because we were saving his life telling us HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU DUMB IDIOTS SAVE ME NOW!!!!.
He was screaming "THESE PEOPLE ARE GONNA KILL ME. GOODBYE MY DAUGHTER MY SON" for 2 straight hours to this day, even though we saved his life, I would punch and kick that son of a bitch.

With my dick.

Yeah yeah, but her bullying Ishida with the others was utter bullshit, even in middle school, she only talked to him to know whether or not he got a girlfriend, and did so in an assholish manner. She should've been more proactive, the only reason I don't hate her more is that Kawaii is even worse.

Manga only here, maybe the adaptation was just that bad? There were times when the protagonist showed a sense of entitlement. They were never rewarded or praised for it and it was always made out to be immature and misguided. Your exact sentiment here was expressed by several characters when they became aware of the main character's change of heart. They were immediately suspicious of his sincerity, and rightfully so. He would have to reconsider what it would mean to make things right with his classmates more than once. The main characters' development towards being somebody who could actually support the main girl was portrayed to be arduous, uneven, and long. We see the fruits of his labors when he speaks to Ueno for the last time. We see that he's accepted that your actions are entirely your own responsibilities by not accepting her excuses, nor trying to fix her. And in Ueno we see what he could have been if he did not make a consistent, deliberate effort to be a better person.

I don't think your issues with the meat and potatoes of the writing holds any ground. What you have is a disagreement with the central conceit Which is fine. It's called a central conceit for a reason. And we are watching/reading a fantasy about having your efforts towards being a better person vindicated.

And frankly, you all should be able to understand how easy it is to be one of the bullies and how a person's insecurities can feed the behavior. And y'all should be able to do so without vindictively assigning punishment. The thought exercise alone is a sign of emotional maturity. And if you can only see victims, then you won't notice when you're being the aggressor.

>even in middle school, she only talked to him to know whether or not he got a girlfriend, and did so in an assholish manner
She's a real tsundere in that sense. She couldn't get herself to talk with him and she regrets it, and she wants to make peace with her flaws in the past.

>only reason I don't hate her more is that Kawaii is even worse
Kowai is worst girl.

was everyone in this story suicidal?

I wasn't talking about the manga just replying to that guy's world view

I kinda had a hard time watching the intro where he is marking of his check list before dying, giving money to his mom.... I've actually done that when i wanted to be done...

All the sudden there is more discussion about this series? is it because of netflix? how do we stop netflix. jesus

I'll take genuine discussion of the story over waifu(Ueno)fags shitting up threads

No? Only Shouya and Shouko.
I know, but that doesn't justify her. She deserved much worse, but at least losing the Ishida bowl was something. Kawaii got away everything.

For once, I actually agree

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just like this guy. no one read these kind of post?

>this kid managed to make amends for the mistakes he's made in life
>i never will

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Are you Michael Bay?

Don't mind me, just dropping by to say the imouto was a best and she is for fugs.

I tried watching the English dub after the watching it subbed and I just couldn’t.

Everytime she opened her mouth I just kept fucking laughing.

I’m an awful person

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Did Yuzuru care for a single non family person other than Ishida? Even Sahara she didn't seem to give a fuck about after the bridge incident.

>existed only to make the reader think that Shouya X Shouko might not happen
>it didn't anyway
I remember how fucking mad people were when the ending dropped. Shipfags BTFO.

Huh, just read this manga a little while ago and didnt know there was a movie or that it was really known at all. Main takeaway I had from it was that the ending really felt inconclusive. Felt like it ended without heroine ever telling her feelings to the main character properly or basically anything getting resolved. Maybe I'm misremembering but he wakes up from his coma, they talk about being hairdressers or whatever, and then it basically just ends.

>the entire school movie subplot

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Nop, you’re right. And that’s why I wish a sequel or at least a epilogue a few years down the road will get released but it’ll probably never happen.

I mean, it works fine as a conclusion to the main story, but you’re just left with a slight feeling that somethings unresolved

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Ah, then it would certainly be the user you replied to that's missed the point of the manga. I think that one of the themes was that a choice has to be made for the sake of itself, and while accepting the possibility of failure, in order for it to really be genuine. In this case, in order to be genuine in your efforts to be a better person, it can't matter whether or not you're eventually forgiven.

I think that's what the conversation with Ueno ultimately meant, and also why OP is misguided. Ueno said she did it all for love and played the victim. His opinion of her mattered way more than the choices she'd made. And we're supposed to see the difference in between wanting forgiveness and wanting to be better in her and him.

>anime has featured so many self-insert power fantasy stories that the general audience has forgotten what a flawed character is and what character growth is.

I see the final pages of Shouya and Shouko walking into the door hand in hand as basically them getting together nd walking to their future together.

the movie skips a lot of the bullying. originally the classmates had a big part in it too while protag only did it for attention.
its supposed to be about him growing up and realizing he was a dick, and the relationship with shouko. the crying thing was an anime original scene added for normies, but the original manga ending is just as bad.

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why are there not more yuzuru-chan dojin? it's a fucking crime.

because it's not a romance story. the whole confession scene should be thrown out as it adds nothing and just confuses the reader/viewer. but yeah the last pages in the manga basically confirm that they do get together, it's very subtle and well done imo.
still the movie ending is better.

Ueno did worse things than the MC.

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>people defended ueno

These people just don't understand what makes Ueno so attractive. Only anime only losers like
Hate her too much, because the anime didn't delve into her character development so much and her reasons for everything.

>i like this guy so I will bully with him
>oh now the guy i like is being bullied
>i should bully him
fuck ueno

Still here.

Kids are cunts. Their simple minds make them reject and bully people who are different/annoying, without taking account for the feelings of others.

It was Nishimiya that caused their separation, it made sense that Ueno as a kid harbored ill will toward Nishimiya. She regrets it, and she wated to atone for it, but seeing how Nishimiya almost killed Ichida, it made her even mad.

As I've said here , it was all because of her love for Ishida, and how she felt Nishimiya robbed him from her.

Didn't Ueno become a town bicycle or something in the mango?

Hated that shit when the manga was running, still hate it now. Fuck grapes and his retarded movie shit.

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Here we are, this is why we don't get good anime anymore, people like this can only watch brain dead harem and shounen.

I know that feeling, man. I have a lot of regrets in my life, hurt a lot of people (a lot of the time not even on purpose) but there's nothing I can do to fix the errors I made.

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user, here is the post telling you that you were simply misguided and are not, in fact, retarded!
Don't listen to the meanies!

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Why the fuck did Grapes get to spray his autism on so many pages? Fuck

A fair amount of my regular friends were former bullies so I disagree with your sentiment.

People tend to hurt others by nature. Especially at a young age. In some cases it's to fit in or show a supremecy in their social environment. Kids bully as kids to be cool and earn approval from their friends. There is various other possible factors like things at home or experiences but yeah.

Here is my contribution to bully the retard.

I almost feel sorry for you.


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every american ever

rent free

Did this movie make you want to bully a cute deaf girl or did it make you want to be a bullied cute dead girl

well i wouldn’t want to be dead even if I was cute, so I guess I would bully a deaf girl

>I’m an awful person
No you're not an awful person. You're laughing at the crappy English Dub. Not at the deaf girl.

It's a story of forgiveness and redemption user. He and his classmates bullied a deaf girl, and when they were caught he became the scapegoat and thus became a victim of bulling too. He spent the next ten years being bullied and regretting what he had done. At one point he was going to take his own life, but decided at the last minute to instead. live and try to find forgiveness from the person that he had bullied. She does forgive him and they spend the rest of the story trying to reconcile with the other classmates which they eventually do.

>Shouya doesn’t give a fuck about the movie
>good idea! and lets argue about it endlessly that our friendships nearly fall apart because of it
>and i will do fuck all again

kids are cunts
he didn't understand her, so she became an enemy
he compares her to an alien invader

Speaking of disabled kids...

In the dub she is played by a real deaf girl.

easiest (you)s of my life

The manga is like that too. That happy end was ridiculous.

>It's a story of forgiveness and redemption user
That's the idea, the execution is the problem.

>Really liked the manga despite the fact he wouldn't fucking kiss her
>Everyone says the movie is shit
>dont want to watch a gimped version of what I read

I didn't feel it was gimped, there was some very clever direction going on that could only be done in film

>I can't tell if it's shit writing or some retarded japanese moral about keeping up apparences.
Good point. I doubt there's many nip anons who can explain it in the context of Japanese values. Them not speaking out against the bullying and deflecting blame is most likely a Japanese problem as well.

This is what happens to the average Yea Forums viewer when the themes of the story aren't explicitly spelled out for you. In other words, being incapable of critical thinking.

It's still an English dub.

The manga was interesting before it introduced the gay high school drama shit. Then it turned semi-harem by pursuing common tropes (making MCxFG pairing come into doubt by introducing rival girl to FG so that the ship can have drama, for example), and the fucking Kawai drama, and the Toshi faggotry. If it was self-contained to Shoya trying to make amends to Shouko, and by extension Yuzuru and the mom, it would have been great. Then we could have some asides showing him gradually dropping X’s off people’s faces as he earns his slow redemption.

Fuck disabled kids

Is that why you fuck yourself?

>Is a robot who does nothing but focus on school
>has some friends but they all focus on school too
>meets tomoya
>makes him wake up everyday because going to school is the most important thing
>Slowly Tomoyo turns more and more human as she starts to grow interest in him
>She hears what Tomoya would like from a girl and takes every mention to heart
>even though she's a tomboy she holds herself back and makes herself submissive to make herself girly for tomoya
>Tomoya breaks up with her for a bit because he doesn't want her to be held back by him
>months later she has acomplished her goal
>she meets up with Tomoya in a snowy day
>tells him they should be together again
>tomoya tells her that he will just hold her back
>he will be anything beyond the bottom
>"But I will go to where you are"
>Tomoyo says she's willing to drop everything for Tomoya because the joy she gets with being from him is more important than school or university could ever be.
>It all would be for nothing if she can't be with Tomoya

And yet Tomoyo is not best girl. Okay.

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>>he will be anything beyond the bottom
Ah fuck, well...
anything buy*

alright, going to hang myself, brb lads, remember, subscribe to Destiny.

what does this have to do with a silent voice

I disagree. But you have the right to your own opinion.

Literally the only reason this movie hook me up

I find the development too rushed.

Of course it was rushed. It was 7 volumes of manga condensed into 1 movie. Despite that though KyoAni is a marvelous job with it.

even the development in the manga is rushed

Did he genuinely want to atone? Or was he just tired of being ostracized?

>the state of Yea Forums

Usually you make the character do unlikable or questionable things after the audience warmed up to him, not from the start.

I live here.

>the absolute state of Yea Forums

Just stop

Everyone is shitting on yet fails to bring up even one example of this where it isn't shit.

Ok, I'll entertain you. See Death Note.

But Light did nothing wrong.

literally every hxh villain

He never once portrayed himself as the victim to anyone are you literally retarded?

Needs a JUST modification

MC didn't kill a dog, he's not that bad

Hits a little too close to home yeah. I imagine it's part of our consciousness trying to make us feel guilt for our actions which is necessary but I wish it weren't so harsh sometimes.

>The huge demand for education will decrease tuition prices
Wow that's not how supply and demand works at all. Increased demand increases prices.
>An expensive private school also have incentives to look for bright students and offer them enrolment for reduced tuition fees or even for free
Scholarships already exist but they aren't enough to overturn systemic disadvantage.
>Completely irrelevant. If people from all income brackets become overall wealthier then it matters not that blue collar worker with a sub-urban house, three cars and a holiday cottage isn't able to afford a luxury yacht like the rich CEO
And you achieve greater wealth for all income brackets by increasing access to education, not by reducing it.
>pretty much all of them universally agree that social welfare is bad. Maybe you're confusing them with neoliberals.
No. Neoliberals are the ones who want everything privatised.

character progression, he learned he was wrong and he is suffering himself with his own stuff and finally he understands her.

tomoyo became girly and human, he became mature and understanding.

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>Increased demand increases prices
if supply is low, sure.

high prices lower demand until the price-demand reaches equilibrium.

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damn, you sound like a bully victim. You're wrong btw

Shirou has a genuine reason to feel that way, unlike many autistic anons.

He's the only one in that group of bullies that actually made an effort to atone for what he did. Like this glasses wearing bitch, who also bullied the deaf girl but acted like she was an innocent victim for the sake of getting dick.

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>is an undercover psycho that gets off on bullying bullies

I want a spin-off where he realizes Kawai's true nature and strangles her in her sleep.

>doesn't even think he deserves to be forgiven
>wants to at least do something good to those whom he have wronged
How low of an IQ do you need to completely miss the story?

Still Kino. Next Yamada project when?

You take speed watching to another level

>people shat on him for bullying a disabled kid
That's not how kids work

I don't know if you're still in the threat but no, they don't fuck in the manga. In the very last panel they hold hands.

Other kids bullied her a little bit, he takes it too far likely trying to be part of the group

First manga I see explaining why some main caracter acts that way.

"No matter what is thrown at me, I will henceforth become a man who'll never misunderstand ever again, I DON'T WANT TO BE EMBARRASSED ANYMORE... so this must be done!" Sum it up perfectly.

>ahh the moon is pretty isn't it
Kino. Something that always gets lost in translation.

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Tsuki ga kirei needs a tl note

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Well deserved.

Why are you greentexting? It's the truth.

You must be joking.
HK is less of a free market than the UK. Look at the licensing system. It's something unbelievable in the 21c. Hong Kong killed Uber and Airbnb to protect profits of the privileged.

>Since 1964, the Transport Department has introduced a system of public tender of taxi licenses.[11] Taxi licenses are transferable after one year from the date of issue, and license holders are given a perpetual operating right. Furthermore, taxi licenses can be renewed every year on the payment of an annual license fee, and there are no license renewal prerequisites such as taxi driver qualification or taxi service quality examination.[12]

>The government stopped issuing licenses in 1994, when there were a total of 18,138 in the territory. Existing licenses are transferable, and are traded on the open market, and prices have been rising due to speculation, with fare rises tending to feed into the price of licences. The going cost for a license in 2011 is around HK$5 million – an increase of 36% from the year before. In 2013, market price peaked at $7 million.[13][14]


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this desu
I dropped the film after the short weird kid started bugging him
The culture shown around bullying is weird - nobody intervenes until someone else points out 'it obviously went too far' then suddenly do a 180 and bully the bully until someone else says something
It's like walking through the doormat aisle at B&Q.
it's like nobody is willing to be the first to do anything, and surprise surprise, some people get away with being cunts and other people get made outcasts when they just needed a solid kick in the balls, and the victims in the whole thing end up being blamed for the whole mess.
The whole premise was unrealistic

The way you say it looks very retarded but I think I agree with you, it's stupid how fast the girl fell in love with him, and how fast he was forgiven. I don't think the show spent enough time on the forgiveness as it should've, and it got too boring halfway through too.

Oh shit I forgot about this bitch, say what you will about Ueno at least she was absolutely broken in the end, this bitch got away with everything scott free

>The whole premise was unrealistic

You know literally nothing about bullying in Japan, or bullying in general, if you think that is unrealistic.

>You know literally nothing about bullying in Japan
I'm sure you know plenty.

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>it's like nobody is willing to be the first to do anything, and surprise surprise, some people get away with being cunts and other people get made outcasts when they just needed a solid kick in the balls, and the victims in the whole thing end up being blamed for the whole mess.
Welcome to Japanese culture.

>Of course it was rushed. It was 7 volumes of manga condensed into 1 movie.
Yeah, and that's a problem.
Especially the last 20 chapters.

>I don't think the show spent enough time on the forgiveness as it should've, and it got too boring halfway through too.
Too much time spent on making the MC look like an asshole made his whole atonement feel less fulfilling.

Google exist you know? You can read about accounts of bullying in Japan from people who were bullied. Also, did you miss "in general" part, you smug little shit?

Bullying against disabled people is a reality in Japan, the melodramatic tone of the plot is not.

>it's stupid how fast the girl fell in love with him
Stockholm Syndrome.

when i was around 4 or 5 i punched our pet rat to death after it bit me. poor bastard just started twitching and soon died, i didnt mean to do it, it was just a reflex

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Plot convenience is the correct term.

I unironically liked ueno throughout the whole series.
She felt like the only genuine person in the whole movie.

My private school had an incentive to make profit. In practice that meant not expelling the bully because he(his mom) was also bringing in money.

Yeah. A system like that would only lead to bribery and rich kids getting away with everything.

I liked her as well. I felt like she was meant to be mean but also a straight shooter.
Most men have a story about how they killed some small animal as a boy. The important thing is how they reacted to it. It was an accident and you felt bad.

the one thing I regret in my life was messing with the disabled kids. I've made a fool out of myself a lot, but it's quite possibly one of the worst things I've ever done.

This man speaks the truth. Ueno is a very believable blend of selfishness and selflessness. Someone who felt both fake and genuine. Ueno is truly best girl and patricians agree.

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In your defense you were a little kid. It's a completely different story if you were a teenager.

Sure, and demand will drop because poor people will not be able to afford private education. Do you see the issue?