>best girl actually wins
Best girl actually wins
But Neko lost
>best girl
A few years ago Yea Forums was collectively shitting on her. With a horrible bait and switch, people decided to do le-epic troll and pretend that she was best girl all along. This manga was dysfunctional
I want to have gentle vanilla sex with botan in a way that makes her loved, appreciated, and valued as a person
I love it when they do.
Best girl in a manga series where every girl was shitty by comparison isn't much of a feat.
I want to put my dick between her skin and her clothing from between her legs to make her look like she has a dick.
Am I special yet?
Hnnggggggggg Aki-sama
That was maidfags from reddit.
They got BTFO hard.
>selfish bitchy flat tsundere princess who constantly humiliates people and hates men because someone she rejected stopped orbiting her
She has next to no redeeming factors, why do people even like her?
Except she was best girl for most mangafags and animefags. Maidfags were a small fleeting presence for the longest time until a couple months after the anime where discord-like trolls and shitposters appear to make delusiinal noise about her winning. Akifags argued otherwise and remained strong nonetheless. In the end, those Maidfags were BTFO and sudenly disappeared overnight in a manner similar to how they appeared.
Contrarians because Blue is best girl and winner
To this day I still don't know where maidfags even came from
It was weird how there were only a couple of Yoshinofags left lingering in the final chapters threads. Instead of being actual fans, they seemed more like seasonal trolls that were looking to fuel shitstorms out of boredom and moved on and out once it was over.
>story is clearly meant to be Masamune x Aki
>Maidfags were fine with the sudden asspull just so she would win because Aki happened to be first girl
Define "best".
She's trash.
You need to go back subhuman maidshitter.
Botanfags from reddit.
They clinged on to Masamune-kun after the anime when the author was baiting the readers with Maid.
Remember when they were falseflagging by pretending to be Nekofags all of a sudden?
Shit was hilarious.
i only read this manga a few months ago and i enjoyed aki winning. why did so many people like the maid?
Beats me
Maidfags started to get very vocal after the retarded childhood reveal, they just reached cancer levels with the second to last chapter asspull
>the retarded childhood reveal
Cry more, Hazuki clearly planned the manga very well considering that Aki never calls Masamune piggy throughout the manga.
Maid ruining Aki's and Masamune's lives was planned from the beginning.
I love when that happens
>What makes Aki the best?
>Lol shut up maidfag
Harem end would’ve been better but I’m ok with it
Harem end would have been retarded considering the series is not really a Harem.
It's just 3 girls: Aki, Maid and Neko.
>that pic
you need to go back
Only betas confess, Aki did nothing wrong.
Masamune just told her "you should go out with me" like the Chad he is. Take notes, virgins.
Aki-sama is so sexy.
There was also the iinchou.
She was a minor side-character that got pushed to the wayside.
Just like those 3 girls from Aki's clique which got forgotten too.
>That OVA where she pads hers boobs to look huge in her swimsuit
She looks so drop dead sexy it wasn't even fair to Maid or Neko.
Unironically this, they're unwilling to engage in dialogue and are only willing to throw ad-hominems. There were intellectually sound Akifags but they ditched this shitshow even admitting the "bait and switch" was distasteful and just rendered the entire arc useless. If it were going for an Aki end, it should have just ended. Everything was resolved.
>they're unwilling to engage in dialogue
You sound like a redditor
>only willing to throw ad-hominems
Funny, that's what you maidshitters did for months on end when the manga was running.
Cause who at that point really expected Aki to win?
>Love Allergies
>Pushing to pursue his own love, not the one cultivated from childhood
>Literally dreaming about lewd maid
The entire switch came from left field. What's worse is that Aki had become a stronger character before ending up back at square one. I mean, someone even phoned up an English Professor to grade this shit and it was given a solid F
Except that's not true. Most maidfags came from leddit, and they were pretty much hated by everyone else because of their obnoxiousness.
>Cause who at that point really expected Aki to win?
Anyone who isn't an underage brainlet newfag?
Sorry that you ate his bait newfag but us experienced older Yea Forumsnons saw through it.
>Love Allergies
Masamune was afraid of the prospect of a relationship because of his traumatic past with Aki rejecting him.
Hence why he also gets the hives around Neko when she's making a move on him who he sees as a potential love interest.
He doesn't get hives around Maid because he doesn't see her that way. Which is what I used to tell you maidfags at the time but you didn't listen.
>Pushing to pursue his own love, not the one cultivated from childhood
This one is just headcanon from your part.
>Literally dreaming about lewd maid
Dreams can be weird and very non-direct.
Masamune dreams about that because the idea of escaping from his fears sounds tempting.
This is why he yearns for those days when he was scheming with Maid because those were carefree days and now he has to face his fear of getting into a romantic relationship. This manifests into his dream as him being attracted to Maid but what he is attracted to is the possibility of not having to face his fears.
>I mean, someone even phoned up an English Professor to grade this shit and it was given a solid F
First time hearing this but Maidfags sure are hilarious.
This is a shonen manga not a novel.
You just told me that you didn't read or watch this series.
Congratulations! You're worse than a secondary.
Give me a single reason why she was the best or deserved to win.
Not him but Masamune loved her, that's all that matters.
She still missed old masamune.
If it wasn't for the maid, this whole fiasco wouldn't have happened
That's retarded.
By your standards, every winning girl is best girl.
>I mean, someone even phoned up an English Professor to grade this shit
A English professor you say? not not a LITERATURE professor?
She's cute
Eating like a pig is not cute
>She still missed old masamune.
Have to point out that she loved the new Masamune as well.
When he asked her out after he beat up Gasou she didn't hesitate to accept him.
It is when Aki-sama does it.
Well there was no real competition
Cutest and da best.
Aki a shit and Reddit.
t. crying Maidfag
Was the adaptation good? Read and reread the manga since I really liked it.
That's an odd way to say a best and beloved everywhere
Yeah, it's pretty good. Quite faithful to the manga, although not perfect. SL obviously had a thing for Aki so you can rest assured she got some nice service.
>samefagging this hard
Nobody liked Aki on Yea Forums, you know. You’re a Redditor who came here after the last chapter asspull, while Yea Forums had been laughing at your rage over at Reddit until then.
So it's okay to be a bitch all your life and treat everyone like shit for no reason and still be best girl? is this /r/eddit
>Yoshinofag is still trying
That's pretty pathetic.
>IP didn't increase
>screams about reddit three times consecutively
Now this is samefag.
>Akifag has a broken samefag detector
Every time.
Aki a shit
Aki dominated pre-anime threads and anime threads. Anybody can tell and look it up. is correct and you coming in hours late to say no u won't change anything, Maidfag. Go back to "reddit" yourself seeing how you are obsessed with it and love toss it around to validate your opinion.
You ain't fooling us with that phoneposting. And 30th IP is over here .
Only incels like Aki.
Nah, people hated Aki at the start and wanted to see her get BTFO. People lost interest when it turned into actual romance shit.
Go back to your containment thread, THK.
It's finished? Damn. Thank god best girl won, OP.
That's a nice unproven and unconvincing rationalization to justify the lack of Yoshinofags for years.
you were really late
>lack of Yoshinofagsbfor years
Based Akitard.
Of course people weren’t rooting for her before it turned out she was a major player. So what?
>muh ”THK”!
Like clockwork.
The day Aki won was glorious.
Aki wasn’t best girl for me it was Meido but I would have been happy with any of the girls winning, however the way Aki won was executed poorly. No wonder the author than wrote 10 epilogue chapters afterwards. Even Nisekoi had a better ending.
Akifags seem to not realise that there were lots of Yoshinofags around but no one was rooting for her until the final arc because she didn’t actually enter the Masamunebowl until then.
Mistyping because you're raging. Careful, you might pop a blood vessel.
>So what?
Thanks for conceding. Yoshino was turned into a red herring 8 chapters from the final chapter. Mainly shitposters and trolls appeared to make delusional and retarded shipper logic asspull theories for her that disregards the overall manga and character development that was on-going and not resolved yet like a bunch of speedreaders. And even then the pre-existing minority of Yoshinofags along with them still weren't greater in numbers than AKifags when it matters. Keep trying, though. It's always nice to put Yoshinofags in their place.
Before the anime got announced and there were only a few manga threads due to a lack of updates. When there was a thread it was fairly civil and if I remember right anons mostly liked Aki. That being said, that was 4-5 years ago and the board changed considerably since then.
>cuts her hair
>"Character development! That means she lost!"
>she fucking wins
The author was a troll.
Fuck Akitards
Yoshino winning would have redeemed that shitshow of a manga.
Well, yeah. I was reading this religiously, and I when it was near the end they had this long hiatus after which I concluded Aki would win so I stopped reading
What about the fatty?
>red herring
You must love to suck D&D’s D for subverting your expectations to the very end throwing any coherent writing down the toilet.
Love Aki's cheeky grin here. Solid wife material.
Close to a dozen threads of celebration and victory dance over two days. That's got to be a record somewhere. It's a shame Yoshinofags returned to being a just a handful or two, there weren't enough of them around in those threads to lick tears from.
>Yoshino winning
A year later and Yoshinofags haven't given up forcing their retarded asspull ending.
Yep. Aki’s ending in a nutshell.
For a low to mid-popular manga, Hazuki and Tiv together created one of the cutest and best bickering tsundere couples of the decade.
This manga was always about fixing the relationship Yoshino ruined. She never deserved to win.
Come back after you've actually read the manga instead of speedreading from chapter 40 and onwards.
Even Kuronekofags at their peak aren't this delusional.
>all signs point to Aki end was expected since chapter 1
>Masamune did not once even thought about Yoshino after he retreated back to his grandpa's place
>entire introspective development was executed to resolve the choices he made that ended up being for naught and coming to realize a truth that he's in love with Aki
Yeah, no.
What a weird coat she has on. Why would it have a big hole in her torso when buttoned up?
Agreed. They're in my top 5 for sure.
They aren't meant to be buttoned up.
No it was about letting go of your grudges from the past.
Part of that goes into being with Aki again like it originally should be before Yoshino forced them apart.
Which fixed Masamune and Aki's relationship, yes. And maid got BTFO because she still held a grudge and wanted to help Masamune with his revenge.
More like the one or two Akifags in existence crying about ”THK” as Yea Forums sighed at the shitty last second asspull.
>a lie only THK himself would say and could imagine
I wonder who is behind this post.
>calls me a speedreader when he has reading comprehension
Learn to read fuckin retard. I said the ending was crap not their relationship as a whole. Jesus Christ I know your favourite girl won but that doesn’t make the ending any better. It was awful.
See above.
Who are you trying to fool, Maidfag?
I dropped this after the fatty arranged marriage shit.
Is it worth picking back up again?
If NTR was why you dropped it, then yes. MC stopped the NTR and knocked out the fatty, then takes back his rightful wife.
Is... is this ACK? Holy shit, tsunfags have a real autist in their midst.
>Akifags are Newfags
Aki won and OTP was achieved. Definitely worth it. The manga is short, only 20 something chapters from where you left off.
>Gets BTFO
>Tries to recover with nonsensical insults
Sasuga indeed.
Yeah and don't forget the little after stories.
>Aki won
Oh, so it’s shit, then.
You are literally retarded. See
>not wanting Masamune to get with Fake Masamune
Yoshino didn't win.
So it’s shit, then.
>still trying
No. Yoshino didn't win.
Contrarians. Maidfags were obnoxious as fuck during the last year of the series. Botan winning only fueled the flames of shitposting.
>the age of unconventional winners
A good summary of the average reaction to the end of the manga.
No, worst girl Yoshino didn't win.
>like both Utaha and Aki
Can't we all get along?
>before Yoshino forced them apart.
A rather extreme way of putting it. Telling a fatty to fuck off isn’t “forcing” anything. Masamune chose to heed Yoshino’s words and fucked off. He didn’t have to. He could have been stubborn and turned up at the mansion again the following day.
>And maid got BTFO because she still held a grudge and wanted to help Masamune with his revenge.
Umm speedreader--kun. Yoshino had spent the entire series helping the two get back together again because she regretted what she did in the past.
>Manga is called Masamune´s revenge.
>Masamune doesn´t revenge.
*No! Best girl Yoshino didn’t win!
Nah, it's the opposite. Aki was always best girl and most of the trolling and bait-switch suspiciously was caused by Yoshino late into the game.
Imagine thinking a tsundere spoiled brat is the best.
God you people have awful taste.
He actually did. Ironically so by rejecting the girl who called him a piggy and drove him away.
Nobody says that because it is not true.
>maid hurt his feeling when he was young
>he made maid fell for him
>chose aki
perfect revenge
>I'm not a degenerate who's into cute bratty tsundere
You're on the wrong board, mate.
>all signs point to Aki end was expected since chapter 1
Up to around chapter 39 yes, Aki end was the most expected outcome.
>Masamune did not once even thought about Yoshino after he retreated back to his grandpa's place.
He didn’t think about Aki either. It was the revenge itself he was thinking about.
>entire introspective development was executed to resolve the choices he made that ended up being for naught.
>realize a truth that he's in love with Aki.
This did end up being correct and you can only say this now because Aki won but before the last chapter thiswas not the direction the narrative was going.
Nobody says it because it’s not true. In other words, everybody says it because it’s true.
You're only making my rod harder.
Nah, Yea Forums has always been contrarian to basic trash like tsundere.
Read the fucking manga. He DID get his revenge - on the person that ACTUALLY hurt him.
That reminds me, did the attempted murder at the start ever get dealt with?
>He didn’t think about Aki either.
Stop speedreading.
>theme of the story is to let go of your past grudges.
>Masamune says he will move on from his revenge.
>Ends up getting revenge anyway.
She did win right?
Yea Forums hates tryhard hipsters like yourself, kiddo.
>waaaah yoshino said mean word
>its okay when aki does it though
Go back, THK.
How come I can see her belly button but not her titties? This swimsuit doesn't make sense.
Go watch your isekai and DBS.
Aki never hurt him like the way Yoshino did, retard. She helped him and toughed him up a bit, even taught him how to get even against bullies.
She hurt Yoshino and countless other people, though.
Akifags are just like libtards. “It’s okay when she does it.”
>muh THK
So predictable.
This, the absolute hypocrisy of Akifags is astounding sometimes
>Yoshino grows up with Aki and is largely ignored except for being a source of Aki's amusement
>Decides to get back at her
>Feels remorse for it anyway, asking the guy she had scorned to make amends
Like I get why she was the target of revenge but the story was trying to move opposite to that? Was she trying to achieve some form of poetic irony with this shit? Its very tacky.
Everytime I read happy, romantic ends like this I just remind myself that I'm a 26 year old virgin, with no romantic experience, and I wasted my high school and uni life having no romance or any experience with any woman. I mean, why do I keep hurting myself reading these?
No, not up to 39. It was obvious and expected from start to finish. Yoshino was nothing except thinly-veiled red herring that served to make a delicate situation go worse to bad and forced misunderstanding. People pointed out countless times how the rash was from stress and personal baggage caused by discovering he wasted 8 years for nothing. It was obvious he will outcome those issues and resolve things with Aki once again. Aki had matured and pushed him away because of a misunderstanding but it was for his sake made it incredibly obvious MC who couldn't get over her will chase her again to complete the story and finish where it left out.
Nobody gives a shit about Yoshino and irrelevant nobodies who were mostly jackass jocks and douchesbags.
>helped ruined Aki's life which turned her into cruel princess that she became after a nurtured mistrust against boys
>ruined MC's life and put him on a path of revenge at a girl who didn't wrong him
>Yoshinofags seriously tries to compare Aki's mischievous and abusive behavior when she was 7-8 years old to that shit
Yoshino even knew she did wrong and is guilty for a reason.
This. And Yoshino lied for years and didn't come clean until it was too late.
>getting her whole family fired for telling the truth
Are we sure Akifags aren't Aki herself? They seem to have an outlook that befits an ignorant rich girl
Most Yea Forumsnons are like you. Myself included, bro. We read and watch romcom to fulfill fantasies that we missed out and hope to experience ;_;.
>dat retarded excuse
Prove that will happen. You can't. Her family has been serving Aki family for generation. Yoshino will be punished and rightfully so, but it's not even realistic for her family to get fired.
That’s completely irrelevant to the matter at hand, dumbfuck. We’re talking about Masamune’s revenge, not generic beta guy #347. I’m not justifying anything that Aki did, just pointing out that the one who messed him up was Yoshino, not Aki, and therefore his revenge should be directed at her.
If this "Mischievousness" and "neglect" was enough for Yoshino to do this utterly "abhorrent" thing, then its clear that it was no mere mischief of a child cause Yoshino was pretty passive up until the point she saw a literal stranger interact with her more enthusiastically than herself.
Yoshino was mentally older and knew right from wrong. Aki was clearly mentally younger. Your defense still doesn't excuse Yoshino who never admitted the truth for over 8 years. Yoshino was jealous and that's why she pushed MC away It gad nothing to do with how Aki treated her. She just wanted Aki to herself.
>The Incel's first waifu
Get better tastes
Can't find the source in iqdb. Can someone help me out??
What the fuck is an incel? Some cross-board meme cancer?
And therein lies the problem your double standards. “it’s okay when Aki does it because it was towards Yoshino and to other men who I think are douchebags.”
Either both were bad or neither were bad. You can’t have one being bad and the other being good.
>seething maidfag
T. Incel
>hypocritical Akitard.
Answer the question, fagget.
MC gets cucked in the LN.
Fuck off, ironic THK. We know it's you.
>he doesn't enjoy mutual tsunderes
Shit taste
Never too late user, I was the same until my GF came into my life very unexpectedly when I was 28. Don’t let your inexperience hold you back from trying to ask someone out.
WHAT, By who?
Shut up, newfag.
And that is a completely apt desire to have. Mentally older or not, a child is still a child. She was still clinging to a doll, a precious gift from her mother. Children desire peer companionship, its not a sin for a child to feel envy over unfair treatment.
The first thing to do if you want to make someone deserve pain is to make them do terrible wrongs, Yoshino does not fit this bill.
You have nothing because Aki did nothing wrong. The story doesn't make you care about literal-who minor background characters and Yoshino was guilty tripping the whole time because she was in the wrong. Moreover, Aki's bitchiness is a selling moe point. Yoshino is the primary reason Aki became that way to begin with and she didn't correct it.
I knew, you're cross-board cancer. Get the fuck out.
she was engaged to a chad all along
>BTFO Yoshinofags on damage control
I said shut the fuck up, newfag.
Only you believe in ”THK”, you know.
Keep telling yourself that.
no, there was a severe minority of supporters who were all for her. Maid fag suffering that 'it's too cliche, goes against all development' was the biggest coping mechanism when the other fanbase was suppressed as fuck in all threads. The fact they won is hilarious honestly just by pure salty reactions here, where they made the obvious choice the wild card, fucking head canons of everyone in this incubator.
I thought this crazy smelled familiar.
Aki was that way from the beginning, as evidenced by how she treated Yoshino. She was the one who made Yoshino the way she is.
She wasn't a mere child anymore once she became a teen. However you slice it, she was guilty and sure as hell didn't deserve to win. She's lucky to get not be hated by Masamune and Aki. She didn't face any consequences.
Now post the page where she straps rockets to Yoshino’s back.
So she gained the trait of a man-hater, but the "bitch" trait is intrinsic to her
>messing around and treat her like a play toy when she was a little kid
>comparable to growing vindictive and cruel bitch against boys who try to ask out her because of what happened to her
Try again, speedreader.
Is there any doujin for this shit?
>is a bitch both as a kid and later on
>but the victims are at fault!
Akifags, everyone.
Yoshinofags are a riot in here. I can't believe despite everything that happened (including the After Stories), they still believe Yoshino end wouldn't be an asspull and by virtue hack writing that betrays the premise, theme, and the main plot.
Why would an incel like her?
Aki was never a bitch as a kid, she was only haughty at most. But nice that you admit Yoshino was. Aki is particularly angelic towards Masamune once she quickly warmed up and grew to trust him. He would have mellowed her out completely
They never learn.
>the premise
Aki getting BTFO was the premise. They chose to ruin that in favor of generic tsuntrash.
Post Aki's feet, thanks.
>retard can't see false premise like Nisekoi
Go to sleep, delusional Maidfag.
Almost as if Nisekoi is trash too.
t.b utthurt Yoshino/Kosakifag
>hatred turns to love
Real funny when there was no real hatred between them.
Wait is this an edit? I dropped this after 100 chapters(one page each if I remember) .
>Aki getting BTFO was the premise. They chose to ruin that in favor of generic tsuntrash.
no, the premise was getting revenge on whoever wronged him as a kid (whom Masamune thought was Aki), and that premise was carried out
They were BTFO to massive proportions because of all the shitposts and delusions they regurgitated. A feel loose screw after such an incident doesn't surprise me.
The first chapter was about Aki being a bitch. Meanwhile, Yoshino was shown to be both justified and apologetic once it turned out it was her.
>THK seething again after being BTFO in Bokuben threads
>best girl
She was GARBAGE, like pretty much 99% of modern tsunderes. To be fair, the entire thing was awful an the other girls weren't any better, but whatever redeeming traits you lot see in her is beyond me. Hell, I've skimmed the thread and other than typical waifufags shit flinging, I've yet to read a single compelling reason as to why you consider her the best.
>what is false premise and the intended target was Yoshino all along
Aki is all sweet and pure towards Masamune whom she still longed for and miss. But MC approached her under a false identify and came at her looking for revenge.
Anyone have the edit of this where she says, "Now get on your knees and lick my feet you pig!". I'm asking for a friend, thanks.
And thrice in a row at that. He has lost his edge.
I could edit it using mspaint.
>"Now get on your knees and lick my feet you pig!"
I would like to have that edit. I too am asking for a friend.
So basically, you’re a tsunfag who shitposts there too and calls people there THK as well? Poor Bokubenfags.
Aki is beautiful.
I didn’t call you anything though.
If you deliver the edit user I will pray for you and your waifu's happiness. It would really make my day too
>tries to play dumb but ends up failing and outs himself like a nervous fat kid being interrogated for eating stolen cake wth evidence on his face
Tsk tsk.
Stop playing dumb mate.
done with mspaint
Based and thanks
Gladly. Without a second though.
Cute couple.
"you pig!" in same line
>Akifags are femdom cucks
Makes sense really, only a masochist could like that bitch.
the spacing between "you pig!" and the text above is a bit off because mspaint is a bitch and i suck at editing pic. i used a separate set of words for the "you pig!" part.
>Implying this dumpster fire of a series even deserves mentioning.
the only reason Yea Forums likes it is because it's a manga about horrible people who act like horrible people to each other, never become better people at all, and then does the same shit all other terrible romance series do to make them terrible which Yea Forums eats up because it's all they know or care to consume before moving onto the next romance series to start waifu wars about because they know they're talking about shit mangas that have nothing else to talk about but just want to argue about something.
>Maidfags still buttmad their shoehorned cowtitted hussy, who tried stealing her best friend's man, didn't win
Aki was a good girl and deserved everything. Maidslut was just a jealous manipulative liar that resented Aki, her only friend, for things Aki did when she was just a kid and didn't know any better.
Spotted the formerfatgirlfag (Forgot her name, don't care. Once a fatass always a fatass)
Thanks and have a good day, user
Obviously. Just saying I feel sorry for the people in the Bokuben threads getting screeched at by the tsunfag who calls everyone ”THK”. This guy: