So, which one is ideal female body for Yea Forums?

So, which one is ideal female body for Yea Forums?

Attached: h14m08s241.png (640x360, 398K)

far right

that's 8 times violating the rules

second from the right

Far right

Take that sick filth to Yea Forums, we do not condone objectifying women here.

Attached: 1506939136227.gif (500x451, 1021K)

All are good desu

Second from left

Attached: 1538054958733.jpg (500x500, 142K)

What's the kimi no nawa of the black haired girl? Reminds me of Rukia or a female Kirito. I want to see PORN of her.

The entire right half desu fampai. Small chests > saggy sacks


10 nipples 10 bans

third from right without hesitation

Technically two of those nipples or loli so that's twelve bans in total.

Imagine if getting banned for rule violations physically banished you to a world where you had to live with the objectionable content you posted. So OP would spend 10 days stuck at a warm spring with naked girls. T-that would sure make me never post nudity on Yea Forums, I would hate that kind of punishment.

Nipples is ok as long it's not hentai related

5 is the best, 1 and 3 also acceptable

Pretty sure that's not how that works.

Lurk moar

imagine dude

Been here longer than you have, faggot.

And why is this porn thread still up?

Everything about Tomo is perfect.

Attached: 1557360158580.jpg (1920x1080, 244K)

Fumika is the cutest and should have been the main character.


Attached: 1444502972463.webm (480x270, 894K)

Ekaterina is the ideal female.

Attached: snq.s2.vol4_.special.1080p.flac_.37EE15BF.mkv_snapshot_00.51_2011.11.07_14.40.09.png (1920x1080, 2.08M)


Nipples are ok as long as they're spoiler'd.

Our rules are really idiotic when it comes to nipples. NSFW argument instantly falls apart when this or Prisma Illya webms are treated as SFW when they obviously aren't. Entire fucking Yea Forums is completely NSFW and filled to the brim with content that would get you ostracized in any normalfag environment.
Just ban porn dumps on blue boards and let nipples be. It's an 18+ site, for fuck's sake.

This guy gets it.

second from left

All of them have ideal bodies in their own way and should be used for breeding.
But Hanna and Katja are especially delicious to me.
Character does matter, you see.

Second from right obviously

I am a but a simple man who wishes for tallstacks.

Attached: niceandsleak.jpg (850x2191, 320K)


doesn't matter, i would impregnate all of them

Best girl

Attached: Katja.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

he said Yea Forums not /pol/


Post Deers!

Easy Katja-sama

Far left, I don't give a fuck.

this one

Attached: huge anime tiddies and drills.jpg (868x1228, 1M)

like this

Attached: amazongf.png (916x1428, 786K)

Is this thread still fucking here? I mean I won't complain but is there like 2 j*nnies on the entire board?

oh look, we have ourselves a commie, gentlemen!!

Lurk moar

The rightest.

Attached: 1559199162842.png (606x806, 511K)

Far left and far right.

2nd from the farthest right or 3rd

Second from the right followed by far right.


That's a 10 year old girl user. And she's gay.

based and kyuketsuki pilled

Attached: shinobu14.jpg (1800x1056, 357K)

You know the answer, either Fumika or Katja.

The only gay here is you


Far right, of course.

Tomo or Katja

Yes and?

>Demon onee-san will never spoonfeed me (You)s.

I like the teen version better
The flat teen version

I choose the best girl from the superior ecchi.

Attached: 1494310316780.png (1170x1315, 1.31M)

Red hair

I don't see the problem officer

Attached: 1317851169770.jpg (854x968, 168K)

Good taste

Look at the BIG FAT TITS on the girl on the second to the left. That's what I want

far right.

Attached: 1502292663524.png (404x193, 50K)

thats what every man wants

This guy gets it.


I thought all men wanted lolis.


To parent and raise, not to marry

Second from the left>Far left>middle.
Nobody else.

They all look pretty good to me, though it's missing a pair of huge tits for even more variety.

why not both

Me too, user

Attached: milkjubs.jpg (594x847, 480K)

Attached: benis.gif (384x216, 280K)

The girl (male).

Cow tits are for virgins to dream about.

1=3>2>>>>>>>>the rest

There's already a rash of idiots trying to turn Yea Forums into /e/; I think the "ban" is to just deter idiots and lighten the load on the staff.


3 medium boobs don't sag much but still fun to squeeze

sieg heil

What are the 7th and 8th broken rules?

Third from right

Attached: 1547002162292.png (1366x768, 1.28M)

Mafuyu after her upgrade. Having upper-tier tits within the cast while not being airheaded is a winning combination.

I'm a man who likes both flat and phat

Attached: 1549559736428.jpg (325x159, 9K)

Some of them are loli

2nd to last

first and last

That boy in the middle is pretty lucky being surrounded by big tittay hoes



Attached: Seikon no Qwaser S1 - 13 (BD 1920x1080 x.264 Flac).mkv_20190616_120509.319.jpg (1920x1080, 310K)



>giant-tits has innies
Well that was a mistake. I change my vote to far left then.

But inverted nips are kino

It comes from original content. Fucking newfag.

Tomo>Hanna>Katja>Mafuyu>>>>>>the other two who I completely forgot the names of

4 and 6

Attached: Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mama. - 03 (1920x1080 HEVC2 AAC).mkv_snapshot_20.22_[2019.05.07_03.37.53] (1920x1080, 2.41M)