finally we will know what "this and that" is
spoilers 152 when
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't hear you or the spoilers over all the innuendo
Miko is cute and adorable
and funny
Probably around tomorrow
>this and that
I love Iceguya.
me too
We'll probably never no what she meant back then, before she learned about sex. Her desires have developed so much that she's already planning for things she had no idea existed at the time.
What are your expectations for the upcoming NTR arc?
Ice is Nice
What other appendages do you expect our girl to suck on next chapter?
I'm more looking forward to the filthy things.
Why is this manga so slow paced?
>tfw Kaguya will never licks your fingers
His nose
I want ice back.
We're literally 24 whole hours away from spoilers. Be patient.
>Be patient
Holy SHIT! 2CH got a insider leak and there hasn't been this much of a divide in reactions since 9/11
Most users want to lay props for Aka doing this fucking insane thing this chapter but some are horrified by the possible ramifications of the events that transpired.
I'll start posting the leaked chapter in 6 hours when I get a clean copy.
usual sequence, then
pics or it didn't happen
Here comes the
Whoa JB is holding the leaked raws hostage, They are demanding 2000$ be "donated" straight to their Patreon.
What do we do bros!?
That's bullshit but I believe it.
Shueisha sent a private special ops team into korea as well as to the homes of a select few 2ch users in japan. Don't expect anymore leaks.
I heard Aka is doing special chapter where Momo falls for some gaijin from Eastern Europe and they start wearing tracksuits and dancing to hardbass
that's why spoilers are late
I can't believe faceless fat men rape Miko!
I believe you Satan
what is it made from, that wordcloud is way too lenient on one word repeats
Aka leaked Miko
Comedy focus.
If the story of a comedy focused series progresses too fast, then they can't go back and add in jokes they missed. Flashbacks are possible, but they can't use them too much.
The most popular comic in my country has actual progress (including romantic), but has also had the characters only ageing like 4 years the last 20 years of publication.
That's bullshit but I don't believe it
>most popular comic in my country
spill the beans, Jose
personally i'd kill for such thing happening
The right way to do it.
Commedy is the thing I prefer the most in Kaguya.
It's pretty clear what this and that are going to be.
>you will never rig the whole festival just to impress your girl
>you will never fill a weather balloon with hundreds of others since you're not able to put your feelings into words
>said girl will never look at you like this
and she will never stick her tongue deep into your throat after it
>I'm glad you think that it's cute, Miyuki-kun, because by the end of our date it will be the only thing that I shall be wearing.
i genuinely hope that Prez will be the first one to suggest first name usage
So you mean nipvirgins are afraid of sex.
why is she such a semen demon
So what will the next chapter be about? The rest of Fujiwara's Christmas chapter with both dorks revealing that they are a couple now? If so, I can't wait to see their reactions
And I bet that next week is hiatus tho. The author will use it to finish the volume
They're gonna try and keep it secret and fail hilariously.
It's Norwegian and called Pondus.
It has couples forming and separating, main characters changing jobs, children (slowly) growing up and a kid being born.
Big if true.
Two down, seven to go.
For some reason I think next chapter will just skip straight to the 26th and the closing ceremony.
Is this a spoiler for the new chapter? Source?
>prez meant sex in a high class hotel room by the moonlight while drinking champagne
>Kaguya meant holding hands and innocent kisses
less than 24 hrs til spoilers drop and not a god damn otter in sight
is it over?
>aka owned miko
can't wait for that chapter
Probably thinking about stroking his hair, eating each others lunch and walking home together while holding hands
>Next chapter leaked including rape
Miko gets date-raped at the party confirmed
She knew what sex was, somewhat, but the poor girl thought it was illegal until marriage.
>next chapter never
that's it boys lets pack it up, post a f or two and then fuck off to nothingness
Not sure if this music fits Miko getting jealous
The next war is Kaguya and Miyuki unable to decide on whether they want all girls or all boys
>he actually thinks next chapter is Tsubame's bore of a party
Remember when this manga was good?
Would be pretty weird if the story just gloss them over the next day though
Does the end note says anything about the next ch?
There will BE no spoilers until the magazine is officially released. So it has been declared.
Yeah, last week was a good time
>Kaguya no longer on MD
>but after she fell in love, she become more sociable.
LITERALLY Kaguya. if that is a foreshadowing, RIP president
What a fucking slut...
>Remember when the threads were good?
Fixed it for you.
Watching youtube videos with the president on how to make Four 9's gold bullion out of jewelry trawled from the rivers and lakes!
Just says stuff about Shirogane and Kaguya
>These two are already...
Hayasaka pls stop sexting with Miyuki, that's very rude towards your almost-sister.
That chapter needs to happen
>Shinomiya Kaguya wants to sext
>she's way too prudish to do it well
>calls Hayasaka to "translate"
>she pretty much dies
>even Shirogane is put off
>holy night
>it's just a crazy sex sabbath
He's right
Kaguya and prez going to a love hotel after the party confirmed.
I love Hayasaka
Aka editor here, are you guys ready for Ishigami harem arc?
Ishigami Mpreg arc when?
I like that Aka used this cover in the latest chapter.
what's so bad about Miyuki & Kaguya having hardcore ball sex for 3 days straight?
Please don´t slap bakaguya, she´ll only get more baka.
Is that a bad thing though?
School shooter Maki soon brothers
don't forget to take out the trash
Still over 12 hours away. It'll probably be completely irrelevant and totally not what people want/expect.
People want Chika's family.
Strange Chika's father, mother, and older sister are not at the house when flashbacks seemed to imply Christmas parties are a yearly family event.
Christmas Party was a chance to give Chika's mom some fucking dialogue since she was completely silent when she was introduced.
Fujiwara wanted a party with her friends, so her parents obliged.
They are probably thankful for that too, soon a new insane Fujiwara girl will be born
Most of the Fujiwara family are completely mysterious. We only know Chika is a game-maniac who will cheat whenever she can and Moeha is a total psycho. We know almost nothing about Toyomi and the mom. Dad seems to be a hardass considering lewd stuff but at least not completely crazy.
Dad is a politician to the bone.
Toyomi is a cool slut into awful horror and splatter, which makes her best girl to hang out in the series.
I so want to see Hayasaka in love, just so it makes Kaguya look like a legit romantic genius in contrast.
Hayasaka is also very inexperienced but i don´t think she´d take nearly as long as Kaguya did. She´d be tsun/cold for a short while, then very embarassed followed by full deredere.
>i don´t think she´d take nearly as long as Kaguya did.
Hayasaka is a great "actress", but I don't think she'd be able to handle real stuff without becoming a mess.
But does she love you as much as she loves a gaelic 32 county socialist republic?
>you will never chill at night with your pal while watching horror movies
>you will never have casual brosex with her in the middle of the movie when she gets horny because of the tension and the spilling guts
Would Kaguya's dad even care if she got herself teen pregnant?
>soiling the Shinomiya surname while trashing the chance of selling her to a powerful family
>You got pregnant
>Good shit i was looking for a way to disown you anyways
>Now fuck off and don't ever use the shinomiya name again
Shirogane Kaguya sounds nice anyway, different kanji but keeps the initials and all.
Shinomiya Miyuki, however, sounds better,.
She's still perfect either way.
How did prez go full baka in an instant? Is there any limit to his power?
His mortal shell.
Pres ascension arc when?
Volume cover when?
It'll occur simultaneously to the Ishigami harem arc.
Will Volume 15's cover be Ice or Kaguya with the white ribbon?
hope for the former
latter would be too much of a spoiler
You boys are just so cute.
Yeah I'd like the latter but it'll probably be Ice. 16's cover will either end up being nu Kaguya or Miko.
New volume cover will have Iceguya, Bakaguya and Normalguya (and maybe Prez)
can't disagree wth these trips
This is also likely, probably not with Shirogane though since they did that with 14 already.
I can imagine all 3 Kaguya and Prez at the center or something
Me too
Probably this but without Baka
Their lack of trigger discipline triggers my /k/ autism.
Will she eat everything in Tsubame's party?
I love that face
Kaguya is one awkward muzzle sweep from putting a bullet in her quite modest ass.
Iino is quite cute
Can't hate that face
Prez is a sneeze away from blowing off his forehead.
Three dicks to keep Iino satisfied.
Implying that would be enough
Who is more plump; Lino or Eatsuki?
Based Lino
4 pages to a single scene in a single chapter? Can there be 4 separate sex scenes in the same chapter? Is there a cooldown period before you're allowed to use them again? Is that by a number of chapters since the last, or by the volume? Can you stagger the pages, so you can always have at least one page dedicated to some sex every chapter? So many questions and possible loopholes...
As far as i'm aware, you can have 4 pages of sex, but cut it off with a different scene then have another 4 pages on the same chapter, but don't quote me on it since i'm not entirely sure.
Miyuki is currently collapsed of the the floor of his room due to exhaustion. All of the events over the course of the past few days never happened, they're just a product of his delirium. Enjoy your manga.
>4 pages of sex
>1 page with only the words ”6 hours later..."
>repeat until chapter ends
>6 hours having sex
Calm down Prez
They've got an entire year of sex they could have been having to make up for. They ought to block off, like, a solid week.
The danger is just so erotic, isn't it?
Shirogane will have to teach her first tho
i miss karen
mamagane arc soon?
Reminder that's been like 8 months IRL since less than a week has passed by in-manga wise
Isn't 4P considered an orgy already?
Kiloko a cute. CUTE
Just wait user
Her time will come soon
Not gonna happen until like 12 hours or more.
>By all means, get closer
4 pages of MUDA
A cute. Shame that she doesn't get more airtime. And she doesn't seems to be older than the rest of the TG club.
I wonder if she'll get demoted again
>tfw you will never domestically abuse MIko Iino
Why even live.
Aka can't get away from Jojo, no matter what he does huh.
Feels so good to have best girls Kaguya and Yotsuba winning bros...
Don't ever post your garbage manga in this thread again.
People don't expect the next couple chapters to be about the other Christmas party?
Of course not.
The author will totally skip their parts.
We'll find out small bits of what happened in those parties during the next months
>Ishigami-kun, I missed my period for the third month in a row
Cliffhanger of which girl said that
Both of them
The teasing will only increase until morale is restored.
I never knew I needed bob cut kaguya in my life
3 a cute
2 is the cutest.
1 Is just red ai
Kenshijo Kujo is my favorite JoJo, yeah
Vol. 15 fancover from the Chinese bloke that made the "firs name" fancomic.
I think Iceguya should have a slightly colder expession but otherwise it's perfect. I will be disappointed when the actual cover won't be as good as this one.
Have faith, it will be better
>everyone believe it's Shirogane and Kaguya
>it's actually Ishigami and Maki
>151 chapters
>literally nothing happens
Haha based Aka am I right guys
>Shirogane will have to teach her first tho
But who will teach Shirogane first?
johto arc when
Kashiwagi is pregnant
huge doubt
Prez has natural talent in tasks that require dexterity
whether he has experience to utilize this talent properly, that's another question
He probably has crippling performance issues, like Kaguya How Cute'ing his dick in his mind. Or he might try to set up the best first time ever (befitting to Kaguya, in his opinion), while she actually just wants his dick inside her.
Next time we'll see Ishigami and Miko is when they're back at school on the 26th. We won't be told exactly what happened at the party because they'll both desperately try to avoid the subject while everyone else sees that they're exchanging awkward glances and acting noticably shy around each other. It'll be up to the readers to guess what happened
translate it
We're back at school, premonition of endless eight.
>premonition of endless eight
So that's why Fujiwara is so chaotic. She's looped through Miyuki's and Kaguya's love story fifteen thousand times, and does not give a fuck anymore. Makes perfect sense.
How often does this girl masturbate?
About as much as the average 4channer.
She's mess up a lot, but would still be a lot more direct than Kaguya ever was.
>This is bad hot (lol) What the heck are you doing at school?!
>Does the "New Game Arc" mean he's pulling a "New Game+"?
>Predicting that it's going to be an Endless 8
Ai (love) Hayasaka
>first page is Prez and Kaguya wake up from off-screen sex
>Shirogane will have to teach her
Ai Ai Hayasaka Ai
Well, he is going to be good once he got enough practise with by F
I hope there's a proper change in dynamic.
>best girl is also played by the only good-looking actress in the live action
No Se...x. Literally just skips to them back in school.
F is better
>ends with them going back to Fujiwara's
>expects sex
She looks kinda weird. Also, why didn't they dye her hair blonde? They did it for Prez, so it seems odd not to do it for Hayasaka.
>the two are still dumb autists that can't handle anything overly romantic without severe heart attack risk
>expects them to hop in bed together
>this fucker again
>new game+
>tfw when it's a parallel universe reboot
Yotsuba lost tho
We still have to see her tits to compare with the 2D.
Good or bad looks aside, the girls are pretty good casting tough. They're exactly like I would picture they in a mundane real world.
That's too predictable and doesn't subvert our expectations
Good thing that's from the spin off.
Papagane and the doctor are exactly how i would imagine them. Papa can be a lil bit thinner with sharper feature tho
At least these 2 are spot-on
Hayasaka, Kashiwagi and both old mans look fine
The rest is just bad
You'd hink we'd get chapter spoilers before the fucking last page of talking.
>Ishigami and Maki
they're being hinted so much that I want Aka to subvert my expectations.
>no spoilers
Leakers are death again?
2 hours
that's not really a huge deal. I mean, Maki dodged a huge bullet.
arghhhhhhhhh I can't wait to get dissapointed again for fucks sake
If Maki got teen pregnant, the Shijo household would be beyond pissed.
it is time for Maki to make Columbine look like a fucking joke!
Maki character arc conclusion. She convinces Kashiwagi to NOT get an abortion and wishes them well. In truth she memed Kashiwagi into teen motherhood and finally got back at Tsubasa.
Miko theme
What else?
I only know Jap, but guesswork tells me that those chinkrunes mean:
>Title: Nagisa Kashiwagi's Love Advice
Will they ask for advice as a couple? Hype
So it's confirmed that we won't see the Ishigami party? Like
From my google-fu and reading context from the thread, the chapter title is "Kashiwagi Nagisa wants to hide it"
柏木渚 想隱瞞
First part is the name, second part is the action.
Probably yeah, might be for the best to just get the pacing moving again.
she pregnant?
how soon can a woman determine if she is pregnant?
If the "New Game Plus" and "Endless Eight" in the text spoiler means it's supposed to be a "repeat" of an earlier chapter, it'd probably have to be Chapter 50
The runes are observe, hide and deceive.
Endless Eight is a fake spoiler. Spoiler posted above, the title, is from a credible source on baidu.
Hide what? A pregnancy that's progressing even more unduly quickly than the phases of the moon? Tsubasa's penis? (Nobody will see it if it's in her vagina!)
> Kashiwagi Nagisa wants to hide it
I call bullshit. How would she immediately know that she's pregnant? Pregancy scare maybe after Tsubasa nutted inside her, but isn't what said title would imply.
I don't think "Endless Eight" has to be a fake spoiler just cause we know the title
That said, the way it's used in that text spoiler is so vague it doesn't matter anyway
Like 1 week after her first missing period
The source for the E8 spoiler is literally just some jap speculating
Wouldn't it make more sense for it to be a repeat of chapter 1? Narration and all.
>Kashiwagi Nagisa wants to hide it
>anons: SHE IS PREGNANT!!!!!!
holy shit, it looks like this will be a good spoiler thread
But he's the usual guy who posts about a bunch of series. And he's always a good source.
It's the same source that gave us spoilers for Chapters 138, 150 and 151
These were all pretty vague but accurate enough to make it trustworthy now
Maybe she wants to hide from her parents that she spend the night in a hotel with her boyfriend?
Like, she got carried away and didn't prepare the cover story?
maybe her cover story is hanging out with miko?
Tsubasa and her are already fucking (as 100% confirmed by Kaguya's call), so what else would she have to hide, given Tsubasa's family history?
It's been two days, it can't be.
He's shooting the breeze about the new title.
"New Game as in New Game+? lol"
>nagisa chapter
That's what he always does.
no fucking way
Obviously, that's why the chapter title is bullshit.
>nagisa BTFO'ing Kaguya and Shirogane chapter
They have TRUE LOVE between them, Kashiwagi can fuck off to a family planning center.
Perfect chapter idea,
>Kashiwagi has to observe and give pointers to Kaguya and Prez's fucking sessions as Fuji is in meltdown modo and Haya is too pure.
Prez has a big dick, r-right bros?
He learns by seeing Iino pin down and rape Ishi
We would have heard him worrying about it by now if it were small.
>as Fuji is in meltdown modo
> Fujiwara watches while making condescending comments about both
Doujins when?
the problem won't be size. the problem will be he's so stressed from working so hard he won't be able to rise to the occasion if you get what I mean
Can someone just kill Maki for the love of god. Poor girl has suffered enough
>Papa Shinomiya has to do a penis inspection to determine whether or not Prez is worthy
It seems we'll be getting the Maki wants to kill herself chapter sooner than we thought.
>As you'd expect, Maki's in the chapter, too
>Ishigami behind Maki (or the other way around? no idea how chink works)
>miko haters
What the hell is that?
Don't do it, Maki! You cannot save him! He has been ensnared and now exists only to serve that ravenous appetite! Flee now before the same happens to you!
Whoa Ishigami looks so joyful
What? How?
This is your future ishimiko shitters
And then Maki left no survivors in the school shooting. Sad.
>Even Yuu-kun betrayed me
Guess the Shuu'chin massacre will have no survivors
>maki overhears nagisa and kaguya talking about what happened during christmas
>she can't bear to hear everything so she runs off to ishigami, her trusted single comrade
>sees this
Looks like Ishigami is beign forced and that Maki doesn't like what she's seeing
Tsundeshitters get the shortest straw
>ishigami feeding the cow
>hair down Miko
Okay what fucking plot shit happened this time?
Absolutely nobody in this panel looks happy with what's taking place.
Where are the leaks?
>hotel dusk and cingkeks in general
What the fuck, oh no no no no No
I dunno
Only Iino looks fine with it since she's eating
>chapter skips the rest of the party and it's about several days later
They woke up in bed together. Ishigami has to take responsibility.
What the fuck, Tsubamebros we got too cocky
Ishi lost a bet, didn't he?
>It's fanart
>too pure for a slut
Oh yes
>just want to start with making a football team
>more relationship counselling
Ch title literally means Kashiwagi Nagisa wants to hide, so I guess this is what happens.
She hides all chapter and spies on people.
Oh yes.
damn, she's stacked
O-oh, t-that makes sense.
So, Kaguya isn't going to use the cloth from Prez's present?
poor Hayasaka
Ishigami is a freak in bed I guess.
>punished Miko, a girl denied her shining prince
Miko is cute
Iceguya had met with Ishi 6 hours before the Christmas
Context truly is important huh...
Oh great, we go back to see what happened.
>Ishi broke Iino's arm
Well, at least she saved half the universe.
>ara ara
This is the good stuff.
Pump it right into my veins and eyeballs.
>As you'd expect, it wasn't that nothing had changed
>The winter break was definitely a turning point!
>A lot of things happened then!
>SFX: Rub rub
>What if someone came?
>everything's gone to shit except for prez and kaguya
Hahaha oh shit no Fuji meltdown just cute fucking pure girls!
Honestly expectations subverted once again.
What happen in the party?
*Christmas party
Sorry, I fucked up the size here
Just came into this thread, can anyone give at least the context of these pages
>SFX: Rub rub
>What if someone came?
>What if someone came?
Quads of insightfulness
I'm going to miss Ice. She's so hot
Nah, Nagisa probably made up some bullshit to keep them away from the student council room.
What the heck is going on?
The Cubari Facaccimo returned and took its revenge.
So it's gonna be a fast forward, which then will segue to a flashback to Miko's and Ishigami's party? These timelines are so confusing
>Ishigami will have to take care of miko
we all know where this is going
*gasp* otter *wheeze* bros... this can't be happening...
Ice Ice Baby.
Oh, that makes sense
I wonder why or how she brokeher arm. If she broke her arm
So Kashiwagi listen them talking, and most probably they want to keep it as a secret
Ishigami party seems more fun that Fujiwara's
No: Kashiwagi's the one having the baby.
>What if someone came?
Hold on, did we really get a 2 week time skip and shit needs to be explained via flashbacks what happened?
Love is in bloom,
A beautiful Kaguya, a handsome Pres',
Two hearts,
Becoming one.
>rub rub
They can't handle the cuteness
Hmm Kashiwagi is definitely going to be Under Pressure.
HE broke her arm
Yes, but Aka is going to go full on flashback for everyone involved.
That's just her head rubbing on his shoulder
Kaguya's best friend
Maybe shes' into that shit
How did pasty Ishigami broke her arm? Some rough play involved?
My wife is a Miko. I love her.
Just why
These goddamn conflicts will be worse than before
Shit, the first one was so good that I didn't care to scroll down.
>O-Oh my...
>Those two...
>They're actually...
>Ishigami broke it
>SFX: Dash
>Oh dear
>I love you
>Anyway, we'll turn back time a bit
>And check what everyone did during winter break through flashbacks
>12/24, Six hours before the Christmas Party
>I've been waiting for you, Ishigami-kun
Back to 2013 with you
>When only one page is TL
Cute butt
>>Ishigami broke it
Is this implying what I think it's implying!?
How could a girl still have her hymen in this age of automobiles.
Ishigami probably did some dumb shit and accidentally broke her arm lol.
I can't wait to find out what happened at that party.
Did she break ALL of her arm?! Like, the bandages go up the shoulder.
>>I love you
We did it bros
Aka made the pacing painfully slow only to drop all the all the bombshells in one chapter. Truly, he has subverted our expectations once again.
>Ishigami broke it
Is she talking about her arm or her hymen
>They're actually...
>I love you
Finally, for inarguably real, Kaguya-Sama Has Been Confessed To!
>*Both probably did some dumb shit
Fixed that for you
Her hymen was long before broken already. What are you saying?
Miko handy game too weak
>I love you
>I love you
my kokoro went doki doki
What?! How?!
>Miko is getting flirted on aggressively at the party
>Ishigami sees it and goes for the save
>Grabs her arm and pulls her away
>Miko is smitten at how romantic it is
>She fucking falls while Ishigami pulls her
>Breaks arm
i bet it's something like this
It's done now
Damn, look at Kashi's kashiwagis
That sound really funny I could totally see something that silly be in Kaguya.
>how do we make two people with no chemistry interact more
>I know, let's make one injure the other and take care of the other
That wasn't very subversive of my expectations of you Aka
That's some very awful thing to do, even if it was an accident. I wouldn't forgive myself
We know who the true savior is
They are already getting bigger to produce milk,
How powerful can she become?
Prob the guy with glasses fault
Poor Ishigami, feeding Miko must take ages
Holy shit, Ishigami looks so fucking badass here, is this from the spinoff?
Miko is the one with the broken arm, not Tsubame
Take out the smitten part and it sounds way more likely.
They have chemistry. It's just the equivalent of potassium and water.
only 6 pages?
You just have to be efficient about it.
No, it's fanart, but i can't remember where i found it
It's fanart
He probably has to cook for her as well because her parents are away
Aka will subvert our expectations by having it be completely Miko's fault because she got way past wasted and fell down some stairs but she lays blame on Ishi for essentially forcing her to go to this party.
What did Hayasaka and Fujiwara realize? Prez and Kaguya getting it on in the StuCo room? Or Kashiwagi being pregnant?
>freed from the baggage that was trying to save a girl from a cheat
>now has to deal with actually harming a person
Should've an hero'd
You want to keep it fixed, I once had a tiny radius fracture and pretty much the same bandaging
So we'll get to see what the fuck happened while we get glimpses on what's happening
it's fanart
it's more comical if something cool is interrupted by people being dumbshits
>even more excuses so Miko interacts exclusively with Ishigami
I guess that's what the flashbacks will tell us?
Oh dang
This will make her to fall for him even more
They probably played the Ou-sama game or something and he lost badly
Wouldn't she have a caretaker?
Yes it's part of Kaguya multi-verse
good thing the pixiv filename is still there
I once broke my arm and only had the thing up to my elbow
Ishigami doesn't need a excuse to hang out with his girlfriend.
You act like they've never interacted before.
Reminds of Hey Arnold episode. Miko is going to abuse the fuck out of this situation.
The way to a person's heart is through your cooking, he's just sealed his fate
No shit
She even will make him to behave properly since he's feeling very guilty.
I was more thinking of that SKET Dance chapter/episode where Himeko breaks Bossun's hand and has to be his maid
But seems that he also affected Tsubame's heart for good
Ah. A fellow patrician that read/watched SKET Dance.
>Ishigami I am going to do outrageously lewd things to the President tonight, Iino CANNOT get in the way
>Yes, by any means necessary
This is true.
Literally one of my first shows.
>W-what about Fujiwara, Kaguya-san
>Let me worry about her
>prez says 'i luv u'
in what bizarro world are we
Leave F to ME
Did Bossun and Himeko get together after the ending to the series?
She was as affected as Fujiwara
No, no: in Bizarro world, Prez says "me hate you." The time he said "me love that part of you" it triggered that vasovagal response.
It was an ambiguous ending. Bossun went traveling the world to do volunteer work for a few years or something like that.
The end was fucking weird. At least Kenta learned his lesson and made the couples more clear in Kanata no Astra I hope the anime will be good
Pretty fucked up what Shinohara did to the ending man
Now THAT is some actual otter shit
>Kaguya and Pres at full power
so, 4pages in this flashback volume?
I think he was trying to avoid the "it's ending now so everyone gets married" ending that plagues shonen series but didn't know how. Because this was a gag series first and romance was never the main focus.
I read most of it, and though it was pretty rad.
>Aka reveals they actually go out and its a scheme that nobody figures it out
Since this take's place after Jan 2nd, does this mean Kaguya made it? What the fuck happened on her birthday?
made a Skat dance thread and fuck off anons
Maybe we'll se it in the flashbacks
>romance was never the main focus
It's literally the entire premise of the series
Iino looks way different than usual, and Tsubame looks less cheerful
You'd be looking less cheerful too if one of your guests broke another's arm during your party
This is probably a flashforward and we'll see how they got to this point throughout this volume.
What the fuck happened in that christmas party?
She's not even wearing her earring.
She saw Ishigami saving Iino's ass for the nth time and got the wrong idea
I think this is around 2 weeks after the whole ordeal.
>flashback/flashforward fuckery
Fuck off.
It's not that she looks less cheerful. She looks more "wistful", than anything. Kinda like she's thinking about something that happened, she even has a little blush.
Maybe she got her arm broken after the party
I 愛 Hayasaka
She's bland as hell so far, but god if she isn't cute as fuck.
Oh fuck
Meant to
>not following the entire council threads
She isn't wearing it during the party too
Well, she's the swan of the 3rd years, so she's very cute. Most probably in these next chapters we'll get to see her developing her personality and show what kind of weird quirks she has
Ishigami stealing a kiss (or some other romantic gesture) of a her, which promptly made Miko mad and a scuffle ensues, which inadvertently lead to her broken arm, somehow.
So is she pregnant or not?
Yes, I'm sure that's what happened and not some retarded accident.
>Ishigami grabbed her arm to pull her away from some scum, but his grip was too tight and snapped her brittle bones.
>Miko picked a fight with him, and he was drunk enough to fight back.
>Miko is faking it for attention.
>Rough sex.
>Some stupidity happened and Ishigami fell into her, just like in some shitty anime. But instead of grabbing her tits, he broke her arm.
Pick your favorite. The only thing certain here is that Miko will tell him that he needs to take responsibility.
He's always sleep deprived
Despair chads won
Prez and Kaguya are sweet, and honest to goodness puts a smile in my face of happiness while making me wish myself dead because as a 27 year old virgin I will never experience romance like that EVER, I'm happy that it's now time for Miko Iino's arc. Best girl.
It looks like Ishigame's gonna feed her and protect her and whatnot, something must have happened.
I just want Miko to be happy. I hope she finds her prince.
>for Miko Iino's arc
You mean a couple of chapters about the party and that's it, because the main thing in this arc is the prez/Kaguya date.
>something must have happened.
I've already placed my bet on
>>Some stupidity happened and Ishigami fell into her, just like in some shitty anime. But instead of grabbing her tits, he broke her arm.
Most likely something stupid. It happens. E.g. I broke my right little toe 5 weeks ago by slipping on my hardwood floor, hitting the hard edge of my couch with full force.
>prez/Kaguya date
That'll be after some Miko Iino and Ishigami arc. Seems super interesting.
Sorry, they're talking about Sket Dance
It's the christmas flashback arc, not the Ishimiko arc.
>snail's pace for a full volume.
>Ishigami grabbed her arm to pull her away from some scum, but his grip was too tight and snapped her brittle bones
This seems like the most likely scenario; to elaborate. Ishigami is trying to have a heart to heart with Tsubame and she's gradually learning more about him. She's about to give an answer to his "confession" but then Ishi notices some creeps hitting on Miko and he goes all white knight mode and tries yanking her away, but since he's an idiot, he's too rough with her and accidentally breaks her arm.
I'm hoping it turns out she's either faking it, or her arm's just hurt and not broken.
I don't really want to see Miko wandering around for a long time with a broken arm
She'd be a massive bitch for faking it and manipulating Ishigami by guilt tripping him into servitude.
>She's about to give an answer to his "confession"
Too soon I feel. She's still learning, and she was given plenty of time. I think its more likely that she starts falling for him slowly until she's sure she likes him, and maybe something happens.
Miko is all about morals, and following the rules, she wouldn't fake something that serious for attention.
This is peak performance, how can the other girls even compete
Miko isn't like that. That's just evil.
The Christmas Flashback arc, which would sparingly talk about Kaguya and Prez, I would bet.
that;s the point
I wouldn't think she's that brittle, but it could be a mix. He pulls her away from something, but so clumsily that it causes a fall which breaks her arm.
Why is Tsubame blushing? How did Ishigami break her arm?
What in the actual fuck happened at that party?
>sparingly talk
Unlikely. We have a date set up, and Prez can now say "I love you" to her face. There's plenty to be seen from their side.
Most probably she is but she doesn't know yet
As a 28 year old non-virgin I can say that I also have never experienced romance like that, so don't feel bad. Faggot.
>How did Ishigami break her arm?
Harem MCs are always getting in silly accidents where they collide with a girl and fall on top of her, to grab some tits or some other such nonsense. That's how.
wew lad
You mean a lot, because it had their date and Kaguya's confession, with enough development for prez to express his feelings.
It would probably a chapter or two at most, this flashback arc would focus more on Miko and Ishigami and Tsubame I think. Probably like 30% prez and kaguya, 70% miko, ishigami, tsubame and maybe even hayasaka and chika.
That would make me happy. Miko (best girl) deserves more screentime.
Do you really not feel bad about it? I still do. After 25 is just a wasteland, man, we'll never experence romance like that
New thread
Whoops, I misread 'non-virgin' as 'virgin'. So, yeah, you just made me feel a lot worse when you told me at least you experienced love.
>It would probably a chapter or two at most, this flashback arc would focus more on Miko and Ishigami and Tsubame I think
Now this is what I call being delusional.
Kinda this
Ishigami is behaving like a harem MC, so it was something stupid yet it was something very gentlemanly.
Maybe he grabbed her arm way too strong while he saved her from getting hit by a car or something like that because Iino doesn't seems mad at him but kinda conflicted
Who cares? It was a conscious choice. I'm not willing to share my hobbies and lifestyle with any normal girl and I sure as fucking hell do not want a repugnant e-whore weeaboo for a partner.
Fuck you man
I would bet on it
Casino and all
>their first date
>Kaguya's birthday
Yeah, I'm sure the arc will focus on secondary characters
>but kinda conflicted
Well, she's making him hang out with her, so that makes sense.
Yes. I told you I will bet on it.
They can talk about the birthday and the date after the arc. It's probably, my guess, they will talk about Miko and the others in around 4 chapters, then Kaguya's date in probably 2 chapters
>They can talk about the birthday and the date after the arc
Why would they not talk about Kaguya's birthday in the flashback arc?