Hey guys, Yea Forums here

Hey guys, Yea Forums here.
Did good anime came out this year?

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Go back to your containment board and never ever come back here

Rumor is Dormer banged the king off set and that's why she isn't on the show anymore. because pedo and all

Game of thrones sucks

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Attack on Titan is on season 3.5. Pretty good so far.

Are there non-containment boards? It feels like any board that gets brought up is called a containment board.

Please consider killing yourself for being a spoonfeeder.
Seriously there should be a report that specifies that spoonfeeding in a request thread.

Thats for a reason. I suppose /trash/ is the exception, or even /qa/ after the shitstorm.

Fuck off faggot. Go be a bitter bitch somewhere else.

You know why people come here asking for requests? for faggots like you. This isnta request board, there is /wsr/ for a fucking reason.

That would include anyone who replies in a request thread, retard
Don't have anxiety attacks over stupid shit like 4channel threads that'll be deleted soon

>i don't want to waste my time, what products are good?
>x is quality
>thanks so much, user
I just don't see what is it that you hate so much about this interaction

Most of the replies are ironic and to bring the mods in faster

>All request threads for adult content belong on /r/, and all request threads for work-safe content belong on /wsr/, unless otherwise noted.
Fuck off

>continues to bump the thread
No gives a fuck what you think, maybe next time fuck off before stirring shit over something so mundane

It ain't even a request. Think of it as a convesation, maybe some other anons will join that conversation and discuss the quality of different anime.
Are you affraid the anime you like sucks dick?

No, this is pretty much a request, on top of that you are violating the first rule
>All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga.
With the OP pic.
I seriously hope you get a rangeban

Kill yourself.

Its a conversation we dont have nor want to have on Yea Forums.

All those "conversations" turn into are :
>Hay Yea Forums rec me anime.
>recs like 7 series
>Thanks user.
>Thread dies.

>to bring the mods in faster
Wrong, nobody did anything that make mod to come faster before now.

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Mods just deleted >Why is this garbage still alive?