Good work today

Good work today.

Attached: Good work today..png (1280x720, 793K)

It was my day off today, but I appreciate the thought.


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Thank you!

You too.

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What are you actually supposed to say if someone says something like this to you in real life?
I was taking out the trash in my apartment and I'm normally pretty clean (my apartment doesn't smell or anything; I also haven't gotten any complaints).
But as I'm throwing the trash away this lady who I've never seen before thanks me for taking out the trash. I had no idea what to say so I said no worries, you too. I realize I fucked up with the you too, but I'm not exactly sure what I should have said.

t-thank you, user.

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Comfy thread

Whomst this?

But I did nothing all day...

Same. Good work doing nothing!

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it's sunday you idiot
doesn't matter though because i'm a neet

>Y-you too

a very nice meme
I like it

I tried.

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okay i keep seeing this, can you tell me where it's from? I can't find anything by searching

Imagine tying her to the ceiling as a punching bag

I miss this show, some of the most I've ever laughed in anime, especially in all the foreigner bashing bits.

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You posted this on a sunday.
What is wrong with you?

Good work today, everyone

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Thanks, Kongou. See you tomorrow. I love you.


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Sorry user, but Ican't accept your feelings. Can we be just friends instead?

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I'm in an admiral's uniform, though.

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>still no OVAs
Why must we suffer so skeletonbros?

But all I did was cry and masturbate.

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It's sunday you dumb whore.