Go-Toubun Hanayome cont

Basically Nino proved herself to be the best both in the supporting and lead roles. That's why she's best girl. That Miku date doesn't happen without Nino basically dictating it from behind the scenes.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Miku is doormat waifu

fuck off.

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Yo, can you motherfuckers decide between "Go" and "5"?

Every post above me is a falseflag.

This is a Nino thread.

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The best part about Sisters' War arc was the bromance. Prove me wrong.

Ichika true end.

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Nino a best. It can't be helped.

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Would you wife a Yotsuba?

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In ¼ of a heartbeat.

I can't wait for Itsuki to roll in and steal Fuutaro from under Yotsuba's nose.

How mad will you be if Ichika makes a comeback and wins?

Maybe the thread would have more visibility if you used 5toubun

Anyway, yes, Nino was the highlight in Sisters' War

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2 >= 4 > 1 > 5 >> 3

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I wish I had enough shop skills to make this into the George Constanza meme.

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Just search for "toubun"

Ichika despair a second best! Yotsuba is first obviously.

This. After all, 5toubun is the official romanization.

Yotsuba probably touches herself whenever Fuutarou praises her.

Yeah, Nino is also the highlight of My Sisters and I 1 & 2 and A Certain Boy and I 1 & 2

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Why does Yotsuba get two arcs?

Because main girl

The only way Yotsuba wins is when she tries to lose. Itsuki is doing her best to try and motivate Yotsuba to win.

What is Itsuki's next course of action? I don't think she'll stay put and let the truth stay unknown.

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>In both of Yotsuba's arcs, she gets upstaged by her sisters.

How do hopefags exist?

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Yotsuba chapter withdrawal. The lack of development chapters until now got them to think she has a chance.

Are Nino fans this cringe and pathetic?

>Ichika has the shota

Looks like Nino hit a nerve.

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>two arcs
More like double 2-parter.The flashback almost over and it span for only 4 chapters total.

I just copied and pasted the last thread and added cont. that thread hit limit and got archived

I think she shot an artery. The user’s dead.

Don't worry, everything after these flashback chapters will all be Yotsuba centered arcs until the end of the series.

Itsuki's fanbase looked like that guy from Kuroko no Basuke.

>implying Negi won’t forget Yotsuba again

I do love itsuki and I am a big guy 4 u

Itsuki’s fanbase is a cross-dressing mahou shoujo.

Spoilers in what 20 hours? Tfw all you’ve been looking forward to all week was this new chapter.



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She needs a big man that can lift her in his arms.

Toubun strong. Also free vol. 1 on amazon?

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Anyone think Nino is a better fit for Jalters outfit?

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Also volume 11 cover is apparently already finished.

Regardless of who Fuutarou marries in the end, these two are still gonna fuck, right?

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If Fuu-kun wasn't such an autist, they probably would have already.

Who's supposed to be in it?


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The bride, of course.

Ex-anime only fag here. I've finally caught up. Will be rooting for Yotsuba or Miku.

During the anime, the least girl I liked before was Nino due to VA reasons. Didn't particularly hate her as a character. But my opinion of her did improve when there's no voice to go with it. However, now I really don't like Ichika. Almost like I actually kinda hate her. I'm disappointed she's still in the game despite the shit she pulled off.

Yeah her voice wasn't what I imagined when reading it. Ichika might look like she's in the game, but she's not. She's just there so it's still called 5toubun.

Ninofag here, I agree. I don’t like the VA choice for Nino, she sounds like a child.

Nino a shit

I kinda feel that she still isn't out. There's still a way for her to get back. Then again it's not a welcome idea from my perspective. The flashbacks never helped her case as well.

>two arcs
>still shorter than scramble egg, kyoto arc, firework arc, even final exam arc
bros... are we supposed to be happy?

With the flashback even 7goodbyes and scrambled eggs can be considered partly yotsuba's arc as well.


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Haven't followed 5toubun for 2 months. give me a quick rundown

all flashback

Yotsuba turned out to be best girl.

Yotsuba is Lolikano. Cue despair.

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Just search for Hanayome.

Anyways, according to that one user who posts religiously, 5toubun is the official romanization.

bread, LOVE, and flashback
also, snake got BTFO'd

Spoilers when? Or did I missed it?

Wait 19 more hours.

She was always the best girl. More anons have merely seen the light.

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By the way, I didn't really get the outrage or shitposting for this part. I do get the point that she got carried here which would have not left a good impression as a confession moment. However from my point of view I didn't see that as an "official" confession. She just really hasn't properly said it yet. However, now they're both aware.

Might be my headcanon but my take on this is that she's saving it for the time when she has the courage to do so. It's understandble given her characters circumstance that she won't be able to say it yet. It would be completely out of character if she did.

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Nino and Kintarou segments were too fucking cute.

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How can one girl be so perfect in everything but academics?

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Fuutarou's face looks like some one who got caught cheating

>By the way, I didn't really get the outrage or shitposting for this part.
to make fun of the mikufags who keep repeating "miku will win because of her popularity"

It's not just here. Other communities had similar reactions. But regardless. If this isn't really her official confession that will be great. Maybe when she grows more as a character then we'll see a real one. At this point her lack of self confidence is still something that needs to be tackled.

I, for one, am not looking forward to that moment. If 4 broken back quints + oh my dead mom's bread wasn't enough to make miku properly confess, I don't know what will.

Well you can see she is trying her hardest to stand up for her own. Like some people have said getting carried to make your own confession doesn't sit well. She still has room to grow and say it properly.

>she is trying her hardest to stand up for her own.
She had to be spoonfed everything last arc, that's not even trying.

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Nino is still shit.

Ninofags confirmed redditors

If you are talking about Sisters' War then I do agree. However it doesn't invalidate her efforts prior to the Ichika mess.

>However it doesn't invalidate her efforts prior to the Ichika mess.
You know what? I think it fucking does. And I'm not that mad at miku, I'm mad at negi for regressing her progress for muh drama.

nice try artur

And seanigs.

I kinda disagree about the regression part since she has not completely broken free of her lack of self confidence. She say she wants to but her condition right now would make more sense for her knees to buckle under intense competition.

Only time will tell how Negi handles her. If she regresses one more time, it's going to be definitely pushing it.

If we look back, she aimed for the highest grades but Ichika claimed the top spot. She's not good at cooking yet she worked hard to bake that bread. I just hope that the arc that deals with her confidence comes soon.

>she has not completely broken free of her lack of self confidence.
Jesus, even after scrambled eggs?

I still believe in the rising of Miku

I mean there were still some thing left out. Remember, the barrier has not been broken. It's only after that chapter where Fuutarou and Miku were both aware of their feelings but have not officially said it.

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Ichika a best

Nino a shit

Nino would be the main heroine if she went full lewd, to truly capitalize on her forward demeanor.

In summary, miku's whole story arc is "muh confidence"?
Isn't that really... shallow? Compare that to:
> ichika who had inner conflicts of her love of her sisters and her self interest
> nino who hated fuu and now loves him
> yots who wants her sisters to be happy because the past
The only other quint is itsuki, but even her relationship with Fuu is more healthier than miku and enjoyable.

She's really the most interesting sister, and a redemption arc would only be possible if Fuutarou had more backbone on following up on seeing her being alright in the aftermath of her fuckups.

this is harem trash and as such i have not read it.

shorthaired girl best tho

Half the board would get a heart attack from all the blood rushing to their dick.

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>short hair
Why would I marry a boy?

>mfw never ever

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This, there is a fine scaping of Yotsuba dna in each arc that is almost impossible see. Who are we kidding, Negi is going to sideline her when it becomes Itsuki's turn for character development.

By your description, Nino is the shallowest.

can someone please hurry and build an interdimensional portal I don't know how much more I can take

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You seem to imply that it's finished.

Sex is not that expensive right?

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>Ura Sekai Communication MC getting Miku

Please, Negi, serialize this in 2020. That was the best oneshot I've ever read

is this not lewd enough?

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She needs to sustain a full Lewd Offensive campaign if she hopes to win.

This is Fuu-kuns future bride. Say something nice about her.

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Nino is great though. Antagonist turned protagonist while still loving her sisters all the way.

She is a basic bitch after all.

Color potato

she did.

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Imagine a 5toubun thread without the ninobros. It would be so boring.

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>a 5toubun thread without the ninobros
God I fucking wish.

put "no nino here" in the thread subject and I promise I won't visit that thread.
not sure for other anons though

She's really shallow though. If you think about it, all her scenes show that she doesn't actually love Fuut, she just loves being in love.
>Muh blonde fictional Kintarou
>Don't answer my confession because I said so
>Join my Kyoto group, I won't take no for an answer
>I won't accept an outsider to mess with us 5. Oh, did I say that? Sikes, I've decided to ditch all of you to create a new group with just me and Fuut

5toubun no hanayome is the official romanization.

Now why would I listen to what someone else says?

>>Muh blonde fictional Kintarou
who cares, timid Nino was cute as fuck

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Any quints doing the handsfree tapioca challenge?

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>timid Nino was cute as fuck
And she doesn't exist anymore.

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Good. Aggressive Nino is better.

Nino from these chapters is peak Nino

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>dress holding up her tits

I guess her arms got tired.

She is trash.

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>Tapioca challenge is a challenge where you drink the largest tapioca/bubble tea - loli Itsuki-chan
I don't think this is true, but if Itsuki-chan said so it must be correct.

That's no way to talk about your mom.

I wish Nino was my mom

I wish I was Nino's mom.

Imagine breast feeding Nino

she will appear again when Fuutarou pushes her down for the third time.

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>I wish I were dead
cherish yourself more, user.

TL please

How did I miss the symbolism in that upper left panel? Holy shit Negi

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>Uesugi-san, mite kudasai! Dekimashita!

>ya-yappari wasurete kudasai...


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If Negi is to be believed Nino has a very narrow pussy.

Explain to a brainlet.

Shirou please.

attention-4-whore tries to do the tapioca challenge and want F to look at her showing her rude boobs.

pistil and stamen

It looks like they fuck

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I want to fuck that piggy

Snake a shit.

vol 11 cover

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I don't see a steak anywhere.

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Because she already ate it

She's Fuu-kuns most ideal women and is the most wife material in general out of the quints.

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This one is actually really good for a fan art.


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That fucking face.

Wait, that's by sousei no onmyouji author, same as this Miku. Guy has good taste.

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I can actually see the real hand pose to be exactly like this.

Nah Itsuki will have a slightly different expression like the other quint.Probably crying.

Face feels disproportionate.

fuck off mikucuck

Which quint has the widest hips? No fat, just bone width.

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Nino has the most prominent ass and thighs, due to lack of evidence for other quints so I'll assume those thighs are connected to some wide hips.

Anyone got what each quints petals represents?

Ichika - Sunflower
Nino - Orchid
Miku - Hydrangea
Yotsuba - Clover
Itsuki - Carnation
Don't know what's on their bride covers

All I know is Itsuki's represents animal cruelty.

Leaks in 1 hour.

What does each flower symbolize?

>I miss the symbolism

>you saved me
>no, I was the one who was...

That why Nino and Fuutarou will be married together. Fuutarou saves literally Nino life and Nino saves literally Fuutarou life.

It's not Lolinakano anymore

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>Blue hydrangeas symbolize frigidity and apology.


mental illness.

Kill yourself subhuman

Fuck off back to redd!t.

Sunflower - Sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty and longevity

Orchid -represents love, luxury, beauty and strength. In ancient Greece, orchids were associated with virility.

Hydrangea - heartfelt emotion, gratitude for understanding, and apology. They were also given to people who turned down love interests as signs that they were cold or frigid.

Clover -The three leaves of a shamrock are also said to stand for faith, hope and love. A fourth leaf is where we get the luck from

Carnations - Light red carnations represent admiration, while dark red denote deep love and affection. White carnations represent pure love and good luck, while striped (variegated) carnations symbolise regret that a love cannot be shared.

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Tieba you mean

So Nino is a baby factory.

>Orchid -represents love, luxury, beauty and strength. In ancient Greece, orchids were associated with virility.
>Clover -The three leaves of a shamrock are also said to stand for faith, hope and love. A fourth leaf is where we get the luck from

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Chinks are redditors as well.

Ain't that the truth.

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Babushka Nino a very cute!


Erry tiem

But Yotsuba has Aqua-tier luck.

And precious

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Because her bunny ribbon only has 2 leaves, the only way to make them 4 is to be with someone who has another pair of 2 leaves which is Fuutarou's head.

My god she's gonna rip off his hair and transplant it over hers

It really doesn't matter because Negi just gave all of them rose petals in the new batch of volumes.

2 leaves = love and faith without hope.

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Her butt looked really fat in that outfit.

Her problems are caused by herself. Nothing to do with luck.
Reunion with Fuutarou in high school pretty lucky I'd say.

Yotsuba is a fucking leaf.

Isn't it great?

At least she's not an Aussie, Mexican or American.

>The three leaves of a shamrock are also said to stand for faith, hope and love.
Based. Never give up hope Yotsubros.
>A fourth leaf is where we get the luck from
Luck really is her theme.

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I feel for Fuutarou, but at least he doesn't have a harem like Subaru. Subaru got murdered by one of his girls.

or the lack thereof.

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Subaru is also a whiny faggot.

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Do you think the quints are jealous that Itsuki ca n stuff her and not get fat?

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>one kills you a bunch of times
>the other keeps magic massaging your heart whenever she pleases
He should just fuck the clown

No, since they have the same physical constitution. And Itsuki is the fattest.

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>he doesn't have a harem like Subaru
Subaru doesn't have a harem. Rem loves him and he loves Emilia.

Big boned. Not fat

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>jealous of Itsuki
No way

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Don't forget the loli.

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>if I give her "extras" she'll run me out of businesses.

Smart guy

Also, Satella.

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Imagine how many stabs to the heart Yotsuba experienced after every "we're the same" , " we should always be together".
From Nino.
From Miku.
From Itsuki.
From mom.
From Futarou himself.

Healthy, not fat.

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It's her fault for playing a handicap equivalent to 1 white mage with 3 party members dead.

Imagine playing with that.

Why is Yotsuba so edgy? There are five of them and she's the only one with a severe case of existential crisis.

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>long ponytail Yotsuba

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Miku has some of that but focused more on why she's so useless.
Nothing compared to snowflake though.

>implying the witch of envy would allow that faggot to have a harem.

This is all Ichika's fault for cucking her.

>we're the same
But neither Fuutarou and Rena ever said that to her.Rena literally told her she is unique.

why can't the fan arts deliver this level of softness

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Reread the manga you can hear every time her heart cracks little by little.
Based merciless Onee-chans.

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She already showed signs of it even before getting cucked by Ichika.

It's Yotsuba's fault for having the mental fortitude of a PTSD war vet

God I want to stuff my face between those thighs and take a excruciatingly long whiff of her feminine scent.

Next its Nino chapter or the next next is Nino chapter. I can smell it!

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What do Nino's thighs smell like?

Anyone got the rest from this artist?

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Cute el gremilino

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Here's one
>What do Nino's thighs smell like?
My semen

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Can't blame Yotsuba for that, she was falling in love with Fuutarou, then Ichika took advantage of the situation. Ichika has ntr'd two sisters. Fucking disgusting.


Yotsuba, being the super special snowflake (self-proclaimed) blew it outta proportion.

>Delicious despair

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while pretending to be Yotsuba.

>Talked to him
>Spent the rest of the night with him
You're retarded.

Love her expression. That artist knows his stuff.

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It's been a while since the latest grab on, huh.

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Soon Nino will give Fuutarou butterflies in his stomach

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That sounds very dangerous

Next time will be his dick.

Poison again?

She's gonna drug him again?

Nino drugging him on his wedding day and forcing him to marry her is right up her alley.

God I wish that were me

Aaaww, the beauty of Stockholme syndrome

Sounds fun.

Can’t believe Yotsuba snagged the charm without anyone seeing

Why the fuck are you talking about my wife!?

The last game is between Yotsuba and Nino
>Nino is the opposite of Yotsuba mind about her sisters
>Yotsuba look at the past and Nino look at future
>Yotsuba is Fuutarou past and Nino is his present
Negi wants the big fight between

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I do think the charm will resurface. If yotsuba grabs it, would that confirm she is lake rena?

Fuck off I thought we had a restraining order in place.

Nino gonna drop once she finds out that Fuu and Yots met 5 years ago.

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Rena is Itsuki, that was already confirmed. Makes no sense for Yotsuba to be Rena anyway since she was running with the track club.

Is Yotsuba equipped with night vision she can see a tiny charm floating away god knows how much meters from her?

Yotsuba is the only one that brings out the genuine him. The other 4 never had a chance.

That would just cement her win since she jumped to conclusions without any extra input from Futarou.

>come Itsuki food this way

No wonder Fuutarou's so fucking sleepy in his wedding

Except, lake rena knew what Fuutarou looked like in the past. Itsuki didn't, since she never saw the picture of the younger him. Only nino did.

She doesn't give a fuck that Ichika and Miku liked him first, why would Yotsuba be any different?

You forgot about the part when Yotsuba met up with Itsuki the morning after Fuutarou talked about his past.

She saw the photo before they went into the lake.

Because Yotsuba asked her to be Rena since Yotsuba sucks at acting. Why is it so difficult to understand this?

Does Nino know how to cook well because she has a feeder fetish for Itsuki?

I can't wait to see new Ninos in the new chapter soon

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It was facing him, not her.
Itsuki is just as bad at acting, she said so during 7 goodbyes.

No. She just started racking up wife points from an early age. Very clever and calculating.

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>would that confirm she is lake rena?
No, because lake Rena stole the photo and later we found out that Itsuki dropped it from her box. There's literally no way Yotsuba can be Rena.

>Itsuki is just as bad at acting, she said so during 7 goodbyes.
Clearly not a problem seeing that she did in fact meet Fuutarou as Rena a few chapters ago.

The box is a red herring. Lake rena is still a mystery, since it hasn't been revealed who it was. Only that Mall rena is Itsuki, and the second rena after meeting Fuutarou after sister wars. Yotsuba knew Itsuki was pretending to be her. Lake rena is still a mystery, and it will probably be revealed in the next chapter.

Lake Rena's identity isn't confirmed. Only mall Rena's identity is, and Sister war's Rena is.

It's only a mystery because you are such a brainlet.

Don't insult my superior intellect user.

There are no multiple Rena's you fucking troglodytes.

Huh. This is as bad as not acknowledging fuutarou was the one referenced by yotsuba in scrambled eggs.

She thinks Fuutatou loves lolikano

>Lake Rena's identity isn't confirmed.

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Well. There you have it. Nino jumping to conclusions again.

Itsuki saw the photo when she checked his handbook for his address

Attached: x26.png (1070x1600, 534K)

>knows that one or two sisters cherish memories with a certain boy years ago
>that's irreverent to me

Good sister. Reminds me how she sat on her ass eating while her family imploded in Kyoto

No she doesn't.

Nice eye user. I still don't think she's lake rena though.

No amount of evidence will convince you.

Go back to redd!t, you fucking idiot.

Implying you'd have the ghost of a chance with Nino.

>Lake rena is still a mystery, since it hasn't been revealed who it was
Do you have single digit IQ or something? Even Negi foreshadowed it on his season 2 announcement picture. That's Itsuki literally wearing the Rena outfit, you fucking mongoloid. And considering S2 won't even reach sisters war, that Rena can only be the one in the lake, now fuck offf.

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She does

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This thread is too low on fat

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>soles not on the ground
0/10 squat see me after class Druže Yotsuba.

Her soles aren't touching the ground though.

Yes. They are not.
Observe Nino, perfected stance.

She thinks that he "loved" her, not that he is still in love. He wasn't anyway.

Based. Only the most high-test of men can handle Itsuki. That's a lot of woman right there.

Attached: 1553101765797.jpg (848x1200, 183K)

seeing Fuutarou's reaction in this image >189425839
I think it will increase her chance instead

Painfully plump

Miku a cute and a best

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Nino confirmed one of our brothers.

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She is indeed too much for any man to handle. Her weight, that is.

Attached: fat bitch.jpg (1080x1350, 120K)

>Does Nino know how to cook well because she has a feeder fetish for Itsuki?
Obviously. Look at the pure fiendish lust in her eyes as she prepares to fondle Itsuki's fat. Nino's got a quintcestuous feeder fetish.

Attached: serial_fat_grabber.png (360x640, 238K)

only 14 hours more.

>Ichika is the only one not having S2 details

Rena is only Itsuki, Yotsuba figured out early on who Fuuts was and Itsuki confirmed it to her after the detective chapter, Yotsuba didn't wanted to tell him so Itsuki did the Rena stuff on her own to help him move on, the charm was Yotsuba's and has her wish written inside, then Itsuki felt guilty about lying since they're friends now but didn't wanted to betray Yotsuba so she try to get Fuuts to force the truth out of her

Negi probably got lazy, he should've drawn her with the Tamako outfit.

Did Miku cut Yotsuba hair too?

Attached: D9B5sJgUIAEwZlr.jpg (768x1200, 150K)

Me on the left

>Anime is canon
>Fuck off
No, u

>Future Itsuki isn't fat or even chubby
I'll never not be mad.

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we know, Fuu

Attached: 好き.png (1254x1370, 1.42M)

Now you're just being retarded on purpose.

All of those are from 7 Goodbyes,Ichika is the most irrelevant in that arc.

No. Yotsuba used Miku's katana for it since she's hardcore

>missed Miku quints

Yotsuba ripped it in half while going through her depressive episode one time. She later smoothed it out with scissors she keeps in the secret compartment in her drawer in case she needs them to....cut something.

The anime isn't written by Negi, it's by Keiichirō Ōchi.

wat :/

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Stop grasping for straws, you're just embarrassing yourself now.

Try harder.

Look at how fat Nino's thighs are.
God I wish I was that seat.

If any quint is going to get involved in Yotsuba's arc, it will be Ichika and Itsuki anyway. I doubt Nino will come into the picture considering she forgot all about Shotarou. She will make some encouraging speeches like in the Kyoto arc but end up not mattering in the grand scheme of things.

No, you're the only retard here. Fuck off back to redd!t with your shit.

>literally the mother's day flower
Itsuki bride confirmed

Why is Nino always docking with Itsuki?


I want to make Itsuki my wife, and spoil and pamper her with as much food as she wants, and let her get fat!

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Could have given her the short shorts + hoodie outfit she wears when she brushed Yotsuba's teeth

No, You're retarded. Thinking the anime is canon when it's written from someone else's perspective. Fucking dumbass.

Nino smells sweet

Itsuki unconsciously wants her mommy.

Because Nino is attracted to Itsuki's fat and can't keep herself from touching it.

Attached: belly_fat.png (1190x770, 676K)

Itsuki's arm really does look fat here.


>I doubt Nino will come into the picture considering she forgot all about Shotarou
>negi won't forcefully insert Nino into other quints arcs
I hope your wish come true, user.

Seeing how you can't defend yourself anymore and how you literally cannot connect the dots that are this simple, it's evident you're just pulling a lot of shit out of your ass now. Don't ever talk to me again, you fucking brainlet.

Here's your (You)

Why is Nino so gay?

Early chapter quints are meatier than later ones

>with Itsuki?
Isn't it mostly with Ichika?

>negi won't forcefully insert Nino into other quints arcs
that wasn't what I said.

you know why

Attached: quincest.jpg (682x705, 440K)

Nino's hand looks nice. I wanna deposit my semen on it.

Reminder that ITSUKI EATS DOGS

Enjoy your anime, fag.

Nino's a feeder, and Itsuki just happens to make a great feedee/food-tester/soft gelatinous object to squeeze and cuddle with

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Why did Negi flanderize Itsuki so badly?

Twice with each of them in the manga, plus this anime illustration

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Great hunger calls for great sacrifice

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based. superior girl with superior taste.

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Go back to Yulin, Itsuki.

All the sisters have genuine interactions with Fuutarou, and Yotsuba is nowhere close to topping the number of interactions (that goes to Itsuki).

Attached: wakeup.png (540x742, 188K)

Looks like low quality pork with lice.

Continue dreaming.

Fuck back to redd!t.

Is it strange that I like Nino, but the obnoxious Ninochinks here make me ashamed to? Or make me wish I didn't?

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Your quint will never achieve this with Fuutarou.

Attached: Y16.png (1357x789, 342K)

Ledditors are THAT retarded. Don’t be so surprised.

Nobody cares about your fragile feefees, nigger.


Attached: 1560494564392.jpg (2508x3541, 527K)

Fuck off back to >>>/redd!t/

I don't Negi added that Fuu-something-kun just for shits and giggles, Nino will probably play a role in unveiling Yotsuba's secret, however minor.

Just pointing out how obnoxious a fanbase is

I love how he still does swing jumps after that

Attached: E2.png (1115x1600, 364K)

Don't let a fanbase influence how you feel about something. I know I'd hate every single quint if I did.

Please provide a list of 'genuine interactions' Yotsuba has had with Fuutarou. I can provide a longer Itsuki list.

That was a good moment, but your quint will never get this righteously upset for Fuutarou.

Attached: howcansheslap.gif (500x500, 396K)

This gets me hard, keep going.

A lot of low IQ people like Nino because she's a basic bitch. Don't worry, you're not alone.

>I doubt Nino will come into the picture

Attached: x17 (1).png (1115x1600, 766K)

Cute and funny

>Takeda stealing Yotsuba's park and special moment with Fuutarou.
Despairchads rise up!

Negi will always find a way to shoehorn and wank Nino every single arc. It's not even surprising anymore.

If Yotsuba hit one of her sisters, would her roided out body destroy their face?

Has Itsuki ever had something like this?
Now THIS a genuine interaction with Fuutarou.

Attached: 1558200797995.png (2852x2048, 1.39M)

She knows about Rena so she might be involved a bit, but I don't expect her to play a major role

>She knows about Rena

>time to wake up
But it's afternoon.

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It was a dumb joke. The second time it wasn't even Nino who came up with the nickname, Miku did. Unless you think it's a P A R A L L E L

Nobody asked a about Nino, tard

Sopilers when?

Attached: T_T.jpg (303x166, 6K)

No, but my point is that Itsuki doesn't have anything remotely like that either.

>She knows about Rena
Why do redditors try so hard to post their dumb headcanons?

As someone whose only exposure to this series has been what little I see here on Yea Forums while scrolling and looking for neat threads, this looks like something that precedes a confession.

The topic was Yotsuba, stop changing the topic

Fuutarou told Nino at her hotel room about Rena after his encounter with her

Nino doesn't know that this Rena person is one of the quints, so I doubt she'd be involved in this whole problem.

What do you mean? He told her about their meeting in chapter 43.


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How many chapters until we'll get real clues as to who's the bride? Before or after itsuki's arc?

Attached: NinoChoke.png (346x314, 111K)

>so I doubt she'd be involved in this whole problem
Oh user. Negi will find a way, like he always does.

Yes. This was one of Nino's good moments (all the quints have had good moments with him), but Itsuki has had several including several instances of getting him to open up and pic related which is her being wonderful and quietly supportive of him while the rest of the sisters just fight over his dick while he's struggling.

Attached: drink.jpg (334x756, 67K)

Based Ayamino.

Yeah, sorry. I forgot Negi loves to shoehorn his waifu every fucking arc.

However many chapters until the last chapter.

I guess Negi will pull a flashforward in volume 12, like he did with volume 4 and 8.

We have 3 volumes left including this one.

This is perfectly normal.

It was never specified that he told her the name "Rena". Nino only knows a bout a girl that Fuutarou was in love with, 5 years ago. Even Nino said so herself "You've been in love with that girl for 5 years right?" She only said "that girl" instead of saying Rena meaning she doesn't know the name.

Attached: file.png (590x723, 286K)

source: user's ass

Yeah, no.

Not as strange as me, Nino is my favourite but I want Yotsuba to win.

Attached: 4-2.jpg (667x501, 326K)

user. A certain quint has gotten him to open up about his feelings and inadequacies, by his own volition, thrice. In 3 out of a bunch of chapters together.
That's not Itsuki, and she is by no means special.

I suggest you take off your fat glasses before reading the manga.

Since Negi considers how much content is needed for an anime season and he doesn't want to drag the plot too much the most likely end points are vol12 or vol16 but considering we're halfway through vol11 i doubt it'll end in vol12

Yes. He will, like always

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>It was never specified that he told her the name "Rena"

Attached: 402BA92F-E508-4D8C-9076-35141165E8CF.jpg (547x798, 121K)

Okay, you got me there.

Man, I don't think that was anything special. I mean, that scene meant nothing for them. At least Fuutarou discovered something about Nino in the pic I posted, and Nino got to talk her mind out to Fuutarou. Itsuki has nothing like that.

Next page he says she disappeared before him and he said her name in front of Nino a few pages later. But this is just arguing semantics. She knows about the girl Fuutarou met five years ago who appeared before him that afternoon and left him in that sad state

Attached: file.png (1426x2048, 780K)

>2 threads ago
>last thread before spoiler
>this thread
>a step away from limit
Calm yours tits bitchniggas
tfw can't shitpost because medical competence exam is precisely 1 hour before spoiler drops
It's not a good feel.

Wait, who are you talking about? I don't understand.

Of course.

>Wait, who are you talking about? I don't understand.
He's talking about Miku.

Rena a shit.

I know that Ichika has a competitive streak in her, but why does when it come to Fuutarou she becomes so desperate? She didn't fall in love with him in an Earth-shattering way or anything.

that already happened

Now that I think about it there is no way Nino doesn't know that one of her sisters is impersonating Yotsuba and taking her mom's name. What the fuck does she know? Why does she act like she doesn't know anything? Is she also trying to do something behind the scenes?

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She simply doesn't know.

I cant wait for spoilers anons, but I have a calculus exam an hour before spoilers tomorrow.

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Maybe she doesn't give a fuck like usual? Nino doesn't go around butting into their lives.

She doesn't know anything, if she does know anything about it other than Fuutarou's story, then that's a huge asspull from Negi.

Reminder that shallow characters =/= losers who aren't worthy to win the bowl. Can't people just lower down their standards of expectations?

>he rest of the sisters just fight over his dick while he's struggling
It was 123, Yotsuba has nothing to do with their rivalry.

>but why does when it come to
Go back and read through the manga more carefully, esl. Fuutarou repeatedly sees her in a way nobody else does and treats her more personably than others do. That and the height + brains and various Chad moments were enough to win her over.

I don't believe it. Nino should know the full story about lolikano (Yotsuba and Ichika). She isn't isn't dense so she should be able to connect the dots easily. She MUST know it. The question is, why is she acting like she doesn't?

>Yotsuba has nothing to do with their rivalry.
well know for sure in a few hours

Attached: cockblock.png (1973x1208, 1020K)

As I said in , Nino was there when Yotsuba found out about Ichika and Fuutarou . Yotsuba also confided everything to her. She should know everything. There is no way she doesn't know.

Yotsuba is bride

>Fuutarou repeatedly sees her in a way nobody else does and treats her more personably than others do

Then it makes her attempts even more pathetic. He sees her for what she it, yet she tried to win him over by being somebody else.

Yotsuba my bride

Hope you have enough money for therapy.

Will you become somebody else if you learn how to make bread?

Imagine not marrying a fatty

Attached: C.jpg (720x1019, 177K)

>but why does when it come to Fuutarou she becomes so desperate?
She just realized she couldn't win in a fair fight

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She knows about Ichika stealing Shotaro from Yotsuba at the Inn. What she doesn't know is, Fuutarou = Shotaro. What's funny here is, Nino should definitely know about it now since Shotaro (Picture) = Kintarou and Kintarou = Fuutarou, but for some reason she hasn't done anything that implies she knows already. The only thing that stopped her from making the connection was, she didn't see the whole picture which is Shotaro standing besides Yotsuba.

Negi has to assassinate one of the quints sooner or later so it would be easier to write a story where one of them has given up.

Well they all are dumbasses, so her not realizing it would make sense.

Volume 10 is on sale

Chapter 86 had a chance to completely take Miku out of the picture. But you already know what happened, right?

Yeah, editor-kun had to stop Negi so they don't lose sales.

Aside from Ichika and Yotsuba, who else did Fuutarou encounter in the past?

She might have suspicions? Though its hard to tell how Nino acts.

Attached: T12.png (1426x2048, 1.2M)

>special edition of another manga I wanted isn't available digitally
Fuck those faggos

No one.

Faggots. Fuck.

You can believe what you want but the fact is that Nino is the quint whose thoughts we know the most about and she haven't been shown to think about the Rena stuff at all since 7 goodbyes. If she acts like she doesn't know then most likely she really doesn't know.
>Nino was there when Yotsuba found out about Ichika and Fuutarou
Seeing that she didn't recognize Shotarou in the photo she probably forgot it already. She was only a bystander and she doesn't know why Fuutarou is important to Yotsuba in the first place. As far as Nino is concerned he was some random boy who played with Yotsuba for one day. She doesn't know about their promise as well as Yotsuba's desire to become different from her sisters.
>Yotsuba also confided everything to her
Yotsuba only told her the story up to the point where Fuutarou dropped 200 yen into the offering box.
>She should know everything
Yeah no, she doesn't.

That's it. Nino caught a glimpse of him, but he didn't see Nino. Itsuki and Miku didn't see him at all.


Just like how editor kun told Negi to take Nino out of the romance game entirely? Its been 28 chapters of absolutely nothing. Also, editor kun probably told Negi to totally disregard Fuu and Nino working together for 3 weeks too. Right?

Yep, you got it right.

Well, time to stay away from Yea Forums until chapter release. See you magnificent bastards on Tuesday/Wednesday.

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Did you miss 71? Also what exactly romance related between the quints and Futarou happened between 71 and now. Please do tell.

I think she knows. But Negi won't tell us she knows because of his writing style. He will only tell us when her turn comes.
>If she acts like she doesn't know then most likely she really doesn't know.
By that logic, the way Yotsuba acted before she was revealed to be lolikano indicated that she was completely unrelated and didn't know anything about it, but she was revealed to be the original lolikano in the end. Negi not showing us that she knows something when she should know can actually be a flag for something bigger, knowing how his narrative style.

3 weeks with no development with their relationship. Nino has been sidelined again. She even forgot that she gave Fuutarou the Fuu-kun name back when they were kids and then Miku came up with it again. Poor nino, she was a loser all along.

How do I obtain a Miku gf

Well, there was Fuutarou crushing Yotsuba's silver of hope.

readying my despair 5cm/s folders for tomorrow's THE KEKENING

Attached: Let_it_snow_llet_it_snow....gif (500x281, 276K)

Post the intro page

>Just like how editor kun told Negi to take Nino out of the romance game entirely?
If Nino's romance game continued, the series would have ended around chapter 75. They can't have her having her way if they want to continue the series. The best they can do is having her be distracted by something else so she can't make advances on him until her turn comes.

Read the previous sentence. Unlike with Yotsuba we aren't completely in the dark about Nino's inner thoughts.

>I think she knows.
She doesn't. If she can't even remember who Shotarou is, then there's no way she'll ever know.

Be Fuutarou

Attached: ohhh.jpg (1600x1136, 366K)

Ichika got suplexed and Miku spilled her spaghetti. That's about it.

Yotsuba's head is filled with despair and thoughts of Fuutarou impregnating her.

He also didn't allow Negi to do the Haunted house date with her.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Just to be clear, thats exactly how the Mikufags sounded when thir doormat waifu got sidelined. Yotsuba and Itsuki arte getting the attention now so its Ninos time to join Miku.

Don't settle for a Miku. You can do better.

>I have seen this kid before
She did recognize Fuutarou the second time she looked at the photo though. Lost the pic. Maybe someone can post it.


I think Negi just doesnt give a fuck about Nino

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At first this cover was confusing but after the flashback you realise it suits her perfectly

Just a reminder that nothing changed in the present for Yotsuba in regards to Fuutatou. She's getting focus after 80 chapters of nothing. I don't see that as endgame progression at all.

i wouldn't say it's to make the story easier to write but to avoid overlapping characters, if Ichika and Yotsuba where going after Fuu at the same time then both would be the childhood friend who had a crush on him but are not sure if they should act on those feelings since her sisters also like Fuu
It's the same reason why Itsuki won't enter the bowl unless Nino drops out first

Yeah, I know. The problem is, she didn't remember everything about it. If she saw the whole picture she would've made the connection already.


Next chapter predictions?

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You get into a fist fight with Miku.
How fucked are you?

Attached: finalfightmiku.png (678x1035, 436K)

This. And even if Fuutarou gets to know that Yotsuba was the lolikano he first met, I don't think that would change everything. At best, she would get more respect from him, but she won't get romantic developments from it.

>I think Negi's editor just doesn't give a fuck about Nino.
fixed that for you.

Attached: 1559928978230.jpg (1100x622, 466K)


Maybe she did and Negi is hiding us her thoughts like he did with Ichika. With Negi, you just never know.

Itsuki doesnt need screen time to win. And speaking of screen time. I'm sure Miku has had the most overall. Shes been a major character in multiple arcs

>Just a reminder that nothing changed in the present for Yotsuba in regards to Fuutatou
I don't remember anyone saying otherwise.

>I don't see that as endgame progression at all.
Yeah, for now. You'll just have to wait for future chapters.

>fallen angel

Attached: Yotsubest.jpg (399x892, 169K)

She vaguely recognized his face. If she remembered that he was Yotsuba's friend she would have asked Kintarou about it.

Attached: 1560336782353.jpg (2164x1200, 2.11M)

If yotsuba/nino not around, I'm the one whos fucking
If yotsuba/nino are around, I'm the one getting fuked

That's fucking dumb, and Miku hasn't had the most screentime for like 40 chapters.

>implying Miku can fight

Attached: cute bride miku.jpg (640x746, 76K)

Who knows? I'm not gonna say it's entirely impossible but with what the manga has shown us is, I'm still betting on the fact that she hasn't remembered it yet.

>Did you miss 71?
You mean the one where Fuuts opened up to her and she just ignored his feelings and begged for a chance not to be rejected?
yep, i can totally see how that pushed their relationship forward

Overall was a word I'm pretty sure I used. Anyway, you can prove me wrong if you want to

Yotsuba dies

Nino herself put their relationship on a halt, making it like the confession never happened.

Even if she didn't recognize him in that instant, I doubt that Nino would simply forget about it. She knows she saw him before, so of course it was in her mind. Sooner or later, she should have remembered it, even if it wasn't in that specific moment.

Miku has been more relevant to the plot for most arcs but Nino has the most panels by a hair, she's also the character that talks the most so that also influence the amount of panels she has

Quite the interpretation, how come they're both satisfied at the end of that chapter while F is red up to his ears?

There has been precedents and that's Negi's writing style. There is no need for Nino to be involved with the lolikano affairs if she didn't take a part in it. She should have been like Miku if she wasn't.

It's weird, but even now I still feel that Itsuki is the one who is most "connected" with Fuutarou. I don't know the word to properly describe it, but they have a closeness to them that other quints are lacking.

Attached: image.jpg (604x1222, 367K)

That's totally not what happened. This is what actually happened. Do not confuse Nino's confession with Miku's confession.

Attached: 2.png (1426x2048, 796K)

Miku will win because she is completely uninvolved in the Lolikano/Rena drama.

Nino didn't get completely rejected and Fuu didn't had to deal with breaking her heart so it was a good outcome for both, it doesn't change the fact that Nino had the chance to help the man she says to love deal with his issues and connect with him and instead chose to think only in herself
>F is red up to his ears?
if a girl flash you her tits you're going to blush, doesn't mean you develop feelings for her

*Miku will lose because she is completely uninvolved in the Lolikano/Rena drama.

Well, it doesn't really matter for now if she doesn't remember since Negi will definitely find a way to make her remember it.


About as inspiring as "Miku will win because she has nothing"



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Well, what I meant was, Nino would've been going out with Fuutarou now incase his feelings for her was mutual. Nino's the only one that's cockblocking herself from the way I see it.

Too short and not enough Nik/u/.

She actually has something, #3 doesn't.

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I really want to know what the Yotsuba bubble says.

Just die, thread. Die!

A dick?

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12 is good enough, thanks

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>Nino would've been going out with Fuutarou now incase his feelings for her was mutual
Except that he is seriously thinking about her feelings and will eventually make a decision about them.

Attached: 1557114838109.png (2146x1491, 2.53M)

I'd slap her no matter what. I hate this face

Fuus already made a decision to not get involved romantically with the quints at least till graduation due to maruo, right?

Well. Miku hates you too user

Attached: Nakano.Miku.full.2482587.jpg (2480x3508, 2.04M)

Well, I am pretty sure that if he chooses Nino in the end, together with her they will fight against Maruo for their love.

Attached: A15.png (1426x2048, 770K)

So what I get from this is that Futarou's largely positive reaction to Nino's feelings which she confirmed herself , at that point the only reaction about the romance topic at all is not a good thing because you didn't hear the words you wanna hear as if that has any bearing on Negi's idea of romance?


Cute and canon

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Spoilers are 12 hours away, please don't make another thread.

the first fallen angel is Lucifer aka Satan btw. So it fits well

I know people shit on 24/7 threads but there is actually a surprising amount of discussion even if it's buried under a mountain of shitposting.

>together with her they will fight against Maruo for their love.
Fuu's agrees with Maruo

Attached: 1560433826731.jpg (196x419, 44K)

Imagine being Maruo and having your adopted ungrateful daughter run off with a guy she met literally just a year ago. I wouldnt even show resistance at that point. I'd simply disown the bitch.

For now, if he accepts Nino's feelings, there is no way they won't fight against Maruo in the end.

>Futarou's largely positive reaction
If you're going to troll at least make it believable

>purple eyes

Not really that positive but its something

Attached: 45.jpg (645x174, 40K)

Don't worry too much about my trolling, start worrying that you can't read a manga for teenagers.

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Only Nino has made Fuu-kun react like this to her advances.

Attached: 3.png (2852x2048, 1.75M)

Because shes angry

I wonder if the reason Maruo hired Fuutarou as the quints' tutor was because he knew about Yotsuba's connection to Fuutarou.



I am speedreading what? Your headcanon?

If I had a daughter like Nino. I'd probably disown her too desu. What a disappointment of a daughter she is. Its not the fact that shes dumb, all the quints are, Its the fact that shes a dumb slut who likes a guy based on blonde hair and bikes


that's why Maruo was so reluctant attending the wedding

Too bad that if she elopes with the guy she loves, the other quints would die of hunger!

Why would Fuu and Nino need to fight Maruo to get into a relationship? And why wouldnt the other quints need to do the same?

Because tradition and crap.

Attached: sy.jpg (618x360, 70K)

For the same reason Fuuts saved Nino from the stalker

Isanari (Fuutarou's father) says he knows everything about Fuutarou's meeting with Yotsuba in Kyoto, so there's a chance Maruo does too.

Because papa won't go down without a good fight.

Shit is dumb. It's not like only her stood up to Maruo. Yotsuba did and Itsuki did too, on two separate occasions.


Makes sense.

>B-b-but it's ok to be shallow, r-right guys? As long as she's my waifu she deserves to win r-right?
Really says something about Ninofags.

And the reason why Fuutarou recognized Ninos boobs on his back in kyoto to P A R A L L E L with the bike scene

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You okay?

>positive reaction

Attached: 23.png (708x416, 85K)

Attached: komi.png (1200x770, 115K)

Whenever I see a thumbnail of this page I see Yotsuba's left leg and Nino's right leg and think there's a quint in the middle who's spreading her legs.


Attached: shook jc miku.jpg (64x186, 7K)

>Why would Fuu and Nino need to fight Maruo to get into a relationship
typical old school love story... wait a minute, their romance is cliche as fuck, just like some old soap opera

You're not peak desperate yet. Keep going.

Attached: 428-cute.png (518x474, 231K)

Left is the face of a man who is taking a girl's feelings seriously.
Right is the face of a man who is getting confessed by the girl he thinks as a little sister.

>positive reaction

Attached: always.png (395x395, 288K)



Nino doesn't have a manicure anymore right?


If I had a daughter like Nino, I'd disown her to make her my wife.



>the girl he thinks as a little sister
>Fuutarou's type is his imouto
wtf bros, Miku won.


Stop being me.

Ichika - Recently by no means she acts like the eldest sister. Favorite spot is the bed.


Couch Queen

Nino, please calm youself.

>the girl he thinks as a little sister.
Isn't Fuu a siscon

Attached: sis.png (660x723, 205K)

No, Raiha won. You can clearly see the brides hair is black.

Only ironically

Miku has also (kind of) confessed to Fuutarou and Yotsuba was revealed to be Fuutarou's child crush, we are in flashback mode looking at how the events unfolded.

Until Negi hack again by making Yotsuba is the person who took Nino's letter in Scrambled Eggs.

This but unironically

Negi hates Raiha though.

Yotsuba mouth raping Fuutarou is pretty hot. So this negi hack is a win.

I want to hotdog her ass cheeks.

>Recently by no means she acts like the eldest sister

Attached: 1446000951052.jpg (2000x2256, 389K)

Sounds terrifying.

This. Actually, wasn't this Maruo's master plan all along? Since he was much younger than Rena.

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Attached: 73387674_p0.jpg (1800x1450, 366K)

That ass was not prepared

It wouldn't be a surprise if it was.

Which are the quints who still haven't had a date with Fuut? Nino didn't get one, right?

Fuutarou slept with that!

Technically she did with Kintarou. I don't think he's had one with Ichika.

>Recently by no means she acts like the eldest sister
Good job Yotsuba.

Attached: ---.jpg (607x488, 168K)

How is Ichika going nuclear Yotsuba's fault?

There is Itsuki too, right?

Yeah he did, with Raiha.

Ichika doesn't need one, since she's marrying him.


Attached: 75262462_p0.jpg (900x1178, 870K)

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>Implying this isn't what Yotsuba wanted all along.

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Ichika should avoid participating in this kind of movies.

Attached: 75258968_p5.jpg (683x965, 384K)

"Mikufags are the absolute worst. They just spam pictures of Miku and say absolutely nothing. The.absolute.worst." - user, probably

Where are you faggot. It's fine if it isn't Nino right?

Then that doesn't really count.

Probably the same fag who claims yotsubafags are the worst for starting threads. Just ignore him.

Nino - If it's about drinking tapioca, it doesn't matter how much she has to stand in line. Favorite spot is the bath? (Can't see it properly)


baito-saki, at work.
That's in chink

Didn't know this site exists. There's a few good stuff in here

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Thanks. I got batetosaki, so it didn't make sense.

Attached: 72946917_p0.jpg (800x1141, 628K)

You WILL support her, right user? I mean, for the same reasons you supported Miku, Yotsuba has it worst.

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Attached: ichiqtt.png (1000x1000, 1.04M)

2 >= 4 > 1 > 5 >> 3