Just know that when you fap to 2d girls, you're fapping to drawings made by balding Japanese men who work like drones at animation studios, or artists who do it for free.
Just know that when you fap to 2d girls...
try reading gou-dere bishoujo nagihara sora your questions will be answered
Your point?
You have no idea how moist that thought makes me.
It's more akin to fapping to their 2D daughters.
Just know that when you fuck a 3d japanese girl, you're fapping to a little girl that came from a balding Japanese man's balls.
fucking*, well you get the point. There's not much difference between a character and an artist vs father and daughter
*hits pipe*
just know that im fapping to the image and not the artist.
fuck off summerfag
>implying you aren't fapping to their work
sounds good
when you fap to 3d girls you're fapping to somebody's daughter
what's your point
Like I give a fuck. Who cares? Not like they have anything better to do with their lives. So I fap what ever suits my fancy.
Don't lie to me user. 2d girls are drawn by storks in cabbage patches.
The summer is strong in this one
Yes and?
summer and sage
Implying I don't backtrack the artist of every pic I want to fap to and make sure it's a cute girl and then fap to her instead
and that's a good thing
Jokes on you, I only fap to characters by Pochi and Namori.
not if i fap to mama pochi's doujins
My waifu was drawn by a woman though
>you're fapping to balding Japanese men
Still 1000 times better than fapping to used up 3D whores.
I have some bad news for you, user.
When you fap to a real girl you're fapping to a mess of carbon, blood and piss made by some dude and then burst out of a woman's vagina in a bloody spectacle.
You probably thought you were clever when you made this thread but you juat outed yourself as a retard.