Attack On Titan

Best manga in the past 10 years

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Pretty much, everyone who disagrees is a contrarian, like this mofo

name a flaw
especially chapter 50 onward

Don't get me wrong. I think the manga is good but we have this kind of thread almost everyday to the point I don't even know whether this is genuine or just troll.

wait really? i stopped using the internet mostly a few months ago

Not with that shitty art style

Agree, the art style is absolutely horrendous

I keep seeing this sentiment come up but I thought the consensus (at least early on) was that the manga was good but not great. Has it like gotten better over time? Is it really turning into a masterpiece like Yea Forums keeps saying it is? Am I a fucking retard? Only time will tell.

Ruined by it's fanbase and dumb shippers and zecuckfags


This. And he can't use the deadline as an excuse since SnK is monthly manga.

it's seinen
but yes if compared to shounen it's the best

>Ruined by it's fanbase and dumb shippers and zecuckfags
all fanbases suck
aot is far from the worst

>Best manga in the past 10 years

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>it's seinen
it's shonen. SnK is in Bessatsu Shonen Magazine.

>it's seinen
imagine being this stupid.

I still can't believe the turn this shit took. I was reading this when it was almost scribbles on the page and I thought it would be a military horror manga. I still remember how shocked I was when Eren transformed. How my eyes went wide when I started to suspect Reiner was the armored titan. The whole political/revolution arc, and now Eren going hardcore. This series has delivered a ride that's hard to match in terms of meaningful switch-ups and genuine pleasant surprise.

Also, friendly reminder Eldian pride worldwide.

>Best manga in the past 10 years

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because of the popularity
how is it not seinen

worst in 10 years maybe

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>SnK is in Bessatsu Shonen Magazine.
>how is it not seinen

You still haven't answered his question tho

aot would be better if it was a bit more like berserk

It is in a shonen magazine so it's a shonen. Seinen manga is in seinen magazine. Shonen/Seinen is a demographic not genre and magazine title determine manga's demographic.

claymore was in shonen to but look at it

I know but that's how it works.



>has characters survive a point blank explosive strong enough to pierce the armor titan that was previously shown in a diagram to blow up the person if they didn't manage to get away in time
Best asspulls maybe

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thunder spear was set off, but not directed at him.

what happens if someone throws a spear at you off axis? the impact is dramatically lessened

it makes since that a fucking titan could do that
and people can survive 50m falls actually
and the spear wasnt right at him

Ah. The Muv Luv Alternative ripoff.

>O MY 40M FALL x2
>MC survived any injuries because strong men

Is Berserk bad ? Every fantasy manga are like that, just stop being stupid

Pro-tip: Never believe anything you see written on this website. Otherwise you'll turn stupid (see: SnK threads).

Can someone please explain to me how THE FUCK people unironically complain about the art for this manga.

it's a strong candidate

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Eren is so cool

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it's not that bad but it's just average. you have to put into account that this is a monthly manga not weekly. if this is a weekly manga you could say the art is good but as monthly manga this one is just average. he can't use tight deadline as an excuse for shit art.

Ymir resurrecting Zeke. And how the Founder Titan's powers keep getting shoved under the bed so the drama can continue. But I only bring the nitpicks out if this series is distracting me too much. If I'm at Goldilocks level of interest, I tend to spot way more positives than negatives. For one thing, the mangaka actually dared to kill Erwin, who was pushing a lot of merc and also rough up Levi, who's the series' golden goose.

There was a time I wondered whether Zeke was intentionally introduced as shirtless to mollify fujoshi.

>best manga
>3/10 at best
Sure, Plebbit.

left is best! Her defiant look a first and then her breaking down from the pleasure is just he best

Can we not

Top tanks are not erotic it's normal clothing you retrograde piece of shit

>Best manga in the past 10 years
Who said SnKtoddler didn't have humor?

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Maybe he opened the very same thread on reddit yesterday and the faggot thought Yea Forums will also agree with him. Kek.

No, it doesn't make "since" and if you are going to argue that way, you will need to provide an actual argument around your hypothesis.
Do we also have records of people turning into toast before falling 50 meters and presumably not landing on their legs?
Was it already established that being eaten by a titan could actually regenerate your body to its fullest?



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Not the same user but I don't think normal human with third degree burn that affecting more than 80% of their entire could survive 50m fall. In fact I don't think "he" could even survive the third degree burn in the first place. According to encyclopedia Britannica, most people can survive a second-degree burn affecting 70 percent of their body area, but few can survive a third-degree burn affecting 50 percent. Just admit it that this is an asspull and only reason he survive is plot armor.

learn to read you dumb cuck, i was talking about her personality not her clothes

>t. vanillacuck

>t. cuck that can't read


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If Eren uses the coordinate to wake up the wall titans; would this wake up Annie as well?

>EHcucks keep spamming these pseudo "hunterchad" posts,making the rest us look as bad as themselves.

EHgods are the superior race.

Superior race of cancer.

>EHcucks are narutards

>seething EMfag

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SnKtoddlers are truly disgusting.

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These, these are the real issues of SnK
And characters aren't that great either so far

Is Annie a wall titan? No she isn't. There I answered your idiotic question.

>10 hours
>60 replies
Dead series.

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Imagine these alpha males in SnK

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I would say its the 10s equivalent to Full Metal Alchemist.

Broad appeal, is relatively well made, a very entry-level anime for people who aren't acquainted with the medium. It's not a masterpiece or flawless, but it is entertaining, has enough depth to not be completely mindless, and overall is just a very competent piece of work. It combined old tropes into something new and original, whilst dropping in some fresh ideas - you could argue that its themes of racial self-hatred and apologism (and that it's stupid) are also pretty damn pertinent to modern politics.

I would argue that Oyasumi Punpun is a candidate for a better manga, but since it ran from 2007-2013 it might not be considered of this particular decade.


overuse of retcons
bad worldbuilding
narutard-tier generic lore
hollow characters and mary sues
boring flesh-mecha fights
mediocre art
shallow politic intrigue for an arc focused on it
a worse fanbase than HxH
trying to be a seinen but ultimately falling down in a state of confusion to be a shounen

>t. edgelord rapefag incel

Yes, Berserk is shit.

>SnK isn't edgy

how do i achieve this look?

Is it better than Gantz ?


Gantz fucking sucks

Does gantz get better? Im about 20 to 30 chapters in and really dont care to read any further. It's so juvenile, maybe my 13 year old self would like it but idk i always see people praise it.

If giant tits and scifi alien busting action doesn't do anything for you then you should stop reading all together. Enjoy your boring shit user.

Enjoy adolescence forever

I will happily fucking do so. Adolescence is the best time in everyones life.

I find the WW2 analogy to be a little on the nose and lacking in creativity. I mean all you really have to do is open a textbook and make the connections but what does Isayama do with the source material that offers new insight or anything unexplored of all the war fiction that approached the same topic?